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From: Coronaviruses, Including SARS and MERS
Red Book® 2015, 2015
Figure Legend:
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of Vero E6 cells infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus. (A)
The cell surface is covered with extracellular progeny virus particles, and progeny virus particles are being extruded from or
attached to numerous pseudopodia on the infected cell surface (arrows). (B) A higher magnification micrograph of the virusclustered pseudopodia (arrows). (C) Rosette-like appearance of the matured virus particles (arrows). The SEM image complements
the form and structure of the virus seen with negative staining (inset) under transmission electron microscopy. Short and stubby
spikes are visible on the virus surface. (D) Arrows indicate virus particles being exported from the surfaces of the filopodia. Courtesy
of Emerging Infectious Diseases
Date of download: 6/11/2017
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