Download Voice activity prompts/guide for Spanish II Segment 1

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Voice activity prompts/guide for Spanish II Segment 1 Please note that students are required to use the leccion and estructuras tab for the voice activities per the required standards. Students are also required to show mastery in ​60% of the voice activities in each segment​ in order to receive credit! Here is how to record a voice activity 1.00 voice activity The students will record a voice activity and introduce themselves in Spanish stating their name, describing themselves with Yo soy and two adjectives, what they like and don’t like using me gusta and stating their favorite food using Mi comida favorita es… 1.03 ¿Qué hay en la mesa? Students need to tell 5 things in Spanish that can be found on a dining room table. Make sure to incorporate the verb “hay” from the question into your answer. 1.04 voice activity Cuando haces un viaje, ¿qué ropa pones en la maleta? Necesitas hablar de 5 artículos de ropa importante. Necesitas hablar de 5 artículos de ropa importante. ¿De qué colores son los artículos de ropa? Please look in 104 estructuras for how to correctly conjugate a “go” verb like poner in the YO form. 1.05 En la nave ¿Adónde vas hoy en la nave? ¿Por qué? Students need to tell ​a part of the​ ​ship​ that they plan to go to and what they will do while they are there. 1.06 ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy en Miami? ¿Cuál es la temperatura en tu casa? Please refer to 106 leccion for the list of weather expressions to use. Module 2 2.05 voice activity Answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences: Cuando te preparas por la mañana, ¿qué te pones? Necesitas hablar de​ 5 cosas.​ ¿Te pones la crema de afeitar o el maquillaje? ¿Qué ropa te pones? Note that the main verb used here is the yo reflexive form of ponerse. Please look in 205 estructuras for how to conjugate that verb. 2.06 Voice Discussion Activity ¿A qué hora te despiertas? Students need to tell at what time they wake up. Module 3 3.04 En el hotel ¿Qué le dices al recepcionista cuando quieres una habitación en el hotel? Ask for a specific type of room at the hotel. 3.06 Tienen que limpiar Tell what you did last week to help around the house. You need to use at least 4 verbs in the preterite. They need to be in complete Spanish sentences. Use your vocabulary from module 3:) Module 4 4. 06 voice activity Pretend you are in Guatemala. You had to call home. In Spanish, describe how you made the phone call, using the past tense. Your phone call should be at least 4­5 clear steps/sentences. Use the vocabulary taught in module 4 to help guide you. You will be graded on accuracy and pronunciation. 408 written­ students are required to do parts A,B of the work file found in the lesson. Then they are required to post on the discussion board for 408 part C. Module 5 5.04 Cuando eras joven ¿Cómo eras cuando tenías 5 años? Answer in a complete Spanish sentence, using the imperfect tense and two adjectives to describe what you were like as a 5 year­old. 5.07 voice activity​ (please let your teacher know if your parent is not available to record this) Visit or call your local travel agency to get information on trips to Costa Rica. . . You will then want to plan a trip of 5 days. Then describe to your parent the details of your trip. Your parent will need to send a voice e­mail describing how you will get to Costa Rica, specific places that you will visit and what activities you will engage in while there. This will be done in English. Make sure you include the specific names and costs of the trip, hotels and places you visit that are unique to Costa Rica.