Download Here are three math tricks that involve your age

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Here are three math tricks that involve your age. One of them allows you to find out
someone's age even if they won't tell you.
Trick #1
My wife taught me this one:
1. multiply your age by 7
2. now multiply that product by 1443
What do you get? Your age repeats 3 times.
Watch this: 28 (age) x 7 = 196.
196 x 1443 = 282828!
Actually, what you're doing is multiplying your age by 10101. Your age will repeat 4
times if you multiply it by 1010101. Notice the number of ones? Yep, four, hence four
age repetitions.
What if you're age 9 and younger? Does this still work? Well....sort of. You get 90909, or
really, 090909. To really enjoy this, though, it helps to be 10 and older. Sorry kids.
Trick #2
Pick a number, any number
Multiply this number by 2
Add 5
Multiply it by 50
If you have already had your birthday this year add 1753. If you haven't, add
1752. (each year these numbers increase by 1. In 2004, you'd add 1754 if you
already had your bithday and 1753 if you haven't)
6. Subtract the 4 digit year that you were born.
You should now have a number, the first digit(s) being your original number and the last
two your age!
Trick #3
Here's a sneaky way to find out someone's age who won't tell you:
Ask the person to multiply the first number of his or her age by 5
Tell them to add 3
Now tell them to double this figure
Have the person add the second number of his or her age to the figure and have
them tell you their answer
5. Deduct 6 and you will have their age!
Trick #4
This is one is a slight variation of Trick #1. Still fun to do, though.
1. Tell someone to secretly input their age into a calculator and multiply it by 3367.
2. Now, tell them to multiply it by 3.
3. Next, tell them to write down their answer on a piece of paper and to clear all
the information on the calculator so far.
4. Now, use that number on the piece of paper and divide it by 10101.
RESULT: The person's age!
The reason this trick works because 10101 is equal to 3367*3. And multiplying any twodigit number by 10101 is the same as writing it three times (e.g. 282828). Thus, when a
number is multiplied by 3367, then by 3, it is really being multiplied by 10101. And of
course, when you divide it by 10101 at the end of the trick, you get your original
number, in this case your age.