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Factor Pairs to 100 - Step-by-Step Lesson
Lesson 1: What are prime numbers and composite numbers? Explain
with an example.
Step 1) First we will define prime numbers and composite numbers.
Step 2) PRIME NUMBERS:- Prime numbers are number that can only be
divided by 1 or itself.
For example: Zero and one are not a prime a numbers.
 2 is the only even prime number. All other even numbers are multiples
of 2, so they are at the very least divisible by 1 and 2.
The numbers: 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 are primes because they are only divisible by
themselves and 1.
Step 3) COMPOSITE NUMBERS:- Composite numbers are numbers that
have more than two factors.
For example:
4 , 6 , 8 , 9…….
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