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Lesson 24 Reading Challenge Sections 1 & 2 1. Muhammad was born in the city of
A. Madinah
B. Jerusalem
C. Makkah
D. Cairo
2. What is the Ka'bah?
A. a house of worship built by Abraham
B. a cave where the angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad
C. a mosque containing Muhammad's tomb
D. a holy book of Islam
3. At the time of Muhammad's birth, Makkah was a center of religion and
A. agriculture
B. trade
C. government
D. all of the above
4. The Qur'an is the Muslim holy book because it
A. is a collection of sermons written by Muhammad
B. provides a history of the Arabian Peninsula
C. describes Muhammad's life in great detail
D. contains the messages that Gabriel told Muhammad
Sections 3 & 4
5. What job did Muhammad have as an adult?
A. merchant
B. farmer
C. professor
D. sheep herder
6. In 610 C.E., Muhammad went to a cave in the mountains to meditate. According
to Islamic teachings, what happened while he was there?
A. Muhammad learned how to read and write
B. Four caliphs spoke to Muhammad
C. The angel Gabriel visited Muhammad
D. A winged horse appeared
7. Who was Muhammad's first convert to Islam?
A. Khadijah
B. Abu Bakr
C. Abu Talib
D. Caliph Umar
8. The word Muslim means
A. those who believe in many gods
B. those who surrender to God
C. those who follow Muhammad
D. those who act wisely
Sections 5
9. Muhammad taught that
A. there is only one God
B. all believers are equal
C. the rich should share their wealth
D. all of the above
10. Why did Makkans reject Muhammad's teaching?
A. Makkah's leaders feared that Muhammad might seize political power
B. Merchants worried that pilgrims might stop visiting Makkah
C. People were upset about Muhammad's belief in only one God
D. all of the above
11. Which of the following was a result of Muhammad's preaching?
A. His followers were persecuted
B. Most Mekkans began practicing Islam
C. Muslims began to give up their faith
D. Muhammad changed his teachings
12. The Dome of the Rock marks the place where Muhammad ended his Night
Journey, according to Muslim tradition. In what city is this monument found?
A. Jerusalem
B. Makkah
C. Cordoba
D. Medinah
Section 6
13. Why did Muhammad move away from Makkah?
A. Muslims were being attacked
B. The angel Gabriel told Muhammad to find a new home
C. Muhammad wanted to travel and gain more followers
D. Makkans forced Muhammad and his followers to leave
14. Muhammad and his followers left Makkah on a journey called the
A. siege
B. hijrah
C. Night Journey
D. Ka'bah
15. Muhammad asked that Jews and Christians be treated as lawful member of
society. What did Muslims, Christians, and Jews have in common?
A. They believed in one God
B. They felt that Jerusalem was a holy city
C. They lived in the Muslim empire
D. all of the above
16. Which event inspired more Arabs to convert to Islam?
A. Makkans failed to capture the Muslim city of Madinah
B. Muhammad married Khadijah
C. Makkans started a boycott against Muhammad's followers
D. Muhammad spent time in prayer and meditation
Sections 7 & 8
17. A caliph is a
A. prophet
B. Muslim ruler
C. messenger of God
D. king
18. Who was the first caliph?
A. Abu Bakr
B. Caliph Umar
C. Caliph Uthman
D. Ali ibn Abi Talib
19. What part of Arab culture united the Muslim empire the most?
A. government
B. art
C. language
D. technology
20. The Muslim empire built their capital city, Cordoba, in the present-day country
A. Italy
B. Egypt
C. Spain
D. France