Download Advantages/ Disadvantages of Sexual/Asexual reproduction

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The Advantages and
disadvantages of Sexual
and Asexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction
The production of offspring from one parent
that includes identical DNA
Examples: Bacteria, Plants: potatoes, animals:
whiptail lizards.
Advantages of Asexual
One parent is needed
high success rate
takes short amount of time
energy not needed to search for mate
energy not needed to produce sex cells
Disadvantages of Asexual
less likely to produce new species
diseases and bad qualities passed down
lower genetic variety
more susceptible to diseases
Sexual Reproduction
The fusing of two gametes, or sex cells, from
each parent to produce the offspring.
Examples: Many types of animals including
Humans and Dogs. Many types of plants
including Trees and Flowering Plants.
Advantages of Sexual
Creates new organism not a copy
new organism has different traits
more likely to adapt
more likely to produce a new species
more disease resistant
Disadvantages of Sexual
Only females are capable of gestation
have to spend energy to find mate
have to spend energy to produce sex cells
Lower chance of fertilization and producing new
Red Queen Hypothesis
• Now,
here, you see, it
takes all the running
you can do, to keep in
the same place.