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Chapter 11: Hurricanes
1) What determines when a tropical depression or storm is given hurricane status?
A) central pressure B) water temperature
C) wind speed D) diameter
4) As a strong hurricane moves ashore, which of the following causes the most
devastating damage in the coastal zone?
A) storm surge B) torrential rains
C) strong winds D) all are equally significant
8) What type of clouds is most common in a hurricane?
A) nimbostratus B) stratus
C) cirrus D) cumulonimbus
10) What general circulation wind belt is the place of origin for hurricanes?
A) horse latitudes B) westerlies C) trade winds D) doldrums
12) Why do hurricanes in the Atlantic move toward the west during their early stages?
A) steering influence of ocean currents
B) warmer water temperatures guide them
C) they move away from areas of high salinity
D) Coriolis effect guides them
E) prevailing winds are from the east
13) The initial detection and monitoring of tropical storms that may become hurricanes is
accomplished by
A) ocean ships
B) coastal observers
C) ocean buoys
D) aircraft
E) satellites
16) Why do hurricanes initially form only in the tropics?
A) stronger pressure gradients are found there
B) subsiding air currents are found there
C) Coriolis is weaker there
D) warm water temperatures are found there
18) Which one of the following is more intense?
A) tropical depression B) tropical disturbance
C) tropical storm D) all are equally intense
20) The most important tool for detecting and monitoring hurricanes is
A) data buoys
B) submarine reconnaissance
C) satellites
D) radar
E) aircraft reconnaissance
21) Hurricanes form
A) between 35degree and 50degree latitude
B) at the equator
C) at various latitudes depending upon local conditions
D) between 5degree and 20degree latitude
E) between 20degree and 35degree latitude
24) What causes the winds of a hurricane to be so fast?
A) weaker Coriolis force
B) coupling with the jet stream
C) stronger Coriolis force
D) tidal effects
E) very strong pressure gradient force
25) Since detection and tracking of hurricanes is now quite accurate, why does damage
from these storms continue to increase?
A) continued development of coastal areas
B) poor forecasts of landfall area
C) hurricane intensity is greater
D) changes in tidal patterns
26) Which of the following can diminish the intensity of a hurricane?
A) moving over land
B) significant decrease in large-scale air flow aloft
C) moving over cooler water with less moisture above it
D) a, b, and c
E) none of these
27) During which of the time spans listed below should hurricane formation in the North
Atlantic be at a peak?
A) April-May B) August-September
C) November-December D) January-February
28) Hurricanes generally are:
A) smaller than midlatitude cyclones
B) most common in late summer and early fall
C) areas of heavy rainfall and strong winds
D) larger than tornadoes
E) all of these
29) Why is the eye region of a hurricane largely free of precipitation and clouds?
A) rising air motion B) sinking air motion
C) pressure gradient is weaker D) cooler temperatures
30) What is the proper order of storm intensity in terms of increasing wind speed?
A) tropical storm, hurricane, tropical depression
B) tropical storm, tropical depression, hurricane
C) tropical depression, hurricane, tropical storm
D) tropical depression, tropical storm, hurricane
E) hurricane, tropical depression, tropical storm