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Parts of a Cell Seen with an Electron Microscope
Pages 26-27
1. What are organelles?
They are special structures inside cells.
2. What happens in a mitochondrion?
The process of respiration releases energy by combining sugars and oxygen, and
forming carbon dioxide and water.
3. What do you think would happen if the mitochondria in a cell stopped working?
The cells would not have any energy to function
4. What are proteins made of?
They are made of molecules from the cytoplasm.
5. Where do the ribosomes get “directions” for making proteins?
The nucleus provides this information.
6. What are proteins needed for?
We need proteins for cell growth, repair and reproduction.
7. What does the endoplasmic reticulum do?
It carries molecules through the cytoplasm.
8. Think: Why does it make sense to have ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic
The proteins can be produced by the ribosomes and then easily transported to
areas where they will be used or stored.
9. Think: What is “smooth” endoplasmic reticulum?
It is the endoplasmic reticulum that doesn’t have ribosomes attached.
10. What are the two functions of the Golgi Apparatus?
They store the proteins and can carry them to the surface of the cell
11. Think: Why would proteins need to be released from the cell?
Some cells are specialized to produce proteins, such as the cells that release
enzymes in your digestive system, or the cells in your pancreas that release insulin.
12. What are lysosomes?
Lysosomes are structures that break down large molecules to be reused, and kill
and break down invading organisms such as bacteria.
13. Think: Why is it efficient for a living thing to have lysosomes? (What would happen
without lysosomes?)
Without lysosomes the cells would have to get new material, rather than recycle.
You wouldn’t have any defense from bacteria that get into your body.
14. How do lysosomes help with our immune system?
By killing invaders, they prevent us from getting infections.
15. If the school was a giant cell, which organelle would be like the electricity? Why?
Mitochondria provide the power.
16. If the school was a giant cell, which organelle would be like the cafeteria? Why?
The ribosomes put together the protein molecules like meals.
17. If the school was a giant cell, which organelle would be like the hallways? Why?
The endoplasmic reticulum are like hallways to transport material from place to
18. If the school was a giant cell, which organelle would be like the custodians?
The lysosomes clean up the material for recycling.