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The Age of Exploration Study Guide
The Renaissance contributed to the Age of Exploration by awakening a spirit of discovery and innovation in Europe.
Portugal was the first European country to send out Explorers.
Prince Henry “the Navigator” started a school in Portugal for sailing, mapmaking, and navigation.
The ultimate goal of the early Portuguese explorers was to find a route around Africa to India.
Christopher Columbus set sail to find a new, faster trade route to Asia.
With Spanish dominance in the Southern North America and the Atlantic, at the beginning of the Age of Exploration, France and England
sought a Northwest Passage to Asia.
John Cabot was an explorer working for England who explored North America.
The goals of the Age of Exploration were to expand European empires, acquire goods, and spread Christianity.
Spanish explorer Vasco Balboa is credited with being the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.
Explorers faced many obstacles such as fear of the unknown, disease and starvation, and poor maps and navigational tools.
The expeditions of Conquistadors Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro resulted in the destruction of the Aztec and Inca Empires.
Portugal claimed the region in South America that is known today as Brazil.
The Treaty of Tordesillas was a Treaty between Spain and Portugal, giving Spain all land to the West, and Portugal all discovered land to the
The food exchange between Europe and the Americas can best be described as follows: Europeans brought wheat, sugar, and sheep to the
Americas, and took corn, potatoes, and turkeys to Europe.
Silver, during the Age of Exploration was mined in colonized regions of America.
The following does NOT accurately describe the life of African slaves in the Americas:
Slaves were usually taught to read and write so they could participate in church services.
Planters in the Americas began to use African slaves for labor because disease had killed millions of Native Americans.
The Portuguese used captive Africans mostly on sugar plantation workers.
The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of people, plants, animals, disease, technology and ideas that changed the lives of people in Asia,
Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
The Spanish established the oldest continuously occupied European city and port in St. Augustine, Florida.
The first British settlement established in 1586 was the Roanoke Colony.
Unlike the Spanish and French, the British colonies were populated by men, women, and children from England.
The French colonies that were established in the interior regions of North American from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River
were mostly trading posts.
The factors that made Africa vulnerable to the slave trade were political fragmentation, Africa was close to trade routes, and there was an
availability of people due to high birth rates.
In the 17th century, how was slavery justified by pseudo-scientific racism.
The Middle Passage was the middle leg of a three-part voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.
Africans were captured and sold them to Europeans slavers by other Africans.
The following were common conditions aboard a slave ship: slaves were chained together, each slave had about four square feet of space, and
it was extremely unclean, hot, and stinky.
The slave trade become illegal in the United States in 1808
Short Answer: Please write 2-3 sentences to answer the following questions.
30. Why were the names of some slave ships so ironic?
31. Describe the flow of goods in the triangular trade.
Mini-Essay: Write three paragraphs to answer the following question.
32. Why was the Columbian Exchange considered a turning point in history. Be sure to include the positive and negative impact it had in both the
“Old World” and the “New World”.