Download parts of the ear combined act as a transducer

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All parts of the ear combined act as a transducer, changing acoustic
energy into electrochemical energy!
Three parts (some sources add a fourth)!
1." Outer!
2." Middle!
3." Inner!
4." Auditory nerve and pathway!
Auricle(pinna) !
helix - curled outer margin!
anthelix - interior border!
crura anthelicis - bifrication of the anthelic!
triangular fossa - space surrounded by crura anthelicis!
concha - entrance to ear canal!
targus - epithelium-covered cartilage!
antitargus - across from targus!
External Auditory Meatus - outer ear canal!
Tympanic Membrane (ear drum) - boundary between outer and middle
- extremely thin three-layered sheet of tissue!
!-outer layer extension of EAM!
!-inner layer extension of middle ear lining!
!-middle layer fibrous tissue providing
umbo - most distal point of attachment to malleus!
cone of light - taut portion!
pars flaccida - flaccid portion lacking fibrous tissue!
anterior malleolar fold!
posterior malleolar fold!
Medial wall!
oval window!
round window!
Anterior wall!
entrance of Eustachian tube!
tensor tympani!
Malleus (hammer)!
-point of attachment to tympanic membrane!
Incus (anvil)!
Stapes - (stirrup)!
-footplate rests on oval window!
Both reduce strength of the signal (lower frequency) reaching the
Stapedius (6 mm long)
Tensor tympani (25 mm long)!
origin: embedded in bone of posterior wall of middle ear!
insertion: posterior neck of the stapes!
bone) !
innervation: stapedial branch of VII (facial)!
insertion: upper manubrium malli!
function: rotates stapes posteriorly stiffening middle ear
innervation: V (trigeminal)!
origin: cartilaginous part of the Eustachian tube (housed in
function: pulls malleus antero-medially (reducing range of
motion) stiffening !
!middle ear!
Medial Wall!
Oval window- connects to scala vestibuli!
!resting point of stapes!
Round window- connects to the scala tympani!
Anterior wall!
Entrance to Eustachian tube (pharyngotympanic tube)!
Vestibule - entry way to cochlea!
Semicircular canals - vestibular system (balance)!
superior (anterior vertical)!
posterior (posterior vertical)!
lateral (horizontal)!
Cochlea (hearing)!
Scala vestibuli -filled with perilymph!
Scala tympani - filled with perilymph!
Scala media (cochlear duct) - sensory apparatus for hearing!
!filled with endolymph!
-Reissner#s membrane!
-Basilar membrane!
-Organ of Corti!
!-inner and outer hair cells!
!-Tunnel of Corti!