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Constructed-Response Essay on the
Counter Reformation
Objectives of the Council of Trent (1545 – 1563)
 Condemn the principles and doctrines of Protestantism
 Clarify the doctrines of the Catholic Church
 Reform discipline and administration to prevent corruption within the Church
 Establish the Catholic Church as the ultimate interpreter of scripture with the
Latin Bible the official scripture
 Clarify that the relationship between faith and deeds led to salvation.
Timeline of the Inquisition
The inquisition were a series of trials of individuals accused of heresay (crimes against
the Church) conducted by the Catholic Church clergy. Individuals were often tortured to
gain “confessions” of their crimes. Individuals found guilty of these crimes faced
imprisonment, house arrest, excommunication and/or death (beheading, burned at the
stake, or drowned).
1478 – Pope Sixtus IV authorized, at request of King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella (Spain), instituted the Spanish Inquisition focusing on Jews
1492 – Expulsion of Jews from Spain
1540 – Inquisition turns eye toward Protestants as a means of uniting the nation
of Spain
1542 – Roman Catholic Church inquisition starts throughout all Catholic-held
1633 – Galileo stands trial for heresay
1834 – Spanish Inquisition ends
2000 – Pope John Paul II admits that the Catholic Church had been intolerant in
its “use of violence in the service of truth” and asks forgiveness.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Catholic Church’s Counter-Reformation as outlined in
the objectives of the Council of Trent.