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Chapter 24: World War Looms
Finals Terms
Common Essays
Dictators Threaten World Peace 24.1
• Nationalism (T2 term) Grips Europe and Asia
• (pride in ones country)
– Failures of the world War I Peace Settlement
• Treaty of Versailles creates problems in Europe with
the reconfiguration of country boarders and the
creation of new countries. These problems lead to
Dictators being able to seize power.
– Joseph Stalin Transforms the Soviet Union
• Stalin “man of steel” creates communist state. By
1939 he establishes a Totalitarian government that
tried to exert control over every citizen (individuals
have no rights and gov. suppresses all opposition.)
– The rise of Fascism in Italy
• Benito Mussolini who called himself II Duece “the
leader" establish Totalitarian regime in Italy. By
1921 he established a fascist party, (fascism) which
stressed nationalism placing the interests of the
state above the individual. His followers were
“Black Shirts”
Dictators Threaten World Peace 24.1
• Nationalism (T2 term) Grips Europe and Asia
– The Nazis take over Germany
• Adolf Hitler Der Fuhrer “the leader”, and Austrian
immigrant to Germany rose to power as a powerful
public speaker. Mein Kampf his book of basic beliefs of
Nazism (German brand of fascism extreme
nationalism) that became the plan of action for the
Nazi party – to unite all German speaking people into
one German Empire.
– Wanted racial “purification” = blue-eyed, blond hair
“Aryans” to form a “master race”
– Wanted to expand the national living space to obtain land
and soil that Germans are entitled to.
– Once elected Prime Minister he takes apart the Weimar
Republic (Democratic government of Germany) and
establishes the Third Reich “Third German Empire.”
Dictators Threaten World Peace 24.1
• Nationalism (T2 term) Grips Europe and Asia
– Militarists gain control in Japan
• Nationalistic Military leaders seize control of Japan and pull out of
The League of Nations, sharing Hitler’s desire for more land and
living space. They invade Manchuria province of China and seize it
in 1931.
– Aggression in Europe and Africa
• League of Nations doesn’t take action against Japan and Europe’s
dictators take notice of this.
• Hitler withdraws Germany from The League of Nations and invade
Rhineland (region boarding France and Belgium).
• Mussolini also moves to invade Ethiopia (one of Africa’s few
remaining independent countries!)
– Civil war Breaks out in Spain
• General Francisco Franco leads rebellion against Spanish Republic
to form a fascist party in Spain. Americans and African Americans
go fight in Spain to stop spread of fascism “Abraham Lincoln
Dictators Threaten World Peace 24.1
• The U.S. Responds Cautiously
– Americans cling to Isolationism (T1)
• Roosevelt’s foreign policies recognize Soviet Union and
accept them. Congress passes Neutrality Acts first 2
acts that outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at
war. 3rd act extended the ban on arms sales and loans
to nations engaged in civil war (Spain).
• Qqq
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
War in Europe 24.2
• Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall
• (Hitler claims that “Germany needs peace . . . . Germany
wants peace.”)
– Union with Austria
• 3/12/1938 German troops take an unopposed Austria whose
6 mil. People (most Germans) favored unification.
– Bargaining for the Sudetenland
• Sudetenland western border regions of Czechoslovakia
contained about 3 million German-speaking people, that
Hitler claimed Czech was abusing so they invaded.
– France and Britain promise to protect Czech. But Hitler calls
leaders (Edouard Daladier – France and Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlin to Munich to assure them this is his last territorial
demand and they believe him so they do nothing.
» Winston Churchill, Chamberlain’s political rival, disagreed
with the signing of the Munich Agreement. Appeasement –
or giving up principles to pacify an aggressor – was a
shameful policy.
War in Europe 24.2
• The German Offensive Begins
– The Soviet Union Declares Neutrality
• Poland has a large German speaking population which Hitler
claims is being abused so he prepares invasion.
• Stalin signs a nonaggression pact with Hitler agreeing that
the two countries will never attack each other.
– Blitzkrieg in Poland
• Or lightening war, used new military technology of fast tanks
and aircraft to make military advances. It worked as fighting
was over in 3 weeks!
– The Phony War (Sitzkrieg or “Sitting war”)
• France and Britain troops on the Maginot Line, a system of
fortifications built along France’s eastern border (pg 744), sit
and stare at Germany waiting to see what will happen.
War in Europe 24.2
• France and Britain Fight On
– The Fall of France
• Germany invades and traps French and British on beaches of
Dunkirk next to English Channel. More than 800 vessels
ferry them to safety across the channel.
• Few days later Italy invades France from south in support of
Germany. France is split in two with Germans occupying the
north and Italy in the south.
• French General Charles de Gaulle flees to Britain and sets up
a government of exile “France lost the battle . . . Not the
– The Battle of Britain
• Germany launches naval and aircraft attacks on London.
• Britain (RAF) fights back using radar to help identify and
shoot down enemy planes.
• On 9/15/1940 the Royal Air Force (RAF) shoots down 185
Germans only loosing 26 of their own.
• 6 weeks later Hitler called off the invasion.
The Holocaust 24.3
(Systematic murder of 11 million Europeans more than half were Jews.)
• The Persecution Begins
– Jews Targeted
• Anti-Semitism or hatred of Jews was common in many
European countries and Hitler builds upon this blaming
them for the economic problems of the German
• Nuremberg laws strip Jews of their German Citizenship,
jobs, and property.
– Kristallnacht “Night of broken glass”
• Nov. 9-10, 1938 Nazi’s attack Jewish homes, stores,
synagogues across Germany. 100 Jews killed – 30,000
The Holocaust 24.3
(Systematic murder of 11 million Europeans more than half were Jews.)
• The Persecution Begins
– A Flood of Jewish Refugees
• 40,000 flee to France – who won’t accept any more.
• 80,000 flee to Britain – who won’t accept any more.
• 30,000 flee to Palestine (Israel) – who won’t accept any
• 100,000 come to the U.S. (Physicist Albert Einstein,
Author Thomas Mann, Architect Walter Gropius) during
the Great Depression.
The Holocaust 24.3
(Systematic murder of 11 million Europeans more than half were Jews.)
– The Plight of the St. Louis
• Ocean liner’s 943 Jewish passengers fled to America. 740 had
immigration papers. Coast Guard followed liner preventing it from
docking. It returns to Germany and more than ½ of the passengers
were killed in the Holocaust.
The Holocaust 24.3
(Systematic murder of 11 million Europeans more than half
were Jews.)
• Hitler’s “Final Solution”
– Genocide, deliberate and systematic killing of an
entire population!
– The Condemned
• Nazis target others who threaten “master race” =
homosexuals, mentally handicapped, mentally ill,
physically disabled and incurably ill.
– Forced Relocation
• Ghetto’s – Jewish forced to live in segregated areas in
certain Polish cities. Pictured above.
– Concentration Camps or labor camps
• Jews were forced from their homes into these camps
which were used to house the “undesirables.” Life in
the camps consisted of hunger, humiliation, and work
that almost always ended in death.
The Holocaust 24.3
(Systematic murder of 11 million Europeans more than half were Jews.)
• The Final stage
– Mass Exterminations
• Each Camp had a gas chamber that killed 12,000 people killed
– Doctors separated those strong enough to work from those who were
not and should be killed.
– At first bodies were buried in mass graves.
– Crematoriums were then installed or bodies were then burned in a
mass pit.
• Some were killed: shot, hanged, or injected.
• Others died as a result of medical experiments carried out by
camp doctors.
– The Survivors
• 6 million Jews died in the death camps, some managed to survive
• Others survived through the help of others, that helped them
escape the Holocaust.
America Move Toward War 24.4
• The United States Musters Its Forces
– Moving cautiously away from neutrality
• Cash – carry – Roosevelt passes law that allows warring
nations to buy weapons from US as long as they pay cash
and carry them in their own vessels/vehicles.
– The Axis Threat
• Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact making
them known as the Axis Powers.
– Building US Defenses
• In light of Nazi take overs in Europe US increases National
Defense spending.
– Roosevelt Runs for a 3rd Term
• Promises to keep U.S. out of the war.
America Move Toward War 24.4
• The Great Arsenal of Democracy
– The Lend-Lease Plan/Act
• Britain runs out of cash so Roosevelt suggests a plan
that the U.S. would lend or lease weapons to any
country whose defense was vital to the U.S.
– Supporting Stalin
• Hitler breaks agreement with Soviet Union and invades.
U.S. sends Lend-Lease supplies to support “the enemy
of my enemy [who] is my friend.”
– German Wolf Packs
• Hitler’s U-boats attack U.S. ships trying to supply LendLease aids to Britain and Soviet Union.
America Move Toward War 24.4
• FDR Plans for War
– The Atlantic Charter
• Roosevelt and Churchill secretly meet and pleged collective
security, disarmament, self-determination, economic
cooperation, and freedom of the seas.
• Became basis for “Declaration of the United Nations”
(suggested by Roosevelt) expressed the common purpose of
the Allies (those nations fighting the Axis Powers) 26 nations
4/5th of the human race signed the declaration.
– Shoot on Sight
• Roosevelt orders US Navy to shoot German submarines on
America Move Toward War 24.4
• Japan Attacks the U.S.
– Japan’s Ambitions in the Pacific
• French, British, & Dutch colonies lay unprotected in Asia so Japan
moves on them.
– Peace talks are questioned
• 11/5/1941 Japan’s leader orders navy to prepare attack on U.S.
• Peace talks begin but fail.
• 12/6/1941 Japan rejects all American peace proposals. “This
means war” – Roosevelt declared.
– The attack on Pearl Harbor 12/7/1941
• 180 Japanese war planes launched from 6 carriers attack Hawaii’s
Island of Oahu’s Pearl Harbor.
• 2,403 killed – 1,178 wounded
• Damaged 21 ships = 8 battleships, 300 aircraft, nearly the whole
U.S. Pacific fleet.
– Reaction to Pearl Harbor
• 12/8/1941 Roosevelt speaks to congress “December 7th 1941 is a
date that will live in infamy” Congress approves Roosevelt’s
request for a Declaration of War.