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WHAP Viewing Guide
“The Crusades: Clash of Titans” (BBC)
Who was the “champion” of Islam in the Third Crusade?
Who was the leader of the Christians during the Third Crusade?
Which city was at the heart of the Crusades and why?
Why did Muslims not immediately respond to the Christian capture of Jerusalem?
After the First Crusade, a kingdom of four states ruled by the Christians was set up and called the
According to Professor Al Azhari, what was the meaning of jihad in the Middle Ages and how did it
respond to the Crusades?
What part of the world did Saladin originally conquer and unite?
By the mid-1180’s Saladin’s empire stretched from the Nile to the _______________________ River.
How did Saladin’s near-death illness change him?
What creative tactic(s) did Saladin use to help him win the Battle of Hattin?
When he took the city of Jerusalem, what did Saladin do differently than the earlier Christians who sacked
the city?
How have recent historical findings changed the depiction of Saladin as a “man of peace?”
How did Pope Gregory VIII explain Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem to the people of Europe?
How did he spread the crusading message across Europe?
Why did King Richard I still go on the Third Crusade even after he was crowned?
In total, King Richard spent around ___________________ pounds in preparation for the Crusade, which
accounted for ½ of the Crown’s annual revenue.
King Richard’s forces first encountered the Muslim fortress town of ___________, which was undergoing a
siege by Christian Crusaders. Who eventually won the siege and controlled the city?
What did Richard and his forces do to the surviving Muslim soldiers of Acre?
Why did Richard have his men march along the coastline on his way to Jerusalem?
Who did Richard offer his sister to as a potential bride? Why?
What ended up happening to the offer of marriage?
Why was Richard considering turning away before conquering Jerusalem? (Consider strategic reasons in
the Middle East and political reasons in Europe)
What problems was Saladin facing amongst his own troops?
What did Saladin eventually decide to do regarding Jerusalem?
How did lack of communication contribute to King Richard’s failure in the Third Crusade?
What was the result of the Third Crusade?