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Types of Poems
Poetry~ a major type of literature. Most poems make use of
precise, musical, and emotional language. Many also use
figurative speech and sound devices. There are many different
types of poetry.
Narrative~ a story told in verse. They often have all the elements of short
stories-character, conflict, plot.
List Poem~ The writer is telling you something. There is a beginning and an
end. There is a flow of consistency.
Concrete Poem~ a poem with a shape that suggests its subject.
Riddles~ little poems or phrases that pose a question that needs answering.
They usually rhyme but they don’t have to.
Lyric Poem ~ A highly musical verse that expresses the observations and
feelings of a single speaker.
Limerick ~a humorous, rhyming, five line poem with a specific meter and
rhyme scheme – usually aabba
Haiku ~ a three line Japanese verse form. The first and third lines have five
syllables. The second line has seven. It uses images to create a picture often
of nature.
Cinquain~ a five lined unrhymed poem. Line 1=2 syllables, Line 2= 4 syllables,
Line 3= 6 syllables, Line 4= 8 syllables, Line 5=2 syllables
Acrostic ~ a poem formed by writing a word vertically and then creating a
poem that begins with each letter of the word. It does not have to rhyme and
you can begin a new line in the middle of a thought or sentence.
Diamante ~ a diamond shaped 7 lined poem that goes from one idea to
another. Line 1= one noun, Line 2 =2 adjectives describing the noun, Line 3 = 3
verbs ending in ed or ing and relate to the first noun, Line 4 = has 4 nouns – 2
are related to line 1 and 2 connect to line 7, Line 5= 3 verbs ending in ed or ing
relating to Line 7, Line 6= 2 adjectives describing line 7, Line 7 is a noun
opposing the first noun.
Ballad ~ a poem that tell a story similar to folk tale or legend. It often has a
repeated refrain, is about love and is sung.
Sonnet~ English or Shakespearean sonnets are lyric poems that are 14 lines
long with three quatrains and a concluding couplet.
Free Verse~ A form of poetry that has rhymed or unrhymed lines with no set
pattern. It is viewed as breaking free from the boundaries of traditional
Fable - are brief tales in prose or verse that teach a lesson
Epic ~ a long serious poem that tells the story of a heroic figure. Ex – Illiad
and the Odyssey.