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Week 3B Quiz: Air mass and Fronts
Name: ___________________________________________________ Period: _____ Date: _______
Instructions: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided. Set A
Use the following choices to answer items 1-8. You can use the choices below more than once.
A. Continental polar air mass
B. Maritime polar air mass
C. Continental tropical air mass
D. Maritime tropical air mass
___ 1. Warm and humid air mass.
___ 2. Warm and dry air mass.
___ 3. Cold and dry air mass.
___ 4. Cold and humid air mass.
___5. Air mass coming from Canada
___6. Air mass coming from Mexico
___ 7. Air masses from the Pacific and Atlantic ocean close to the north pole.
___8. Air masses from the Pacific and Atlantic ocean close to the equator.
Use the following choices to answer items 9-20. You can use the choices below more than once.
A. warm front
B. stationary front
C. cold front
D. occluded front
___ 9. Slowly moving warm air mass collides with a slowly moving cold air mass.
___10. Rapidly moving cold air mass runs into slowly moving warm air mass.
___ 11. Neither cold air mass nor warm air mass are moving.
___ 12. Warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses.
___ 13. Cumulonimbus clouds, thunderstorms and possibly a tornado
___ 14. Precipitation that can lead to flooding
___ 15. Cold front overtakes a warm front.
___ 16. Light or moderate precipitations.
___ 17.
___ 18.
___ 20.
___21. A/an _____________ is a large body of air that has the same properties as the Earth's surface over which it
develops and has the same density and moisture content.
A. front
B. air mass
C. cloud
D. tornado
___22. The boundary between cold and warm air masses is called a/an
A. Flood
B. Front
C. Climate
D. Storm
___23. When a warm air mass and a cold air mass meet, but they push at each other and neither one can move.
A. Warm front B. Cold front
C. Occluded front
D. Stationary front
___24. When a warm air mass is trapped between two cooler air masses, it is called a/an
A. Warm front B. Cold front
C. Occluded front
D. Stationary front
___25. What type of weather system brings stormy weather?
A. Low pressure
B. High pressure
___26. What type of front passed if the weather was stormy for a short time then becomes cooler?
A. Stationary front
B. Cold front
C. Warm front
___ 27. Along a front, which air is always forced aloft?
A. cooler, denser air
B. warmer, less dense air
C. driest air
___28. A front usually marks a change in weather.
A. True
B. False
Use the figure on the right to answer items 29-34. You can use the choices below more than once.
A. maritime polar
B. maritime tropical
Locate these in the chart on
the right side.
C. continental polar
D. continental tropical
Type of Air Mass
29. ___
30. ___
31. ___
32. ___
33. ___
34. ___
Use the following choices to answer items 35-39. You can use the choices below more than once.
A. convection
B. conduction
C. radiation
___35. Warm air moving upward from the equator towards the pole.
___36. Solar energy traveling in space.
___37. Heat absorbed by rocks and minerals.
___38. Swirling liquid iron in the outer core resulting to earth’s magnetic field.
___39. Rising hot magma from the asthenosphere resulting to plate movements.
___40. What is the major difference between weather and climate?
A. air temperature B. air pressure
C. humidity
D. time
___41. Which of the following is an example of climate?
A. The average temperature in a Winston Salem, NC over the past 24 hours.
B. The average temperature in Winston Salem, NC over the past 30 years.
___42. Which type of heat transfer moves warm water away from the equator?
A. conduction B. convection C. radiation
D. inversion
___43. How are hurricanes and tornadoes related to air masses?
A. They form where air masses meet.
B. They form within air masses.
___44. A/an _________________is a place where air masses meet
A. air mass
B. weather
C. weather front
D. climate