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U.S. History EOC Study Guide
Mr. Ginnerty
Updated 5/09
C.C.T.L. – Iredell-Statesville Schools
Articles of Confederation – gave most power to states / Shays’ Rebellion demonstrated weakness of nat’l gov’t
Constitutional (Philadelphia) Convention – est. stronger federal form of gov’t. / Great (Connecticut) Compromise –
settled representation among small & large states with bicameral legislature / 3/5 Compromise – settled representation
between N. & S. states
Federalists ( for strong gov’t ) v. Antifederalists ( state powers ), Federalist Papers – Hamilton, Madison, Jay
Bill of Rights ; helped persuade Antifederalists with guarantee of rights / Know esp. 1st and 2nd amendments
Whiskey Rebellion ; demonstrated new gov’t under Const. was stronger than Articles
1.01 Identify the major domestic issues and conflicts experienced by the nation during the Federalist Period.
- Hamilton’s financial plan – Assumption of state debts, National Bank, pay Rev. War bonds at par, excise tax ; opposed
by Jefferson
- Formation of political parties – differences of opinions led to Federalist Party ( Hamilton & J. Adams ) for strong nat’l
gov’t with loose constructionist views vs. Democratic-Republicans ( Jefferson & Madison ) for states power with strict
constructionist views
1.02 Analyze the political freedoms available to the following groups prior to 1820: women, wage earners, landless
farmers, American Indians, African Americans, and other ethnic groups
- white, male property owners ; only ones who could vote
- Native Americans; conflict with whites over land / Tecumseh allied with Britain against U.S. in War of 1812
- white women lacked most rights; couldn’t vote or hold office, could inherit land but became husband’s if marry
- freed slaves had few rights and were just above slaves in social status
1.03 Assess commercial and diplomatic relationships with Britain, France, and other nations.
- Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality ; stay out of alliances or involvement with other nations / Battle of Fallen
Timbers & Treaty of Greenville – with Native Americans, / Jay Treaty – with Britain; avoid war but not end
impressment / Pinckney Treaty – with Spain; right of deposit at New Orleans & free navigation of Mississippi River
X, Y, Z Affair ; leads to “Quasi-War” with France & helps Federalists win Congress. They pass the Alien &
Sedition Acts – Alien Acts ; allow deportation of “dangerous” immigrants, Naturalization Act ; increase time to
become citizen, Sedition Act ; illegal to criticize gov’t
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions – Jefferson & Madison proposed states can nullify laws they think unconstitutional
Embargo Act – no trade/ Non-Intercourse Act – not trade with France or Britain / Macon’s Bill no. 2 –trade with all
but stop with France or Britain depending on which respects U.S. neutrality
Causes of War of 1812 – impressment of U.S. sailors is # 1, Chesapeake Incident – British fire on U.S. warship, “War
Hawks”- S. & W. Democratic-Republicans who wanted land from Canada
Battle of New Orleans ; U.S. victory but war over, Jackson famous for victory
Hartford Convention ; New England opposed the war, led to collapse of Federalist Party for being seen as unpatriotic
so temporary rise of “One party system”
Monroe Doctrine – Continued Washington’s neutrality but added that European nations should no longer colonize the
western hemisphere
2.01 Analyze the effects of territorial expansion and the admission of new states to the Union 1801 to 1850
Louisiana Purchase – from France. Difficult decision for Jefferson because of his strict constructionist views
Manifest Destiny – “God given” right of US to expand acoss the continent; John O’Sullivan coins term, Pres. Polk
associated with it / LA. Purchase ; 1st terr. / Florida ; from Spain with Adams-Onis Treaty / Texas – independence
from Mexico : Alamo massacre / Oregon – “fifty-four forty or fight “! but U.S. divided Oregon with Britain at 49th
parallel/ Mexican Cession / Gadsen Purchase ; from Mexico
Mexican-American War – “Spotty Lincoln” questioned cause of war / Thoreau’s Essays on Civil Disobedience;
peaceful protest of unjust laws / Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ; ended Mex.-Amer. War
2.02 Describe how the growth of nationalism and sectionalism were reflected in art, literature, and language
Marshall Court decisions ; reflected judicial nationalism – Marbury v. Madison; est. judicial review, McCulloch v.
Maryland ; supremacy of nat’l gov’t & National Bank OK, Gibbons v. Ogden; nat’l govt. controls interstate commerce,
Dartmouth v. Woodward ; protect property rights from states
Cultural nationalism – Result of War of 1812. Focus on American themes. Nathaniel Cooper ; Leatherstocking Tales/
Hawthorne; Scarlet Letter / Washington Irving ; Dutch folk tales like Rip Van Winkle, etc./ Hudson Valley School of
Landscape Painters ; Frederick Church & Albert Bierstadt/ George Catlin ; painted Native American subjects
Noah Webster ; dictionary with American spellings of words
2.03 Distinguish between the economic and social issues that led to sectionalism and nationalism
Transportation – connected northeast and west economically / Erie canal – NY. governor Dewitt Clinton / steamboats –
Robert Fulton / railroads begin
Economy of North in antebellum era – Factory system in North ; mills of Lowell, MA./ Henry Clay and American
System of protective tariffs, internal improvements ( roads & canals ), and 2nd National Bank
Economy of South in antebellum era – agriculture, plantations, “Cotton is King” / Opposed protective tariffs and
internal improvements
“Corrupt Bargain” of 1824 – Jackson had most popular votes but lost runoff in House of Representatives
Andrew Jackson – associated with rise of Common Man ; not need property to vote so more political power
“Rotation in Office” aka. “Spoils system” = patronage; giving jobs to political supporters
Jackson’s war on the National Bank & Nicholas Biddle – veto of recharter bill, put $ in state “pet banks”
Specie Circular – Jackson ordered federal lands be bought using only gold & silver coin ( specie ) to lower inflation but
contributed to Panic of 1837 / Independent Treasury Act ; put taxes in vault not banks to avoid speculation
Native American Policy - Indian Removal Act of 1830 / “Trail of Tears” / Cherokee Nation v. GA. and Worcester v.
GA. ; Jackson refused to support Supreme Court ruling for Cherokee to not be removed
Nullification Crisis – Calhoun & S.C. Protest & Exposition, Force Bill & Compromise Tariff of 1833 resolve crisis
2.05 Identify the major reform movements and evaluate their effectiveness
Reform movements of antebellum era – abolition ; end slavery / temperance; stop dinking alcohol / women’s rights;
Seneca Falls Convention, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony / mentally ill; Dorothea Dix
established asylums / education; Horace Mann / 2nd Great Awakening ; religious revival , individuals can change so
society can be changed, “perfectionism” – Charles Finney
Utopian movements : Robert Owen & New Harmony, Oneida Community ; practiced “complex marriage” and
socialism, Brook Farm ; founded by transcendentalists / Shakers – religious community ; practiced celibacy and simple
communal lifestyle
2.06 Evaluate the role of religion in the slavery debate
- Southern argument for slavery changed from economic “necessary evil” to being supported by the Bible ( role of servants,
etc. ). Southern churches supported slavery
- Sarah & Angelina Grimke ; wrote An Appeal to Southern Christian Women against slavery
- Quakers ; for manumission ( freeing slaves ) and took part in Underground Railroad
3.01 Trace the economic, social, and political events from the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War
3.02 Analyze and asses the causes of the Civil War
Compromise of 1850- settled slavery in Mexican Cessian ; CA. = free, popular sovereignty in NM. & UT.,
controversial fugitive slave law, ended slave sales in D.C. / Henry Clay – “Great Compromiser”
Kansas-Nebraska Act ; promoted by Stephen Douglas, used popular sovereignty where Missouri Compromise said
free / John Brown ; abolitionist involved in “Bleeding Kansas” & Raid on Harper’s Ferry, VA. / Harriet Beecher
Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin ; controversial abolitionist novel
Dred Scott case ; upheld southern pro-slavery position for territories / Lincoln-Douglas debates & Freeport Doctrine
by Douglas proposed way to avoid slavery in territories
1860 election – Democrats divided and Lincoln elected
Secession – 1st 7 states seceded after Lincoln’s election & last 4 after S.C. attack on Fort Sumter / border states are
slave states kept in the Union
3.03 Identify the political and military turning points of the Civil War and assess the significance of the outcome of the
Purpose of North in Civil War – Preserve Union 1st then later to end slavery after Emancipation Proclamation / Radical
Republicans for ending slavery
Northern strategy – Anaconda Plan ; naval blockade, capture Mississippi, March to Sea through Georgia, & capture
Confederate capital
Lincoln suspended some civil rights ; habeus corpus / 1st conscription law ( draft )
Key battles of the Civil War ; Bull Run (Manassas) = 1st battle, Antietam led to Emancipation Proclamation,
Gettysburg turning point due to Confederate casualties, Vicksburg captures Mississippi, Appomattox Court House is
Role of women in Civil War – spies, nursing, etc./ Clara Barton founded American Red Cross
“Copperheads” – Northern Peace Democrats ; wanted to make peace with the South at any cost
3.04 Analyze the political, social, and economic impact of Reconstruction on the nation and identify the reasons why
Reconstruction came to an end
3.05 Evaluate the degree to which the Civil War and Reconstruction proved to be a test of the supremacy of the
federal government
Plans for Reconstruction - Lincoln’s 10% Plan was lenient / Wade-Davis Bill wanted 50% to swear loyalty / Pres.
Johnson’s lenient policy allowed Black Codes so Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction imposed military
occupation and was only plan to give blacks suffrage
Definitions – carpetbaggers were northerners coming to the South, / scalawags were southerners cooperating with
Reconstruction / sharecroppers farmed someone else’s land for half harvest / tenant farmers rented / Freedmen’s
Bureau assisted former slaves esp. with education / crop-lien system kept farmers poor with high interest rates to
borrow money
Civil War or Reconstruction Amendments – 13 end slavery / 14 gave citizenship / 15 gave black males suffrage
Reconstruction upheld by Texas v. Johnson
End of Reconstruction - Compromise of 1877 removed troops for Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to be president
Obstacles to voting for African-Americans - poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses, KKK intimidation
Segregation - Jim Crow laws (formerly black codes) allowed by Plessy v. Ferguson “Separate but equal” decision.
Also Slaughterhouse Cases allowed states to determine rights of their citizens
Corruption in Ulysses S. Grant’s Administration : “Grantism” ; Credit Mobiler Scandal re: transcontinental railroad &
Whiskey Ring re: excise taxes on whiskey
4.01 Compare and contrast the different groups of peoples who migrated to the West and describe the problems they
- Mormons ; migrated to Utah under leadership of Brigham Young for religious freedom and escape persecution
- Miners ; “49ers” attracted to gold in California and Comstock Lode for silver in Nevada / farmers had difficulty due to
drier climate of Plains; “Great American Desert”
4.02 Evaluate the impact that settlement in the West had upon different groups of people and the environment
Native Americans – Dawes Severalty Act ; assimilation policy / Battle of Little Big Horn ; Native American victory
over Custer / Massacre at Wounded Knee ; marked end of Native American resistance
Destruction of bison hurt Plains Indians
Homestead Act ; government gave grants of land for small fee to encourage settlement
Morrill Act ; government gave states land to establish “land grant colleges” to train citizens in trades
4.03 Describe the causes and effects of the financial difficulties that plagued the American farmer and trace the rise
and decline of Populism
Abuse of farmers by railroads – Pooling ; divided routes to reduce competition and keep rates high / Rebates ; discounts
to big customers and charge farmers more / Midwest state Granger laws regulated railroads but were overturned in
Wabash case so Congress passed Interstate Commerce Act but it was weak
Grange ; farmers organize for cooperative buying then as a political lobby
Populist Movement – Farmers advocated Free Silver ; gov’t use silver to coin more money which leads to inflation and
higher crop prices. Opposed gold standard that limited the money supply
People’s ( Populist ) Party ; ran James B. Weaver in 1892 election but appeal limited to Midwest
1896 election ; Democrat William Jennings Bryan adopted free silver platform but lost to McKinley, “Cross of Gold”
Speech opposed to gold standard
4.04 Describe innovations in agricultural technology and business practices and assess their impact on the West
Barbed wire enclosed land and led to decline of the Open Range / Railroads allowed cattle to be taken to cities for
processing / John Deere and steel tipped plow made hard sod of Plains tillable for farming / Cyrus McCormick’s
mechanical reaper allowed faster harvesting of crops
Transcontinental Railroad – finished at Promontory Point, Utah –“Wedding of the rails” – built by Irish & Chinese
5.01 Evaluate the influence of immigration and rapid industrialization on urban life
“Old” Immigration from N & W Europe ( Ireland & Germany ) vs. “New” Immigration more from S & E Europe by
1900 ( Polish, Russian, Italian )
Nativism – opposed to immigration ex. American Protective Society or “Know Nothings” / “Yellow Peril” – prejudice
towards Asians : Chinese Exclusion Act ; 1st to limit immigration / Gentlemen’s Agreement ; cut off Japanese
Settlement House movement ; gave aid to the urban poor, led by Jane Addams
Political machines – controlled city government in order to make money through graft ( bribes and kickbacks ) /
Tammany Hall – political machine of N.Y. city headed by “Boss” William Tweed; gave favors to immigrants to gain
their votes
Tenements – crowded apartment buildings
5.02 Explain how business and industrial leaders accumulated wealth and wielded political and economic power
Monopolies – Trusts & Holding Companies. Led to Sherman Antitrust Act to prohibit them / Horizontal ( control
industry ) & Vertical Integration ( control all stages of production )
Industrialists - “Robber Barons” : Andrew Carnegie ( steel ), John D. Rockefeller ( Standard Oil Trust ), J.P. Morgan
( finance & consolidate industries ) / Cornelius Vanderbilt ( railroads ), Swift & Armour ( meatpacking )
Social Darwinism ; “fittest” in society are successful / Social Gospel ; churches have role to reach out to help poor,
Y.M.C.A. and Salvation Army
5.03 Assess the impact of labor unions on industry and the lives of workers
Government sided with big business and used Sherman Antitrust Act against striking workers rather than monopolies
Rise of Labor Unions – Knights of Labor ; led by Terence Powderly, organized all workers, downfall was association
with Haymarket Square Riot / American Federation of Labor ; led by Samuel Gompers, organized only skilled
workers / American Railway Union ; led by Eugene V. Debs, supported Pullman Strike
International Ladies Garment Workers Union / Triangle Shirtwaist Fire led to start of building codes and work safety
laws/ Industrial Workers of the World (aka. “Wobblies”) were radical socialist union
5.04 Describe the changing role of government in economic and political affairs.
Pendleton Act; started civil service exams for some federal jobs after Pres. Garfield’s assassination
See Progressive Movement political reforms
6.01 Examine the factors that led to the United States taking an increasingly active role in world affairs
“Jingoism” – people for expansion / Desire for natural resources and new markets for manufactured goods /
Competition with other industrialized nations / Missionary role ; Josiah Strong’s Our Country / Alfred T. Mahan’s
Influence of Sea Power Upon History - for strong navy and building of Panama Canal / Feelings of cultural superiority –
Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden”
6.02 Identify the areas of United States military, economic, and political involvement and influence.
6.03 Describe how the policies and actions of the United States government impacted the affairs of other countries.
Imperialism - expansion for colonies ; most associated with Pres. McKinley
Hawaii ; American planters overthrew Queen Liliuokalani
Spanish-American War : Sec. of State John Hay – called it “splendid little war” / Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden”
supported imperialism/ Teller amendment ; said U.S. not desire Cuba / Platt amendment ; limited Cuba’s
independence / Causes : “Yellow Journalism” ; sensationalist reporting, De Lome Letter ; insulted McKinley,
“Remember the Maine”; U.S. battleship exploded / Theodore Roosevelt and the “Rough Riders” – Battle of San Juan
Hill / Results of the war – acquired Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico – Cuba as protectorate
Imperialists : Mckinley , Alfred T. Mahan , Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, Theodore Roosevelt
Great White Fleet ; showed off U.S. power
China : John Hay and Open Door Policy for free trade not spheres of influence/ Boxer Rebellion ; Chinese tried to
expel foreigners but failed
Japan ; Commodore Matthew C. Perry opened Japan to trade
Foreign Policy towards western hemisphere : Roosevelt Corollary aka. “Big Stick” policy ; policeman role for U.S.,
first intervention in Dominican Republic / Pres. Taft & Dollar Diplomacy / Good Neighbor Policy of Hoover & FDR
7.01 Explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism.
Progressive Movement – goal to reform problems that resulted from an industrial society ; driven by urban, middle class
Problems : urban poverty ; industrialization increased gap between rich and poor, political corruption; political machines
and big business had undue influence on government, monopolies
7.02 Analyze how different groups of Americans made economic and political gains in the Progressive Period.
Political reform- Gov. Robert La Follette & “Wisconsin Idea”: referendum = voters decide an issue, initiative =
voters introduce issue, recall = voters remove an official, secret ballot – anonymous voting, 17th amendment =
Senators directly elected by the people
Women’s rights – best in West / suffrage movement – led by Carrie Chapman Catt / Women gained suffrage with 19th
Temperance movement – WCTU and Frances Willard ; work for legal prohibition of alcohol / 18th amendment began
Prohibition and was enforced by the Volstead Act
Theodore Roosevelt – “Trustbuster” - bust bad trusts and regulate good trusts / “Square Deal” was platform /
conservationist ; established national parks, etc.
“Muckrakers”; journalists who exposed problems of society – Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle led to Pure Food & Drug
Act and Meat Inspection Act, Ida Tarbell’s History of Standard Oil Co. ( monopolies ), Lincoln Steffan’s Shame of
the Cities ( political machines ), Jacob Riis’ How The Other Half Lives ( urban poor )
Hepburn Act ; strengthened Interstate Commerce Act by setting max. railroad rates
Progressive amendments – I.S.A.W. – 16th = Income tax, 17th = Senators directly elected, 18th = Alcohol prohibited,
19th = Women get the vote
Election of 1912 – Roosevelt and Progressive “Bull Moose” Party – “New Nationalism” platform. Split Republican
vote and Wilson won
Woodrow Wilson – “New Freedom” –get rid of all trusts / Clayton Antitrust Act ; antitrust laws not to be used against
peaceful union activity / Federal Reserve Act – regulate banking system / Fsderal Trade Commission – investigate
unfair business practices
Political cartoonist Thomas Nast helped bring down Boss Tweed
7.03 Evaluate the effects of racial segregation on different regions and segments of the United States' society.
Plessy v. Ferguson ; allowed segregation , “separate but equal”
Views of Booker T. Washington v. W.E.B. Du Bois – Washington = focus on economic power and skilled trades
( Tuskegee Institute ) while Du Bois demanded immediate civil rights ( Niagara Movement )
7.04 Examine the impact of technological changes on economic, social, and cultural life in the United States.
- Skyscrapers; tall buildings transformed cities / electric elevator made tall building practical / electric trolleys ; allowed
middle class to live in suburbs and commute to work
8.01 Examine the reasons why the United States remained neutral at the beginning of World War I but later became
Causes of WW I : nationalism / imperialism ; competition for colonies / naval arms race / alliance system / immediate
cause = assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austrian-Hungarian Empire by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo
Causes for U.S. involvement in WW I : German unrestricted u-boat (submarine) warfare is primary; included sinking of
passenger liner Lusitania / British propaganda evoked sympathy / Zimmerman Telegram (Note ); Germany sought
alliance with Mexico against U.S.
8.02 Identify political and military turning points of the war and determine their significance to the outcome of the
Final German offensive was repelled at Chateau-Thierry and Belleau Wood / Allied Meuse-Argonne offensive
led to armistice
Fourteen Points – Wilson’s proposals that would ensure post-war peace; only League of Nations implemented. Also
included self-determination of all people, freedom of seas, lifting trade restrictions, naval disarmament, open diplomacy
Treaty of Versailles – treated the Central Powers harshly and made them pay reparations. Led to resentments
exploited by Hitler and the Nazis to gain control of Germany in 1930s
8.03 Assess the political, economic, social, and cultural effects of the war on the United States and other nations.
Mobilization for WW I : Selective Service Act ; conscription ( draft ) / Committee on Public Information ; controlled
propaganda and led by George Creel / War Labor Board ; mediated to prevent strikes / Food Administration ;
rationed food and led by Herbert Hoover / War Industry Board ; directed resources and war production
Espionage Act and Sedition Amendment ; outlawed antiwar speech / Schenck v. U.S. – upheld Espionage Act and
Sedition Amendment by ruling antiwar speech a “clear and present danger”
Senate Treaty debate ; Irreconcilables = Republicans opposed to U.S. entry into League, Reservationists =
Republicans willing to enter League if U.S. not obligated to enter future conflicts / League of Nations not passed
Russian Revolution during WWI led to Red Scare of 1918-1919 in U.S. ; fear of communists – Palmer Raids to round
up communists
Post-war diplomacy : Washington Naval Conference ; 4 Power Treaty ( respect Pacific territories ), 5 Power Treaty
( limit navies ), & 9 Power Treaty ( formalize Open Door Policy ) / Kellogg-Briand Pact ; nations agreed to outlaw war
/ Hoover-Stimson Doctrine ; U.S. protested Japan’s invasion of Manchuria ( China ) but no economic or military
9.01 Elaborate on the cycle of economic boom and bust in the 1920s and 1930s
9.02 Analyze the extent of prosperity for different segments of society during this period
Pres. Harding – “Return to Normalcy” ; end of Progressive reforms. Return to neutrality and pro-business policies
Pres. Coolidge – “Business of America is Business” – pro-business policies
1920 Economy – “Roaring Twenties” / Consumer culture / advertising with sensual message / Electrical appliances
9.03 Analyze the significance of social, intellectual, and technological changes of lifestyle in the United States
African-Americans – “Great Migration” from South to northern cities
Media of 1920s – radio / Writers : “Lost Generation” ; term given by Gertrude Stein / F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Great
Gatsby symbolized 1920s excesses / Ernest Hemingway; The Sun Also Rises told of post-war disillusionment
Religious Fundamentalism – radio evangelists Billy Sunday and Aimee Semple McPherson
9.04 Describe traditional challenges to traditional practices in race, religion, and gender
Harlem Renaissance – Langston Hughes ; poet and writer / Claude McKay ; poet / Zora Neale Hurston ; writer Their
Eyes Were Watching God / Louis Armstrong ;‘ jazz trumpeter / “Duke” Ellington ; jazz composer / Marcus Garvey ;
promoted black pride, econ. development and African nationalism with United Negro Improvement Association
Anti-immigrant feelings : Sacco-Vanzetti trial ; unfair trial due to Italian ethnicity and radical political views /
Emergency Quota Act & National Origins Act of 1929 limited immigration ; favored “Old” immigrants
Scopes Trial – Religious fundamentalism vs. Science; Darwin’s theory of evolution on trial
“Flappers” ; young women who defied traditional social conventions
9.05 Assess the impact of the New Deal reforms in enlarging the role of the federal government in American life
Causes of Great Depression : worldwide protective tariffs hurt trade / stock market crash / agricultural slump ; low crop
prices / overproduction & underconsumption of goods / imbalance between rich and poor
Bonus Army ; WWI veterans who wanted early payment of bonus but Hoover forced them away/ “Hoovervilles” ;
shelters made by homeless / Dust Bowl – soil erosion led to migration of “Okies” and written about by John Steinbeck
in Grapes of Wrath / Regionalist Art – portrayed rural Midwest as with Grant Wood’s painting American Gothic
Hoover’s “Trickle Down” policy ; give money to businesses to stimulate economy via Reconstruction Finance Corp.
F.D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” approach to the depression ; give aid to level of the people
New Deal Programs – First and Second (more social reform) hundred days / 3 R’s ; Relief, Recovery, and Reform /
“pump priming” – deficit spending ( gov’t go into debt ) for job creation justified by Keynesian economics
Programs of New Deal : PWA ; construction jobs / WPA ; included non-construction jobs / SEC ; monitor stock
market / FDIC ; insure bank deposits / FLSA ; min. wage, no child labor and 40 hr. week / CCC ; outdoor
conservation jobs for young men / NLRA ( Wagner Act) ; protect union organizing / SSA ; pension to elderly / AAA ;
subsidies to farmers to produce less / NIRA ; voluntary business codes / TVA ; hydroelectric dams run by gov’t /
Indian Reorganization Act ; allowed Native Americans to return to traditional ways
Schechter v. U.S. ; ruled NIRA unconstitutional / Butler v. U.S. ; ruled AAA unconstitutional / Court Packing ; F.D.R.
wanted to appoint 6 more Supreme Court Justices to gain influence over the court
Opposition to New Deal : Republicans (gov’t do too much) / Liberals (gov’t not do enough) – Huey Long’s “Share the
Wealth” Plan, Dr. Townsend ; idea of pension to elderly / Father Coughlin ; antisemitic
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) began to organize factory workers by industry ( unskilled )
10.01 Elaborate on the causes of World War II and reasons for United States entry into the war
Rise of totalitarian ( dictatorship ) gov’ts in Europe : Fascism = authority of state rather than individual rights but have
private property ; Benito Mussolini & Italy, Adolf Hitler & Germany / Communism = abolish private property ; Josef
Stalin & U.S.S.R. / Japan – empire under Emperor Hirohito but really controlled by military bent on expansion.
Invaded Manchuria ( China ) in 1933
National Socialist Party ( Nazis ) used resentments against Treaty of Versailles to gain political power. Hitler became
Chancellor then used burning of the Reichstaag ( legislature ) to take control via Enabling Acts in 1933. Hitler became
Failure of Munich Conference and policy of appeasement ; Britain ( P.M. - Neville Chamberlain ) and France
allowed German annexation of Sudetenland ( part of Czechoslovakia ) which encouraged Hitler / German invasion of
Poland in 1939 started WW II
U.S foreign policy in 1930s : neutral but move to aid Allies over time / Hoover-Stimson Doctrine ; protested Japan’s
invasion of Manchuria but took no economic or military action / Neutrality Acts 1935 – 1939 ; try to avoid what got us
in WWI / Bases for Destroyers Deal ; F.D.R. gave naval ships to Britain for leases on bases / “Cash and Carry”;
modified Neutrality Acts to sell arms for cash but nations must use own ships to transport / Lend-Lease ; U.S. began to
actively support Allies with supplies/ “arsenal of democracy” – F.D.R. described U.S. role as supplier of arms to Allies
U.S. entry into WWII : underlying conflict over Japanese expansion in Pacific / Pearl Harbor ; Japanese attack led U.S.
to declare war
10.2 Identify military, political, and diplomatic turning points of WWII and determine their significance to the
outcome and aftermath of the conflict
War conferences : Atlantic Charter ; F.D.R. and Churchill agree on goals for the peace / Yalta ; Germany to be divided
after WWII / Potsdam ; U.S.S.R. to enter war against Japan / San Francisco ; established United Nations
Atomic Bomb : Manhattan Project ; led by Robert Oppenheimer / bomber Enola Gay dropped 1st bomb on
Hiroshima and then Nagasaki attacked
Holocaust and Nuremberg Trials / Internment of Japanese-Americans ; allowed by Korematsu vs. U.S. decision for
national security / Navajo ; “codetalkers” helped keep U.S. military transmissions secret
Battles of WW II turning points : Pearl Harbor ; U.S. enters war / Dunkirk ; Allies escape across English Channel /
Battle of Britain ; air war prevented invasion of Britain / El Alamein ; North Africa / Stalingrad ; eastern front /
Midway ; Pacific / Coral Sea ; prevented Japanese invasion of Australia/ Normandy Invasion ; “Operation Overlord “,
D-Day to liberate France / Battle of the Bulge ; stopped last German counteroffensive
Political and military leaders of WW II : Hitler – Germany / Mussolini – Italy / Churchill – Britain / Stalin – U.S.S.R. /
Hirohito - Japan / Eisenhower ; Supreme Allied Commander / MacArthur ; General in Pacific/ Patton ; tank
commander in Battle of the Bulge
10.3 Describe and analyze the effects of the war on American economic, social, political, and cultural life
- “Rosie the Riveter” ; image to encourage women to get war industry jobs / Double V Campaign ; fight against racism
abroad and at home / A. Philip Randolph convinced F.D.R. to issue order forbidding discrimination in war industries /
Supporting war effort ; rationing, buying war bonds, planting victory gardens, etc.
10.4 Elaborate on changes in the direction of foreign policy related to the beginnings of the Cold War
Post-WWI foreign policy = Containment of communism – proposed by George Kennan / “Iron Curtain” ; Churchill
described division of Europe between democratic and communist / Truman Doctrine ; aide to Turkey & Greece to fight
communism / Marshall Plan ; aid to W. Europe to help econ. recover / Berlin Airlift ; supplied W. Berlin to prevent
communist takeover after land blockade / Eisenhower Doctrine ; aid to Middle East to fight communism / N.A.T.O. ;
main military alliance and example of collective security / Warsaw Pact ; Soviet led military alliance
Chinese Civil War : Nationalists & Chiang Kai-shek defeated by Communists & Mao Zedong
Korean War : Cause: N. Korea invaded S. Korea / MacArthur and Inchon amphibious landing turns back communists /
Truman fired Mac Arthur for questioning containment in Korea / Results ; Korea divided but S. Korea free
Eisenhower and Cold War : “New Look” reliance on nuclear weapons / Mutually Assured Destruction ( M.A.D.) and
nuclear brinksmanship deters war / Domino theory on SE Asia to prevent first country from going communist /
C.I.A. help overthrow gov’ts of Iran & Guatemala / U-2 Incident spoils détente ( lessening of tensions ) / John Dulles
& liberation policy ; free nations from communism not just contain it
Kennedy and Cold War : Cuban revolution of 1959 – Fidel Castro and communists took over. Led to failed Bay of Pigs
Invasion / Cuban Missile Crisis ; standoff over nuclear missiles in Cuba until removed / “Flexible response” ; develop
special forces to confront communist guerillas
10.5 Assess the role of organizations established to maintain peace and examine their continuing effectiveness
United Nations formed to help maintain world peace ; first challenge was Korean War to free S. Korea from communist
N. Korea attack
- N.A.T.O. ; military alliance to deter communist aggression. Example of collective security. Soviets formed
Warsaw Pact in response
11.01 Describe the effects of the Cold War on economic, political, and social life in America.
Post WWII Social Trends : “Baby Boom”; spike in birth rate / Levittown and growth of suburbs / Servicemen’s
Readjustment Act (GI Bill) ; helps veterans get education and buy homes / Women lose nontraditional jobs and are
pressured to be homemakers / Taft-Hartley Act ; hurt unions, outlawed closed shop – reaction to post-war strikes
Post WW II Red Scare : H.U.A.C. ; House Un-American Activities Committee investigated suspected communists /
Senator Joseph McCarthy - role of TV and Army hearings in his downfall/ Alger-Hiss case / Rosenbergs ; convicted
of stealing atomic secrets/ Smith Act ; / Federal Loyalty Oath Program / McCarran Internal Security Act ;
communist groups had to register with government / Interstate Highway Act ; for national defense and transportation
Sputnik – Soviet satellite spurs space race & National Defense Education Act
1950s Economy : Booming, consumerism, television ,automobiles & suburbs ( Levitt & Levittown ) lead to urban decay
11.02 Trace major events of the Civil Rights Movement and evaluate its impact.
Civil Rights Movement (1950s): Brown vs. Board of Education ; overturned segregation in schools / Little Rock Nine
; integrated high school / Montgomery Bus Boycott ; Rosa Parks & Dr. King led it
Civil Rights Movement (1960s): Freedom Riders ; protested segregation in bus terminals / James Meredith integrated
Univ. of Miss. / Birmingham, Selma, & Washington Marches / S.C.L.C. ; led by Dr. King with nonviolent protest /
S.N.C.C ; student civil rights groups / Black Power – Stokely Carmichael ; more radical approach / Malcolm X ;
spokesman for Nation of Islam / Black Panther Self-Defense Party
Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation / Voting Rights Act of 1965 removed obstacles to voting
Bakke v. Univ. California ; allowed Affirmative Action but not fixed quotas
11.03 Identify major social movements including, but not limited to, those involving women, young people, and the
environment, and evaluate the impact of these movements on the United States' society.
Women’s Rights : Equal Rights Amendment / STOP ERA – led by Phyllis Schlafly / National Organization of
Women & Gloria Steinem / Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique sparked movement/ / Title IX ; equal access in sports
Native American Rights : Voluntary Relocation Act in 1950s promoted assimilation/ American Indian Movement &
Wounded Knee standoff / Vine Deloria, Jr.; lawyer who used courts to address treaty violations
Hispanic Rights : Cesar Chavez & Dolores Huerta form United Farm Workers Union ; consumer grape boycott
Disabled Rights : Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ; equal access
11.04 Identify the causes of United States' involvement in Vietnam and examine how this involvement affected society.
French in Indochina lose to Vietnamese guerillas led by Ho Chi Minh at Dien Bien Phu / Geneva Accords divided
Vietnam at 17th parallel / U.S. supported S. Vietnam
Johnson and Vietnam War : Gulf of Tonkin Incident & Resolution ; used to escalate involvement in Vietnam / Tet
Offensive –role of TV turns public opinion against the war
Nixon and Vietnam War : Vietnamization ; remove U.S. troops and give fighting over to S. Vietnamese Army /
Operation Rolling Thunder ; bombing of N. Vietnam / Pentagon Papers ; showed how presidents escalated the war
without consent of Congress / War Powers Act ; limited presidential power to commit troops to combat due to Vietnam
Vietnam War : “The Longest War”
11.05 Examine the impact of technological innovations that have impacted American life.
( 1980s ) Lasers ; CD players, grocery scanners, surgery / VCRs / Personal computers
( 1990s ) Internet
11.06 Identify political events and the actions and reactions of the government officials and citizens, and assess the
social and political consequences.
Kennedy : New Frontier / Space Race- put a man on the moon / Peace Corps.; volunteers to developing nations /
Alliance for Progress ; aid to Latin America
Johnson’s domestic program : Great Society-war on poverty; Influenced by Michael Harrington’s The Other
America / VISTA ; volunteers to poor areas of America/ Medicare ; medical insurance to elderly / Head Start ;
Earl Warren – Decisions on Supreme Court were more liberal. Overturned segregation and increased rights of
suspected criminals
Nixon’s domestic policy : New Federalism ; give more decision making back to states / “stagflation” ; slow economy
together with inflation/ Neil Armstrong ; moon landing / Arab oil embargo of 1973 by O.P.E.C. oil cartel ; reaction to
U.S. support of Israel – defused by Sec. of State Henry Kissinger’s “shuttle diplomacy” / Vice Pres. Spiro Agnew
resigns due to tax fraud/ Nixon’s “Imperial Presidency” ; abuse of power
Nixon and Watergate : Watergate Hotel break-in and cover up / “Saturday Night Massacre” ; fired special prosecutor
Archibald Cox / U.S. v. Nixon ; forced to turn over White House tapes ; no executive privilege / Resignation to avoid
impeachment then was pardoned by Pres. Ford / Contributed to loss of public faith in government and elected officials
Warren Burger – Appointed by Nixon to Supreme Court. Decisions more conservative – less rights for suspected
Ford : W.I.N. = “Whip Inflation Now”; encouraged cut back fuel consumption & savings and raised interest rates
George H.W. Bush. : “Read my lips. No new taxes !”, Savings & Loan Scandal – resulted from Reagan’s deregulation
/ Invasion of Panama – captured dictator Manuel Noriega / Persian Gulf War to liberate Kuwait from Iraq
Clinton : North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) / proposed universal healthcare / welfare reform;
“workfare” / Whitewater Affair.; real estate scandal / N.A.T.O. intervention in Balkans to stop ethnic cleansing / Newt
Gingrich and Republican’s Contract with America / al-Qaeda attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa and bombing of
U.S.S. Cole
George W. Bush : No Child Left Behind legislation for schools
12.01 Summarize significant events in foreign policy since the Vietnam War.
Nixon and détente : “ping pong” diplomacy led to visit to China then to U.S.S.R where he signed S.A.L.T. I nuclear
arms treaty / Sec. of State Henry Kissinger conducted “shuttle diplomacy” to end O.P.E.C. oil embargo
Carter’s Foreign Policy : Camp David Accords ; mediated peace between Egypt and Israel / Panama Canal Treaty
renegotiated to return control to Panama / US grain embargo and boycott of 1980 Moscow Olympics in reaction to
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan / Iran hostage crisis hurt Carter’s reelection bid
Reagan’s Domestic Policy ::”government is the problem, not the solution” – deregulation / “Reaganomics” = Supplyside economics + military spending + cuts in social spending / Strategic Defense Initiative (S.D.I.) aka. “Star Wars” ;
plan to develop system to shoot down nuclear missiles / Iran-Contra Scandal ; Oliver North convicted of illegally
selling arms to Iran to fund Contras who were against socialist gov’t. of Nicaragua
Reagan’s Foreign Policy : Support of Contras in Nicaragua / Invasion of Grenada to remove communists / U.S.SR. as
“evil empire” / I.N.F. nuclear arms treaty/ Marine barracks bombing – pull troops out of Lebanon
Mikhail Gorbachev and reforms in U.S.S. R. contributed to collapse of communism / glasnost ; “openness” or freedom
of speech / perestroika = economic reforms to allow some capitalism / Lech Walesa led Solidarity movement in
Poland / Eastern European nations overthrow communist governments in 1989 /
12.02 Evaluate the impact of recent constitutional amendments, court rulings, and federal legislation on United States'
See other objectives
12.03 Identify and assess the impact of economic, technological, and environmental changes in the United States.
Environment : Three Mile Island nuclear accident in Pennsylvania ( 1979 ) / Chernobyl meltdown in U.S.S.R. ( 1986 )
/ Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring on dangers of pesticides/ Environmental Protection Agency created / Clean Air Act
12.04 Identify and assess the impact of social, political, and cultural changes in the United States.
Resurgence of conservatism; 1980 election : Reagan’s election began trend for South to vote Republican in presidential
elections ( red states ) / Resurgence in fundamentalist Christianity; Jerry Falwell and Moral Majority
Sagebrush Rebellion ; farmers & ranchers against government interference in use of public lands
12.05 Assess the impact of growing racial and ethnic diversity in American society.
Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the U.S. / Immigration Act of 1965 led to more diversity
12.06 Assess the impact of twenty-first century terrorist activity on American society.
Domestic terrorism : Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh related to militia movement opposed to national
government’s power
Foreign terrorism : Mostly stems from Arab anger over U.S. support of Israel and situation of Palestinian refugees /
Reagan - 1983 attack on U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon by Hamas / Clinton – al Qaeda attacks on U.S. embassies in
Africa and attack on U.S.S. Cole / George W. Bush : 9/11 terrorist attack by al Qaeda led to invasion of Afghanistan to
overthrow Taliban gov’t , second Persian Gulf War against Iraq, Patriot Act allows more eavesdropping on U.S.
citizens, and Dept. of Homeland Security created to coordinate efforts to prevent terrorist attack