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AP Human Geography
Unit Six: Industrialization and Development
Chapter 9: Introduction
1. Define Development: Increase in material characteristics
2. What economic challenge do MDCs face in this age of globalization? Maintaining high level
3. What economic challenge do LDCs face in this age of globalization? Finding connections to global
economy by taking advantage of local diversity in skills and resources
4. List the three factors of development:
4.a. Economic 4.b. Social
4.c. Demographic
5. How does the United Nations (UN) determine the Human development Index (HDI)?UN selects 1
econ factor, 2 Social factors and 1 demographic factor that best reveal a countrys level of
6. Which countries typically have the highest HDI? Western Europe and Canada
7. Which countries typically have the lowest HDI? Sub-Saharan Africa
8. Define GDP: is the value of total output of goods and services produced in a country in a year
9. Point out an average GDP for an MDC and an average GDP for an LDC:
MDC: $27,000 and above LDC: $4,000 and below
10. What is a weakness of GDP as a development index or measure? Does not measure distribution of
11. Development can also be measured by the types of jobs available in a country. Define each of the
following job types::
11.a._ Primary: extract minerals from earth through agriculture, mining, fishing, or logging
11.b._ Secondary: manufacturing – process of transforming or assembling raw materials into useful
11.c._ Tertiary: provision of goods and services to people in exchange for payment – Retail, Banking,
law, education, and government
14. Define productivity and explain how it applies to development: is the value of a particular product
to the amount of labor needed to make it. MDC’s tend to be more produced due to increased use of
15. How do raw materials figure in to a country’s development? Requires access to raw materials that
can be fashioned into useful products and energy to operate factories
16. What nonessential consumer goods do geographers study to measure development?
Transportation and communication
Social Indicators of Development
17. What are three social indicators of a country’s development? (Look at the maps as well)?
17.a. Education and Literacy
17.b. Health
17.c. Welfare
Demographic Indicators of Development
18. What are three demographic indicators of a country’s development? (Look at the maps as well)?
18.a. Life expectancy
18.b. Infant mortality rate
18.c.Natural increase rate and Crude birth rate
Key Issue 2: Where are More and Less Developed Countries
19. Above which latitude are the majority of more developed countries (MDCs) located? 30 degrees
north latitude
20. In terms of development, what is the north south split? Nearly all MDC’s are situated to the north,
whereas nearly all LDC’s lie south of 30 degrees north
More Developed Regions
21. Identify three characteristics of the following more developed regions:
a. Anglo-America (HDI .94) – USA/Canada – English, Christian, vast natural resources important for
manufacturing, world leader in finance, management, high tech services, entertainment, mass media,
leading exporter of food
b. Western Europe (HDI .92) – imports food, energy, and minerals, high value goods and services –
banking, insurance, luxury goods, world’s largest and richest market
c. Eastern Europe (HDI .78) – declining HDI, transition from command economy to market economy,
high unemployment, break up countries,
d. Japan (HDI .93) – abundant supply of people, high quality high value products, skilled labor force,
e. South Pacific: (HDI .93) –net exporters of food, tied to japan and Asian economies, former british
Less Developed Regions
22. Identify two characteristics of the six regions listed below:
a. Latin America (HDI .78) – urban areas, high agricultural productivity, aided by proximity to USA,
inequal distribution of income,
b. East Asia (HDI .72) – manufacturing, largest market for consumer goods, leading world exporter,
low pay drives down factory pay around the world, regional inequalities,
c. Southeast Asia (HDI .71) – climate limits agriculture, large tin and petroleum reserves, rapid
development, cheap labor,
d. Middle East (HDI .66) – most products must be imported, large petroleum reserves, trade surplus,
use petro dollars to finance development, large gap between petro states and non,
e. South Asia (HDI .58) – leading producer of jute, high population in relation to mineral reserves,
leading rice and wheat producer, india is 4th largest economy,
f. Sub-Saharan Africa (HDI .47) - large mineral reserves, high poverty, poor healthcare, low education
levels, political instability,
Key Issue 3: Why Do Less Developed Countries Face Obstacles
to Development?
30. What is the role of the WTO in international development? Works to reduce barriers to
international trade – reduction or elimination of international trade restrictions goods and by
enforcing agreements