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1. The common cold is caused by
A. blue-green bacteria C. viruses
B. bacteria
D. Fungus
2. Temperate viruses go through a cycle of
infection called
A. the lytic cycle
B. transduction
C. Lysogeny
D. spontaneous induction
3. Interferon is released by
A. immune cells
B. non-infected cells
C. infected animal cells
D. blood cells
4. Antibodies are made by..
A. B cells
C. erythrocytes
B. T cells
D. interferon
5. When a bacteriophage goes through the
lysogenic cycle, its viral genetic material
becomes a _________
A. prophage
B. repressor protein
C. plasmid
D. capsid
6. Immune cells that eat foreign invaders and
damaged tissue are called..
A. T cells
C. macrophages
B. B cells
D. interferon
7. The type of bacteria that makes yogurt and
cheese are…
A. Thermophiles
B. Acid fermentors
C. Alcohol fermentors
D. Methanogens
8. Which type of bacteria is not a
A. Methanogen
C. saprophyte
B. parasite
D. Cyanobacteria
• 9. What are the three words used to
describe oxygen requirements of
• 10. What are these bacteria called?
• Heat lovers
• Cold lovers
• Salt lovers
• Methane producers
• 11. Name these
• 12. How do you know if a bacterium is
susceptible to an antibiotic?
• 13. Name the two layers of the skin
• 14. List at least 4 things you would find in
the dermis.
• What gives skin its color?
• 15. List 5 bones of the axial skeleton
• 16. List 5 bones of the appendicular
• 17. List the parts of the vertebral column
from the tail bone to the head
• 18.
List the 5 parts of the pelvic
19. Blood cells are made in the
A. compact bone
B. cartilage
C. spongy bone
D. bone marrow
20. Tough tissue that holds muscle to bone is
A. cartilage
B. ligament
C. tendon
D. joint
21. Which part of a bone has hollow spaces
and is composed of a lattice-like network of
A. spongy
B. outer membrane
C. compact
D. marrow
22. The shiny membrane that surrounds bones
is called the
A. sarcolemma
B. periosteum
C. myelin sheath
D. cartilage
• 23.Tell me where to find….
Pivot joint
Hinge joint
Ball and socket joint
Gliding joints
• 24. Name the fracture:
Sticking out of the skin
Jammed into the bone above
Broken into tiny fragments
Broken but still in place
• 25. What is the process called when
cartilage turns into bone?
• What makes this happen?
• 26. List 4 places on an adult human where
cartilage can be found.
• 27. Name these muscles:
flexor of arm
flexor of leg
• 28. Which branch of the nervous system?
All the nerves in body
fight or flight
brain and spinal cord
voluntary motions
involuntary motions
29. . A nerve impulse will NOT be sent down
the axon if _______ is not reached
A. refractory period
B. hyperpolarization
D. threshold potential
30. The ion that creates the electrical signal in
a neuron is called..
A. Magnesium
C. Phosphorous
B. Calcium
D. Sodium
31. Ions get in and out of the neuron’s
membrane through..
A. voltage sensitive gates
C. pores
B. myelin sheath
D. glands
32. . The resting potential of a membrane is…
A. more + in than out
B. + inside and out
C. negative on both sides
D. more negative inside than out
• 33. Depolar, Repolar or hyperpolar?
Membrane is permeable to Na+
Membrane is positive
Membrane is more negative than it should be
Gates are closing
Pump turned back on
• 34. Which part of a neuron….
Accepts the chemical signal
Stores the neurotransmitters
Makes the impulse travel faster
Conducts electricity
Has voltage sensitive gates
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