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Name: ____________________________ Period: ____________ 7th Grade – Ratios – Homework (08/25/14) 1. Write three ratios that are equivalent to the one given: 18 right-­‐handed students for every 4 left-­‐
handed students. The ratio given is 18 : 4. If we divide both numbers by 2, we get 9 : 2. If we multiply both numbers by 2, we get 36 : 8. 2. Mr. Rowley has 16 homework papers and 14 exit tickets to return. Ms. Rivera has 64 homework papers and 60 exit tickets to return. For each teacher, write a ratio to represent the number of homework papers to number of exit tickets they have to return. Are the ratios equivalent? Explain. The ratio of homework papers to exit tickets for Mr. Rowley is 16 : 4. The ratio of homework papers to exit tickets for Ms. Rivera is 64 : 14. We can obtain an equivalent ratio for Mr. Rowley by multiplying both numbers by 4. We get 64 : 16. When we compare the ratios now (64 : 16 and 64 : 14) we see that they are not the same.