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Name: _________________________________________________
Period: ___________
Date: _____________________________
Mythology Unit Study Guide
Directions: To help you prepare for the upcoming test, please complete the questions in complete
sentences, where necessary.
1. List the characteristics of a myth.
2. What are the two (2) purposes of a myth?
(1) __________________________________________________________________________________
(2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3. What are the five (5) functions of myths? Circle the function that is included in every Greek
(1) __________________________________________________________________________________
(2) __________________________________________________________________________________
(3) __________________________________________________________________________________
(4) __________________________________________________________________________________
(5) __________________________________________________________________________________
4. Why are Greek myths read today? How are they relevant in today’s world?
5. What is a universal theme? Who does it apply to?
6. Define “hero” as it is used in literature. Who is an example of a hero in Greek mythology?
Name: _________________________________________________
Period: ___________
Date: _____________________________
7. Define Archetype:
8. Give an example of an archetype from today’s world. Why is he/she an archetype?
9. What are epics? How are they different from other Greek myths?
**Remember that epics also reflect the culture that made that epic! ***
10. List the Olympians.
11. The conflict of a story is the ________________________________________.
12. Explain what oral tradition is.
13. Why do Greek gods and goddesses have Roman names? Explain.
14. Stories show a sequence of cause and effect. Please explain what cause and effect is (without
saying “cause and effect”).
Name: _________________________________________________
Period: ___________
Date: _____________________________
15. Complete the following Cause and Effect boxes from previous stories we’ve read.
Arachne challenged
the goddess, Athene.
Icarus drowned in
the sea below him.
Hades kidnapped
There are 4 seasons
on Earth. (Demeter
and Persephone)
A student forgot to
do his homework.
Name: _________________________________________________
Period: ___________
Date: _____________________________
Please identify the parts to a plot chart.
For the Mythology Unit test, please be prepared to read a new myth and identify
story elements, theme, characters, and mythology elements.