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Muscular System Chapter Test
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
1. Muscles are bundles of muscle fibers held together by connective tissue.
2. When muscles contract, they become longer and thinner.
3. If a muscle functions without conscious thought or control, it is called voluntary.
4. When a muscle attaches to a bone, the end that does not move is called the origin.
5. Muscles are partially contracted at all times, even when not in use.
6. Muscles atrophy when they are exercised to the point of pain.
7. Foot drop is a common contracture.
8. The intercostal muscles are important for breathing.
9. Muscular dystrophy is a chronic condition where nerve impulses are not properly transmitted to the muscles.
____ 10. Muscle spasms are sudden, painful, involuntary muscle contractions.
____ 11. Myalgia is an overstretching of or injury to a muscle.
____ 12. Extension occurs when the fingers are bent to form a fist.
____ 13. Fibromyalgia is chronic, widespread pain in specific muscle sites.
____ 14. Myasthenia gravis is a group of inherited diseases that lead to chronic, progressive muscle atrophy.
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 15. Which of the following kinds of muscle is voluntary?
a. cardiac
c. visceral
b. skeletal
d. smooth
____ 16. A tough, sheet-like membrane that covers and protects the tissue is a____.
a. ligament
c. fascia
b. tendon
d. viscera
____ 17. If the leg is moved out to the side away from the body, the movement is ____.
a. abduction
c. flexion
b. adduction
d. extension
____ 18. If the lower leg is straightened away from the upper leg, the movement is ____.
a. abduction
c. flexion
b. adduction
d. extension
____ 19. The muscle on the upper back and neck that extends the head and moves the shoulder is the ____.
a. trapezius
c. pectoralis major
b. deltoid
d. sternocleidomastoid
____ 20. The muscle on the upper arm that extends the lower arm is the ____.
a. deltoid
c. triceps brachii
b. biceps brachii
d. trapezius
____ 21. The muscle on the upper chest that adducts and flexes the upper arm is the ____.
a. deltoid
c. rectus abdominus
b. pectoralis major
d. latissimus dorsi
____ 22. The muscle on the front of the thigh that extends the leg is the ____.
a. sartorius
c. gastrocnemius
b. quadriceps femoris
d. tibialis anterior
____ 23. The muscle that extends from the ribs to the pubis and compresses the abdomen is the ____.
a. rectus abdominus
c. pectoralis major
b. latissimus dorsi
d. gluteus maximus
____ 24. The muscle on the front of the lower leg that flexes and inverts the foot is the ____.
a. sartorius
c. quadriceps femoris
b. gastrocnemius
d. tibialis anterior
____ 25. The muscle on the buttocks that extends the thigh is the ____.
a. sartorius
c. latissimus dorsi
b. rectus abdominus
d. gluteus maximus
____ 26. A group of inherited diseases that lead to chronic, progressive muscle atrophy is ____.
a. myasthenia gravis
c. muscular dystrophy
b. paralysis
d. cerebral palsy
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Abduction
b. Adduction
c. Circumduction
d. Contractility
e. Contracture
f. Elasticity
g. Excitability
h. Extensibility
i. Extension
j. Fascia
Muscle tone
State of partial contraction
The end of a muscle that moves when the muscle contracts
Severe tightening of a flexor muscle
Control over the action of a muscle
Ability of a muscle to be stretched
Ability of a muscle to respond to a stimulus
Ability of a muscle to return to its original shape
Strong, tough, connective-tissue cord that attaches muscles to bones
Moving a body part toward the midline
Bending the lower arm up toward the upper arm
Moving in a circle at a joint
Increasing the angle between two bones
Turning the head from side to side
Moving the arm out to the side
Matching: Match the terms below with the statements that follow.
45. The distance between two Z lines
1. Z discs
46. Otherwise known as thick filaments
2. H zone
47. Contains only the actin filaments
3. sarcomere
48. Both actin and myosin are found in this band
4. actin filaments
50. The type of filament that is studded with myosin heads
5. I band
51. Tiny contractile unit that shortens during muscle contraction
6. myosin filament
52. Actin filaments are anchored to these disc like membranes
7. A band
53. Lighter central portion of the A band
Matching: Match the terms below with the statements that follow.
A) Cardiac
B) Skeletal
C) smooth
D) Cardiac & Smooth
E) Cardiac & Skeletal
54. Muscle tissue that is involuntary.
55. Located in the walls of the digestive tract.
56. Attached to bones.
57. Found in the walls of the heart.
58. Muscle tissue that is voluntary.
59. Branching chains of cells, uninucleate; striations; intercalated discs.
60. Single cells, spindle-shaped, uninucleate, no striations.
61. Single cells, very long, cylindrical, multinucleated, very obvious striations.
62. Muscle contraction would be slow and sustained.
63. Muscle contraction would be at a fairly steady rate.
64. Muscle contraction can be rapid and with great force, but tires easily and must rest
after short periods of activity.
Color and Label each bone of the Skull:
Essay / Short Answer Questions:
1. List in detail the steps in muscle contraction beginning with an action potenitial reaching the axon terminal of
the motor neuron.
2. Draw and Label one Sarcomere, the functional contractile unit of muscles.
3. Explain the Sliding Filament theory and describe how Myosin and Actin Filaments interact.
Identify the major superficial muscles of the anterior body.
-Each Muscle is outlined by a black border and can be found in your book and slides.
Identify the major superficial muscles of the posterior body.