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Events That Led to the Civil War
1. Missouri Compromise—Drew boundary lines on the map of the
USA. N-no slavery/S-slavery in new territories/states.
2. Compromise of 1850—CA entered the Union as a free state
and slave trade was banned in D.C., Fugitive Slave Act passed
forcing Northerners to return runaways.
3. Kansas-Nebraska Act—Both territories tried to enter the
Union at same time and were above the Missouri Compromise
line. Popular Sovereignty was put in place allowing people to
vote for/against slavery.
4. “Bleeding Kansas”—Pro and Anti slavery forces snuck
into Kansas to vote illegally. Many pro-slavery
supporters were killed.
5. Dred Scott Case—Dred Scott sued for his freedom
claiming he was a free man since he was living in free
territory and his master was dead. Supreme Court said
NO b/c he was not a citizen and could not sue in court.
6. Raid on Harpers Ferry—John Brown led an Anti-slavery
raid on an arsenal in VA to seize weapons and arm
slaves to revolt. Captured and hanged for treason.
Election of 1860
*4 Candidates:
--Bell (Constitutional Union)=Took no stance
for/against slavery
--Breckenridge (Southern Democrat)=Let slavery
expand into all territories/states
--Douglas (Democrat)=Supported popular
--Lincoln (Republican)=Contain slavery, keep where
it was and don’t let it spread into new
Lincoln Won: Did not win popular vote
but did win electoral college
SC seceded (broke away from the Union or USA)
and formed a new country called the Confederate
States of America.
• Create a CD cover that focuses on the causes of the Civil War.
Include the following:
1. An original title related to the topic
2. An image on the front cover related to the topic
3. Your Name as the artist
4. 10 original song titles related to the topic: 1 on the Election of 1860,
3 on slavery, 6 on the events leading up to the war
5. Should be neat and colorful
6. This is a FORMAL grade