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Behaviour Consequences
•Failure to follow school & classroom
•1 clear warning given for behaviour
•Low level disruption, off task, failure to
follow instructions, mobile phone /
electronic device out, inappropriate
comments, lack of equipment, late to school
or lesson, lack of homework, monitoring
book comment, inadequate work, uniform /
jewellery, littering, chewing.
•1 conduct point. 15 minute detention
•Persistent and or repeated: low level disruption,
off task, failure to follow instructions,
inappropriate comments, lateness to school or
lessons, lack of homework, uniform / jewellery.
Defiance, insolence, failure to meet S1 target,
failure to attend S1 detention.
•2 conduct points. 30 minute detention. Parents
•Persistent and repeated: defiance, insolence,
disruption.Health & safety risk, failure to meet S2 target,
failure to attend S2 detention
•3 conduct points. Removed to departmental
sanctuary, 50 minute after school detention, parents
informed, subject report card. Meeting with class
teacher and Subject Leader.
•Repeated poor behaviour in departmental sanctuary or across
several subjects, smoking, verbal abuse to staff, verbal abuse
to pupils, serious health & safety risk, fighting, off site
lunchtime, truancy,repeated incorrect uniform, exam
disruption, failure to attend S3 detention
•5 conduct points. Internal isolation for specified period, loss
of break / lunchtime, 1 hour whole school detention,
parental meeting, HoY report card, oral warning given.
•Poor behaviour in internal isolation / exclusion, swearing, assault,
racist abuse, homophobic abuse, sexist abuse, bullying, vandelism,
theft, threatening / intimidating behaviour, anti-social behaviour.
•5 conduct points. Internal exclusion between 1-5 days.
Reintegration meeting parent/pupil/ HOY/KSM/Governor/ LT.
Formal oral or writtent warning given. Behaviour contract.
•Repeated poor behaviour in internal exclusion, serious assault,
drug/alcohol incident, serious vandelism, offensive weapon, malicious
allegations, repeated breaches of behaviour policy, sexual misconduct.
•5 conduct points. Fixed term exclusion between 1-5 days, reintegration
meeting parents/ pupil /HoY/KSM/LT/Governor. PSP report. Final
written warning for repeated behaviours.
•Persistent & repeated breaches of school behaviour policy, serious incident
•Permanent exclusion from school.