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Ch. 7 Skeleton
BIO 168
Consists of 80 bones
 Three major regions
◦ Skull
◦ Vertebral column
◦ Thoracic cage
The Axial Skeleton
Cranial bones
◦ Frontal bone
◦ Parietal bones (2)
Coronal suture
Sagittal suture
Lambdoid suture
Squamous sutures
◦ Occipital bone
◦ Temporal bones (2)
◦ Sphenoid bone
 Greater wings
 Lesser wings
 Pterygoid processes
◦ Ethmoid bone
The Skull
Maxillary bones
(maxillae) (2)
Zygomatic bones
Nasal bones (2)
Facial Bones
Lacrimal bones (2)
Lacrimal fossa houses
lacrimal sac
Palatine bones (2)
Inferior nasal
conchae (2)
Roof, lateral walls, and floor formed by parts
of four bones
Palatine bones
Maxillary bones
Inferior nasal conchae
Nasal septum of bone and hyaline cartilage
◦ Ethmoid
◦ Vomer
◦ Anterior septal cartilage
Nasal Cavity
Mucosa-lined, air-filled spaces
 Lighten the skull
 Enhance resonance of voice
 Found in frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and
maxillary bones
Paranasal Sinuses
Not a bone of the skull
 Does not articulate directly with another
 Site of attachment for muscles of
swallowing and speech
Hyoid Bone
Cervical vertebrae (7)
Thoracic vertebrae (12)
Lumbar vertebrae (5)
Intervetebral disks
Two concave curvatures
Two convex curvatures
◦ Cervical and lumbar
◦ Thoracic and sacral
 Abnormal spine curvatures
◦ Scoliosis
◦ Kyphosis
◦ Lordosis
Vertebral Column
Body or centrum
Vertebral arch
◦ pedicles and laminae
Vertebral foramina
Intervertebral foramina
Spinous process
 Transverse process
 Superior articular process
 Inferior articular process
General Structure of Vertebrae
Spinous processes – bifid
 Atlas (C1)
◦ occipital condyles
Axis (C2)
◦ Dens
Cervical Vertebrae
T1 to T12
 facets and demifacets
Thoracic Vertebrae
L1 to L5
 Short, thick pedicles and laminae
Lumbar Vertebrae
◦ 5 fused vertebrae
◦ Tailbone
◦ 3–5 fused vertebrae
Sacrum and Coccyx
Thoracic vertebrae
 Sternum
◦ Xiphoid process
◦ Pairs 1 through 7
 True (vertebrosternal) ribs
◦ Pairs 8 through12
 False ribs
 Pairs 8–10 also
◦ vertebrochondral ribs
 Pairs 11–12
◦ vertebral (floating) ribs
Thoracic Cage
Main parts:
Structure of a Typical Rib
Pectoral girdle
◦ Clavicles
 acromial (lateral) end
 sternal (medial) end
◦ scapulae
Appendicular Skeleton
Radius and ulna
◦ 8 carpal bones in the wrist
◦ 5 metacarpal bones in the palm
◦ 14 phalanges in the fingers - pollex
The Upper Limb
Pelvic Girdle
hip bones (coxal bone or os coxae)
◦ ilium, ischium, and pubis
Appendicular Skeleton
Thigh: femur
 Leg: tibia and fibula
 Foot: 7 tarsal bones, 5
metatarsal bones, and 14
◦ Talus
◦ Calcaneus
◦ Hallux
The Lower Limb
Three arches
◦ Lateral longitudinal
◦ Medial longitudinal
◦ Transverse
Arches of the Foot
◦ Anterior, posterior, mastoid, and sphenoid
 primary
curvatures of spine
Fetal Skeleton
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