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Physics and Scientific Method
Week 3 CCA Physics and Scientific
Method Review
Copy these definitions onto your paper
• Work: transfer of energy as the result of the
motion of objects; a machine makes work
easier, it doesn’t reduce the amount of work
• Inquiry: an investigation
• Output or resistance force: force exerted by a
• Input or effort force: force applied to the
Either copy the words or draw a picture of each
simple machine:
• 1. Inclined Plane slanted or sloped surface
2. Lever a bar that pivots on a fixed point a)
fulcrum b) effort force c) resistance force or load
• 3. Pulley wheel that changes the direction of the
effort force
• 4. Wheel & Axle large wheel fixed onto a smaller
wheel or axle
• 5.Wedge incline plane with 1 or 2 sloping sides
• 6. Screw incline plane wound around a cylinder,
with sharp edges along the edge
Copy these onto your paper
• Manipulated or independent variable: the
variable you purposefully or intentionally
• Responding or dependent variable: what you
measure or observed due to the changes you
Here are some simple machines in
your body…
• My incisor teeth are wedges.
• Using my arm as a lever makes lifting the bag
• My shoulder joint moves like a wheel and axle,
a simple machine.
• My knee acts as a lever.
• My jaw acts as a lever.
• Tendons act as pulleys; tendons are part of the
muscular system.
simple machines do NOT change
the amount of work….
they either reduce the input force
or change the direction of the
force needed.
If the force is reduced, the distance
of the effort is increased!
Work vs No Work
• By definition work is when something is
moved by a force some distance….
• In other words, the object MUST move in
order for work to be done…
• Look at the next slide, when does the graph
show no work happening?
When there is no change, a flat line, then there
is no work being done…
Ant C
Ant B
Ant A
minute 1
minute 2
minute 3
minute 4
Safety Rules:
• What should you do first when conducting
• Read the instructions or procedure
• What should you always do when in lab?
• Follow the teachers instructions
• List some safe and unsafe practices in lab:
Scientific Method
Explain the steps of the scientific method:
• Problem- question or query
• Hypothesis- proposed solution or outcome of
• Observations- data taken as measurement or
• Experiment- organized process to test hypothesis
• Data- recorded observations or measurements
• Conclusions- analyzing data to see if hypothesis is
correct or incorrect
• Analyze results- looking for patterns or explanation of