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1. Which term best describes the practice of creating and maintaining wealth by carefully controlling trade?
A) Economic Growth
B) Smuggling
C) Triangular Trade
D) Mercantilism
2. In North Carolina, which cabinet department is responsible for guiding the economic growth of the state?
A) Department of Revenue
B) Department of Commerce
C) Department of Administration
D) Department of Transportation
3. Out of the taxes listed, which generates the MOST tax revenue for the state of North Carolina?
A) sales taxes
B) gasoline taxes
C) corporate income taxes
D) individual income taxes
4. Which term describes the approval or rejection of a proposed constitutional amendment in some states by
the popular vote?
A) censure
B) initiative
C) recall
D) referendum
5. Which of the following is a requirement for naturalization in the United States?
A) Demonstrate knowledge of history by listing all previous presidents and vice presidents
B) Must fly the American flag outside his place of residence
C) Must speak at least three languages, one of which must be English
D) A period of continuous residence and physical presence in the United States
6. What is
a way to increase one’s earning capacity?
Enroll in a bank with a larger number of clients
Obtain a higher level of education
Reduce expenditures in one’s household
Invest in land and other secure assets
7. Which service is provided by local governments?
A) waste disposal
B) highway patrol
C) national guard
D) state health plan
8. Who is responsible for preparing the budget and presenting it to the North Carolina General Assembly?
A) The Governor
B) The Lieutenant Governor
C) The Secretary of Revenue
D) The President of the Senate
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
Salary and Benefits
Social Services
Capital Outlay
Community Funding
Debt Service
Basic Operating
9. Based on the bar graph, in 2008 the majority of citizens’ taxes were spent on
A) building new schools
B) improving infrastructure
C) paying government employees
D) providing programs for the elderly
10. Critics
of special interest groups have frequently tried to reduce their influence on elections by
limiting the number of elected offices.
increasing the political campaign season.
limiting the number of wealthy candidates for office.
increasing the public's funding of political campaigns.
11. A “grassroots” campaign refers to one that
A) relies popular support of the masses.
B) relies on farmers for political support.
C) avoids courting the votes of the lower classes.
D) focuses its attention on states in the Great Plains
12. The purpose of a primary election is to
A) choose party candidates for the general election.
B) determine a winner when no candidate received a majority of the vote.
C) give the voters a chance to express their opinions on a specific issue.
D) decide among the candidates representing the different political parties.
13. Political parties appeared in the United States shortly after the Constitution was adopted because
A) Washington disliked Jefferson.
B) Great Britain had a two-party system.
C) the Constitution provides for a two-party system.
D) differences arose over political and economic issues.
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
14. What is the primary goal of interest groups?
A) to act as a third party
B) to measure public opinion
C) to influence public policy
D) to use propaganda techniques
15. Which
action is a civic responsibility of U.S. citizens?
paying taxes
attending school
obeying speed limits
voting during local elections
16. Which
description BEST summarizes arbitration, mediation, and negotiation?
legal actions
resolving conflicts
17. Which
civic responsibility is denied to naturalized citizens?
serving on a jury
voting in elections
running for president
attending public schools
18. What is the difference between a civic responsibility and a civic duty?
A) Failure to fulfill a responsibility can lead to arrest.
B) Citizens under the age of 18 are not allowed to perform duties.
C) Duties are required by the federal government and not the state.
D) A responsibility is an obligation that citizens fulfill voluntarily.
19. Which
action is a civic responsibility of U.S. citizens?
paying taxes
attending school
obeying speed limits
voting during local elections
20. If the president has an overall approval rating of 20 percent, it may be assumed that
A) the president will run again.
B) the president will not run again.
C) the president will get reelected.
D) the president will not get reelected
21. What is the primary goal of interest groups?
A) to act as a third party
B) to measure public opinion
C) to influence public policy
D) to use propaganda techniques
22. A man
is accused of Federal income tax evasion and will be tried. Which court will be the first to hear his
U.S. Appeals Court
U.S. Circuit Court
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. District Court
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
23. Information presented by the media about important issues
A) can influence public opinion.
B) is largely ignored by the public.
C) reaches few people across the country.
D) is usually responsible for low voter turnout.
24. The role of a lobbyist is to
A) try to influence government policy.
B) work in an agency of the executive branch.
C) serve on the staff of a member of Congress.
D) represent defendants who cannot afford lawyers.
25. Lenny
subject to
was injured by loose ceiling tile while dining at a restaurant. The owner of the restaurant will be
civil law.
criminal law.
administrative law.
Constitutional law.
26. A citizen is greatly concerned about a proposed ordinance and would like to voice his opinion to the town
council. Which civic action would be the most appropriate for his situation?
A) e-mail the governor
B) speak at a public hearing
C) send an anonymous letter to the editor
D) send an anonymous letter to the president
27. What is the responsibility of a Supreme Court justice who disagrees with the majority decision?
A) to write a dissenting opinion
B) to write a concurring opinion
C) to appeal to the U.S. president
D) to peacefully resign from office
28. Which
statement BEST describes the role of the media in campaigns and elections?
The media presents information about candidates and important issues.
The media decides the outcome of elections based on poll data.
The media creates ads for their favorite candidates.
The media helps finance political campaigns.
29. This kind of organization can legally solicit campaign contributions from individuals and then funnel those
donations to candidates for political office.
A) P.A.C.s
B) Liberal
C) caucuses
D) Conservative
30. Which
statement BEST describes an effect of the British policy of salutary neglect?
The colonies developed an attitude for self-governing.
Colonial governors became more powerful than assemblies.
American colonists stopped sending raw materials to England.
Parliament increased its military supervision of the colonies
31. In the American legal system, “boot camps” are usually meant for
A) felons
C) female prisoners
B) juveniles
D) violent criminals
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
32. The Supreme Law of the Land is
A) the Constitution.
B) the Bill of Rights.
C) the Will of the people.
D) the Executive Order of the President.
Established in the Colony of Virginia
in 1619
Consisted of a Governor, a council, and
representatives from the colony
Marked the beginning of representative
government in British North America
33. The box above is describing the
A) Plymouth Company.
B) Mayflower Compact.
C) House of Burgesses.
D) Fundamental Orders.
34. Willie is convicted of stealing mops from a local school. Which punishment would he LEAST LIKELY to
A) 6 weeks in jail
B) community service
C) 6 months in prison
D) a suspended sentence
35. An environmental lobbyist would be MOST LIKELY to
A) stage a protest at the site of a new factory.
B) volunteer to help a neighborhood clean a park.
C) petition politicians to raise the minimum wage.
D) contact a Senator about a proposed logging bill.
36. If an adult has to report to court for a traffic case, his or her case would MOST LIKELY be held in
A) State Court.
B) Probate Court.
C) Superior Court.
D) Appellate Court.
37. Criminal law is BEST described as laws that
A) come straight from monarchs.
B) only affect those in prison.
C) governs the relationships between citizen individuals and codifies their rights.
D) defines what constitutes a crime and provides for punishing those who commit crimes.
38. Members of the U.S. Congress receive a number of benefits. Which benefit makes it easier for Congressmen
to keep their constituents informed?
A) the right to sponsor pork-barrel projects
B) the ability to pigeonhole a bill in committee
C) the right to legal protection in certain situations
D) the ability to send job-related mail without paying postage
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
39. Why do presidential powers tend to grow during national emergencies?
A) the President has veto power over Congress
B) the Federal government needs to respond quickly
C) Congress cannot function during national emergencies
D) Congressional power is more weak than the President's
40. How do politicians and government officials use town hall meetings?
A) to prevent citizens from participating in the democracy
B) to allow citizens to ask questions and express their views
C) to create a system in which candidates are nominated for office
D) to stop the media from publicizing criticisms about proposed laws
41. Which
of these should occur FIRST when a juvenile is taken into custody for unruly behavior?
The juvenile should be released from custody.
The legal guardians of the juvenile should be contacted.
The intake officer should make a decision about detainment.
The arresting officer should appear before a judge or magistrate.
42. Which
group of colonies had the best soil and best climate for growing crops?
New England
43. Which of the following describes a significant feature of the Mayflower Compact?
A) Established the principle of self government in Plymouth Colony
B) Defined the essential spirit of the Declaration of Independence
C) Was the first attempt by the colonists to resist English law.
D) Did not apply to governments outside of Virginia
44. According to John Locke, why do people choose to live under governmental rule?
A) The government will protect citizens from foreign enemies.
B) The government will provide justice for all citizens.
C) The government will protect the life, liberty, and property of all citizens.
D) The government will join all states together into one unified union.
45. Which of the following was the first representative government in colonial America?
A) Virginia House of Burgesses
B) New England Town Meetings
C) Congress
D) Parliament
46. Which philosopher thought that there should be a separation between religion and government?
A) Thomas Paine
B) Voltaire
C) Montesquieu
D) John Locke
47. The issue or event that most directly led to the American Revolution was:
A) A freedom of speech and press
B) Taxation by Britain without representation
C) African Slave Trade
D) French and Indian War
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
48. The French and Indian War created which of the following problems for Great Britain?
A) French Controlled North America
B) The loss of colonies in North America
C) A large war debt
D) Loss of Indian allies
49. What is known as the official beginning of the American Revolution?
A) The Stamp Act
B) Boston Tea Party
C) Quartering Act
D) Lexington and Concord
50. Though the Colonists did not object to paying the British taxes, they objected to taxes based upon which of
the following?
A) The Colonies had no representation in the British Government
B) The British government required all taxes to be paid in gold.
C) The Royal Colonial Governors required their taxes be paid in gold
D) The Colonists had very little gold coinage with which to pay the taxes.
51. Which compromise at the Constitutional Convention led to representation in the lower house being allocated
in proportion to state population and representation in the upper house set at two representatives per state?
A) Great Compromise
B) New Jersey Plan
C) Virginia Plan
D) Compromise of 1850
52. Which of the following was an important contribution by the New Jersey Plan to the creation of the
A) The creation of a bicameral Congress
B) Equal representation for all states in the Senate
C) The cessation of the slave trade
D) The Three Fifth Compromise
53. Which is not a major principle of the US Constitution?
A) Popular sovereignty
B) Separation of powers
C) Due Process
D) Rule of Law
54. The authority of the US Senate to approve presidential appointees is a check and balance of the
A) Legislative over the Judicial
B) Judicial over the Executive
C) Judicial over the Legislative
D) Legislative over the Executive
55. Which principle best relates to, or compliments separation of power between the three branches of
A) checks and balances
B) federalism
C) popular sovereignty
D) the Supremacy Clause
56. Were a US citizen to be detained without being informed of the charges, it is likely his/her lawyer would file a
A) bill of attainder
C) writ of assistance
B) writ of habeas corpus
D) bill of release
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
57. Which situation best reflects a reason for applying the Supremacy Clause?
A) California and several other states enact pollution laws tougher than the federal laws
B) The governor of a state endorses a same-sex union bill opposed by another governor
C) A state with a strongly religious population mandates (requires) prayer in all public schools
D) The federal government mandates a national two dollar sales tax on all tobacco products
58. Judicial Review means
A) Courts must screen and approve bills prior to be sent to the President
B) Courts have the authority to declare a law or executive order unconstitutional
C) Courts are obligated to introduce legislation that maintains a balance of power between the branches
D) Courts exercise judicial power to impeach federal officials accused of wrongdoing
59. Which case affirmed the Supremacy Clause?
A) Marbury v Madison
B) McCulloch v. Maryland
C) Miranda v Arizona
D) Michigan State v Duke
60. Which case did not involve a First Amendment issue?
A) Texas v Johnson
B) Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier
C) Engel v Vitale
D) Gideon v Wainwright
61. Under which situation would the Exclusionary Rule best apply to a student having his or her personal
belongings searched by a School Resource Officer (SRO)?
A) The Principal directed the search based upon a student tip
B) The search was initiated to retrieve a knife reported by another student, but revealed marijuana instead
C) A student locker was searched because s/he flashed gang symbols indicating drugs for sale
D) A box of ammunition inside a locked vehicle was visible walking through the student parking lot
62. In what way does the Patriot Act reflect the conflict and tension experienced by the Federalists and AntiFederalists in the late 1700’s?
A) The Act diminishes and weakens our personal liberties while increasing the power of the federal
B) The Act gives the federal government authority to suspend citizen’s civil rights if they are suspected of
terrorist activities
C) The Act calls for cooperation and sharing of state and federal resources to fight terrorism
D) The Act requires states to tax citizens to help fund the war on terrorism
63. How might the Department of Homeland Security be involved in detecting and neutralizing terrorist threats?
A) it would collect intelligence from its sources in foreign countries
B) it would coordinate activities of ICE , FEMA, TSA, and other agencies
C) it would train and deploy teams to strike terrorist training camps
D) it would advise the President on intercepted cell phone messages placed by terrorists
64. Which is the most common method for immigrants to obtain US Citizenship?
A) naturalization process
B) petition the US State Department
C) enter the country illegally
D) defection to avoid persecution
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
65. Logan starts a restaurant using his own money to purchase a building and cooking supplies such as ovens
and grills. This is an example of which of the following economic terms?
A) Entrepreneurship
B) Productivity
C) Specialization
D) Investment
66. A clothing company manufactures 500 anniversary editions of a shirt. Since there are so few shirts to sell,
what effect will this likely have on the price of the shirt?
A) The price will remain constant
B) The price will be high
C) The price will be low
D)The price fluctuates
67. A bicycle manufacturer pays more for electricity when production of bikes increases. What type of cost is
A) Variable cost
C) Marginal cost
B) Fixed cost
D) Total cost
68. Margaret attends college. She gives up her ability to earn money in a job to attend college. Margaret’s lost
earnings are example of:
A) Trade-offs
B) Opportunity costs
C) Marginal costs
D) Marginal benefits
69. When Henry Ford used the assembly line when making Ford cars he was using which of the following
economic terms?
A) Capitalism
C) Capital investment
B) Division of labor
D) Monopoly
70. Davidson, Inc. has just built a new factory to produce tractors that it manufactures. Which of the following
factors of production would this new facility be considered a part of?
A) Capital
C) Labor
B) Land
D) Entrepreneurship
“I assure you, the most efficient market is one that
understands it is the consumer and his, or her, desires that
determine what businesses produce.”
71. The above quote is promoting the principle of what?
A) Consumer sovereignty
B) Consumerism
C) Command economic system
D) Mixed economies
72. The United States allows free competition along with government interference to minimize negative
externalities because, the United States government does both, what type of economic system does it practice?
A) market economy
B) command economy
C) liberated economy
D) mixed economy
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
73. Which
of the following is considered to be an unskilled worker?
Bank president
Delivery truck driver
Website designer
74. In a bank there are tellers, loan officers, and managers. Which economic concept does this arrangement
A) Outsourcing
B) Assembly-line production
C) Opportunity cost
D) Division of labor
75. What is a likely benefit to employers for providing education and training for their employees?
A) Workers will find better jobs as their skills increase
B) Morale of workers will decline as training increases
C) Valuable production time will be lost
D) Production capacity of workers will improve
76. A mixed economy combines two different economic types. Which two economic types are combined?
A) Market and traditional economies
B) Command and market economies
C) Traditional and factor economies
D) Market and traditional economies
77. Rosie owns a pizza shop. If her pizza shop were to do poorly and she was considered to have unlimited
liability, what type of business was the pizza shop?
A) Partnership
B) Monopoly
C) Sole proprietorship
D) Corporation
78. Jamaal was paid for his work at a baseball game last Friday. He went to the store and bought a video.
When Jamaal paid for the video, what type of market did he participate in?
A) Free market
C) Product market
B) Factor market
D) Command market
79. If Walmart is selling a cookbook for $25.00 but consumers are only willing to pay $20.00, what market
scenario is taking place?
A) Shortage
B) Surplus
C) Equilibrium point
D) Monopoly
80. What is the name of laws that attempt to prevent monopolies from forming?
A) Anti-trust laws
C) Administrative laws
B) Anti-monopoly laws
D) Constitutional laws
81. To avoid credit card interest charges, a consumer would:
A) Default immediately
B) Pay off the full balance monthly
C) Make the minimum monthly payment
D) Pay half the monthly balance
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
82. Which best fits the relationship?
Government bonds:
Less Risk: More Risk
A) stocks
B) liquidity
C) inflation
D) long-term financial instruments
83. In a command economy, how are the prices of goods and services determined?
A) Market forces of supply and demand
B) The central government
C) Independent agencies and independent regulators
D) Business owners
84. What is the primary benefit of the division of labor?
A) Decreasing productivity
B) Increasing profit
C) Increasing productivity
D) Decreasing revenue
85. What term refers to the desire, willingness, and ability to buy a good or service?
A) Demand
B) Supply
C) Utility
D) Price
86. The government cuts taxes, hoping that having more money will result in people buying more goods and
services. Which term best describes this type of policy?
A) Monetary policy
B) Fiscal policy
C) Labor policy
D) Income policy
87. When the government spends money, what is the short term affect of its purchase?
A) To decrease the trade deficit
C) To operate government cooperation
B) To slow the economy
D) To stimulate the economy
88. Which
of the following is a characteristic of economic expansion?
Decrease in building permits
Increased employment
Increased unemployment
Decreased stock market averages
89. What kind of tax is placed on gasoline and tobacco?
A) Excise tax
C) Property tax
B) Income tax
D) Sales tax
90. Which department was added to the cabinet most recently?
A) Department of Homeland Security
C) Department of Environmental Protection
B) Department of Education
D) Department of Agriculture
91. This occurs when a nation exports more goods than it imports?
A) Exchange rate
C) Trade deficit
B) Comparative advantage
D) Trade surplus
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
92. What is a peak in the business cycle?
A) When the economy begins to improve after hitting its lowest point
B) When economic activity is strong with businesses working and selling at full capacity
C) When the economy is starting to slow down and people are buying fewer goods and services
D) When production is at its lower point and unemployment is very high
93. The agreement to eliminate all trade restrictions between Mexico, Canada, and the United States is
commonly known as:
94. Imagine America decided to add a fifteen percent import duty on all goods from China. Why would the
government likely have imposed such a protective tariff?
A) To balance the trade deficit
C) To raise money for education
B) To raise money for transportation
D) To increase the quality of goods provided to U.S. consumers
95. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a list of prices for about 400 products commonly used by consumers.
Which of the following most accurately describes what the CPI is used for?
A) To determine the unemployment rate
C) To determine the rate of inflation
B) To determine the effects of fiscal policy
D) To determine if stocks are expected to increase
96. Which term describes tax rate that is lower for people with lower incomes and higher for people with higher
A) Regressive
C) Progressive
B) Ingressive
D) Proportional
97. A developing country has which of the following characteristics?
A) An undeveloped economic base, low per capita income, and a low standard of living
B) A developed economic base, low per capita income, and a low standard of living
C) An undeveloped economic base, high per capita income, and a high standard of living
D) A developed economic base, high per capita income, and high standard of living
98. What type of responsibility is voting?
A) Civic responsibility
C) Moral responsibility
B) Fiscal responsibility
D) Legal responsibility
99. How would one best define the “tossed salad” theory?
A) American Immigrants are assimilated into the society and adopt American values, becoming a single
B) American immigrants are in the same society, but share different values and beliefs from one
another. They form the sum of many parts
C) Diversity that is a continuous ebb and flow within society between multi-cultural differences
D) The idea that different races and genders become angry at one another, causing discord in the
100.Which of the following is a duty of citizens?
A) Voting
C) Volunteering
B) Community activism
D) Paying taxes
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Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
Short Answer: Chose ONE, worth 15 points
1. Using at least three examples, explain the difference in the Bill of Rights between natural rights and due
process rights (also known as legal rights).
2. Cite at least three landmark US Supreme Court cases and describe their significance to the rights and
responsibilities of high school students.
Civics and Economics Final Exam, 2011-12, Second Semester
Salary and Benefits
Social Services
Capital Outlay
Community Funding
Debt Service
Basic Operating
3. Compare and contrast capitalism and socialism by explaining at least three strengths and three weaknesses of
each economic system.