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Consulta: subjectFacets:"Epidemiology"
Registros recuperados: 311
Data/hora: 09/06/2017 07:33:25
Disease progress of soybean bud blight and spatial pattern of diseased plants.
Provedor de dados: 119
Fourteen epidemics of soybean bud blight, caused by the tobacco streak virus, were monitored in two soybean cultivars ('IAC-4'
and 'FT-10') for two years (1987 and 1988) at Arapoti County, state of Parana, southern Brazil. Disease incidence, based on
different sowing dates, were analyzed for statistical fitness in several growth models. Ten epidemics were better described by the
monomolecular model, while four epidemics were better described by the Gompertz model. The highest final level of disease
incidence was y((f))= 0.6 in 1987 and 0.9 in 1988. There were no significant differences between the cultivars in relation to
susceptibility. Early-crops always presented more disease than late-crops. The spatial patterns of diseased plants also changed...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Soja; Fitopatologia; Doenca; Virus; Epidemiologia; Queima do Broto; Distribuicao espacial; Desenvolvimento
temporal; Brasil; Soybean; Phytopathology; Disease; Epidemiology; Bud blight; Spatial pattern; Temporal development; Brazil.
Ano: 1994
Epidemiologia do mal-das-folhas e da requeima da seringueira. I. Metodologia de avaliação.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: ALMEIDA, L.C.C. de; PEREIRA, J.C.R.; SANTOS, A.F. dos.
Metodologia de avaliação dos fatores bióticos e abióticos para entendimento do início e desenvolvimento do mal-das-folhas e da
requeima da seringueira.
Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Seringueira; Hevea; Espécie; Doença; Folha; Mal-das-folhas; Microcyclus ulei; Phytophthora; Epidemiologia;
Brasil; Bahia; Rubber tree; Leaves; Fungal diseases; South American leaf blight; SALB; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1985
Brucelose e tuberculose bovina: epidemiologia, controle e diagnóstico.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: ALMEIDA, R. F. C. de; SOARES, C. O.; ARAÚJO, F. R. de. (Ed.).
Cap. 1: Brucelose bovina: epidemiologia e controle. Cap. 2: Brucelose bovina: diagnóstico. Cap. 3: Tuberculose bovina:
epidemiologia e controle. Cap. 4: Tiberculose bovina: diagnóstico.
Tipo: Livros técnicos (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Sanidade animal; Bovino; Doença animal; Brucelose; Tuberculose; Epidemiologia; Diagnóstico; Controle;
Animal health; Cattle; Animal diseases; Brucellosis; Tuberculosis; Diagnosis; Control; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2004
Serological markers of hepatitis A, B and C viruses in rural communities of the semiarid Brazilian
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Almeida,Delvone; Tavares-Neto,José; Vitvitski,Ludmila; Almeida,Alessandro; Mello,Caroline; Santana,Diana;
Tatsch,Fernando; Paraná,Raymundo.
In the village of Cavunge, located in a dry tropical, semiarid rural region of the state of Bahia, Brazil, a sentinel study on viral
hepatitis is underway. We report on the first part of the study. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of
serological markers for hepatitis A, B and C in the village. Cross sectional study. Blood samples were tested for serological
markers of hepatitis A (HAV), B (HBV) and C (HCV) through ELISA-III assay. In HBsAg and anti-HCV carriers, HCV-RNA
and HBV-DNA were checked by PCR. The prevalence of anti-HAV IgG was 83.3% (1,210/1,452), being higher among residents
from the village (87.4%) than in residents from the rural area (79.5%); it also higher among individuals older than 10 years of age.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hepatitis A; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; Epidemiology; Brazil.
Ano: 2006
Epidemiological study of scorpion stings in Saudi Arabia between 1993 and 1997
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Al-Sadoon,M. K.; Jarrar,B. M.
This investigation evaluated the epidemiological aspects of scorpion stings in different areas of Saudi Arabia. A total of 72,168
cases of scorpion stings recorded in Ministry of Health Medical Centers in 11 selected areas of Saudi Arabia were analyzed based
on area, age, sex, time of sting, sting site, treatment outcome, time of year, and scorpion species. Stings occurred throughout the
year; the highest frequency was in June (15.08%), the lowest in February (2.52%). Most patients were male (61.8%); the majority
of which were more than 15 years old (65.4%). Nocturnal envenomation (47.74%) was more common than diurnal (43.91%);
most stings were in exposed limbs (90.95%), mainly in the lower limbs (63%). Most envenomings were mild (74.48%) and all
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Scorpion envenomation; Epidemiology; Saudi Arabia.
Ano: 2003
Presença da artrite encefalite caprina a virus (CAEV) no estado do Maranhão.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: ALVES, F. S. F.; PINHEIRO, R. R.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Artrite encefalite caprina a virus; CAEV; Brasil; Maranhão; Diagnostic; Brazil; Caprino; Doença animal;
Diagnóstico; Goats; Epidemiology; Animal diseases; Caprine arthritis encephalit virus.
Ano: 1997
Prevalência da artrite encefalite caprina a virus (CAEV) em rebanhos no Estado do Ceará.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: ALVES, F. S. F.; PINHEIRO, R. R.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: CAEV; Artrite encefalite caprina a virus; Prevalência; Brasil; Ceará; Prevalence; Brazil; Caprino; Doença
animal; Epidemiologia; Goats; Animal diseases; Caprine arthritis encephalit virus; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1997
Sanitary profile of sheep and goat flocks in Brazil.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Manejo sanitário; Caprino; Ovino; Doença animal; Epidemiologia; Infecção; Doença infecciosa; Animal
disease; Small ruminant; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012
Clinical tomographic correlations of 220 patients with neurocisticercosis, Bahia, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Andrade-Filho,Antônio de Souza; Figuerôa,Luiz Frederico da Silva; Andrade-Souza,Victor Mascarenhas.
Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a common parasitic disease in our region, presenting diversity of neurological symptoms and signs.
The present study has as primary objective an evaluation of the NCC's clinical and epidemiological profile within Bahia State, by
means of a prospective study of 220 patients diagnosed from March 1988 to March 1999, with a follow-up of six months. Exams,
such as Computed Cranial Tomography Scan (CT), Cerebral Spine Fluid (CSF) and Electroencephalogram (EEG), were
accomplished in three distinct moments of these patients' evolution: at starting or diagnostic point (zero time), at after-intervention
period (one month after treatment), and at control period (six months after treatment).
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Neurocysticercosis; Computadorized tomography; Epidemiology; Clinical.
Ano: 2007
Presence of Salmonella in shellfish in the Thau lagoon
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Angeli, J.
After a general presentation of the Thau lagoon together with its geographic location, socio-economic activities linked to shellfish
culture and fishing, this paper investigates the health conditions of the shellfish harvesting areas. I he influence of heavy rainfall
following a prolonged drought period is underlined as a determining factor of the momentary bacterial pollution in the harvesting
areas, leading to a suspension of sales based on analyses relying solely on the detection of faecal coliforms. As of 1989,
bacteriological monitoring was reorganized in the form of a data collection network taking into consideration environmental
assessments of water quality as well as shellfish hygiene in order to protect consumer health. Its extension to the...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Salmonella; Bivalvia; Surveillance and enforcement; Mollusc culture; Health and safety; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1992
Molecular epidemiology of Shigella spp strains isolated in two different metropolitam areas of
southeast Brazil
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Angelini,Michelle; Stehling,Eliana Guedes; Moretti,Maria Luiza; Silveira,Wanderley Dias da.
Shigella spp., the human pathogen responsible for shigellosis, is highly infectious even at low levels. The incidence rate of
shigellosis varies with geographical distribution, location human development index, and age groups, being higher among children
aged under 5 years. In Brazil, a few works indicate that shigellosis cases are underestimated, with S. flexneri and S. sonnei strains
being the major agents responsible for the shigellosis cases. The present study used pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to
investigate the molecular epidemiology of 119 strains of S. sonnei and S. flexneri isolated from shigellosis cases that occurred in
the metropolitan areas of Ribeirão Preto and Campinas Cities, São Paulo Sate, southeast Brazil. The results indicated...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Shigella sonnei; Shigella flexneri; Epidemiology; Characterization; PFGE.
Ano: 2009
Distribuição e severidade da malformação da mangueira no cerrado do Brasil Central.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: ANJOS, J. de R. N. dos; CHARCHAR, M. J. d'A.; PINTO, A. C. de Q.
Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Doenca de planta; Malformacao; Manga; Mangifera indica; Fungo; Fusarium sacchari; Epidemiologia; Controle;
Patogenicidade; Plant disease; Mango; Fungi; Epidemiology; Disease control; Patogenicity.
Ano: 2002
Distribution of filamentous fungi causing invasive fungal disease at the haematological unit, Hospital
de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Aquino,Valério Rodrigues; Verçosa,Emanuelle Bergonsi; Falhauber,Gustavo; Lunardi,Luciano Werle; Silla,Lucia;
Pasqualotto,Alessandro Comarú.
Very limited data are available in the literature to elucidate the aetiology of invasive mould infections in Latin America. Here we
report that Aspergillus species caused only half of such cases in a cohort study conducted over 21 months in a university hospital
in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil. Fusarium spp. were the second most prevalent moulds (20.7%), followed by Zygomycetes
(13.8%). The importance of obtaining local epidemiological data for adequately guiding empirical antifungal therapy is
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Aspergillus; Fusarium; Mold infections; Epidemiology; Zygomycosis.
Ano: 2010
O anel-vermelho do dendê.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: ARAUJO, J. C. A. de.
O anel-vermelho do dendê: etiologia, sintomatologia, epidemiologia e controle.
Tipo: Circular Técnica (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Dendê; Elaei guianensis; Doença; Anel-vermelho; Nematóide; Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus; Etiologia;
Sintomatologia; Epidemiologia; Controle; Brasil; Amazonas; Oil palm; Red ring disease; Nematoda; Aetiology; Symptoms;
Epidemiology; Control.
Ano: 1990
Survival of Botrytis cinerea as mycelium in rose crop debris and as sclerotia in soil
Provedor de dados: 102
Autores: Araújo,Alderi E; Maffia,Luiz A; Mizubuti,Eduardo S. G; Alfenas,Acelino C; Capdeville,Guy de; Grossi,José A. S.
Botrytis blight caused by Botrytis cinerea is an important disease of rose (Rosa hybrida) grown in greenhouses in Brazil. As little
is known regarding the disease epidemiology under greenhouse conditions, pathogen survival in crop debris and as sclerotia was
evaluated. Polyethylene bags with petals, leaves, or stem sections artificially infected with B. cinerea were mixed with crop debris
in rose beds, in a commercial plastic greenhouse. High percentage of plant parts with sporulation was detected until 60 days, then
sporulation decreased on petals after 120 days, and sharply decreased on stems or leaves after 90 days. Sporulation on petals
continued for 360 days, but was not observed on stems after 150 days or leaves after 240 days. Although the fungus...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Rosa hybrida; Botrytis blight; Epidemiology; Management.
Ano: 2005
Epidemiological profile of snakebites in Morocco
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Arfaoui,A; Hmimou,R; Ouammi,L; Soulaymani,A; Mokhtari,A; Chafiq,F; Soulaymani-Bencheikh,R.
The present work aims to find the epidemiological profile of snakebites in Morocco through a retrospective study of 1,423
snakebite cases that occurred between 1992 and 2007. Data were obtained from medical charts of envenomation at the Poison
Control and Pharmacovigilance Center of Morocco. Results revealed that 86% of the snakebites had occurred in rural areas and
that males were significantly more affected than females at a sex ratio of 23:20. Furthermore, 35% of the bites happened during
the summer, with a peak of 215 cases in June (15.1%). We also discovered that 67.3% of the patients were bitten during the day.
The age group that comprised the most agriculturally active persons, from 20 to 44 years old, was the most affected by snakebites
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Snakebites; Epidemiology; Mortality; Morocco.
Ano: 2009
Arcobacter butzleri: first isolation report from chicken carcasses in costa rica
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Arias,Maria Laura; Cid,Adriana; Fernandéz,Heriberto.
Arcobacter butzleri isolation from chicken carcasses in Costa Rica is reported for the first time. The isolated strains (P and R)
were presumptively identified by their phenotypic characteristics. Definitive identification was made using a multiplex PCR assay
for the simultaneous detection and identification of Arcobacter butzleri, Arcobacter cryaerophilus and Arcobacter skirrowii. These
first isolations indicate the necessity of further investigation about the prevalence, distribution, ecology and interactions with
human beings of this and other Arcobacter species.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Arcobacter butzleri; Chicken carcasses; Isolation; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2011
Prevalence of Candida tropicalis and Candida krusei in onychomycosis in João Pessoa, Paraiba,
Brazil from 1999 to 2010
Provedor de dados: 42
ABSTRACTOver time, as the etiology of onychomycosis has developed, yeasts from the genus Candida have emerged as
important etiological agents. This study aimed to determine the frequency of yeast caused onychomycosis in Joao Pessoa, Paraíba,
Brazil from 1999 to 2010. A retrospective study from January 1999 to December 2010 evaluated the results of onychomycosis
positive direct mycological exams (DME) - for yeast and realized in the Hemato(r) Clinical Laboratory. Women were the most
affected by onychomycosis which occur preferentially in adults, and the toenails are the favorite yeast targets. The prevalent
yeasts were Candida tropicalis and C. krusei.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Candida non-albicans; Epidemiology; Candidiasis; Nails.
Ano: 2015
High sensitivity C-reactive protein distribution in the elderly: the Bambuí Cohort Study, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Assunção,L.G.S.; Eloi-Santos,S.M.; Peixoto,S.V.
The measurement of the serum concentration of the acute-phase reactant C-reactive protein (CRP) provides a useful marker in
clinical practice. However, the distribution of CRP is not available for all age and population groups. This study assessed the
distribution of high sensitivity-CRP (hs-CRP) by gender and age in 1470 elderly individuals from a Brazilian community that
participates in the Bambuí Cohort Study. Blood samples were collected after 12 h of fasting and serum samples were stored at
-70°C. Measurements were made with a commercial hs-CRP immunonephelometric instrument. More than 50% of the results
were above 3.0 mg/L for both genders. Mean hs-CRP was higher in women (3.62 ± 2.58 mg/L) than in men (3.03 ± 2.50 mg/L).
This difference was observed...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: C-reactive protein; Elderly; Epidemiology; Cardiovascular risk; Brazil.
Ano: 2012
Review of Veterinary Epidemiologic Research by Dohoo, Martin, and Stryhn
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Audige,
This article reviews Veterinary Epidemiologic Research by Dohoo, Martin, and Stryhn.
Tipo: Journal Article
Palavras-chave: Veterinary; Epidemiology; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2004
Implications of infectious diseases and the adrenal hypothesis for the etiology of childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Azevedo-Silva,F.; Camargo,; Pombo-de-Oliveira,M.S.
Acute leukemia is the most frequent cancer in children. Recently, a new hypothesis was proposed for the pathogenesis of
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The so-called "adrenal hypothesis" emphasized the role of endogenous cortisol in
the etiology of B-cell precursor ALL. The incidence peak of ALL in children between 3 to 5 years of age has been well
documented and is consistent with this view. The adrenal hypothesis proposes that the risk of childhood B-cell precursor ALL is
reduced when early childhood infections induce qualitative and quantitative changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. It
suggests that the increased plasma cortisol levels would be sufficient to eliminate all clonal leukemic cells originating during fetal
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Lymphoblastic leukemia; Childhood infections; Epidemiology; Kala-azar; Adrenal hypothesis.
Ano: 2010
Studies of a European shellfish disease: Bonamia ostreae parasite of the flat oyster Ostrea edulis ;
control and treatment. Final Report
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Bachere, Evelyne; Ifremer, Unité de Pathologie, Immunologie et Génétique Moléculaire des Invertébrés Marins,
F-17390 La Tremblade, France; CEV, Centro Experimental de Vilaxoan, Conselleria de Pesca, Villagarcia de Arosa, Spain; CSIC,
Consejo Superior Investigaciones Cientificas, Peira de Bouzas S/N, Avda E. Cabello 636208, Vigo, Spain; UCC, University
College Cork, Dept of Zoology Cork, Ireland; FCR, Fisheries Research Center, Abbotstown, Castleknock, Dublin 15, Ireland; US,
University of Southampton, Dept of Oceanography Southampton S09 5NH, United Kingdom.
Bonamia ostreae, an intrahemocytic protozoan parasite infecting the oyster Ostrea edulis, is responsible for an endemic disease
affecting all intensive breeding areas of European countries. Epidemiological studies showed variable prevalences, 43% in Galicia
(Spain), from 6% to 32% in France and 45% in the most important area of Ireland. The impact of oyster transfers, handlings, high
densities have been implicated in the disease development but environmental stressors could be more involved than zootechnical
methods. The effect of water temperature, salinity and tidal exposure were particulary examined to assess stress induced changes
and determine physiological, biochemical and immunological state indices of oyster populations, which will contribute to...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Disease; Oyster; Ostrea edulis; Parasitology; Bonamia ostreae; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1990
Epidemiology of Ruminant Trypanosomiasis in Riyom L. G. A of Plateau State, Nigeria
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: Balak, G. G.; Abdullahi, S. U.; Omotainse, S. O.; Shamaki, B. U.; Kalejaiye, J. O.; Eche, T. A.
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Ruminant Trypanosomiasis and Plateau State.
Ano: 2003
Helmintoses gastrintestinais de búfalos (Bubalus Bubalis) em Rondônia.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: BARBIERI, F. da S.; BRITO, L. G.; SILVA NETTO, F. G. da.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Epidemiologia; Helmintoses; Búfalo; Toxocara vitulorum; Epidemiology; Helminth infections; Water buffaloes;
Toxocara vitulorum.
Ano: 2009
Soroprevalência da infecção por Chlamydophila abortus em pequenos ruminantes explorados na
microrregião do Alto Médio Gurguéia, no estado do Piauí, Brasil.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: BATISTA, H. N.; PINHEIRO, R. R.; ALVES, F. S. F.; DINIZ, B. L. M.; LEOPOLDO, T. P.; PAULA, N. R. de O.
[Chlamydophila abortus infection seroprevalence in small ruminants exploited in the Upper Middle Gurguéia Microregion, State
of Piaui, Brazil]. Abstract: Aiming estimate the Chlamydophila abortus seroprevalence in small ruminants at upper middle
Gurguéia microregion, 352 sheep and 298 goats serum samples were collected. Complement Fixation test was performed for
Chlamydophila sp. diagnosis (OIE, 2000). The reaction was conducted in microplates using test serum dilutions of 1:16 to 1:512.
The prevalence in small ruminants was 12.61% (82/650). Therefore, the infectious agent Chlamydophila abortus is present in
sheep and goat flocks in microregion of the High Middle Gurguéia in the state of Piauí.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Clamidofilose; Chlamydophila abortus; Chlamydophilosis; Soroprevalência; Caprino; Ovino; Infecção; Abordo;
Sheep; Goats; Epidemiology; Infection; Abortion; Pregnancy complications.
Ano: 2014
Examining life-course influences on chronic disease: the Ribeirão Preto and São Luís birth cohort
studies (Brazil)
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Batty,G.D.
More than any other low- and middle-income country, Brazil has the longest research tradition of establishing, maintaining and
exploiting birth cohort studies. This research pedigree is highlighted in the present issue of the Brazilian Journal of Medical and
Biological Research, which contains a series of twelve papers from the Ribeirão Preto and São Luis birth cohort studies from the
Southeast and Northeast of Brazil, respectively. The topics covered in this raft of reports vary and include predictors of perinatal
health and maternal risk factors, early life determinants of cardiovascular risk factors in childhood and adolescence, use of health
services, and a description of dietary characteristics of young adults, amongst other topics. There is also a...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Birth cohort; Chronic disease; Developing country; Epidemiology; Life-course.
Ano: 2007
Examining life-course influences on chronic disease: the importance of birth cohort studies from lowand middle- income countries. An overview
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Batty,G.D.; Alves,J.G.; Correia,J; Lawlor,D.A.
The objectives of this overview are to describe the past and potential contributions of birth cohorts to understanding chronic
disease aetiology; advance a justification for the maintenance of birth cohorts from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC);
provide an audit of birth cohorts from LMIC; and, finally, offer possible future directions for this sphere of research. While the
contribution of birth cohorts from affluent societies to understanding disease aetiology has been considerable, we describe several
reasons to anticipate why the results from such studies might not be directly applied to LMIC. More than any other developing
country, Brazil has a tradition of establishing, maintaining and exploiting birth cohort studies. The clear need for a...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Birth cohort; Chronic disease; Developing country; Epidemiology; Life-course.
Ano: 2007
Riesgo de transmisión de Trypanosoma cruzi en el municipio de Metztitlán, estado de Hidalgo,
México, mediante la caracterización de unidades domiciliares y sus índices entomológicos
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Becerril,Marco A; Angeles-Pérez,Vidal; Noguez-García,Julio Cr; Imbert-Palafox,José L.
In order to determine the risk of transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi by triatomines in Metztitlan municipality, Hidalgo State,
Mexico, entomological indexes were calculated and the characteristics of dwellings were described. A transversal, retrospective,
descriptive, and observational study was performed by means of an intentional not probabilistic and expertise sampling from
January to December of 2005 in 10 localities in which presence of triatomines were investigated either intra or peridomestic
environmental in 699 houses. Building material and presence of infected triatomines with T. cruzi were registered to determine
entomologic indexes. The triatomine species collected were: Triatoma barberi (Usinger) and T. mexicana (Herrich-Schaeffer)
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Triatoma barberi; Triatoma mexicana; Chagas disease; Vector; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2010
Review of Statistics for Epidemiology by Jewell
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Bellocco,
This article reviews Statistics for Epidemiology by Jewell.
Tipo: Journal Article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Biostatistics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2005
Multiresistance and endemic status of acinetobacter baumannii associated with nosocomial infections
in a tunisian hospital: a critical situation in the intensive care units
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Ben Othman,A.; Zribi,M.; Masmoudi,A.; Abdellatif,S.; Ben Lakhal,S.; Fendri,C.
Acinetobacter baumannii is often implicated in hospital outbreaks in Tunisia. It's a significant opportunistic pathogen associated
with serious underlying diseases such as pneumoniae, meningitis and urinary tract infections. The aim of our study was to
evaluate its degree of endemicity and its antibiotic resistance evolution essentially in the unit care where its isolation was
predominant (57%). This study used 3 methods: antibiotyping, RAPD using 2 primers VIL 1, VIL5 and PFGE with ApaI
restriction enzyme. The presence of integron1 and 2 was also studied. Antibiotyping showed that 92% of patients were resistant of
all ß- lactams (except Imipenem) and that the resistance to Imipenem occurred in 47% of cases. RAPD profiles obtained with the
2 arbitrarily...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: A. baumannii; Epidemiology; Antibiotic resistance; RAPD; PFGE.
Ano: 2011
Prevalência de Haemonchus spp em caprinos no município de Sobral, Ceará: aspectos macro e
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: BERNE, M. E. A.; SANTA ROSA, J.; JOHNSON, E. H.; VIDAL, C. E. S.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Nematódeo gastrintestinal; Haemonchus spp; Brasil; Nordeste; Gastrintestinal nematode; Brazil; Northeast;
Caprino; Nematóide; Helminto gastrintestinal; Epidemiologia; Goats; Nematode infections; Helminthoses; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1986
Taxinomie et épidémiologie moléculaires du parasite Marteilia refringens Grizel et al. 1974 : intérêt
pour la gestion du risque sanitaire en conchyliculture
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Berthe, Franck.
Infectious diseases are currently recognised as a major limiting factor to development and sustainability of aquaculture of
molluscs. The study is focused on the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis and its paramyxean parasite Marteilia refringens. Results
are contributing to the prevention of risk associated to infected stocks imports from endemic zones, by developing molecular
diagnostic tools that are specific, sensible and reliable. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Marteilia refringens, previously impeded by
microscopy limits, were clarified by sequencing the rDNA SSU, small sub-unit in the rRNA gene cluster. These new insights have
practical implications discussed in a pragmatic polyphasic approach involving pathology and epidemiology. This approach led us
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Marteilia refringens; Marteilia maurini; Ostrea edulis; Mytilus edulis; Pathologie; Phylogénie moléculaire;
Taxinomie; Epidémiologie; Marteilia refringens; Marteilia maurini; Ostrea edulis; Mytilus edulis; Molluscs diseases; Molecular
phylogeny; Taxonomy; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2002
Marteiliosis in molluscs: A review
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Berthe, Franck; Leroux, Frederique; Adlard, Robert; Figueras, Antonio.
Among mollusc pathogens, paramyxeans are an important group of protistan parasites belonging to the genera Marteilia and
Marteilioides. Martelia refringens and M. sydneyi are of particular concern given their potential impact on mollusc aquaculture
world-wide. Aber disease and QX disease are currently listed by the OIE, the World Organisation for Animal Health. After more
than thirty years of existence in the scientific literature, these organisms still pose questions and research challenges to
investigators. This paper reviews current knowledge of the group and key references. The review was focused on taxonomy,
epidemiology, pathology and potential control methods for these organisms in order to enhance understanding of paramyxean
infection issues in...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Paramyxean parasites; Diagnosis; Pathology; Epidemiology; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2004
Viral Hepatitis C in a leading Brazilian hospital: epidemiological factors and genotyping
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Bezerra,Cristianne S.; Lima,José M.C.; Vilar,Janaina L.; Moreira,José L.B.; Frota,Cristiane C.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is classified into six different genotypes and their distribution is different throughout the world.
Epidemiologic studies are important to determine several characteristics of the virus, as well as the disease. This study analysed
the prevalence of HCV and its genotypes among patients from a leading hospital in Ceará, which is located in Northeast Brazil. A
total of 119 anti-HCV-seropositive patients, each having previously completed a questionnaire about risk behaviours related to
HCV infection were tested for HCV infection using a qualitative HCV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay and genotyping by
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The detection was based on amplifying of the non-coding 5' region. Of the
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hepatitis C virus; Genotypes; Epidemiology; Northeast Brazil; Viral hepatitis.
Ano: 2007
Epidemiologia dos nematodeos gastrintestinais em bovinos de corte nos cerrados e o controle
estrategico no Brasil.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: BIANCHIN, I.
Tipo: Circular Técnica (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Nematodeo gastrintestinal; Epidemiologia; Controle; Cerrado; Aspecto economico; Pantanal;
Rio Grande do Sul; Santa Catarina; Tratamento; Pesquisa; Brasil; Beef cattle; Nematode control; Epidemiology; Brazilian
savannas; Economic situation; Therapy; Research; Brazil.
Ano: 1996
Epidemiologia e controle de helmintos gastrintestinais em bovinos de corte nos Cerrados.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: BIANCHIN, I.; MELO, H. J. H. de.
Apresenta-se uma revisão dos conhecimentos sobre a epidemiologia e controle de helmintos gastrintestinais em bovinos de corte
na região de cerrado. Os tópicos discutidos incluem as prevalências das espécies, ciclo evolutivo, larvas infectantes nas pastagens,
dados de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG), dinâmica das populações de helmintos, hipobiose, interação, dulcificações estratégicas e
uso de anti-helmínticos em animais em confinamento.
Tipo: Circular Técnica (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Bezerro; Controle; Epidemiologia; Cerrado; Sanidade; Helminths; Beef cattle; Calf; Control;
Epidemiology; Health.
Ano: 1985
The international view of envenoming in Brazil: myths and realities
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Bochner,Rosany.
Being distant from Brazil's great natural diversity, from its long tradition in the study of snakebites and from the fact that it is one
of the few countries which has a national information system for monitoring incidents involving venomous animals, non-Brazilian
researchers face risks when estimating the incidence of these accidents in the country. The present work offers a critical review of
the main estimates undertaken since 1954. It is interesting to note contradictions between textual and graphic information within
the same article, variations over time in the work of a same researcher and differences among distinct authors, and that all these
issues remain unmentioned or undiscussed. Comparison among such estimates and the data available at the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Incidence; Snakebites; Scorpionism; Epidemiology; Information systems.
Ano: 2013
The role of petals in development of grey mould in strawberries
Provedor de dados: 102
Autores: Boff,Pedro; Kraker,Joop de; Gerlagh,Mathijs; Köhl,Jürgen.
Studies were conducted in annual crops of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) (cv. Elsanta to assess the relative importance of petals
as an inoculum source of grey mould, caused by Botrytis cinerea and to identify during which period of flower and fruit
development the presence of petals has a significant effect on development of grey mould on fruits. In 1998, the incidence of B.
cinerea on flower parts was assessed, and the symptoms of grey mould on fruits were characterised with regards to their starting
point. The incidence of B. cinerea on petals was 65-85% of those flowers that harboured B. cinerea. The starting point of
symptoms was located underneath the sepals in 65-85% of fruits with grey mould, and petals were present at this site in about
50% of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Strawberries; Botrytis cinerea; Flower; Epidemiology; Inoculum source; Phenology.
Ano: 2003
Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in non-outbreak skin infections
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Bonesso,Mariana Fávero; Marques,Silvio Alencar; Camargo,Carlos Henrique; Fortaleza,Carlos Magno Castelo Branco;
Cunha,Maria de Lourdes Ribeiro de Souza da.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and risk factors for the acquisition of MRSA
(Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) as the main cause of skin and soft tissue infections. S. aureus were characterized for
the presence of PVL, TSST-1 and mecA genes. SCCmec typing was carried out in mecA positive strains and PFGE was
performed only in these strains. During the study period, 127 outpatients attending a dermatology clinical the Botucatu Medical
School, a regional tertiary hospital in Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil, were diagnosed with active skin infections. A total 66
(56.9%) S. aureus strains were isolated. The methicillin resistance gene mecA was detected in seven (10.6%) S.
aureus strains....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Staphylococcus aureus; Resistance; Skin infections; Virulence; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2014
Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA): molecular
background, virulence, and relevance for public health
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Bonesso,MF; Marques,SA; Cunha,MLRS.
Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) are frequently found in nosocomial environments as the
main pathogen in several infections. In 1961, reports of nosocomial S. aureus resistant to methicillin, the drug of choice against
penicillin-resistant strains, required new alternatives and vancomycin started being used to treat infections caused by
methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) was first reported in
1990 affecting patients without risk factors for infection with MRSA of hospital origin. MRSA of community origin harbor the
genes responsible for the synthesis of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), a toxin associated with skin and soft tissue infections
and that...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MecA gene; Oxacillin; Panton-Valentine leukocidin; Drug
resistance; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2011
On the interference of clinical outcome on rabies transmission an perpetuation
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Brandão,PE.
Rabies is a viral zoonotic infectious disease that affects mammals and is caused by genotypes/species of the Lyssavirus genus
(Rhabdoviridae, Mononegavirales), with the genotype 1 (classic rabies virus - RABV) being the most prevalent. Despite
continuous efforts, rabies is still an incurable disease that causes thousands of deaths amongst humans worldwide. Due to a wide
range of hosts and the different evolutionary paths of RABV in each host, several host-specific variants have arisen in an ongoing
process. The result of RABV replication in nervous tissues may lead to two opposite clinical outcomes, i.e., paralytic/dumb form
and encephalitic/furious one. The paralytic form creates dead-end hosts mainly amongst herbivores, while the furious form of
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Rabies; Transmission; Disease ecology; Epidemiology; Immune response.
Ano: 2009
Avian infectious bronchitis virus in Brazil: a highly complex virus meets a highly susceptible host
Provedor de dados: 89
Autores: Brandão,PE.
Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly aggressive disease for poultry in terms of symptoms and economic losses, and the control of
this disease is difficult if flocks are not protected against type-specific challenges by the Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).
This article summarizes data presented by the author at the Workshop on Infectious Bronchitis 2009 on IB and IBV, including
future developments on the field.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: IBV; Genealogy; Pathogeny; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2010
Anaplasma marginale infection in cattle from southwestern Amazonia.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: BRITO, L. G.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. de S.; ROCHA, R. B.; SILVA NETTO, F. G. da; MARIM, A. D.; SOUZA, G. C. R.
de; VENDRAME, F. B.; MOURA, M. M. da F.
study provides the first epidemiological data regarding infection by Anaplasma marginale in cattle reared in south-western
Brazilian Amazonia. One simple procedure was adapted for the extraction of DNA from blood clots collected in seven
microregions of Rondônia State and two mesoregions of Acre State. PCR method was used to asses the frequency of A. marginale
infections in 4 to12-month-old cattle. The cattle infection was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the specific
primer ?msp5? for A. marginale. The DNA amplifications revealed that the mean frequency of A. marginale infection was 98.6%
(1,627/1,650) in samples from Rondonia, and 92.87% (208/225) in samples from Acre. The high frequency of A. marginale
infections in 4 to 12-...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Anaplasma marginale; Epidemiology; Cattle south.
Ano: 2010
TpE - Study of anaplasma marginale infection in dairy cattle from Brazilian Amazônia.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: BRITO, L. G.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. de S.; SILVA NETTO, F. G.; SOUZA, F. A.; MARIM, A.D.; SOUZA, G. C. R.;
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Brazilian Amazonia; Babesia begemina; Babesia bovis; PCR; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2008
Molecular variability in the maize grey leaf spot pathogens in Brazil
Provedor de dados: 74
Autores: Brunelli,Kátia R.; Dunkle,Larry D.; Sobrinho,Cândido A.; Fazza,Ana C.; Camargo,Luis E. A.
Isolates of Cercospora species from leaves displaying symptoms of grey leaf spot were collected in maize-producing areas of
south-central Brazil in 2001 and 2002. Restriction digests of the internal transcribed spacer region of rDNA detected the presence
of the same two Cercospora species described on maize in the United States, namely C. zeae-maydis and the recently
described species, C. zeina . Genetic variability among isolates was assessed by analysing 104 amplified fragment length
polymorphism loci. Cluster analysis confirmed the genetic separation of isolates into two species with a mean similarity of 35%.
Similarity levels within species were high, averaging 93% and 92% among isolates of C. zeae-maydis and
C. zeina ,
respectively. The mean...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Cercospora zeae-maydis; Cercospora zeina; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2008
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Bush,
Eric J.
This report is the third of a three-part release of national information from the second National Animal Health Monitoring System
(NAHMS) swine study. For the Swine '95 study, the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collaborated with
Veterinary Services (VS) to select a producer sample that was statistically designed to provide inferences to the nation's swine
population. Data collected for the study represented the top 16 pork states and nearly 91 percent of the U.S. hog inventory, as well
as nearly three fourths of the nation's pork producers. In the 6 years from 1990 through 1995, hog and pig inventory estimate s
increased approximately 7 percent. The number of U.S. swine operations decreased more than 30 percent. The proportion of...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Swine; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Production; Mortality; Disease; Mortality; Demographic changes;
Breeding; Waste management; Deworm; Antibiotics; Mange; Lice; Marketing; Culling; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1997
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Bush,
Eric J.
This report is the first of a three-part release of national information from the second National Animal Health Monitoring System
(NAHMS) swine study, the Swine '95 Grower/Finisher. The first national study, 1990 National Swine Survey, focused on
farrowing sows and preweaning piglets. For the Swine '95 Study, the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
collaborated with Veterinary Services (VS) to select a producer sample that was statistically designed to provide inferences to the
nation's swine population. Data for this report were collected from 1,477 producers in sixteen major pork production states,
accounting for nearly 91 percent of the U.S. hog inventory and nearly three fourths of U.S. pork producers. By percent of pigs
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Swine; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Production; Nursery; Grower/finisher; Mortality; Weaning;
Disease; Breeding; Facilities; Waste management; Manure; Vaccination; Biosecurity; Environment; Carcass disposal; Livestock
Ano: 1995
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Bush,
Eric J.
A national survey on swine health was conducted by the National Animal Health Monitoring System ( NAHMS ) from December
1989 through January 1991. The survey sample was designed in collaboration with the National Agricultural Statistics Service
(NASS ) in order to provide inferences about the nation's hog population, 95 percent of which was represented. The program
consisted of two parts: the first was a general farm management and policy questionnaire
that was completed by 1,661
producers. The second part of the program was a monitoring phase that took place over a three-month period for each of 712
participating producers. Per litter estimates for the national population showed an average of 9.9 piglets born alive and 8.4
weaned. Estimates attributed 57...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Swine; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Production; Morbidity; Mortality; Births; Litter size; Prevention;
Disease; Docking; Teeth clipping; Vaccination; Injection; Antibiotics; Water quality; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1992
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Bush,
Eric J.
This report is the second of a three-part release of national information from the second National Animal Health Monitoring
System (NAHMS) swine study, the Swine '95 Grower/Finisher. The 1990 National Swine Survey focused on farrowing sows and
preweaning piglets. For the Swine '95 Study, the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collaborated with
Veterinary Services (VS) to select a producer sample that was statistically designed to provide inferences to the nation's swine
population. Data collected for the study represented the top 16 pork states and nearly 91 percent of the U.S. hog inventory, as well
as nearly three fourths of the nation's pork producers. Data for this report were collected from 418 producers whose operations had
300 or...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Swine; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Production; Grower/finisher; Feed; Antibiotics; Waste
management; Disease; Salmonella; Marketing; Slaughter; Biosecurity; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1996
Human coronavirus ocurrence in different populations of Sao Paulo: a comprehensive nine-year study
using a pancoronavirus RT-PCR assay
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Cabeça,Tatiane K.; Passos,Ana Maria; Granato,Celso; Bellei,Nancy.
Human coronaviruses (HCoVs) are considered one of the most common respiratory viruses associated with respiratory tract
illnesses. An emergent human coronavirus was identified as the causal agent of an epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) during 2002-2003. The severity of the disease combined with its rapid spread requires the continuous surveillance of
coronaviruses in worldwide populations. Epidemiological and clinical data of HCoVs infectious in the Brazilian population are
scarce and restricted to one or two groups of patients. Our study aimed to investigate retrospectively the presence of HCoVs in
different populations of São Paulo presenting acute respiratory tract infections (ARIs) during the years of 2001-2010. A
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Human coronaviruses; Epidemiology; Respiratory tract illness; Pancoronavirus RT-PCR.
Ano: 2013
Septoria leaf spot in organic tomatoes under diverse irrigation systems and water management
Provedor de dados: 75
Autores: Cabral,Ricardo N; Marouelli,Waldir A; Lage,Daniel AC; Café-Filho,Adalberto C.
The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal progress of septoria leaf spot of tomato, caused by Septoria lycopersici, in
different irrigation systems. The experiment was carried out in an organic farming system, in a randomized block design with
three replicates. Six irrigation systems were evaluated: GO1L: one drip-line per row of plants; GO2L: two drip-lines; SU: furrow;
MIsub: microsprinkler below plant canopy; MIalta: microsprinkler above plant canopy; AS: overhead sprinkler irrigation. Water
management strategies varied with soil moisture tensions. Irrigation by drip systems was carried out when soil water tensions
reached 15-30 kPa (high moisture), whereas for SU the trigger soil tension was 30-60 kPa (moderate moisture). All other...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicum; Septoria lycopersici; Organic agriculture; Fresh-market tomato; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2013
Chlamydia trachomatis and human papillomavirus coinfection: association with p16INK4a and Ki67
expression in biopsies of patients with pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Calil,Luciane Noal; Igansi,Cristine Nascente; Meurer,Luise; Edelweiss,Maria Isabel Albano; Bozzetti,Mary Clarisse.
The objective of this study was to identify the frequency of coinfection by human papillomavirus (HPV) and Chlamydia
trachomatis (CT) in cervical lesions and relate it with immunohistochemical expression of p16INK4a and Ki67, both oncogenicity
markers. A cross-sectional study with 86 women from primary care units in southern Brazil was conducted. Cervical swabs were
collected for HPV-DNA and CT-DNA detection, through the polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR). The
immunohistochemical analysis was performed on biopsy cervical tissue material to identify the expression of p16INK4a and Ki67
cell cycle markers. About 83 % were positive for HPV-DNA and 19% had coinfection with CT-DNA. Among coinfected women,
56% expressed p16INK4a. There was a statistically...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Human papillomavirus 16; Biomarkers; Pharmacological.
Ano: 2011
Emerging and reemerging diseases in Brazil: data of a recent history of risks and uncertainties
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Cardoso,Telma Abdalla de Oliveira; Navarro,Marli B.M. de Albuquerque.
This article discusses the emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases on the basis of a review of the literature. It shows the
critical situations faced worldwide and in special Brazil's susceptible position due to its complexity, mostly represented by the
mega-biodiversity of the country and its socio-economic problems directly affecting public health. It approaches the discussions
around the issue with emphasis to the recommended investments in the health sector, directed to surveillance and to strengthening
the epidemiological, laboratorial and clinical bases and centered on preventive and control measures in the affected areas
including Biosafety.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases; Epidemiology; Public health; Biosafety.
Ano: 2007
Guinea pigs experimentally infected with vaccinia virus replicate and shed, but do not transmit the
Provedor de dados: 65
Autores: Cargnelutti,Juliana Felipetto; Wendlant,Adriéli; Weiblen,Rudi; Flores,Eduardo Furtado.
The origin of vaccinia viruses (VACV) associated with vesicular disease in cattle and humans in Southeast Brazil remains
uncertain, yet the role of wild species in virus transmission has been suggested. This study investigated the susceptibility and
transmission potential by guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) - phylogenetically close to an abundant Brazilian rodent (Cavia aperea) to two VACV strains (P1V and P2V) isolated from an outbreak of cutaneous disease in horses in Southern Brazil. Eight guinea
pigs inoculated intranasally with P1V and P2V (10(6) did not develop clinical signs, but six animals shed virus in
nasal secretions (day 1 to 9 post-inoculation - pi), developed viremia (between days 1 and 10 pi) and seroconverted to VACV. In
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Cavia porcellus; Cavia aperea; Orthopoxvirus; Transmission; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012
Clinical and epidemiological aspects of children hospitalized with severe rotavirus-associated
gastroenteritis in Salvador, BA, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Carneiro,Nadya B.; Diniz-Santos,Daniel R.; Fagundes,Sabrina Q.; Neves,Lívio L.; Reges,Rodrigo M. B.; Lima,Eduardo
K. P.; Quadros,Vitor H. de Oliva; Soares,Luis E. de Jesus; Silva,Fernando S. R.; Schneiter,Henrique de Gouvêa; Figueiredo,Ísis;
Silva,Luciana R.
Little is known about the epidemiology of severe rotavirus-associated gastroenteritis in Brazil. Given the morbidity associated
with this condition and the importance of having detailed knowledge about the impact of rotavirus infection on the epidemiology
of acute diarrhea in children, especially those with the most severe diarrheal conditions, we retrospectively reviewed the medical
records of all pediatric patients admitted to a tertiary hospital in Salvador, Brazil, due to rotavirus-associated gastroenteritis during
one year. It was observed that rotavirus was responsible for 15.6% of the hospitalizations caused by diarrhea and/or vomiting
during the period of the study and that 87 of 218 (39.1%) patients seen at the emergency room with...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Rotavirus; Acute diarrhea; Epidemiology; Children.
Ano: 2005
Multivariate analysis of the factors associated with the risk of pneumonia in intensive care units
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Carrilho,Cláudia Maria Dantas de Maio; Grion,Cintia Magalhães Carvalho; Bonametti,Ana Maria; Medeiros,Eduardo
Alexandrino Servolo; Matsuo,Tiemi.
Pneumonia is the most frequent hospital infection in patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU) and is also responsible for the
highest lethality rates, as well as an increase in both the duration and costs of hospitalization. The objective of this study was to
identify predisposing factors for pneumonia. A prospective cohort study was carried out between June 1996 and June 1997, and
included 540 patients admitted consecutively for periods greater than 24 hours to the adult ICU of the Londrina State University's
Teaching Hospital. Of these, 83 (15.4%) developed pneumonia. All patients were analyzed with respect to various risk factors for
hospital-acquired pneumonia. Univariate analysis identified the following factors: decreased level of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Pneumonia; Epidemiology; Risk factors.
Ano: 2007
Epidemiological aspects of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in older Brazilians: a comparative
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Carvalho,Luiz Max Fagundes de; Câmara,Fernando Portela.
OBJECTIVES: To compare epidemiological aspects of young (15 to 49 years old) and older (more than 50 years old) AIDS
patients. METHODS: We analyzed 511,633 AIDS cases notified to the Brazilian Ministry of Health in the period of 1980-2008
looking at sex, age ranges, educational level and exposure category. Patients were divided into three age groups: under 15, from
15 to 49 and over 50 years old. Using a comparative approach, we analyzed data with regard to category of exposure, education
(expressed in years of schooling), and sex ratio among younger (15-49) and older adults (over 50 years old). Time series data were
log-transformed and normalized, and the temporal trend was evaluated. RESULTS: AIDS incidence is increasing among people
over 50 years old in...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Acquired immunodeficiency; Syndrome; Health of the elderly; Statistical analysis; Epidemiology; Risk factors.
Ano: 2012
Spatial and temporal analysis of stem bleeding disease in coconut palm in the state of sergipe, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 42
ABSTRACTStem bleeding disease (resinosis) of coconut palm is caused by Thielaviopsis paradoxa and is very important in the
state of Sergipe, Brazil. Understanding the epidemiological behavior of the disease is essential for establishing more efficient
control strategies. Thus, we characterized the temporal progression and spatial distribution of stem bleeding in a commercial
orchard under conditions of natural infection in the area of Neopolis, Sergipe. Three plots with 729 plants each were selected and
evaluated every two months for stem bleeding incidence. In the temporal analysis, the monomolecular model gave the best fit to
data on disease incidence, as it accurately showed the temporal dynamics of the disease during the experiment period. The
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Coconut; Epidemiology; Stem bleeding; Thielaviopsis paradoxa.
Ano: 2013
Epidemiologically relevant antimicrobial resistance phenotypes in pathogens isolated from critically
ill patients in a Brazilian Universitary Hospital
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Carvalho,Rodolfo Henriques de; Gontijo Filho,Paulo P.
Antimicrobial resistance is a threat to public health worldwide and is associated with higher mortality and morbidity. Despite the
extensive knowledge about this problem, drug resistance has continued to emerge, especially in intensive care units (ICUs). The
objective of this study was to evaluate the frequencies of epidemiologically relevant resistance phenotypes in pathogens isolated
from ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), bloodstream infections (BSI) and urinary tract infections (UTI) in patients admitted
in the adult intensive care unit (AICU) of the Clinical Hospital of Federal University of Uberlândia, during an one year period.
Additionally, at the period of the study, the antibiotic consumption in AICU was verified. Coagulase-negative...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Nosocomial infection; Epidemiology; Multiresistant microorganisms.
Ano: 2008
Analysis of rice sheath blight epidemics in the tropics
Provedor de dados: 34
Autores: Castilla, Nancy P.
xxi, 185 leaves : ill. Thesis (D. Sci.) -- Universite de Paris-Sud
Tipo: Thesis
Palavras-chave: Blight; Rice; Bacterial diseases of plants; Epidemiology; Tropics; Rice sheath blight.
Ano: 1998
Epidemiologia da helmintose bovina no Pantanal Mato-Grossense: 1.sub-regiao da Nhecolandia,
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: CATTO, J.B.; FURLONG, J.
O Pantanal Mato-Grossense e constituido de diversas sub-regioes com caracteristicas fitogeomorfologicas distintas. A pecuaria de
corte regional e explorada em sistemas de criacao extremamente extensiva, no entanto, tem participado expressiva na producao
bovina do Brasil Central. A verminose gastrintestinal, identificada como um dos principais fatores espoliativos na producao de
carne, atua de forma subclinica em bovinos de corte criados extensivamente, prejudicando o desenvolvimento nas fases de cria e
recria e diminuindo a resistencia a infeccoes causadas por bacterias e virus. Com o objetivo de iniciar os estudos sobre a
verminose em bezerros no Pantanal, foi realizado um trabalho na fazenda Santa Rosa, situada na Nhecolandia, 100 km a leste da
Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Bovino; Helmintose; Epidemiologia; Pantanal Mato-Grossense; Nhecolandia; Bovine; Helminth; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1980
Epidemiologia da helmintose bovina no Pantanal Mato-Grossense: 2.sub-regiao da Nhecolandia,
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: CATTO, J.B.; FURLONG, J.
O Pantanal Mato-Grossense, uma extensa planicie aluvial de aproximadamente 140.000 km2, divide-se em diversas sub-regioes
de acordo com suas caracteristicas e tem como principal atividade economica a criacao de bovinos de corte. A sub-regiao da
Nhecolandia se caracteriza por solos extremamente arenosos, topografia plana e presenca de muitas lagoas. A precipitacao
pluviometrica media anual no local de estudo, obtida de dados coletados nos ultimos quatro anos, e de 1210 mm, sendo que 75%
ocorrem de outubro a marco. A temperatura media mensal oscila entre 20 o e 30 oC. Com o objetivo de estudar a epidemiologia
das nematodioses gastrintestinais dos bovinos, a UEPAE de Corumba, a partir de 1976, vem realizando necropsias mensais em
bovinos para identificar as...
Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Helmintose; Bovino; Pantanal Mato-Grossense; Epidemiologia; Nematodeo; Helminth; Bovine; Epidemiology;
Ano: 1981
Snakebites in Turkey: epidemiological and clinical aspects between the years 1995 and 2004
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Cesaretli,Y; Ozkan,O.
The venom of poisonous snakes comprises a complex mixture of several proteins with other less significant constituents, resulting
in principles capable of changing viable tissues. The hemotoxic factor is the main responsible for necrosis and tissue sloughing.
Envenomations are common in rural areas of Turkey caused by snake species that present hepatotoxic venom, which causes local
swelling, ecchymosis and alterations in blood profile. The epidemiological and clinical findings of snake envenomations in
Turkey were evaluated based on data recorded by the National Poison Information Center (NPIC) between 1995 and 2004, in a
total of 550 snakebite cases. The month of peak incidence was June (24.3%) while most incidents occurred in Marmara, Central
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Snakebite; Envenomation; Clinical features; Epidemiology; Turkey.
Ano: 2010
Biostatistiques et Processus Spatiaux
Provedor de dados: 35
Autores: Chadoeuf, Joël.
Tipo: Working Paper
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Epidemiology; Population dynamics; Biostatistics; Ecologie; Epidémiologie; Dynamique des
populations; Biostatistique.
Ano: 2008
Snakebites notified to the poison control center of Morocco between 2009 and 2013
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Chafiq,Fouad; Hattimy,Faiçal El; Rhalem,Naima; Chippaux,Jean-Philippe; Soulaymani,Abdelmajid;
Mokhtari,Abdelrhani; Soulaymani-Bencheikh,Rachida.
Abstract Background Snakebites cause considerable death and injury throughout the globe, particularly in tropical regions, and
pose an important yet neglected threat to public health. In 2008, the Centre Anti Poison et de Parmacovigilance du Maroc
(CAPM) started to set up a specific strategy for the control of snakebites that was formalized in 2012. The aim of the present study
is to describe and update the epidemiological characteristics of snakebites notified to CAPM between 2009 and 2013. Methods
This retrospective five-year study included all cases of snakebites notified to CAPM by mail or phone. Results During the study
period, 873 snakebite cases were reported to CAPM, an average incidence of 2.65 cases per 100,000 inhabitants with 218 cases...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Snakebite; Envenomation; Viper; Morocco; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2016
Risk factors for scorpion stings in the beni mellal province of morocco
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Charrab,N; El Oufir,R; Soulaymani,A; Semlali,I; Mokhtari,A; Soulaymani,R.
Scorpion stings comprise a serious problem throughout the globe, especially in regions where they are more frequent. In Morocco,
Beni Mellal is one of the provinces most affected by this burden. This study aimed to trace the epidemiological profile of scorpion
stings in Beni Mellal in order to improve patient care and prevent both morbidity and mortality. Our work is a retrospective study
of scorpion stings based on medical charts of Beni Mellal. From 2002 to 2007, 8,340 cases were registered in this province with
an average incidence of 1.36‰. The stings were more frequent in summer months, particularly July and August, and between 6
p.m. and 6 a.m. (59.8%). The average age of victims was 26.54 ± 18.42 years. Children were affected in 30.3% of the cases....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Scorpion; Register; Beni Mellal; Morocco.
Ano: 2009
The role of research methodology in the rational use of technology in monitoring and preventing
communication disorders
Provedor de dados: 42
Autores: Chiari,Brasília M.; Goulart,Bárbara N. G.
Studies showing stronger scientific evidence related to speech, language and hearing pathology (SLP) have an impact on the
prevention and rehabilitation of human communication and gained ground in SLP research agenda. In this paper we discuss some
aspects and directions that should be considered for in-depth knowledge about speech, language and hearing needs in different
population groups (age group, gender and other variables according to specific related disorders) for improved comprehensive
care, successful efforts and effective use of financial and human resources. It is also discussed the decision making process for
requesting complementary evaluations and tests, from routine to highly complex ones, that should be based on each test and/or
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Communication disorders; Diagnosis of health situation; Epidemiology; Epidemiologic measurements; Needs
assessment; Cost-effectiveness evaluation.
Ano: 2009
Epidemiology of envenomations by terrestrial venomous animals in Brazil based on case reporting:
from obvious facts to contingencies
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Chippaux,Jean-Philippe.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Envenomation; Snakes; Scorpions; Spiders; Caterpillars; Africanized bees; Brazil; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2015
The 6th international conference on envenomation by Snakebites and Scorpion Stings in Africa: a
crucial step for the management of envenomation
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Chippaux,Jean-Philippe; Akaffou,Marc Hermann; Allali,Bernard Kouadio; Dosso,Mireille; Massougbodji,Achille;
Abstract During the 6th International Conference on Envenomation by Snakebites and Scorpion Stings in Africa held in Abidjan,
from 1 to 5 June 2015, the measures for the management of envenomation were discussed and new recommendations were
adopted by the participants. The high incidence and severity of this affliction were confirmed by several studies conducted in
African countries. The poor availability of antivenom, particularly because of the cost, was also highlighted. Some experiences
have been reported, mainly those regarding the financial support of antivenom in Burkina Faso (more than 90 %) and Togo (up to
60 %) or the mandatory reporting of cases in Cameroon. Key recommendations concerned: improvement of epidemiological
information based on case...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Envenomation; Antivenom; Epidemiology; Drug policy; Africa.
Ano: 2016
Epidemiological investigation on envenomation: from theory to practice
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Chippaux,JP.
A better understanding of the epidemiology of envenoming would improve care, provided that the survey is representative,
reliable and accurate. Several types of surveys could help to clarify the incidence, severity, circumstances, factors and
determinants of envenomations. The relevant information may be collected and analyzed from hospital records or case report
forms (for retrospective studies) or established from a protocol of longitudinal observation of cases attended at health facilities
during a given period (prospective study). The household survey includes interviewing all or part of the population of a locality
with a standardized questionnaire to obtain information on the circumstances of the accident. Finally, standardized questionnaires
can be...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Snakebite; Methodology; Retrospective surveys; Prospective surveys; Household surveys.
Ano: 2012
Monitoring Trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatomines using PCR in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Triatomine infection monitoring; Polymerase chain reaction; Microscopy examination;
Trypanosoma cruzi.
Ano: 2013
Genotypic Diversity of the Wheat leaf blotch pathogen ( Septoria tritici ) in Buenos Aires Province
Provedor de dados: 51
Autores: Cordo,Cristina Alicia; Linde,Celeste C.; Zhan,Jashiu; Mcdonald,Bruce.
The population structure and genotypic diversity of Septoria tritici Rob ex Desm. from two crop field populations in Buenos Aires
Province were studied with DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism. Hierarchical samples were taken from different
cultivars. A total of 120 single spore isolates was subject to molecular analysis to compare the genetic structure of Los Hornos and
Balcarce populations separated by 500km. Eight RFLP loci and 1DNA fingerprinting were used. Among the total of the isolates,
24 RFLP alleles were detected from the first population and 22 from the second. Gene and genotype diversity were high in both
populations. Different haplotypes for each region were identified. Identical haplotypes were clustered in the same location in the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: DNA hybridization; Septoria tritici; Mycosphaerella graminicola; RFLP; Epidemiology; Genetic diversity;
Genotypic diversity.
Ano: 2006
Identifying and controlling a multiresistant pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak in a latin-american
cancer centre and its associated risk factors
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Cortes,Jorge Alberto; Cuervo,Sonia Isabel; Urdaneta,Ana María; Potdevin,Guillermo; Arroyo,Patricia;
Bermúdez,Diana; Correa,Adriana; Villegas,María Virginia.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important and frightening microorganism for patients suffering from cancer. Multiresistant P.
aeruginosa (MRPA) may appear as a consequence of exposure to multiple antibiotics or from a breakdown in infection control
practices. This article reports an MRPA outbreak in a cancer treatment centre and the consequent case control study. Mechanical
ventilation was identified as being the main risk factor for developing MRPA colonisation or infection; molecular analysis
confirmed the outbreak. A multifaceted strategy was adopted, involving reinforcing hand-washing practices, contact isolation,
antibiotic restriction and suction devices for mechanically-ventilated patients. MRPA was controlled and the outbreak ended. Such
strategy may...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Epidemiology; Multiple drug resistance; Bacteria; Risk factor.
Ano: 2009
Cervical human papillomavirus infection and persistence: a clinic-based study in the countryside from
South Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Coser,Janaina; Boeira,Thaís da Rocha; Wolf,Jonas Michel; Cerbaro,Kamila; Simon,Daniel; Lunge,Vagner Ricardo.
Abstract Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is common in sexually active women and viral persistence may cause
intraepithelial lesions and eventually progress to cervical cancer (CC). The present study aimed to investigate epidemiological
factors related to HPV infection and to evaluate viral persistence and CC precursor lesions frequencies in women from a city in
the countryside of South Brazil. Three hundred women were recruited from a primary public health care clinic. The patients were
interviewed and underwent sampling with cervical brushes for HPV-DNA detection/typing by a PCR-based assay and cytological
analysis by Pap smear test. HPV was detected in 47 (15.7%) women. HPV infection was significantly associated with young age
(<30 years) and low...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: HPV prevalence; HPV persistence; Cervical cancer; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2016
Importância do manejo na epidemiologia dos nematódeos gastrintestinais de caprinos.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: COSTA, C. A. F.
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Nematódeo gastrintestinal; Gastrintestinal nematode; Doença animal; Caprino; Parasitologia; Haemonchus
contortus; Nematóide; Helminto gastrintestinal; Epidemiologia; Gastrenterite; Parasitismo; Goat; Animal diseases; Parasitology;
Nematode infections; Helminthoses; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1982
Aumento nas contagens de ovos de nematódeos gastrintestinais em cabras lactantes.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: COSTA, C. A. F.
Resumo: Foi avaiada a influencia do parto e lactacao sobre a contagem de ovos de nematodeos nas fezes de cabras. Utilizaram-se
quatro grupos de cabras, assim distribuidas: SNV - secas nao vermifugadas; LNV - lactantes nao vermifugadas; SV - secas
vermifugadas; LV - lactatnes vermifugadas tres a quatro semanas antes da paricao. O estudo foi repetido em duas epocas de
paricao. As contagens de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) e as coproculturas foram realizdas semanalmente. As cabras paridas em
outrubo (meados de estacao seca) apresentaram maiores contagens de OPG que as cabras secas, independentemente da
vermifugacao. Os aumentos, as contagens do grupo LNV foram superiores (P<0,05) as do grupo SNV. Os aumentos de OPG no
grupo LV ocorreram na terceira semana...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Aumento de OPG; Rise in EPG counts; Nematódeo gastrintestinal; Caprino; Cabra; Epidemiologia; Nematóide;
Helminto gastrintestinal; Parto; Lactação; Goats; Haemoochus; Epidemiology; Nematoda; Parturition; Lactation.
Ano: 1983
Ectoparasitos permanentes de caprinos e ovinos em Sobral, CE.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: COSTA, C. A. F.; VIEIRA, L. da S.
Resumo: Foram estudadas a classificaçao e a prevalência mensal dos ectoparasitos de caprinos e caprinos em Sobral. Os
artrópodes identificados na primeira fase do estudo e as suas respectivas prevalências foram Bovicola caprae e Psoroptes cuniculi,
em 62,17% e 36,02% dos caprinos examinados, e Bovicola avis é Boophibls microplus, em 18,49% e 9,65% dos avinas. Os casos
clinicos de ectoparasitismo registrados, nos rebanhos da unidade experimental, durante os doze meses previstos na segunda fase
do trabalho, foram a otoacariase psoroptica e a miiase cutânea, causadas por P. cuniculi e Cochliomyia hominivorax,
respectivamente. A otoacariase ocorreu apenas em caprinos (1,22%), enquanto que a miiase atacou caprinos (0,35%) e ovinos
(1,92%). As miiases ocorreram...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Artrópode; Prevalência; Bovicola caprae; Fsoroptes cuniculi; Cochliomyia hominivorax; Boophilus microplus;
Otoacaríase psoróptica; Brasil; Ceará; Semiárido; Ovino; Caprino; Parasitologia; Ectoparasito; Epidemiologia; Doença animal;
Goats; Sheep; Parsitology; Ectoparasites; Arthropoda; Epidemiology; Semiarid climate; Brazil.
Ano: 1984
Population dynamics of caprine parasitic helminths in the sertao of Inhamus, Ceara; Brazil.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: COSTA, C. A. F.; VIEIRA, L. da S.; BERNE, M. E. A.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Nematódeo gastrintestinal; Brasil; Ceará; Gastrointestinal nematode; Caprino; Nematóide; Helminto
gastrintestinal; Epidemiologia; Anti-helmíntico; Parasitose; Goats; Epidemiology; Nematode infections; Nematodes; Helminths;
Anthelmintics; Brazil; Parasitoses.
Ano: 1987
Influência das instalações de pernoite, do tipo de pastagem e da suplementação volumosa sobre o
parasitismo por nematódeos em caprinos.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: COSTA, C. A. F.; VIEIRA, L. da S.; BERNE, M. E. A.
Resumo: Avaliaram-se a influência do pastejo em caatinga natural e pemoite em curral de chao batido (T1); caatinga natural e
aprisco de piso ripado suspenso (T2); caatinga raleada e aprisco suspenso (T3) e caatinga raleada, aprisco suspenso e
suplementaçao volumosa na seca (T4) sobre o número de nematódeos adquiridos por caprinos traçadores. Em cada tratamento
havia cabras de cria como contaminadoras. 0 Haemonchus contortus ocorreu em números prejudiciais; sua transmissao
restringiu-se às épocas chuvosas. 0 número de H. contortus nas aguas foi influenciado pelas tratamentos (P<O,O5), anos, meses
de necrópsia, e interações tratamento x mês e ano x mês (P<0,005). Os maiores parasitismos ocorreram no ano mais chuvoso. A
transmissao do H. contortus foi...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Nematódeo gastrintestinal; Controle; Aprisco suspenso; Caatinga raleada; Brasil; Nordeste; Raised slatted floor;
Cleared "caatinga"; Caprino; Nematóide; Helminto gastrintestinal; Haemonchus contortus; Epidemiologia; Abrigo para animal;
Instalação para animal; Caatinga; Suplemento alimentar; Seca; Goats; Epidemiology; Dry season; Supplementary feeding;
Nematode control; Helminthoses.
Ano: 1991
Antracnose foliar do sorgo.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: COSTA, R. V. da; SILVA, D. D. da; COTA, L. V.
Tipo: Circular Técnica (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Sorghum bicolor; Doença de planta; Doença fungica; Sintoma; Etiologia; Epidemiologia; Plant diseases and
disorders; Fungal diseases of plants; Signs and symptoms; Etiology; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2013
Hepatitis C as a risk factor for diabetes type 2: lack of evidence in a hospital in central-west Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Costa,Luce Marina Freires Corrêa da; Mussi,Aparecida Duarte Hg; Brianeze,Marylina Rodrigues; Souto,Francisco José
In order to assess the importance of HCV infection as a possible risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus, a case-control study was
conducted, comparing the prevalence of HCV infection among diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Diabetic outpatients attending
to a University Hospital in Central-West Brazil were evaluated between April and October 2005. A control group composed by
patients from the same institution was matched by gender and age. Candidates to control group were included only if fasting
glucose measures were under 100 mg/dL. Diabetics and controls had blood samples taken in order to test for antibodies against
HCV (anti-HCV) by enzyme-immunoassay. Polymerase chain reaction and immunoblot were performed to confirm the anti-HCV
status. Each...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Case control study; Risk factors; Hepatitis C virus; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2008
Honeybees and caterpillars: epidemiology of accidents involving these animals in the Criciúma region,
southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Cristiano,MP; Cardoso,DC.
The present study aimed to acquire knowledge regarding some aspects of the epidemiology and injuries provoked by honeybees
and caterpillars in southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Epidemiological information concerning accidents with both animals was
prospectively collected from the System of Injury Notification Information (SINAN) files of the Municipal Health Secretary of
the Criciúma region, Brazil. Between 1994 and 2006, 203 cases of accidents were registered, 149 provoked by honeybees
(73.39%) and 54 by caterpillars (26.61%). The majority of the victims (200 cases) presented full recovery, two cases presented
sequelae after recovery, and only one death was recorded in a case involving honeybee injury. The high frequency of victim
recovery suggests...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Honeybees; Caterpillars; Poisonous animals; Accidents; Brazil.
Ano: 2008
Distribución espacial y factores de riesgo asociados a la leptospirosis bovina en Veracruz, México.
Provedor de dados: 32
Autores: Cruz Romero, Anabel.
Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron determinar la distribución espacial e identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a la
leptospirosis bovina en el estado de Veracruz, México. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 3,454 bovinos de 54 municipios de
las regiones Norte, Centro y Sur del estado, de febrero 2008 a diciembre de 2011. Los sueros se analizaron por medio de la técnica
de aglutinación microscópica utilizando 12 serovariedades de Leptospira interrogans, se estimaron las seroprevalencias y los
factores de riesgo. La seroprevalencia general fue del 3.9%; sin embargo, entre municipios varió de 0 y 44%. La mayoría de las
UP con casos positivos se encontraron en la zona centro de Veracruz, y en los municipios de Cuitláhuac, Papantla, Tlacotalpan...
Palavras-chave: Estudio transversal; Bovinos; Serología; Epidemiología; Cross-sectional study; Bovines; Serology;
Epidemiology; Agroecosistemas Tropicales; Doctorado.
Ano: 2013
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of cutaneous leishmaniasis and their relationship with the
laboratory data, south of Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Curti,Maura Cristiani de Moura; Silveira,Thaís Gomes Verzignassi; Arraes,Sandra Mara Alessi Aristides;
Bertolini,Dennis Armando; Zanzarini,Paulo Donizeti; Venazzi,Eneide Aparecida Sabaini; Fernandes,Andrea Cláudia Silva;
Teixeira,Jorge Juarez Vieira; Lonardoni,Maria Valdrinez Campana.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinical, epidemiological and laboratorial aspects for the understanding of the disease characteristics
and its relationship with diagnostic tests. METHODS: A retrospective, descriptive and analytical study involving 2,660 American
cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) suspected patients from southern Brazil was undertaken between April 1986 and December 2005.
Data on population characteristics and laboratory tests were obtained. Diagnostic laboratory tests used were direct search for
Leishmania spp. (DS), Montenegro skin test (MST) and indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA). RESULTS: 62.3% of patients
were positive for at least one laboratory test. DS test was positive in 65.1%; MST in 92.3% and IFA in 70.0%. Although Cohen's
Kappa test did...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Clinical laboratory techniques; Disease transmission; Infectious; Cutaneous leishmaniasis; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2011
Bats and their role in human rabies epidemiology in the Americas
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Dantas-Torres,F.
Bats are very interesting animals: they are the unique flying mammals, have developed a highly sophisticated echolocation
system, and have become specialized to eat different types of diets. Hematophagous (vampire) bats are those specialized to feed
solely on blood and have served as a source of inspiration for researchers as well as for writers. Vampire bat attacks on humans
have moved from the realm of science fiction to reality in Latin America and bats (including non-hematophagous ones) have
assumed an important role in the transmission of rabies virus to humans. This article discusses the emerging role of bats as rabies
virus transmitters, with particular emphasis on the role of hematophagous bats in the epidemiology of human rabies in Latin
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Rabies; Epidemiology; Disease transmission; Chiroptera.
Ano: 2008
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Dargatz,
As part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS ), USDA:APHIS:Veterinary Services conducted a national
study of beef production, the Beef Cow/Calf Health and Productivity Audit (CHAPA). This study was designed to provide both
participants and the industry with information on cow/calf health, productivity, and management practices. The National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collaborated with USDA:APHIS:VS to select a producer sample that was statistically
designed to provide inferences about the nation's cow/calf population. Data for Part IV: Beef Cow/Calf Breeding Management
were collected by federal and state veterinary officers (VMO's) in 18 of the largest cow/calf producing states between July 1 and
July 30, 1993. These 18 states...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Epidemiology; Beef cattle; Calves; Breeding; Mortality; Grazing; Trichomonas fetus; Vaccination;
Deworming; Palpation; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1994
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Dargatz,
As part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS ), USDA:APHIS:Veterinary Services conducted a national
study of beef production, the Beef Cow/Calf Health and Productivity Audit (CHAPA). This study was designed to provide both
participants and the industry with information on cow/calf health, productivity, and management practices. Data for Part III: Beef
Cow/Calf Health & Health Management were collected by federal and state veterinary officers (VMO's) in 18 of the largest
cow/calf producing states between January 4 and February 28, 1993. These 18 states represented 70 percent of the U.S. beef cow
inventory. Participating producers had five or more beef cows or beef replacement heifers and fifty percent or more of their 1992
calf crop...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Epidemiology; Beef cattle; Calves; Breeding; Calving; Calf crop; Replacement heifers; Economics;
Sales; Disease; Parasites; Pinkeye; Scours; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1994
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Dargatz,
As part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS ), USDA:APHIS:Veterinary Services conducted a national
study of beef production, the Beef Cow/Calf Health and Productivity Audit (CHAPA). This study was designed to provide both
participants and the industry with information on cow/calf health, productivity, and management practices. The National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collaborated with USDA:APHIS:VS to select a producer sample that was statistically
designed to provide inferences about the nation's cow/calf population. Data for Part V: Quality Assurance Profile were collected
by federal and state veterinary officers (VMO's) in 18 of the largest cow/calf producing states between January 1 and January 31,
1994. The average...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Epidemiology; Beef cattle; Calves; Weaning; Value; Economics; Disease; Scours; Calf crop;
Mortality; Calving problems; Parasites; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1994
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Dargatz,
As part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS ), USDA:APHIS:Veterinary Services conducted a national
study of beef production, the Beef Cow/Calf Health and Productivity Audit (CHAPA). This study was designed to provide both
participants and the industry with information on cow/calf health, productivity, and management practices. Data for Part 1: Beef
Cow/Calf Herd Management Practices in the United States, were collected from beef producers September 29 through October 9,
1992. The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collaborated with VS to select a statistically designed producer sample
that represented all U.S. cow/calf operations in the 48 continental United States. Eighty-one percent of operations had commercial
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Epidemiology; Beef cattle; Calves breeding; Artificial insemination; Mortality; Branding; Injections;
Castration; Weaning; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1993
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Dargatz,
As part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS ), USDA:APHIS:Veterinary Services conducted a national
study of beef production, the Beef Cow/Calf Health and Productivity Audit (CHAPA). This study was designed to provide both
participants and the industry with information on cow/calf health, productivity, and management practices. Data for Part II:
Nutritional & Reproductive Management Practices, were collected by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
from beef producers in 18 of the largest cow/calf producing states from November 9 through December 4, 1992. These 18 states
represented 70 percent of the U.S. beef cow inventory. Participating producers had five or more beef cows or beef replacement
heifers and fifty percent...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Epidemiology; Beef cattle; Calving; Replacement heifers; Economics; Culling; Disease; Weaning;
Identification; Marketing; Supplements; Implants; Nutrition; Parasites; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1994
Factors affecting density of airborne Gibberella zeae inoculum
Provedor de dados: 102
Autores: Del Ponte,Emerson M.; Fernandes,José Maurício C.; Pierobom,Carlos R.
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a disease of increasing concern in the production of wheat (Triticum aestivum). This work studied
some of the factors affecting the density of airborne Gibberella zeae inoculum. Spore samplers were placed at the edge of a field
in order to observe spore deposition over a period of 45 days and nights in September and October, the period that coincides with
wheat flowering. Gibberella zeae colonies were counted for each period and values transformed to relative density. A stepwise
regression procedure was used to identify weather variables helpful in predicting spore cloud density. In general, a predominant
night-time spore deposition was observed. Precipitation and daily mean relative humidity over 90% were the factors most...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Fusarium graminearum; Aerobiology; Spore dispersal; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2005
Epidemiological and microbiological aspects of acute bacterial diarrhea in children from Salvador,
Bahia, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Diniz-Santos,Daniel R.; Santana,José S.; Barretto,Junaura R.; Andrade,Maria Goreth M.; Silva,Luciana R.
In the few cases of acute childhood diarrhea that require antimicrobial therapy, the correct choice of the drug depends on detailed
previous knowledge of local strains. In order to establish such parameters in our city, we reviewed the results of all 260 positive
stool cultures of children between 0 and 15 years of age during two years at a pediatric tertiary care facility in Salvador, Brazil.
Bacterial strains had been presumptively identified by culturing in selective media and by biochemical testing, and their
antimicrobial susceptibility patterns were automatically detected by the MicroScan Walkaway System. Data about patients' sex
and age, monthly distribution of the cases, pathogens isolated and their antimicrobial resistance patterns were recorded....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Diarrhea; Antimicrobial; Resistance; Children; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2005
Serology for brucellosis in free-ranging crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) and brown-nosed coatis
(Nasua nasua) from Brazilian Pantanal.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: DORNELES, E. M. S.; PELLEGRIN, A. O.; PERES, I. A. H. F. S.; MATHIAS, L. A.; MOURAO, G. de M.;
A serological survey in free-ranging crab-eating foxes (Canidae: Cerdocyon thous) and brown-nosed coatis (Procyonidae: Nasua
nasua) was performed in the Nhecolândia sub-region of the Brazilian Pantanal to evaluate the presence of anti-smooth Brucella
antibodies on those wild populations. The detection of anti-smooth Brucella antibodies was performed by the Rose Bengal Test
(RBT) as screening test and the Fluorescence Polarization Assay (FPA) as a confi rmatory test. The frequency of smooth Brucella
seropositive animals were 13.2% (5/38, 95% CI: 4.4% - 28.1%) for crab-eating foxes and 8.8% (3/34, 95% CI: 1.9% -23.7%) for
brown-nosed coatis. No association was found between seropositivity for brucellosis and gender or age. The results of this study
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Brazil; Brucella; Pantanal; Cerdocyon thous; Nasua nasua; Reservoirs; Epidemiology; Reservatórios;
Ano: 2014
Serology for brucellosis in free-ranging crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) and brown-nosed coatis
(Nasua nasua) from Brazilian Pantanal
Provedor de dados: 65
Autores: Dorneles,Elaine Maria Seles; Pellegrin,Aiesca Oliveira; Péres,Igor Alexandre Hany Fuzeta Schabib; Mathias,Luis
Antônio; Mourão,Guilherme; Bianchi,Rita de Cassia; Olifiers,Natalie; Rocha,Fabiana Lopes; Lage,Andrey Pereira.
A serological survey in free-ranging crab-eating foxes (Canidae: Cerdocyon thous) and brown-nosed coatis (Procyonidae: Nasua
nasua) was performed in the Nhecolândia sub-region of the Brazilian Pantanal to evaluate the presence of anti-smooth
Brucella antibodies on those wild populations. The detection of anti-smooth Brucella antibodies was performed by the Rose
Bengal Test (RBT) as screening test and the Fluorescence Polarization Assay (FPA) as a confirmatory test. The frequency of
smooth Brucella seropositive animals were 13.2% (5/38, 95% CI: 4.4% - 28.1%) for crab-eating foxes and 8.8% (3/34, 95% CI:
1.9% -23.7%) for brown-nosed coatis. No association was found between seropositivity for brucellosis and gender or age. The
results of this study...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Brazil; Brucella; Pantanal; Cerdocyon thous; Nasua nasua; Reservoirs; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2014
Distribution and factors associated with Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle in the south of Espírito
Santo State, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: DP,Alves; MB,Carneiro; IVF,Martins; CC,Bernardo; DM,Donatele; Pereira Júnior OS,; BR,Almeida; BR,Avelar;
Fasciolosis is a disease that affects the liver parenchyma and bile ducts of numerous animals, including humans, which causes
economic losses and threatens public health. The present work aimed at reporting the distribution and factors connected with
Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle in ten municipalities in southern Espírito Santo, Brazil, between 2008 and 2009. During this
period, 50 rural properties in ten cities were analyzed and fecal samples from 10% of the cattle on each farm were collected. Of
the 717 samples analyzed, 154 (21.33%) presented Fasciola hepatica eggs. As for the 50 rural properties studied, 32 (64%) had
animals positive for fasciolosis. Throughout the evaluation, it was observed that 42 (84%) rural properties had flooded areas, 33...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Fasciolosis; Epidemiology; Ruminants.
Ano: 2011
Pertussis in the central-west region of Brazil: one decade study
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Druzian,Angelita Fernandes; Brustoloni,Yvone Maia; Oliveira,Sandra Maria do Valle Leone; Matos,Vanessa Terezinha
Gubert de; Negri,Adriana Carla Garcia; Pinto,Clarice Souza; Asato,Silvia; Urias,Cirlene dos Santos Gonçalves;
Paniago,Anamaria Mello Miranda.
In many parts of the world, numerous outbreaks of pertussis have been described despite high vaccination coverage. In this article
we report the epidemiological characteristics of pertussis in Brazil using a Surveillance Worksheet. Secondary data of pertussis
case investigations reported from January 1999 to December 2008 recorded in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases
(SINAN) and the Central Laboratory for Public Health (LACEN-MS) were utilized. The total of 561 suspected cases were
reported and 238 (42.4%) of these were confirmed, mainly in children under six months (61.8%) and with incomplete
immunization (56.3%). Two outbreaks were detected. Mortality rate ranged from 2.56% to 11.11%. The occurrence of outbreaks
and the poor performance of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Whooping cough; Pertussis; Epidemiology; Bordetella pertussis; Outbreak investigation.
Ano: 2014
Public Health and Epidemiological Considerations For Avian Influenza Risk Mapping and Risk
Provedor de dados: 7
Autores: Dudley, Joseph P.; Joseph P. Dudley, Chief Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation, Modeling and
Analysis Division; Research Associate, Institute of Arctic Biology-University of Alaska Fairbanks and Department of Earth
Science-University of Alaska Museum; [email protected].
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight
Palavras-chave: Avian influenza; Biosecurity; Epidemiology; Geographic distribution; Health; Risk assessment; Risk mapping.
Ano: 2008
The prevalence of enteropathy due to Strongyloidiasis in Puerto Maldonado (Peruvian Amazon)
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Egido,J. M.; De Diego,J. A.; Penin,P.
Human strongyloidiasis is an important health problem in the southeast region of Peruvian Amazon, due to its prevalence and long
term morbidity. An epidemiological study was conducted in the Peruvian Amazon area of Puerto Maldonado to determine the
prevalence of strongyloidiasis in the population. Stool samples were collected from 1,133 patients at the outpatient department of
our clinic. Strongyloidiasis affected 221 examined patients (20%). Prevalence was highest in males, mostly in children and elderly
men. People living in urban and marginal urban areas, those coming from outside the region, and Andean people, showed the
highest prevalences. Pre-school children were more likely to be parasitized than older children. The most common symptoms
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Strongyloides stercoralis; Epidemiology; Enteropathy; Peruvian Amazon.
Ano: 2001
Scorpion sting: a public health problem in El Kelaa des Sraghna (Morocco)
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: El Oufir,R.; Semlali,I.; Idrissi,M.; Soulaymani,A.; Benlarabi,S.; Khattabi,A.; Ait Moh,M.; Soulaymani Bencheikh,R.
The present study aimed at verifying the impact of a Moroccan strategy against scorpion stings and specifically at identifying the
epidemiological features of patients envenomed or just stung by scorpions. It included 11,907 patients from El Kelaa des Sraghna
Province, Morocco, who were evaluated over five years (2001-2005). Most stings occurred during the hot period and mainly at
night. The average incidence was 3.2 per 1,000 inhabitants; patients <15 years accounted for 34%, and the envenomation rate
was 12%. Average lethality rate was 0.7%. Our work evaluated the efficacy of the adopted strategy based on indicators of
follow-up, morbidity and lethality due to scorpion sting and envenomation.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Scorpions; Strategy; Indicators; El Kelaa; Morocco.
Ano: 2008
Uncommon non-oncogenic HPV genotypes, TP53 and MDM2 genes polymorphisms in HIV-infected
women in Southern Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Entiauspe,Ludmila Gonçalves; Seixas,Fabiana Kömmling; Nunes,Emily Montosa; Rodrigues,Fernanda Martins;
Dellagostin,Odir A.; Collares,Tiago; Silveira,Mariângela Freitas da.
Background:It is believed that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus coinfection contributes to
increase the risk for cervical intraepithelial injuries. Several factors may contribute to cervical cancer (CC) development,
including genetic variants such as TP53and MDM2 gene polymorphisms.Materials and methods:A hundred HIV-infected women
were examined for HPV detection and its genotypes, as well as the frequencies of the SNPs Arg72Pro and SNP309 and their
associations with CC risk factors. Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (nPCR) was used for HPV detection and PCR-RFLP for
TP53 and MDM2 SNP309 genotyping.Results:HPV DNA was detected in 68% of samples. A higher frequency of low-risk HPV
genotypes (66.7%) was observed when compared to...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: HPV infection; HIV infection; Cervical cancer; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2014
Garlic viral complex: identification of Potyviruses and Carlavirus in Central Brazil
Provedor de dados: 102
Garlic viruses often occur in complex infections in nature. In this study, a garlic virus complex, collected in fields in Brazil, was
purified. RT-PCR was performed using specific primers designed from the consensus regions of the coat protein genes of Onion
yellow dwarf virus, a garlic strain (OYDV-G) and Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV). cDNA of Garlic common latent virus
(GCLV) was synthesized using oligo-dT and random primers. By these procedures individual garlic virus genomes were isolated
and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence analysis associated with serological data reveals the presence of two Potyvirus OYDV-G
and LYSV, and GCLV, a Carlavirus, simultaneously infecting garlic plants. Deduced amino acid sequences of the Brazilian
isolates were...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: OYDV-G; LYSV; GCLV; Detection; Coat protein; PCR; Probes; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2001
An overview of a diagnostic and epidemiologic reappraisal of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iran
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Farahmand,Mahin; Nahrevanian,Hossein; Shirazi,Hasti Atashi; Naeimi,Sabah; Farzanehnejad,Zahra.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a widespread tropical infection which has a high incidence rate in Iran. Leishmania tropica, the
causative agent of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), and Leishmania major, which causes zoonotic cutaneous
leishmaniasis (ZCL), are endemic in various parts of Iran with a high incidence rate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
reappraisal of the diagnosis and epidemiology of CL in Iran, by different clinical, parasitological and molecular assays among
patients suspected of CL referred to the Department of Parasitology, at the Pasteur Institute of Iran during 2006-2009. Two
hundred samples from patients with ulcerative skin lesions were collected, clinical analyses were applied, data questionnaire was
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Parasitological analysis; Molecular biology; Leishmaniasis; Cutaneous; Iran; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2011
Parainfluenza virus infections in a tropical city: clinical and epidemiological aspects
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Fé,Mariana Mota Moura; Monteiro,André Jalles; Moura,Fernanda Edna Araújo.
Little information on the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) infections, especially in
children from tropical countries, has been published. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of HPIV infections in
children attended at a large hospital in Fortaleza in Northeast Brazil, and describe seasonal patterns, clinical and epidemiological
characteristics of these infections. From January 2001 to December 2006, a total of 3070 nasopharyngeal aspirates collected from
children were screened by indirect immunofluorescence for human parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, and 3 (HPIV-1, 2 and 3) and other
respiratory viruses. Viral antigens were identified in 933 samples and HPIV in 117. The frequency of HPIV-3, HPIV-1 and...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Acute respiratory infections; Parainfluenza virus; Epidemiology; Brazil.
Ano: 2008
Human papillomavirus infection in women attended at a cervical cancer screening service in Natal,
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Fernandes,Thales Allyrio Araújo de Medeiros; Meissner,Rosely de Vasconcellos; Bezerra,Laelson Freire;
Azevedo,Paulo Roberto Medeiros de; Fernandes,José Veríssimo.
We analyzed cervical specimens of 202 women, aged 15 to 64 years, attended at Luis Antonio Hospital, Natal, Brazil, to
determine the prevalence of HPV and identify the more frequent genotypes and risk factors for HPV infection in women attended
at a cervical cancer screening service. Two specimens were collected from each patient: one for cytological examination and the
other to detect HPV DNA by PCR, and typing by dot blot hybridization. A total of 54.5% of the sample had normal cytology and
45.5% had cytological alterations. HPV was detected in 24.5% of the cytologically normal women and in 59.8% of those with
altered cytology. Both single and double HPV infection increased the likelihood of cytological alterations. Thirteen types of HPV
were identified,...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Human papillomavirus; Cervical cancer; Epidemiology; Prevalence; Risk factors.
Ano: 2008
Disease burden of chronic hepatitis C in Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Ferreira,Paulo Roberto Abrão; Brandão-Mello,Carlos Eduardo; Estes,Chris; Gonçales Júnior,Fernando Lopes;
Coelho,Henrique Sérgio Moraes; Razavi,Homie; Cheinquer,Hugo; Wolff,Fernando Herz; Ferraz,Maria Lúcia Gomes;
Pessoa,Mário Guimarães; Mendes-Correa,Maria Cássia.
Background: Hepatitis C virus infection is a major cause of cirrhosis; hepatocellular carcinoma; and liver transplantation. The aim
of this study was to estimate hepatitis C virus disease progression and the burden of disease from a nationwide
perspective.Methods: Using a model developed to forecast hepatitis C virus disease progression and the number of cases at each
stage of liver disease; hepatitis C virus-infected population and associated disease progression in Brazil were
quantified. The impact of two different strategies was compared: higher sustained virological response and treatment
eligibility rates (1) or higher diagnosis and treatment rates associated with increased sustained virological response rates
(2).Results: The number of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: HCV; Disease burden; Epidemiology; Incidence; Brazil.
Ano: 2015
Measuring the economic benefits and costs of Bluetongue virus outbreak and control strategies in
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Fofana,
Abdulai; Toma,
Luiza; Moran,
Dominic; Gunn,
George J.; Stott,
Alistair W.
This paper provides an ex-ante economic analysis, comparing six alternative control strategies for the eradication of Bluetongue
virus 8 against five incursion scenarios in cattle and sheep populations. The economic analysis assumes a common baseline
unavoidable cost of public and private measures that together contribute to prevention of incursion of BTV8 into Scotland. These
costs continue over the five year horizon of this analysis regardless of whether a BTV8 epidemic ensues in Scotland and their total
present value was found to be approximately £141m over the 5year period. The benefit of this investment is the costs of a BTV8
outbreak avoided; which depends on the time, location and nature of the incursion, on the control strategies adopted to counter...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bluetongue virus; Epidemiology; Direct and indirect costs; Benefit analysis; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009
Campylobacter sp in organs and meconium of day-old broiler chicks derived from naturally infected
breeder hens
Provedor de dados: 89
Autores: Fonseca,BB; Soncini,RA; Vieira,FL; Siqueira,MS; Guimarães,AR; Beletti,ME; Rossi,DA.
Campylobacter sp is an important agent that causes foodborne infection, particularly in food of poultry origin. Therefore, the
efficient control of the transmission routes in chicken farms is of outmost importance to prevent it from spreading. In chicken
farms, the main transmission route of this microorganism is horizontal, as the vertical route continues to be the object of
inconclusive researches. The objective of this study was to verify the presence of Campylobacter sp in breeder hens, meconium,
and other organs of day-old chicks derived from these breeders in order to obtain information on vertical transmission.
Microbiological analyses were performed, using cloacal swabs from 279 breeder hens. Positive breeders were segregated, and the
presence of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Campylobacter sp; Chickens; Vertical transmission; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2006
Campylobacter sp in eggs from cloacal swab positive breeder hens
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Fonseca,Belchiolina Beatriz; Soncini,Ricardo Alfredo; Gimarães,Adelia Rodrigues; Rossi,Daise Aparecida.
Campylobacter sp is a microaerophilic, thermotolerating Gram negative bacterium, known to be one of the main causes of
food-borne human infections. Among the foods that carry these microorganisms, the chicken is outstanding. In Brazil, a large
chicken exporting country, few researches are conducted about their prevalence in breeder hens and the transmission through
eggs. The aim of this research was to verify the presence of Campylobacter sp in the shells and within the eggs from positive
cloacal swab breeder hens. Microbiological analyses were made on cloacal swabs of 140 weighed breeder hens. The positive
breeder hens were set aside and in a total of 244 of their eggs, Campylobacter sp was present in macerated shells and yolk
contents during 7 weeks. Out...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Campylobacter; Eggs; Chicken; Vertical transmission; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2006
Profile of patients diagnosed with AIDS at age 60 and above in Brazil, from 1980 until June 2009,
compared to those diagnosed at age 18 to 59
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Fonseca,Marise Oliveira; Tupinambás,Unaí; Sousa,Artur Iuri Alves de; Baisley,Kathy; Greco,Dirceu Bartolomeu;
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to learn more about people diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS) at age 60 and above in Brazil, and to compare them with people diagnosed at a younger age. METHODS: This study was
based on the analysis of secondary data from the Brazilian AIDS Program. The study population consisted of people diagnosed
with AIDS at age 60 and above. The comparison group was comprised of a 20% random sample of people diagnosed at age 18 to
59, frequency-matched by year of diagnosis. RESULTS: 544,846 cases of AIDS were reported in Brazil from 1980 until June
2009. Over 90% of cases were diagnosed between 18 and 59 years of age, and 13,657 (2.5%) at age 60 and above. The first case
of AIDS among the elderly was reported...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: HIV; AIDS; Elderly; Epidemiology; Brazil.
Ano: 2012
Epidemiology of hepatitis B virus in the cities of the northern region of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 42
ABSTRACT The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 2 billion people worldwide have already had
contact with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and 373 million have become chronic carriers. Hepatitis B is a major cause of chronic
hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, leading to a large number of deaths annually. Both viral factors and the host
immune response have been implicated in the pathogenesis and clinical result of HBV infection. Many Brazilian cities, including
the cities of the northern region of the state of Espírito Santo are located in regions with little health infrastructure. Our study
performed an epidemiological analysis of cases of Hepatitis B in São Mateus, using methodology of Geographic Information
System (GIS),...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hepatitis B; Epidemiology; Geoprocessing; Espírito Santo.
Ano: 2016
A large multi-pathogen waterborne community outbreak linked to faecal contamination of a
groundwater system, France, 2000
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Gallay, A; De Valk, H; Cournot, M; Ladeuil, B; Hemery, C; Castor, C; Bon, F; Megraud, F; Le Cann, Pierre; Desenclos,
A large waterborne outbreak of infection that occurred during August 2000 in a local community in France was investigated
initially via a rapid survey of visits to local physicians. A retrospective cohort study was then conducted on a random cluster
sample of residents. Of 709 residents interviewed, 202 (28.5%) were definite cases (at least three liquid stools/day or vomiting)
and 62 (8.7%) were probable cases (less than three liquid stools/day or abdominal pain). Those who had drunk tap water had a
three-fold increased risk for illness (95% CI 2.4-4.0). The risk increased with the amount of water consumed (chi-square trend: p
< 0.0001). Bacteriological analyses of stools were performed for 35 patients and virological analyses for 24 patients....
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Waterborne outbreak; Rotavirus; Norovirus; Gastroenteritis; Epidemiology; Campylobacter coli.
Ano: 2006
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Garber,
The National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) is sponsored by the USDA:APHIS:Veterinary Services (VS). The
NAHMS Equine '98 Study was designed to provide information about the nation's equine population. Twenty-eight states were
included in the study.
The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collaborated with VS to select a
statistically-valid sample such that inferences could be made to all equids and operations with equids in the 28 states. For the
purposes of the study, equids included domestic horses, miniature horses, ponies, donkeys/burros, and mules. For Part III of the
study, data were collected by Federal and State Veterinary Medical Officers and Animal Health Technicians between March 16,
1998, to April 10, 1998, from...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Horse; Epidemiology; Health; Disease; Vaccination; Stall management; Hoof care; Parasites; Tetanus;
Influenza; Encephalitis; Influenza; Herpes virus; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1999
Epidemiologia da vassoura-de-bruxa (Crinipellis perniciosa) do cupuacuzeiro (Theobroma
Provedor de dados: 14
Determinacao dos periodos mais favoraveis a ocorrencia da vassoura-de-bruxa, envolvendo a fenologia do hospedeiro, na
esporulacao do fungo e nas condicoes climaticas de Manaus, AM (Brasil).
Tipo: Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Theobroma grandiflorum; Cupuacu; Doenca; Folha; Crinipellis perniciosa; Vassoura-de-bruxa; Fungo;
Epidemiologia; Hospedeiro; Fenologia; Brasil; Amazonas; Manaus; Leaves; Fungal; Diseases; Epidemiology; Hosts; Phenology.
Ano: 2000
Epidemiologia da vassoura-de-bruxa (Crinipellis perniciosa) do cupuaçuzeiro.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: GASPAROTTO, L.; PEREIRA, J. C. R.; COSTA, M. M. da; PEREIRA, M. C. N.
Determinacao dos periodos mais favoraveis a ocorrencia da vassoura-de-bruxa, envolvendo a fenologia do hospedeiro e as
condicoes climaticas de Manaus-AM (Brasil).
Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Theobroma grandiflorum; Cupuacu; Doenca; Folha; Crinipellis perniciosa; Vassoura-de-bruxa; Fungo;
Epidemiologia; Hospedeiro; Fenologia; Brasil; Amazonas; Manaus; Leaves; Fungal diseases; Epidemiology; Hosts; Phenology.
Ano: 1999
Aflatoxin M1 in the urine of non-carriers and chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus in Maringa, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 60
Autores: Giolo,Marcel Padovani; Oliveira,Christiane Minervino de; Bertolini,Dennis Armando; Lonardoni,Maria Valdrinez
Campana; Gouveia,Matheus Sampaio; Netto,Daisy Pontes; Nixdorf,Suzana Lucy; Machinski Junior,Miguel.
Exposure to aflatoxins (AFs) in the diet may favour the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the acute
exacerbation of hepatitis in chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers. Measurement of biomarkers such as aflatoxin M1 (AFM1), a
metabolite of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), in urine allows for the assessment of populations exposed to aflatoxins. The aim of this study
was to investigate the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in the urine of HBV carrier and non-carrier patients. One group included 43
randomly selected HBV carriers treated at two hospitals in the city of Maringa, Brazil, from March to June 2008. Control group
consisted of 29 healthy adult volunteers with anti-HBs positive and HBsAg negative test results. Detection of AFM1 was
performed by...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Aflatoxins; Biomarkers; Hepatitis B; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Urina/análise toxicológica; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012
"Summer Syndrome" in Litopenaeus stylirostris in New Caledonia: Pathology and epidemiology of
the etiological agent, Vibrio nigripulchritudo
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Goarant, Cyrille; Ansquer, Dominique; Herlin, Jose; Domalain, David; Imbert, Frederic; De Decker, Sophie.
The Summer Syndrome is a new shrimp disease that has been affecting a shrimp growout farm in New Caledonia since end of
1997. It was recognized to be caused by a systemic vibriosis due to Vibrio nigripulchritudo. This new disease turned out almost
immediately enzootic in the shrimp farm involved and has affected all its crops ever since. Since the year 2000, V.
nigripulchritudo strains have been found in several shrimp farms, although Summer Syndrome is still limited to one particular
area, affecting, since 2003, two adjoining farms. As part of a multidisciplinary research program, a high-frequency survey was
carried out during the summer 2002-2003 in two shrimp farms: one affected farm and another one in which pathogenic strains
could be isolated but...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Vibrio; Diseases and their control; Shrimp.
Ano: 2006
Molecular epidemiology of Vibrio nigripulchritudo, a pathogen of cultured penaeid shrimp
(Litopenaeus stylirostris) in New Caledonia
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Goarant, Cyrille; Reynaud, Yann; Ansquer, Dominique; De Decker, Sophie; Saulnier, Denis; Leroux, Frederique.
A collection of 57 isolates of Vibrio nigripulchritudo from either diseased or healthy shrimp and from shrimp farms environment
was studied in order to gain a better understanding of the epidemiology of this pathogen, notably isolated from two distinct shrimp
disease complexes. Molecular typing using two different techniques, arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) and multi-locus sequence
typing (MLST), studied together with experimental pathology data allowed a relevant epidemiological insight into this possibly
emerging pathogen. Additionally, results obtained with the two molecular typing techniques were congruent and allowed
discriminating the strains associated with the "Summer Syndrome" from strains isolated from other contexts, especially the other
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Virulence; Epidemiology; Typing; MLST; AP PCR; Mariculture; Vibriosis.
Ano: 2006
Seroepidemiological study on CAE on dairy goats.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Artrite Encefalite Caprina; CAE; Soroepidemiologia; Seroepidemiology; Caprino; Cabra leiteira;
Epidemiologia; Goats; Epidemiology; Arthritis; Caprine arthritis encephalit virus.
Ano: 1996
Implantação de um programa de controle da CAEV em sistemas epidemiológicos distintos.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Artrite-encefalite caprina; CAEV; Caprino; Artrite; Doença animal; Epidemiologia; Controle; Goats;
Epidemiology; Caprine arthritis encephalit virus; Animal diseases; Disease control.
Ano: 1994
Avaliação de um programa de controle da artrite encefalite caprina a vírus em sistemas
epidemiológicos distintos.
Provedor de dados: 119
O trabalho avalia a eficacia das medidas que sao adotadas em um rebanho para controle da CAEV em sistemas epidemiologicos
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Artrite encefalite caprina; CAEV; Caprino; Epidemiologia; Doença animal; Vírus; Controle; Goats; Caprine
arthritis encephalit virus; Epidemiology; Diseases.
Ano: 1996
Jointly-Determined Livestock Disease Dynamics and Decentralized Economic Behavior
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Gramig,
Benjamin M.; Horan,
Richard D.
We develop a dynamic model of livestock disease and decentralized economic behavior as a jointly-determined system. By
accounting for feedbacks between behavioral choices and disease outcomes we capture the endogenous nature of infection risks.
We consider government mandated testing of livestock herds and how private biosecurity incentives are affected by the structure
of disease eradication polices. How well disease control policies are targeted affects their effectiveness and may result in farmers
substituting government testing and disease surveillance for private biosecurity. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that
failing to account for feedbacks between disease and economic dynamics may underestimate the level of infection. Not accounting
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioeconomics; Epidemiology; Replicator dynamics; Externalities; Strategic behavior; Resource /Energy
Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009
Crescimento de isolados de Cylindrocladium spathulatum da erva-mate das cinco regiões do Estado
do Paraná.
Provedor de dados: 119
Em viveiros de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis, St Hil.), a pinta preta, causada por Cylindrocladium spathulatum é a principal
doença fúngica na região sul do Brasil. Poucas são as informações epidemiológicas disponíveis neste patossistema. A fim de
avançar nesta área, foi realizado o presente trabalho. Culturas monospóricas de C. spathulatum, obtidas de plantas colhidas em
cinco regiões ervateiras: Cascavel, Colombo, Guarapuava, Ivaí e São Mateus do Sul, PR, foram testadas em diferentes meios de
cultura. Os isolados foram cultivados nos meios: batata-dextrose-ágar, folha de erva-mate-dextrose-ágar, chimarrão dextrose-ágar,
farinha de aveiadextrose- ágar e malte-ágar, todos com pH entre 5,0 e 5,5. Em placas de Petri, de 9 cm de diâmetro, contendo
cerca de...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Fungo; Epidemiologia; Doenca; Viveiro; Pinta preta; Fungi; Epidemiology; Nursery; Disease.
Ano: 1999
Prophylactic strategies and zootechnic measures, recent advances
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Grizel, Henri.
The spread of major diseases of molluscs around the world and the increase of transfers need the development of adapted
prophylactic strategies and the increase of research in epidemiology, immunology and genetics. The prophylactic strategies must
be based on common laws with the establishment of a list of declarable pathogens, with basic sampling rules (sample size,
frequency, definition of geographical areas) and with reglementation of the internal transfers. Moreover, specific adapted
diagnosis should be developed to increase the sanitary control performance (e.g. ELISA test, DNA probe, cell culture). In the case
of an infectious disease the epidemiology studies should be concerned, the relationship between the culture techniques and the
disease, the...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Bonamia ostreae; Mollusc culture; Aquaculture techniques; Pathology; Immunology; Genetics; Epidemiology;
Fish diseases; Disease control.
Ano: 1989
Epidemiologia da antracnose do sorgo.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: GUIMARÃES, F. B.; PEREIRA, J. C. R.; FERREIRA, A. S.; SANTOS, G. G. dos.
Efeitos dos fatores climáticos no progresso da antracnose do sorgo, que encontra-se disseminada em todas as regiões produtoras
do Brasil e constitui-se num fator limitante ao desenvolvimento desta cultura devido às elevadas perdas causadas na produção de
grãos e forragens.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Sorgo; Antracnose; Epidemiologia; Doença fúngica; Brasil; Sorghum; Epidemiology; Fungal diseases.
Ano: 2001
Prevalência e fatores de risco associados à Leptospira spp. em rebanhos bovinos da região centro-sul
do estado do Paraná.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: HASHIMOTO, V. Y.; DIAS, J. A.; SPOHR, K. A. H.; SILVA, M. C. P.; ANDRADE, M. G. B.; MÜLLER, E. E.;
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a prevalência de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. e os fatores de risco para infecção de
Leptospira spp. na criação de rebanhos bovinos no centro-sul da região do Estado do Paraná.
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Epidemiologia; Fatores de risco; Leptospirose; Soroaglutinação microscópica; Epidemiology; Risk factors;
Leptospirosis; Microscopic agglutination test.
Ano: 2012
Molecular detection and phylogenetic relationship of wild-type strains of canine distemper virus in
symptomatic dogs from Uberlândia, Minas Gerais
Provedor de dados: 45
Autores: Headley,S.A.; Santos,T.R.; Bodnar,L.; Saut,J.P.E.; Silva,A.P.; Alfieri,A.F.; Medeiros,A.A.; Soares,N.P.; Alfieri,A.A.
This study investigated the occurrence of canine distemper virus (CDV) by evaluating the presence of viral RNA within urine
samples of dogs from Uberlândia, MG, with clinical manifestations suggestive of infection by CDV by targeting the CDV N gene.
Of the clinical samples collected ( n =33), CDV viruria was detected in 45.5%. Five dogs died spontaneously; all had
characteristic CDV-associated histopathological alterations and demonstrated CDV viruria. Statistical analyses revealed that the
age, gender, breed, or the organ system of the dog affected had no influence on the occurrence of canine distemper. Myoclonus
and motor incoordination were the most significant neurological manifestations observed. A direct association was observed
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Canine distemper; Viruria; Phylogeny; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2015
Histopathological and molecular characterization of encephalitic listeriosis in small ruminants from
northern Paraná, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Headley,Selwyn Arlington; Bodnar,Lívia; Fritzen,Juliana T.T.; Bronkhorst,Dalton Evert; Alfieri,Alice Fernandes;
Okano,Werner; Alfieri,Amauri Alcindo.
Listeriosis is a disease primarily of ruminants caused by the Gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. Ruminants either
demonstrate manifestations of the encephalitic, septicemic, or reproductive form of listeriosis. The pathological and molecular
findings with encephalitic listeriosis in a 5.5-month-old, male, mixed-breed goat and a 3-year-old Texel-crossed sheep from
northern Paraná, Brazil are described. Clinically, the kid demonstrated circling, lateral protrusion of the tongue, head tilt, and
convulsions; the ewe presented ataxia, motor incoordination, and lateral decumbency. Brainstem dysfunctions were diagnosed
clinically and listeriosis was suspected. Necropsy performed on both animals did not reveal remarkable gross lesions; significant...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Brainstem dysfunctions; Rhombencephalitis; Neuropathology; Listeriolysin gene; Epidemiology; Listeria
Ano: 2013
Canine distemper: epidemiological findings of 250 cases
Provedor de dados: 62
Autores: HEADLEY,Selwyn Arlington; GRAÇA,Dominguita Lühers.
A review of the number of dogs submitted for necropsy at the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of
Santa Maria, RS, between 1985-1997 has shown that 11.7% (250/2136) had lesions and inclusion bodies characteristic of
infection by canine distemper virus (CDV). Most of these cases occurred during the winter months in dogs that were less than 1.5
year old, which were submitted by residents from the city of Santa Maria. Canine distemper is considered endemic in this city.
Significant differences in susceptibility were not observed between males and females. Mongrel dogs were super-represented, but
dolichocephalic breeds were more affected than brachycephalic ones. Distemper encephalopathy with typical CDV inclusion
bodies, especially...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Distemper virus; Dogs.
Ano: 2000
Epidemiology of septic arthritis of the knee at Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade de São Paulo
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Helito,Camilo Partezani; Noffs,Guilherme Guelfi; Pecora,Jose Ricardo; Gobbi,Riccardo Gomes; Tirico,Luis Eduardo
Passarelli; Lima,Ana Lucia Munhoz; de Oliveira,Priscila Rosalba; Camanho,Gilberto Luis.
Background:Septic arthritis is an infrequent disease although very important due to the possibility of disastrous outcomes if
treatment is not adequately established. Adequate information concerning the epidemiology of septic arthritis is still lacking due to
the uncommon nature of the disease as well as the struggle to establish a correct case-definition.Objective:To epidemiologically
characterize the population seen at Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo with a diagnosis of septic arthritis between 2006
and 2011.Methods:Sixty-one patients diagnosed with septic arthritis of the knee between 2006 and 2011 were retrospectively
evaluated. The patients' clinical and epidemiological characteristics, the microorganisms that caused the infection and...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Knee; Infection; Septic arthritis; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2014
Isolation and identification of feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus in Southern Brazil
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Henzel,Andréia; Brum,Mário Celso Sperotto; Lautert,Cláudia; Martins,Mathias; Lovato,Luciane Teresinha;
Feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) are the two primary causes of upper respiratory tract disease in
cats. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the distribution of FCV and FHV-1 among the feline population of several counties
in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. To this end, conjunctival and nasal swabs were collected from 302 cats from different
locations, including households, breeding catteries, veterinary clinics, animal hospitals and experimental research facilities. The
samples were collected between July 2006 to June 2009. The virus isolation was performed in CRFK cells and, subsequently, the
identification was confirmed by PCR. FCV, FHV-1, or both were isolated from 55 cats from 28 different locations. FCV alone
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: FCV; FHV-1; URTD; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012
Detection of Rickettsial DNA in ixodid ticks recovered from dogs and cats in Japan
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: Hiraoka, Hiroko; Shimada, Yojiro; Sakata, Yoshimi; Watanabe, Malaika; Itamoto, Kazuhito; Okuda, Masaru; Inokuma,
Hisashi; 猪熊, 壽.
DNA from ticks recovered from 1137 dogs and 133 cats from Ell over Japan were examined for Rickettsia infection by citrate
synthase gene (gltA)-based PCR and partial nucleotide sequencing. A total of 91 dog tick samples and 18 cat tick samples showed
a single band of the appropriate size in the nested PCR. Sequence analysis was successfully performed on 102 samples. DNA of
Rickettsia japonica or closely related Rickettsia spp. strains were detected from 38 licks in 16 prefectures mainly in western Japan.
The other 33, detected from 13 prefectures including Hokkaido and Okinawa, were found to be Rickettsia helvetica or closely
related strains. A total of 29 DNA that showed highest homology with Rickettsia akari or closely related strains were detected in
Palavras-chave: Canine; Epidemiology; Feline; Rickettsia; Tick.
Ano: 2005
Risk factors caused by scorpion stings and envenomations in the province of Kelâa Des Sraghna
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Hmimou,R; Soulaymani,A; Mokhtari,A; Arfaoui,A; Eloufir,G; Semlali,I; Soulaymani Bencheikh,R.
The present study aims to elucidate the risk factors involved in deaths caused by scorpion envenomation. A retrospective study
was carried out in the province of Kelâa des Sraghna from 2003 to 2004. The hospital charts of scorpion envenomation cases
treated in the Essalama Hospital in Kelâa des Sraghna were exhaustively analyzed. Our study contains 31 cases of death among
470 hospitalization cases. Most stings had occurred during the hot period peaking in July and August (54.6%). Moreover, the
scorpion stings occurred at night in 60.1% of the cases, between 6:00 pm and 6:00 am. In addition, all age groups were affected by
envenomation, with a higher frequency in children aged less than 15 years (68.3%). The envenomation rate (class II + class III)
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Scorpion; Morocco; Epidemiology; Kelâa province of Sraghna.
Ano: 2008
Contrat de Plan État-Région Bretagne. Relance de l'huître plate. Rapport d'avancement des travaux
Provedor de dados: 5
Un contrat de Plan État-Région Bretagne a été signé en 1983 pour financer des recherches sur la période 1984-1988 dans le but de
permettre la relance de l'élevage de l'huître plate, à la suite de la deuxième épizootie due à un protozaire, Bonamia ostreae. Ce
rapport présente les travaux réalisés et les résultats acquis durant l'année 1988, dans les domaines de la pathologie (étude de la
maladie et des mécanismes de défense des mollusques) de la génétique (recherche de souches résistantes), de l'épidémiologie
descriptive et de la zootechnie.
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Bivalves; Ostrea edulis; Bonamia ostreae; Épidémiologie; Pathologie; Immunologie; Échantillonnage; Élevage;
Shellfish; Ostrea edulis; Bonamia ostreae; Epidemiology; Pathology; Immunology; Sampling; Rearing.
Ano: 1989
The public health implications of melioidosis
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Inglis,Timothy J.J.; Sousa,Anastácio Q.
Melioidosis, which is caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei, is a potentially fatal tropical infection, little known
outside its main endemic zone of Southeast Asia and northern Australia. Though it has received more attention in recent years on
account of its claimed suitability as a biological weapon agent, the principal threat from melioidosis is a result of naturally
occurring events. Occasional case clusters, sporadic cases outside the known endemic zone and infections in unusual demographic
groups highlight a changing epidemiology. As melioidosis is the result of an environmental encounter and not person-to-person
transmission, subtle changes in its epidemiology indicate a role environmental factors, such as man-made disturbances of soil...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Public Health; Melioidosis; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2009
High prevalence of hepatitis C associated with familial history of hepatitis in a small town of south
Brazil: efficiency of the rapid test for epidemiological survey
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Ivantes,Cláudia Alexandra Pontes; Silva,Danilo; Messias-Reason,Iara.
This report describes a cross-sectional survey on the prevalence of hepatitis C antibodies (anti-HCV) in Tamboara, a small
community in the northwest area from Paraná State, south of Brazil with a high rate of accumulated detection for HCV. Eight
hundred and sixteen residents (17.87% from all the population), independently of the age and time living in Tamboara were
included in this study by an epidemiologic questionnaire and by testing for anti-HCV. The rapid immuno-chromatographic test
was applied for detection of HCV antibodies. The anti-HCV prevalence by rapid test was 4.28%. The median age for positive and
negative test was 60.49 ± 14.14 and 41.67 ± 20.25, respectively (p < 0.001). By multivariate analysis, only familial history of
hepatitis (p =...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hepatitis C; Epidemiology; Brazil.
Ano: 2010
American trypanosomiasis and associated risk factors in owned dogs from the major city of Yucatan,
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Jiménez-Coello,Matilde; Acosta-Viana,Karla; Guzmán-Marín,Eugenia; Bárcenas-Irabién,Alejandra;
AbstractBackground The American trypanosomiasis is a zoonosis caused by the protozoaTrypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi). The
disease is widely distributed throughout the American continent, affecting a wide range of hosts, including dogs. It is present in
the canine population in the State of Yucatan, Mexico. However, no significant studies in owned dogs have been performed in the
metropolitan area of Merida. A transversal study was conducted in 370 owned dogs from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.Methods A
cross-sectional study including 370 dogs was performed in a major city of Yucatan, Mexico, to detect IgG antibodies against T.
cruzi. A commercial ELISA test kit was used and a chi-square test used to evaluate associated risk factors; odds ratio (OR) and 95
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Trypanosoma cruzi; Epidemiology; Owned dogs; Major city; Mexico.
Ano: 2015
Selection of shrimp breeders free of white spot syndrome and infectious hypodermal and
hematopoietic necrosis.
Provedor de dados: 119
The objective of this work was to select surviving breeders of Litopenaeus vannamei from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)
outbreak, adapted to local climatic conditions and negatively diagnosed for WSSV and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic
necrosis virus (IHHNV), and to evaluate if this strategy is a viable alternative for production in Santa Catarina, Brazil. A total of
800 males and 800 females were phenotypically selected in a farm pond. Nested-PCR analyses of 487 sexually mature females
and 231 sexually mature males showed that 63% of the females and 55% of the males were infected with IHHNV. Animals free of
IHHNV were tested for WSSV, and those considered double negative were used for breeding. The post-larvae produced were
stocked in nine...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Litopenaeus vannamei; Breeding; Epidemiology; Nested-PCR. reprodução; Epidemiologia; Nested-PCR.
Ano: 2011
The epidemiology of sepsis in a Brazilian teaching hospital
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Kauss,IAM; Grion,Cintia MC; Cardoso,LTQ; Anami,EHT; Nunes,LB; Ferreira,GL; Matsuo,T; Bonametti,AM.
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to estimate disease incidence and mortality rate of sepsis in a tertiary public
hospital. METHODS: Patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in 2004 and 2005 were monitored for sepsis using an
observational longitudinal study design. Patients were monitored daily for diagnostic criteria of sepsis, according to ACCP/SCCM
Consensus Conference criteria, until either death or hospital discharge. RESULTS: During the study, we analyzed 1,179 patients.
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) was present in 1,048 (88.9%) patients on admission, and was associated with
infection in 554 (47.0%) patients. Of these, sepsis was diagnosed in 30 (2.5%) patients, while severe sepsis was diagnosed in 269
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Sepsis; Incidence; Mortality; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2010
The epidemiology of scorpion stings in tropical areas of Kermanshah province, Iran, during 2008 and
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Khatony,Alireza; Abdi,Alireza; Fatahpour,Tahereh; Towhidi,Farhad.
Abstract Background Scorpion stings are an acute health problem in tropical regions. Awareness of this problem is fundamental
for establishing preventive interventions, thus prompting the present study to determine the scorpion-sting incidence in tropical
areas of Kermanshah province during 2008 and 2009. Methods In a retrospective study, all records related to scorpion sting
patients from the health centers of tropical areas of Kermanshah were studied by a census and checklist. Data were analyzed by
the software SPSS-16 using descriptive and inferential tests. Results The incidence of scorpion stings was 334.37/100,000
inhabitants in 2008 and 339.07/100000 in 2009. Mean and standard deviation of age were 30.55 ± 16.99. Scorpion stings were
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Scorpion stings; Epidemiology; Tropical climate; Kermanshah; Incidence.
Ano: 2015
Occurrence and risk factors associated with canine leptospirosis
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Kikuti,M; Langoni,H; Nobrega,DN; Corrêa,APFL; Ullmann,LS.
Leptospirosis is a globally distributed emerging zoonosis. Dogs are commonly affected and although other serovars can cause
canine leptospirosis, Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola is primary found in these animals. A retrospective study was
conducted using a database of 1195 dogs tested for Leptospira infection from 2003 to 2010 at the Laboratory of Zoonosis
Diagnosis at the Veterinary Hospital of São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Botucatu, São Paulo state, Brazil. The
seroprevalence of infected dogs was 20.08% (240/1195), and the most prevalent serovars were Canicola (6.7%), Copenhageni
(5.0%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (2.9%), Autumnalis (2.9%), Pyrogenes (2.8%), Pomona (2.0%), Hardjo (2.0%), Australis (1.8%),
Bratislava (1.6%), Cynopteri (1.4%),...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Leptospira spp.; Dog; Serology; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012
Análise multivariada dos componentes da resistência à ferrugem-asiática em genótipos de soja.
Provedor de dados: 119
O objetivo deste trabalho foi detalhar os ciclos de infecção da Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd. em genótipos de soja,
para o estabelecimento de grupos de genótipos mais promissores para o uso como fontes de resistência à ferrugem. Os
componentes do ciclo de infecção foram quantificados em 48 genótipos. Foram avaliados: tipo de lesão, intensidade de
esporulação, severidade, número de lesões e de urédias e produtividade de urediniósporos. Pela análise de agrupamentos,
formaram-se quatro grupos: A desenvolveu a maior quantidade de doença; B desenvolveu a menor quantidade de doença; C baixa
resistência inicial e D alta resistência inicial. Os genótipos dos grupos B, C e D apresentaram lesões RB ("redish-brown") e
variaram quanto à resistência inicial,...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Glycine max; Phakopsora pachyrhizi; Epidemiologia; Número de lesões; Número de urédias; Resistência
horizontal e vertical; Resistência quantitativa e qualitativa; Epidemiology; Number of lesions; Number of uredinias; Horizontal
and vertical resistance; Quantitative and qualitative resistance.
Ano: 2008
Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909: genetic variability of isolates from chronic chagasic patients in the
Paraná state, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Kopp,Rogério Luiz; Miyazaki,Márcia; Thomaz-Soccol,Vanete.
The present work had as objective to verify the genetic diversity among strains of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated in chronic chagasic
patients in the Paraná state. Fifty patients with compatible clinical symptoms were selected (cardiopathy, megacolon and/or
megaesophagus) and that presented positive serological reaction to T. cruzi. Six strains of the protozoan were isolated in
hemoculture and identified by electrophoresis in starch thick gel with aid of 14 isoenzymes (6PGD; G6PD; ME¹; ME²; ICD;
PGM; GPI; GOT¹; GOT²; NP¹; NP²; DIA; MPI and FH). The statistical analysis were accomplished by the softwares NTSYs and
UPGMA. Eighty-four electromorphs were individualized and four isoenzymes (ICD, GPI, 6PGD, e PGM) showed compatibility
for heterozygosis. The phenetic...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Trypanosoma cruzi; Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis; Chagas disease; Epidemiology; Phenetic analysis.
Ano: 2005
Prevalence of Bipartite Patella in Turkish Population: Analysis of Bilateral Knee Radiographs in 897
Provedor de dados: 77
Autores: Kose,Ozkan; Eraslan,Ali; Ergun,Ali; Egerci,Omer Faruk; Ercan,Emrah Cevat.
Bipartite patella is a normal anatomic variant of patella. There are various data about the prevalence of bipartite patella in the
literature. The aim of this study was to investigate its prevalence, type distribution and sex predilection in Turkish population.
Bilateral knee radiographs were retrospectively reviewed of 897 consecutive adult patients. Cases with bipartite patella were
categorized according to the Oohashi classification. Medical records were examined in order to differentiate symptomatic and
asymptomatic bipartite patellae. We contacted symptomatic patients by telephone to learn continuity of knee pain. We identified
11 cases (7 male, 4 female) of bipartite patella among the 283 male and 614 female patients. No bilateral cases were...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Bipartite patella; Turkish population; Prevalence; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2015
Molecular characterization of Rhodococcus equi isolates of horse breeding farms from an endemic
region in South of Brazil by multiplex PCR
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Krewer,Cristina da Costa; Spricigo,Dênis Augusto; Botton,Sônia de Avila; Costa,Mateus Matiuzzi da; Schrank,Irene;
Vargas,Agueda Castagna de.
Rhodococcus equi is a gram-positive coco-bacillus and an intracellular opportunistic pathogen which causes pneumonia in foals.
It is widely detected in environment and has been isolated from several sources, as soil, feces and gut from health and sick foals.
The goal of this study was to characterize the epidemiological status (endemic, sporadic or no infection) of horse breeding farms
from Bage County in South of Brazil, using a multiplex PCR. One hundred and eighteen R. equi isolates were identified by
biochemical tests and submitted to a specie-specific and vapA multiplex PCR. These isolates were obtained from: three farms
where the R. equi infection has been noticed, two farms where the disease has been not reported and one farm where the disease
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Rhodococcus equi; Multiplex PCR; Bronchopneumonia; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2008
Development and Evaluation of an Indirect ELISA: Serological Survey to Detect Specific Antibodies
to Bovine Herpesvirus 4
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Krüger,Ernesto Renato; Penha,Tânia Regina; Hummelgen,Fernanda Cristina; Agottani,Jorge Bacila; Reva,Demétrio;
Gonçalves,Robson; Thomaz-Soccol,Vanete.
ABSTRACTThe aim of this work was to develop and evaluate an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and
made a serological screening for specific antibodies to BoHV-4. Bovine serum samples were collected from different Brazilian
states and evaluated for the presence of antibodies for BoHV-4 and BoHV-1. The serological results obtained showed that the
indirect ELISA assay could be applied for the detection of specific antibodies for BoHV-4. The ELISA test allowed concluding
that BoHV-4 is present in bovines in every Brazilian state from which serum samples were collected. The ELISA assay here
standardized proved to be useful for the epidemiological studies and showed a positivity range from 1.8 to 66% in Brazil.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: BoHV-4; Serology; Diagnostic; Cattle; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2015
Incidence and severity of scorpion stings in Algeria
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Laïd,Y; Boutekdjiret,L; Oudjehane,R; Laraba-Djebari,F; Hellal,H; Guerinik,M; Griene,L; Alamir,B; Merad,R;
Scorpion stings are a public health problem in the Maghreb region. In Algeria, epidemiological data were collected over the past
twenty years by the Algerian health authorities. This study is an analysis of morbidity and mortality data collected from 2001 to
2010. Annual incidence and mortality due to scorpion envenoming were 152 ± 3.6 stings and 0.236 ± 0.041 deaths per 100,000
people (95% CI), respectively. The risk of being stung by a scorpion was dramatically higher in southern areas and central
highlands due to environmental conditions. Incidence of envenoming was especially higher in the adult population, and among
young males. In contrast, mortality was significantly higher among children under 15 years, particularly ages 1-4. Upper limbs
were more...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Scorpion; Stings; Envenoming; Deaths; Epidemiology; Management; Algeria.
Ano: 2012
Epidemiology of snakebites in Kédougou region (eastern Senegal): comparison of various methods for
assessment of incidence and mortality
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Lam,Absa; Camara,Bouna; Kane,Oumar; Diouf,Amadou; Chippaux,Jean-Philippe.
Abstract Background Although considered a public health issue in Senegal, the actual incidence and mortality from snakebite
are not known. In the present study, an epidemiological survey was carried out in Kédougou region, southeastern Senegal, where
envenomations, particularly by Echisocellatus, are frequent and severe. Methods Three sources of data were used: records from
health centers and reports by health professionals; traditional healers; and household surveys. Results The annual incidence and
mortality provided by health centers were 24.4 envenomations and 0.24 deaths per 100,000 population, respectively. The annual
incidence recorded by traditional healers was 250 bites per 100,000 inhabitants, but the number of deaths was unknown. Finally,...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Snakebite; Envenomation; Senegal; Incidence.
Ano: 2016
Occurrence of feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats
Provedor de dados: 65
Autores: Lara,Valéria Maria; Taniwaki,Sueli Akemi; Araújo Júnior,João Pessoa.
The occurrence of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in Brazil has been previously described. This study aimed to investigate
the frequency of FIV infection in 454 blood samples from healthy and sick domestic cats from 13 cities of São Paulo State, Brazil
as well as to evaluate the risk factors associated with the infection. The results showed that 14.7% (67/454) of the cats were
infected with FIV. The clinical evaluation showed that 29.2% of the FIV-positive animals were sick, while 7.3% did not show any
type of clinical manifestation. In addition, the vast majority (23.1%) of positive cases corresponded to free-roaming owned cats.
The incidence of FIV infection was higher in males (20.3%) than in females (9.7%). The results suggest that certain...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Feline immunodeficiency virus; Epidemiology; Cats; FIV; Risk factors.
Ano: 2008
Gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea limits grape production in Chile
Provedor de dados: 118
Autores: Latorre,Bernardo A; Elfar,Karina; Ferrada,Enrique E.
Gray mold (GM) caused by Botrytis cinerea is a major disease of grapes (Vitis vinifera) that substantially reduces the yield and
quality of grape production in temperate and humid regions of the world. B. cinerea is a necrotrophic fungus that attacks the
non-lignified aerial organs of grapes; in particular, berries are highly susceptible during ripening. The polycyclic nature and
exponential progress exhibited by GM at the beginning of the its epidemic, as well as the abundant inoculum production, the high
dissemination efficiency, the wide host range and the high genetic variability of B. cinerea, explain the difficulties encountered in
attempting to control GM. At present, integrated disease management, including cultural and chemical control, is the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Botryotinia fuckeliana; Bunch rot; Epidemiology; Fungicides; Necrotroph; Vitis vinifera.
Ano: 2015
Detection of multiple noroviruses associated with an international gastroenteritis outbreak linked to
oyster consumption
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Le Guyader, Soizick; Bon, Fabienne; Demedici, Dario; Parnaudeau, Sylvain; Bertone, Alessandra; Crudeli, Silvia;
Doyle, Aoife; Zidane, Mohamed; Suffredini, Elisabetta; Kohli E, Evelyne; Maddalo, Francesco; Monini, Marina; Gallay, Anne;
Pommepuy, Monique; Pothier, Pierre; Ruggeri, Franco M.
An international outbreak linked to oyster consumption involving a group of over 200 people in Italy and 127 total subjects in 13
smaller clusters in France was analyzed using epidemiological and clinical data and shellfish samples. Environmental information
from the oyster-producing area, located in a lagoon in southern France, was collected to investigate the possible events leading to
the contamination. Virologic analyses were conducted by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) using the same primer sets for
both clinical and environmental samples. After sequencing, the data were analyzed through the database operated by the scientific
network FoodBorne Viruses in Europe. The existence of an international collaboration between laboratories was critical to...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Seafood; Contamination; Norovirus; Epidemiology; Virology; Oyster.
Ano: 2006
Comparative analysis of Vibrio splendidus-related strains isolated during Crassostrea gigas mortality
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Le Roux, Frédérique; Gay, Melanie; Lambert, Christian; Waechter, Magali; Poubalanne, Saravanne; Chollet, Bruno;
Nicolas, Jean-louis; Berthe, Franck.
French mollusc production is based mainly on the Pacific cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Since 1991, annual mass mortality of
juveniles has been reported during summer months. These recurring episodes concern professionals who fear that like Portugese
oyster, C. angulata, C gigas could in turn disappear following one of these epizooties. Previously, bacteriological analysis of
moribund oyster juveniles yielded an isolate of a Vibrio splendidus biovar H strain, named TNEMF6. This isolate was
demonstrated to be pathogenic to Crassostrea gigas spat by experimental challenge. To study the association between summer
oyster mortality and presence of TNEMF6 cluster strains, Vibrionaceae fauna were isolated from infected spat along the French
Atlantic coast...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Vibrio splendidus; Virulence; Epidemiology; PCR RFLP; Oyster mortality.
Ano: 2002
Ecological factors associated with sheath blight epidemiology and yield loss in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Provedor de dados: 34
Autores: Leano, Rufino M.
82 leaves : ill. Thesis (M.S.) -- University of the Philippines at Los Baños
Tipo: Thesis
Palavras-chave: Rice; Ecology; Fungal diseases of plants; Epidemiology; Inoculation methods; Crop losses; Rice sheath blight.
Ano: 1993
Assessment of family and neighbors of an individual infected with Wuchereria bancrofti from a
non-endemic area in the city of Maceió, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Leite,Anderson B; Lima,Ana RV de; Leite,Renata B; Santos,Rafael V; Gonçalves,Johnathan EL; Rocha,Eliana MM;
The family and neighbors of a patient infected with W. bancrofti microfilariae were assessed aiming to evaluate the occurrence of
cases of lymphatic filariasis in a non-endemic area in the city of Maceió, in the Brazilian state of Alagoas. The patient had
previously lived in an endemic focus; however, he has been living in an area where the parasite has never been detected for the
past ten years. Female ingurgitated Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes captured in the houses of the microfilaremic individual and
of his neighbors in the non-endemic region were also examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The thick blood
smear examination, blood membrane filtration, and rapid immunochromatography (antigen search) revealed no infected
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Wuchereria bancrofti; Lymphatic filariasis; Epidemiology; Culex.
Ano: 2010
Clinical and bacteriological characteristics of invasive pneumococcal disease after pneumococcal
10-valent conjugate vaccine implementation in Salvador, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Leite,Carolina Regis; Azevedo,Jailton; Galvão,Vivian Santos; Moreno-Carvalho,Otávio; Reis,Joice Neves;
Abstract Invasive pneumococcal disease is a relevant public health problem in Brazil, especially among children and the elderly.
In July/2010 a 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was introduced to the immunization schedule of Brazilian children
under two years of age. Between July/2010 and December/2013 we conducted a case-series study on invasive pneumococcal
disease in Salvador, Brazil to describe the clinical and bacteriological profile of invasive pneumococcal disease cases during the
post-implementation period. Eighty-two cases were eligible. Mean age was 31 years (interquartile range, 3–42);
17.1% and 30.5% were under 2 years and 5 years, respectively. Pneumococcal meningitis (n = 64, 78.1%), bacteraemic
pneumococcal pneumonia (n =...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Streptococcus pneumoniae; Vaccine; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2016
A random sample survey of bovine Brucellosis in the State of Paraíba, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 62
Autores: Leite,Ricardo de Miranda Henriques; Thompson,James Alan; Gonçalves,Vítor Salvador Picão; Leite,Rômulo Cerqueira;
Bandeira,Dimas A.; Lage,Andrey Pereira.
A serosurvey was conducted to estimate the prevalence of bovine brucellosis in the State of Paraíba, Brazil. A random sample of
six municipalities was selected from each of three ecoregions of the State: the Agreste/Litoral region (1), the Cariri/Curimatau
region (2) and the Sertão region (3). These 18 municipalities were divided in quadrants and one herd was selected at random from
each quadrant. The sampling scheme included herds with more than 50 bovines, which excludes small-holder subsistence
livestock production. At least 32 animals were sampled within each herd, stratified in four age categories, as follows: (1) at least 8
animals under 6 months of age, (2) at least 8 animals of 7 to 18 months of age, (3) at least 8 animals of 19 to 30 months of age...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Brucellosis; Epidemiology; Cattle; Paraíba; Brazil.
Ano: 2003
Risk of tuberculosis among household contacts in Salvador, Bahia
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Lemos,Antonio Carlos; Matos,Eliana D; Pedral-Sampaio,Diana B; Netto,Eduardo M.
Tuberculosis is one of the most important infectious diseases in the world. Only 68% of the estimated new tuberculosis (TB) cases
in Brazil are diagnosed. Our aim was to determine the risk of infection among household contacts. Study design. Cohort of
tuberculin-negative household contacts followed for 12 Months. Methods. Household contacts of randomly selected index
acid-fast bacilli (AFB)-positive TB cases were evaluated through clinical examination, thorax X-ray, tuberculin, AFB smear and
culture. Contacts with a negative response to the tuberculin test (less than 10 mm diameter) were retested after 90 days.
Tuberculin reversal (used as a parameter of infection risk) was defined as an increase of at least 10 mm from the last
measurement. Results. 269...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Tuberculosis; Infection; Epidemiology; Prevalence.
Ano: 2004
Epidemiological characteristics of human rabies in Henan province in China from 2005 to 2013
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Li,Guo Wei; Chen,Qiao Ge; Qu,Zhen Yu; Xia,Yao; Lam,Alfred; Zhang,Ding Mei; Lu,Jia Hai.
Background Rabies is very common in People’s Republic of China. Henan province, in the central portion of China,
is one of the most densely populated provinces in the entire country. With the new rabies epidemic trend noted in northern and
western China, it is necessary to investigate the characteristics of human rabies in this area and control the disease.Methods We
chose patients in hospital isolation in 18 municipalities in Henan province as the investigation subjects. Data were collected
through systematic reporting from these hospitals, whereas a questionnaire was applied to the relatives of patients.Results A total
of 1022 rabies cases were reported. The incidence of human rabies in Henan has increased rapidly since 2005, having peaked in...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Human rabies; Zoonosis; Epidemiology; Dog bite.
Ano: 2015
Câncro bacteriano da videira, causado por Xanthomonas campestris pv viticola - epidemiologia e
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: LIMA, M. F.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo divulgar informações sobre o cancro bacteriano da videira, causado por X. campestris pv.
viticola, assim como medidas para o seu manejo.
Tipo: Circular Técnica (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Uva; Doença; Câncro bacteriano; Bacteria; Epidemiologia; Manejo; Vitis vinifera; Xanthomonas campestris;
Grapes; Diseases; Epidemiology; Management; Uva; Doenca; Grapes.
Ano: 2000
Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile: a hospital-based descriptive study in Argentina
and Mexico
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Lopardo,Gustavo; Morfin-Otero,Rayo; Moran-Vazquez,Iliana Isabel; Noriega,Fernando;
Zambrano,Betzana; Luxemburger,Christine; Foglia,Ginamarie; Rivas,Enrique Eduardo.
A prospective study was conducted in four tertiary hospitals in Argentina and Mexico in order to describe the occurrence of
Clostridium difficileinfection (CDI) in these settings. The objective was to evaluate the incidence of CDI in at-risk
populations in Argentina (one center) and Mexico (three centers) and to further explore potential study sites for vaccine
development in this region. A prospective, descriptive, CDI surveillance study was conducted among hospitalized patients aged
≥40 years who had received ≥48 h of antibiotic treatment. Stool samples were collected from those with
diarrhea within 30 days after starting antibiotics and analyzed for toxins A and B by ELISA, and positive samples were further
tested by...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Clostridium infections; Epidemiology; Latin America; Incidence.
Ano: 2015
Sporothrix schenckii and sporotrichosis
Provedor de dados: 42
Autores: Lopes-Bezerra,Leila M.; Schubach,Armando; Costa,Rosane O.
For a long time sporotrichosis has been regarded to have a low incidence in Brazil; however, recent studies demonstrate that not
only the number of reported cases but also the incidence of more severe or atypical clinical forms of the disease are increasing.
Recent data indicate that these more severe forms occur in about 10% of patients with confirmed diagnosis. The less frequent
forms, mainly osteoarticular sporotrichosis, might be associated both with patient immunodepression and zoonotic transmission of
the disease. The extracutaneous form and the atypical forms are a challenge to a newly developed serological test, introduced as
an auxiliary tool for the diagnosis of unusual clinical forms of sporotrichosis.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Sporotrichosis; Diagnosis; Epidemiology; Drugs; Cell wall; Antigens.
Ano: 2006
Nosocomial infections in brazilian pediatric patients: using a decision tree to identify high mortality
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Lopes,Julia M.M.; Goulart,Eugenio M.A.; Siqueira,Arminda L.; Fonseca,Inara K.; Brito,Marcus V.S. de; Starling,Carlos
Nosocomial infections (NI) are frequent events with potentially lethal outcomes. We identified predictive factors for mortality
related to NI and developed an algorithm for predicting that risk in order to improve hospital epidemiology and healthcare quality
programs. We made a prospective cohort NI surveillance of all acute-care patients according to the National Nosocomial
Infections Surveillance System guidelines since 1992, applying the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1988 definitions
adapted to a Brazilian pediatric hospital. Thirty-eight deaths considered to be related to NI were analyzed as the outcome variable
for 754 patients with NI, whose survival time was taken into consideration. The predictive factors for mortality related to NI (p...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Healthcare quality; Mortality; Nosocomial infection; Pediatric hospital.
Ano: 2009
Study of multi-drug resistant microorganisms isolated from blood cultures of hospitalized newborns
in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Loureiro,Marcio M.; Moraes,Bianca A. de; Quadra,Maria R.R.; Pinheiro,Glenda S.; Asensi,Marise D.
The aims of this study were to determine the frequency and antimicrobial resistance patterns of microorganisms associated with
sepsis cases in a public maternity hospital, and to analyze the main demographic data relating to these infected neonates over a
two year period. We analyzed 255 positive blood cultures and the medical records of newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive
care unit of the Hospital Maternidade Alexander Fleming II, Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil, from July 1997 to July 1999.
Identification and antibiograms of the isolated strains were performed according to routine laboratory procedures. Demographics
and microbiological data were analyzed using the Epi-Info program. The mean age of the newborns was 13.1 days, with an
average of 1.2...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Newborns; Hospital infection; Sepsis; Antimicrobial resistance.
Ano: 2002
Taxonomy and epidemiology of Mucor irregularis, agent of chronic cutaneous mucormycosis
Provedor de dados: 16
Autores: Lu, X.-L.; Najafzadeh, M.J.; Dolatabadi, S.; Ran, Y.-P.; Shen, Y.-N.; Li, C.-Y.; Xi, L.-Y.; Hao, F.; Zhang, Q.-Q.; Li,
R.-Y.; Hu, Z.-M.; Lu, G.-X.; Wang, J.-J.; Drogari-Apiranthitou, M.; Klaassen, C.; Meis, J.F.; Hagen, F.; Liu, W.-D.; Hoog, G.S.
Mucormycosis usually presents as a progressive infection with significant angio-invasion. Mucormycosis due to Mucor irregularis
(formerly Rhizomucor variabilis var. variabilis), however, is exceptional in causing chronic cutaneous infection in
immunocompetent humans, ultimately leading to severe morbidity if left untreated. More than 90 % of the cases known to date
were reported from Asia, mainly from China. The nearest neighbour of M. irregularis is the saprobic species M. hiemalis. The aim
of this study was to evaluate the taxonomic position, epidemiology, and intra- and inter-species diversity of M. irregularis based
on 21 strains (clinical n = 17) by multilocus analysis using ITS, LSU, RPB1 and RPB2 genes, compared to results of cluster
analysis with...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Chronic cutaneous infection; Epidemiology; Mucor hiemalis; Mucor irregularis; Mucormycosis;
Ano: 2013
Epidemiology of Surra : Unanswered Questions
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: Luckins, A. G.
Palavras-chave: Trypanosoma evansi; Epidemiology; Control.
Ano: 1998
Novel pharmaceutical molecules against emerging resistant gram-positive cocci
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Manfredi,Roberto; Sabbatani,Sergio.
INTRODUCTION: methicillin- and also vancomycin (glycopeptide)-resistant Gram-positive organisms have emerged as an
increasingly problematic cause of hospital-acquired infections, also spreading into the community. Vancomycin (glycopeptide)
resistance has emerged primarily among Enterococci, but the MIC values of vancomycin for the entire Staphylococcus species are
also increasing worldwide. MATERIAL AND METHODS: the aim of our review is to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of
newer antibiotics with activity against methicillin-resistant and glycopeptide-resistant Gram-positive cocci, on the ground of our
experience at a tertiary care metropolitan Hospital, and the most recent literature evidences in this field. RESULTS:
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Resistant gram-positive cocci; Staphylococci; Enterococci; Pneumococci; Streptococci; Epidemiology; Clinical
issues; Novel antimicrobial compounds; Characteristics; Literature evidences.
Ano: 2010
Progresso da mancha bacteriana do tomateiro em diferentes regimes de pulverização.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicon; Epidemiologia; Controle químico; Epidemiology; Chemistry control; Tomate; Tomato.
Ano: 2015
Population dynamics of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola in bean, throughout the epiphytic
and pathogenic phases
Provedor de dados: 86
Autores: Marques,Abi Soares dos Anjos; Samson,Régine.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to monitor traits of the life cycle of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola, in order to
better understand the outbreak of bean halo blight, originating from a bacterial population in asymptomatic plants. Five
experiments were conducted in the field, in greenhouses, and in humidity chambers. Changes in population size were evaluated in
three field plantings, by introducing the bacteria in contamination focal points and observing the weather conditions favoring an
outbreak. The dispersion of the bacteria in the field was followed by isolation and Bio-PCR analysis. Two assays were conducted
in greenhouses and humidity chambers to evaluate the effect of leaf age on disease expression and the relationship between...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris; Bio-PCR; Epidemiology; Halo blight; Plant quarantine; Weather conditions.
Ano: 2016
Loxosceles spider bites in the state of Paraná, Brazil: 1993-2000
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Marques-da-Silva,E.; Souza-Santos,R.; Fischer,M. L.; Rubio,G. B. G.
This study presents the epidemiological analysis of 20,699 reported spider bites involving the Loxosceles genus in the state of
Paraná, Brazil, from 1993 to 2000. The incidence rate in the period was 290.24/100,000 inhabitants. The results show that 95.04%
of the accidents occurred in two Health Regions of the state: greater metropolitan Curitiba (92.9%) and Irati (2.14%). The major
incidence was recorded in greater metropolitan Curitiba (559.1/100,000). Loxosceles bites were more frequent in females (61%)
than in males. Antivenin therapy was not necessary in 95.4% (19,662) of the cases. From the cases in which information about the
time elapsed between the bite and medical treatment was recorded (9,679), 31.8% received treatment from 6 to 48 hours after...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Loxosceles; Spiders; Epidemiology; Venomous animals; Brazil.
Ano: 2006
Relance de l'huître plate. Rapport de synthèse des travaux 1990
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Martin, Anne-genevieve.
Une convention a été signée en 1990 avec la Région Bretagne pour financer la poursuite des recherches dans le but d'accélérer la
relance de l'élevage de l'huître plate, à la suite de la deuxième épizootie due à un protozoaire, Bonamia ostreae. Ce rapport
présente les travaux réalisés et les résultats acquis durant l'année 1990, dans les domaines de l'épidémiologie descriptive, de la
zootechnie, de la génétique (recherche d'espèces ou de souches résistantes) et de l'immuno-pathologie (étude de la maladie et des
mécanismes de défense des mollusques). Durant l'année 1990, la situation épidémiologique des élevages d'huîtres plates en eau
profonde a évolué différemment selon les secteurs: relativement stable en Baie du Mont st Michel, elle présente de brusques...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Bivalves; Ostrea edulis; Bonamia ostreae; Épidémiologie; Pathologie; Immunologie; Génétique;
Échantillonnage; Élevage; Shellfish; Ostrea edulis; Bonamia ostreae; Epidemiology; Pathology; Immunology; Genetic; Sampling;
Ano: 1991
Larval trematodes in freshwater gastropods from Mato Grosso, Brazil: diversity and host-parasites
Provedor de dados: 49
Autores: Mattos,Aline Carvalho de; Boaventura,Maria Fernanda Furtado; Fernandez,Monica Ammon; Thiengo,Silvana Carvalho.
A survey for freshwater gastropods carrying trematodes parasites was conducted in Manso Dam and the surrounding areas
frequented by tourist, focusing particularly on the Pantanal region. Infected snails were recovered from twelve of the eighteen
investigated municipalities and forty-one cercaria-snail pairings were recorded. Among these pairings were several first records of
snails serving as intermediate hosts for trematodes in Brazil including Biomphalaria amazônica Paraense, 1966, Biomphalaria
occidentalis Paraense, 1981, Marisa planogyra Pilsbry, 1933, Pomacea maculata Perry, 1830, Pomacea scalaris (d'Orbigny, 1835)
and Gundlachia radiata (Guilding, 1828). Echinostomatidae and Strigeidae were the most common trematode families (ca. 47%)
and the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Cercariae; Biological diversity; Hydroelectric power plant; Pantanal.
Ano: 2013
Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. Première partie : le risque de mortalité virale du
naissain d’huître creuse Crassostra gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Mazurie, Joseph; Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Langlade, Aime; Bouget, Jean-francois; Dumas, Franck; Treguier, Cathy;
Leclerc, Emilie; Ravaud, Emilie; Quinsat, Kevin; Gabellec, Raoul; Retho, Michael; Cochet, Helene; Dreano, Alain.
This study (“Risco”), implicating both industry, socio-economic experts and biologists, was funded by the Regional Council of
Brittany, for 3 years (2010-2013), to investigate upon the origin of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) mortalities in the bay of Quiberon
(South Brittany, France). Specific mortalities of adult oysters were recorded in this bay in 2006, whereas mortalities of one year
old spat were observed since in 2008 in this bay as at a national scale. The experimental protocol in 2010, including a monthly
survey of oyster batches at 15 experimental stations, allowed to assess the risk for one-year oysters, due to viral disease. A clear
spatial distribution of this risk was evidenced, with a western area spared from contamination and mortality, and a...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Baie de Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Mortalité; Herpès-virus; OsHV-1; Épidémiologie; Modèle.; Quiberon bay;
Crassostrea gigas; Mortality; Herpes-virus; OsHV-1; Epidemiology; Model.
Ano: 2013
Epidemiological assessment of canine brucellosis
Provedor de dados: 45
Autores: Megid,J.; Brito,A.F.; Moraes,C.C.G.; Fava,N.; Agottani,J.
Observou-se brucelose canina em quatro canis diferentes. Os canis apresentaram animais com história de aborto, mortalidade em
neonatos e nascimentos prematuros. A porcentagem de animais soropositivos para brucelose canina, pela prova de imunodifusão
em ágar gel, variou de 4,6 a 57,1%. Observou-se correlação positiva entre porcentagem de animais positivos e aspectos
reprodutivos e condições de aglomeração.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Dog; Brucellosis; Epidemiology; Serology.
Ano: 1999
Processo especializado de descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados para a modelagem de
doenças de plantas - versão 1.0.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: MEIRA, C. A. A.
Descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados. A metodologia CRISP-DM. Processo especializado de descoberta de
conhecimento em bases de dados para a modelagem de doenças de plantas.
Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Mineração de dados; Epidemiologia; Banco de dados; Modelagem; Data mining; Doença de planta; Plant
diseases and disorders; Epidemiology; Databases; Models.
Ano: 2012
Identification of Eimeria mitis and Eimeria praecox in broiler feces using polymerase chain reaction
Provedor de dados: 89
Autores: Meireles,MV; Roberto,LO; Riera,RF.
There are few reports concerning the epidemiology of Eimeria praecox and Eimeria mitis in Brazil. In the present experiment, the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to identify these species in 156 samples of broiler chicken feces from several Brazilian
states and the Federal District. Oocysts present in feces samples were purified by sodium chloride flotation followed by addition
of DNAzol reagent (Invitrogen®) for extraction of genomic DNA. DNA was precipitated and stored following DNAzol reagent
manufacture's instructions. The primers and PCR conditions were as described by Schnitzler et al. (1999). In the 156 field samples
analyzed by PCR, 70 and 45 were positive for E. praecox and E. mitis, respectively. In this study we have shown that DNA...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Diagnosis; Eimeria mitis; Eimeria praecox; Epidemiology; Polymerase chain reaction.
Ano: 2004
Selection of shrimp breeders free of white spot syndrome and infectious hypodermal and
hematopoietic necrosis
Provedor de dados: 86
Autores: Mello Junior,Carlos Cesar de; Delsol,Gael Yvan Leclercq; Motte,Emmerik; Escobar,Virna Alexia Cedeño; Rey,Pedro
Filipe; Martins,Mauricio Laterça; Arana,Luis Alejandro Vinatea; Mello,Giovanni Lemos de; Farias,Alvaro Pestana de;
Arguello,Xavier Antonio Serrano; Maridueña,John Erick Montaño.
The objective of this work was to select surviving breeders of Litopenaeus vannamei from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)
outbreak, adapted to local climatic conditions and negatively diagnosed for WSSV and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic
necrosis virus (IHHNV), and to evaluate if this strategy is a viable alternative for production in Santa Catarina, Brazil. A total of
800 males and 800 females were phenotypically selected in a farm pond. Nested-PCR analyses of 487 sexually mature females
and 231 sexually mature males showed that 63% of the females and 55% of the males were infected with IHHNV. Animals free of
IHHNV were tested for WSSV, and those considered double negative were used for breeding. The post-larvae produced were
stocked in nine...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Litopenaeus vannamei; Breeding; Epidemiology; Nested-PCR.
Ano: 2011
Epidemiologia dos nematóides gastrintestinais em bovinos de corte do Mato Grosso do Sul.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: MELO, H.J.H. de; BIANCHIN, I.
Epidemiologia dos nematóides gastrintestinais em bovinos de corte do Mato Grosso do Sul.
Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Beef cattle; Bovine; Bovino; Bovinos; Brasil; Brazil; Capim Jaragua; Cerrado; CNPGC; Corte; Doencas;
EMBRAPA; Epidemiologia; Epidemiology; Epidemioogia; Gado de corte; Gastrointestinal; Helminto; Hyparrhenia rufa; Mato
Grosso do Sul; Nematode; Nematóide; Nematoides; Saude animal.
Ano: 1979
Association of IL-8-inducing strains of diffusely adherent Escherichia coli with sporadic diarrheal
patients with less than 5 years of age
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Meraz,Ismail Mustafa; Arikawa,Kentaro; Nakamura,Hiromi; Ogasawara,Jun; Hase,Atsushi; Nishikawa,Yoshikazu.
The role of diffusely adherent Escherichia coli (DAEC) in diarrheal disease has been controversial. However, DAEC strains were
recently implicated in diarrheal disease in developing countries. To clarify whether DAEC are prevalent among sporadic cases of
diarrheal illness in Osaka City, Japan, E. coli strains isolated between July 1997 and March 2000 during diarrheagenic E. coli
(DEC) investigation were retrospectively examined. DAEC strains were recognized among 41 (4.4%) of 924 patients and formed
the biggest subgroup of DEC. Previously, we reported that some DAEC strains caused epithelial cells to secrete as much IL-8 as
enteroaggregative E. coli strains did. In this study, we attempted to evaluate epidemiologically whether the ability of DAEC to
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: DAEC; IL-8; Afa; Age; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2007
Infectious pathology in mollusc and shrimp hatcheries
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Mialhe, Eric.
Development of aquaculture has been linked to zootechnical mastering of larval production in hatcheries. Regular and excessive
use of antibiotics (antifungal or antibacterial) may thus also be reduced, permitting to limit release of these products in sea-water
and, consequently, avoiding progressive selection of resistant-strains.
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Viruses; Infectious diseases; Epidemiology; Pathogens; Bacterial diseases; Pathology; Larval development;
Mollusc culture; Shrimp culture.
Ano: 1989
Diagrammatic scale to assess downy mildew severity in melon
Provedor de dados: 75
Autores: Michereff,Sami J; Noronha,Marissônia A; Lima,Gaus SA; Albert,Ígor CL; Melo,Edilaine A; Gusmão,Luciana O.
The downy mildew, caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis, is an important melon disease in Northeast Brazil. Considering the
lack of standard methods for its assessment, a diagrammatic scale was developed with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 82, and 96% of affected
leaf area. The scale was then checked for its accuracy, precision, and reproducibility in estimating downy mildew severity. The
diagrammatic scale was validated by eight disease raters; using 50 leaves with different severity levels, previously measured using
the software Assess®. Two evaluations were performed on the same set of leaves, but in a different sequence order, by the same
raters, within a 15-day interval. The accuracy and precision of each rater was determined by simple linear regression between...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Cucumis melo; Pseudoperonospora cubensis; Foliar disease; Epidemiology; Phytopatometry.
Ano: 2009
Survey and prevalence of species causing Alternaria leaf spots on brassica species in Pernambuco
Provedor de dados: 75
Autores: Michereff,Sami J; Noronha,Marissônia A; Xavier Filha,Maria S; Câmara,Marcos PS; Reis,Ailton.
Brassicaceae family comprises plant species that are very important as vegetable crops, such as the species complex Brassica
oleracea and Brassica rapa. Alternaria brassicicola and A. brassicae are among the most important pathogens of Brassicaceae
causing Alternaria leaf spot disease. The occurrence and prevalence of Alternaria species causing leaf spots in brassica crops in
Pernambuco was acessed, as well as the existence of a possible preference by vegetable host for these pathogens. Twenty-eight
fields were surveyed in the Agreste region of Pernambuco state, in the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons. In each year, 10 Chinese
cabbage, six cabbage, six cauliflower and six broccoli fields were visited. In each field, 50 leaves showing at least five lesions...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Brassica oleracea; Brassica rapa; Alternaria brassicae; A. brassicicola; Etiology; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012
Recommendations for evaluation of the health status in cultured and wild shellfish: Perkinsus olseni
infestation in clams as an example
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Miossec, Laurence; Arzul, Isabelle; Garcia, Celine; Soudant, Philippe; Francois, Cyrille; Leite, R. B.; Cancela, M. L.;
De Blas, I.
Infectious diseases in exploited shellfish population cause economical problems world-wide. The characteristics of the disease in
the population -i.e. origin, frequency, distribution, development- need to be well known to set up appropriate measures for
protection and restoration of shellfish population health. The investigation of disease in a population is the basis of epidemiology.
Quantitative investigations include studies, survey, surveillance with specific sampling strategies according to the objectives.
European clams (Ruditapes decussatus) and Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum), two commercially valuable species, are
infected by the protozoan Perkinsus olseni. This pathogen has been associated with epizootic outbreaks involving in heavy...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Recommendations; Epidemiology; Aquatic animal diseases; Pathology; Perkinsus olseni.
Ano: 2005
DIPNET - A European project to evaluate disease interactions and pathogen exchange between
farmed and wild aquatic animal population fish, shellfish and crustaceans
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Miossec, Laurence; Garseth, A. H.; Midtlyng, P. J.; Raynard, R.; Peeler, E.; De Bals, I.
DIPNET (Disease Interaction and Pathogen exchange Network) is a co-ordination action funded under the UE Framework
programme 6 priority 8 Scientific Support to Policy (SSP). The principal objective of DIPNET is to increase scientific knowledge
of the potential transfer of pathogens and diseases between wild and farmed fish and shellfish populations. DIPNET started in
October 2004 and is a 2 year project. The project is organized in four work packages. Work package (WP) 1 is focused on a
literature review of disease interactions and pathogen exchange between farm and wild aquatic animals. This analysis includes
both published and unpublished literature. The work covers a wide range of habitats and species within Europe and, where
relevant, world-wide. WP1...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: DIPNET; Crustaceans; Shellfish; Fish; Epidemiology; Risk assessment; Diseases; Transfer of pathogens.
Ano: 2005
Avian influenza: Eco-epidemiological aspects of the virus in its natural hosts, the migratory
Provedor de dados: 97
Avian influenza viruses produce mainly respiratory and intestinal diseases. Their relevance in the generation of pandemic strains
has led to a large amount of research to understand their distribution in nature, as well as the relations that become established for
the effective transmission among different hosts. Waterfowl have been recognized as their natural reservoir and they play an
important role in the propagation and generation of the diversity of these viruses. The emergence of new influenza viruses with
pandemic potential among the human population (H5N1 of avian origin or recombinant H1N1 with avian segments) point our lack
of information on many aspects of the ecology and epidemiology of these viruses in their natural hosts to enable the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Avian influenza; Ecology; Epidemiology; Migratory birds.
Ano: 2010
Retrospective study (1998-2001) on canine ehrlichiosis in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 45
Autores: Moreira,S.M.; Bastos,C.V.; Araújo,R.B.; Santos,M.; Passos,L.M.F.
The present work describes a retrospective study of clinical cases of ehrlichiosis in dogs examined from March 1998 to September
2001. From the clinical records with laboratorial confirmation of Ehrlichia canis or E. platys infections, the following parameters
were analyzed: demographic aspects (age, race, sex, period of the year and origin), clinical characteristics (body temperature,
exposure to ticks and clinical signs), and hematological characteristics (blood cell counts and type of infected cell). A total of 194
clinical records were analyzed, from which 31 animals were infected with E. canis and 21 animals with E. platys. The number of
cases of canine ehrlichiosis increased considerably from the year 2000 onwards, and 24.4% of the cases occurred in...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Dog; Ehrlichia canis; Ehrlichia platys; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2003
Anticorpos contra vírus do grupo da língua azul em caprinos e ovinos do sertão de Pernambuco e
inferências sobre sua epidemiologia em regiões semiáridas
Provedor de dados: 45
Autores: Mota,I.O.; Castro,R.S.; Alencar,S.P.; Lobato,Z.I.P.; Lima Filho,C.D.F.; Silva,T.L. Araújo; Dutra,A.C.T.;
The prevalence of antibodies against bluetongue virus was investigated in 41 dairy goats and 40 sheep herds in the semi-arid
region of Pernambuco state and the conditions for insect Culicoides maintenance, considering climate dynamics and vector
competence, were evaluated. The percents of seropositive herds in agar gel immunodiffusion test for bluetongue virus group were
24 for goats and 27.5 for sheep. The estimated prevalences of seropositive animals were 3.9% for goats (n = 410) and 4.3% for
sheep (n = 400). The prevalences of seropositive animals were low in the mesoregion of Sertão Pernambucano (4.8% for goats
and 4.1% for sheep) and São Francisco Pernambucano (1.0% for goats and 4.5% for sheep). There were no significant differences
between species...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Arbovirosis; Culicoides; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2011
Glanders in donkeys (Equus asinus) in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil: a case report
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Mota,Rinaldo Aparecido; Oliveira,Andréa Alice da Fonseca; Pinheiro Junior,José Wilton; Silva,Leonildo Bento Galiza
da; Brito,Marilene de Farias; Rabelo,Silvana Suely Assis.
The clinical, anatomical and histopatological findings of glanders diagnosis in donkeys in the state of Pernambuco-Brazil are
reported. The animals were euthanized and necropsied, and evaluated for lesions in respiratory and lymphatic systems, confirming
the disease by isolation of Burkholderia mallei and Strauss test.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Burkholderia mallei; Epidemiology; Microbiology; Histopathology; Strauss test.
Ano: 2010
Neospora caninum antibodies and risk factors in dogs from Lages and Balneário Camboriú, SC
Provedor de dados: 45
Autores: Moura,A.B; Souza,A.P; Sartor,A.A; Bellato,V; Pisetta,G.M; Teixeira,E.B; Heusser Junior,A.
Identificaram-se os fatores de risco e a ocorrência de anticorpos contra Neospora caninum em cães das cidades de Lages e
Balneário Camboriú, SC. Amostras de soro de 400 cães domiciliados (200 de cada município) foram processadas para a detecção
de anticorpos contra N. caninum pela técnica de imunofluorescência indireta. Informações acerca dos fatores de risco foram
obtidas por meio de questionário. Dos 400 cães, 49 (12,3%) apresentaram anticorpos contra N. caninum. Em Lages, 26 (13%)
foram positivos para N. caninume; em Balneário Camboriú, 23 (11,5%). Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas entre as
ocorrências de anticorpos contra N. caninum (P= 0,647) nas duas cidades. Das variáveis analisadas, somente idade apresentou
associação (P=0.020, odds...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Dog; Neospora caninum; Risk factors; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2011
Corn downy mildew project
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Narong Singburaudom; Wong Bunserbskul; Bonman, J.M.; Renfro, B.L.
5 tables
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Downy mildew; Peronosclerospora sorghi; Infection; Epidemiology; Disease resistance; Varieties;
Yields; ข้าวโพด; โรคราน้ าค้าง; การปรับปรุ งพันธุ์; ความต้านทานโรค.
Ano: 1980
A European epidemiological survey of Vibrio splendidus clade shows unexplored diversity and
massive exchange of virulence factors
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Nasfi, H.; Travers, Marie-agnes; De Lorgeril, Julien; Habib, C.; Sannie, T.; Sorieul, L.; Gerard, J.; Avarre, J. C.;
Haffner, Philippe; Tourbiez, Delphine; Renault, Tristan; Furones, D.; Roque, A.; Pruzzo, C.; Cheslett, D.; Gdoura, R.; Vallaeys,
The Vibrio splendidus clade has previously been associated with epidemic outbreaks of various aquatic animals, as in the case of
the cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas. To investigate whether involved strains could present a clonal origin and to identify possible
alternative background carriage animals or zooplankton, a large epidemiological survey was conducted on isolates of the
splendidus clade. For this purpose, Vibrio strains were isolated from various samples including oysters, mussels, sediments,
zooplankton, and sea water on the basis of a North/South gradient of the European sea water zone (Ireland, The Netherlands,
France, Italy, and Spain). A total of 435 isolates were successfully associated to the V. splendidus clade using real time
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: VNTR; Vibrio splendidus; Epidemiology; Vsm; OmpU; Crassotrea giga; Mortality.
Ano: 2015
Spatial clustering analysis of the foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in Mato Grosso do Sul state,
Brazil - 2005
Provedor de dados: 65
Autores: Negreiros,Rísia Lopes; Amaku,Marcos; Dias,Ricardo Augusto; Ferreira,Fernando; Cavalléro,João Crisostomo Mauad;
Ferreira Neto,José Soares.
In the southern region of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) epidemic started in September 2005.
A total of 33 outbreaks were detected and 33,741 FMD-susceptible animals were slaughtered and destroyed. There were no
reports of FMD cases in other species than bovines. Based on the data of this epidemic, it was carried out an analysis using the
K-function and it was observed spatial clustering of outbreaks within a range of 25km. This observation may be related to the
dynamics of foot-and-mouth disease spread and to the measures undertaken to control the disease dissemination. The control
measures were effective once the disease did not spread to farms more than 47 km apart from the initial outbreaks.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Foot-and-mouth disease; Spatial clustering analysis; Cattle; Epidemiology; Brazil.
Ano: 2009
Prevalence and Fluconazole Susceptibility Profile of Candida spp. Clinical Isolates in a Brazilian
Tertiary Hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 42
Autores: Neves-Junior,Athayde; Cartágenes-Pinto,Ana Carolina; Rocha,Débora A.S.; Sá,Leandro F. Reis de; Junqueira,Maria de
Lourdes; Ferreira-Pereira,Antonio.
Candidiasis has become an important concern for clinical practice, especially with the increasing incidence of
immunocompromised patients. In this scenario, the development resistance to fluconazole presents a challenge for treating these
opportunistic infections. The aim of this study was to evaluate some epidemiology features of Candidainfections in a Brazilian
University Hospital using data, previously unavailable. We observed that 44% of the 93 clinical isolates tested, belonged to
Candida albicansspecies and 56% belonged to non-Candida albicansspecies (mainly Candida tropicalis and Candida glabrata).
Most strains were isolated from urine samples where C. albicans was predominantly detected. 29 strains presented a fluconazole
resistance phenotype and...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Candidaspp.; Clinical isolates; Epidemiology; Fluconazole; Resistance.
Ano: 2015
Rearing practices identified as risk factors for ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) infection in Pacific
oyster Crassostrea gigas spat
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Normand, Julien; Blin, Jean-louis; Jouaux, Aude.
Early detection of Pacific oyster spat infected with ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) could prevent introduction of OsHV-1-infected
individuals into farming areas or onshore rearing facilities, thus reducing the risk of infection of naïve oysters in such production
systems. Experiments were conducted on several hundred oyster spat provided by producers in order to examine whether early
rearing practices could be considered as potential risk factors for (1) OsHV-1 infection as detected by molecular methods and (2)
spat mortality experimentally induced through thermal challenge. Spat groups collected on oyster beds and hatchery spat reared in
growout areas during summer exhibited higher viral DNA contamination and mortalities during the trial than spat kept in...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Oyster spat; Epidemiology; OsHV-1; QPCR; Thermal challenge.
Ano: 2014
The Mathematical Biology of Human Infections
Provedor de dados: 7
Autores: Nowak, Martin A; Institute for Advanced Study; [email protected].
Humans are constant victims of infectious diseases. Biomedical research during this century has led to important insights into the
molecular details of immune defense. Yet, many questions relating to disease require a quantitative understanding of the complex
systems that arise from the nonlinear interactions between populations of immune cells and infectious agents. Exploration of such
questions has lead to a newly emerging field of mathematical biology describing the spread of infectious agents both within and
between infected individuals. This essay will discuss simple and complex models of evolution, and the propagation of virus and
prion infections. Such models provide new perspectives for our understanding of infectious disease and provide guidelines...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports
Palavras-chave: CTL response; HIV; Antivirals; Epidemiology; Immune response; Infectious diseases; Mathematical biology;
Models of evolution; Prions; Resistance; Treatment; Viruses.
Ano: 1999
Epidemiologia da vassoura-de-bruxa do cupuaçuzeiro.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: NUNES, A. M. L.; ALBUQUERQUE, F. C. de; OLIVEIRA, R. P. de; SÁ, T. D. de A.; NUNES, M. A. L.; SHIMIZU,
Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Vassoura-de-bruxa; Cupuaçu; Epidemiologia; Controle de doença; Theobroma grandiflorum; Epidemiology;
Disease control.
Ano: 1997
Prevalence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in patients referred to a tertiary care hospital in
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, for coronary angiography
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Nunes,J.L.B.; Silvany-Neto,A.; Pitta,G.B.B.; Figueiredo,L.F.P.; Oliveira,I.; Quadros,R.; Miranda-Junior,F.
The presence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease increases the morbidity and mortality of patients with coronary artery
disease. The objective of the present study was to calculate the prevalence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in patients
referred for coronary angiography. This prevalence study was carried out at the Hemodynamics Unit of Hospital Santa Isabel,
Salvador, Brazil, from December 2004 to April 2005. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the hospital, 397 patients with
angiographic signs of coronary artery disease were enrolled. Diagnosis of peripheral arterial occlusive disease was made using the
ankle-brachial blood pressure index (£0.90). Statistical analyses were performed using the z test and a level of significance of a...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Peripheral vascular diseases; Coronary atherosclerosis; Prevalence; Epidemiology; Ultrasound; Coronary
Ano: 2008
Epidemiological profile of leishmaniasis at a reference service in the state of Alagoas, Brazil, from
january 2000 to september 2008
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Nunes,Willian da Silva; Araújo,Sócrates Rios; Calheiros,Cláudia Maria Lins.
Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease found in the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. In Brazil, the disease is an
important public health problem, occurring in most states, but mainly in the Northeast region of the country, with the state of
Alagoas having a significant number of confirmed cases. The present study establishes and discusses the epidemiological profile
of cases of leishmaniases treated at the Reference Center of Alagoas, Hospital Escola Hélvio de Farias Auto, between January
2000 and October 2008. During thisperiod, records of 2,104 patients notified to the hospital Epidemiological Surveillance Center
were reviewed. The epidemiology of leishmaniasis, both visceral and tegumentary, has shown a profile that has changed over...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: American tegumentary leishmaniasis; Visceral leishmaniasis; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2010
Incidence of pectolytic erwinias associated with blackleg of potato in Rio Grande do Sul
Provedor de dados: 102
Autores: Oliveira,Andréia M. R.; Duarte,Valmir; Silveira,José R. P.; Moraes,Marcelo G.
Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (Eca), E. carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc) and E. chrysanthemi (Ech) may cause potato
(Solanum tuberosum) blackleg. To determine the occurrence of these pathogens in the conditions found in the State of Rio Grande
do Sul (RS), potato plants showing blackleg symptoms were harvested from 22 fields in nine counties in Serra do Nordeste,
Planalto, Depressão Central, and Grandes Lagoas, from September to December of 1999 (Spring-Summer season). Green pepper
(Capsicum annuum) fruits were used as a host to enrich for pectolytic erwinia from potato stems with blackleg symptoms.
Bacteria were subsequently isolated on non-selective medium. Isolates that were Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, and
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica; E. carotovora subsp. carotovora; Erwinia chrysanthemi; Epidemiology;
Solanum tuberosum; Soft rot.
Ano: 2003
Racial inequalities in the socioeconomic, demographic and health conditions of elderly from
Maranhão State, Legal Amazon, Brazil: a population-based study
Provedor de dados: 36
Autores: Oliveira,Bruno Luciano Carneiro Alves de; Silva,Alécia Maria da; Silva,Raimundo Antonio da; Thomaz,Erika Barbara
Abreu Fonseca.
Aging with quality of life does not occur equally among the racial groups of Brazilian elderly, and few studies have analyzed this
issue in the states of the Brazilian Legal Amazon. The objective of this study was to investigate racial inequalities in the
socioeconomic, demographic and health conditions of elderly residents of Maranhão state, Brazil. The present work is a
cross-sectional study of 450 elders aged 60 years or older included in the 2008 National Household Sample Survey. The
prevalence of socioeconomic, demographic, health and habit indicators and of risk factors were estimated in white, brown and
black racial categories that were self-reported by the survey participants. The chi-square test was used for comparisons (a=5%).
The majority of the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Aging; Social inequity; Epidemiology; Indicators; Race or ethnic group distribution.
Ano: 2014
Characterization of the Brazilian endemic clone of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) from hospitals throughout Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Oliveira,Geraldo A.; Faria,Juarez B.; Levyand,Carlos E.; Mamizuka,Elsa M.
The objective of this study was to characterize patterns of the Brazilian endemic clone of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) from hospitals throughout Brazil. We studied 83 MRSA strains isolated from patients hospitalized in 27 public
and private hospitals in 19 cities located in 14 Brazilian states from September, 1995, to June, 1997. The MRSA strains were
typed using antibiograms, bacteriophage typing and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The analysis of genomic DNA by
PFGE showed that 65 isolates presented the same PFGE pattern. This pattern was present in all of the hospitals studied indicating
the presence of an endemic MRSA clone widely disseminated throughout Brazilian hospitals (BEC). All isolates belonging to the
BEC proved...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Staphylococus aureus; MRSA; Epidemiology; Brazilian endemic clone.
Ano: 2001
Tuberculosis in Brazil: last ten years analysis - 2001-2010
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Oliveira,Gisele Pinto de; Torrens,Ana Wieczorek; Bartholomay,Patrícia; Barreira,Draurio.
OBJECTIVE: To describe tuberculosis epidemiological situation in Brazil, as well as program performance indicators in
2001-2010 period, and discuss the relationship between changes observed and control measures implemented in this century first
decade. METHODS: It is a descriptive study, data source was the Information System for Notifiable Diseases (Sinan), Mortality
Information System (SIM), Unified Health System Hospital Information System (SIH/SUS) and TB Multidrug-resistant
Surveillance System (MDR-TB/SS). Indicators analyzed were organized into four major groups: TB control program (TCP)
coverage and case detection; morbidity; treatment and TCP performance; and mortality. RESULTS: In the years analyzed there
was a decrease in the number of new cases...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Tuberculosis; Epidemiology; Surveillance; Information system; Data quality.
Ano: 2013
An update on the epidemiological situation of spotted fever in Brazil
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Oliveira,Stefan Vilges de; Guimarães,Jessica Noronha; Reckziegel,Guilherme Carneiro; Neves,Bidiah Mariano da
Costa; Araújo-Vilges,Keline Medeiros de; Fonseca,Lidsy Ximenes; Pinna,Fernanda Voietta; Pereira,Simone Valéria Costa;
Caldas,Eduardo Pacheco de; Gazeta,Gilberto Salles; Gurgel-Gonçalves,Rodrigo.
Abstract Background Spotted fever is a tick-borne rickettsial disease. In Brazil, its notification to the Ministry of Health is
compulsory. Since 2007, cases of spotted fever have been integrated to the Notifiable Diseases Information System, and
epidemiological analyzes are part of the routines on surveillance programs.
This descriptive study updates
epidemiological information on cases of spotted fever registered in Brazil between 2007 and 2015. Results In Brazil, 17,117
suspected cases of the disease were reported and 1,245 were confirmed in 12 states, mainly in São Paulo (550, 44.2 %) and Santa
Catarina (276, 22.2 %). No geographic information was registered for 132 cases (10.6 %). Most of the infected people were men
(70.9 %), mainly in...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Rickettsial diseases; Epidemiology; Information system; Tick-borne disease.
Ano: 2016
Etiology of diarrheal infections in children of Porto Velho (Rondonia, Western Amazon region,
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Orlandi,P.P.; Magalhães,G.F.; Matos,N.B.; Silva,T.; Penatti,M.; Nogueira,P.A.; Pereira da Silva,L.H.
In the present study, 470 children less than 72 months of age and presenting acute diarrhea were examined to identify associated
enteropathogenic agents. Viruses were the pathogens most frequently found in stools of infants with diarrhea, including 111 cases
of rotavirus (23.6% of the total diarrhea cases) and 30 cases of adenovirus (6.3%). The second group was diarrheogenic
Escherichia coli (86 cases, 18.2%), followed by Salmonella sp (44 cases, 9.3%) and Shigella sp (24 cases, 5.1%). Using the PCR
technique to differentiate the pathogenic categories of E. coli, it was possible to identify 29 cases (6.1%) of enteropathogenic E.
coli (EPEC). Of these, 10 (2.1%) were typical EPEC and 19 (4.0%) atypical EPEC. In addition, there were 26 cases (5.5%) of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Diarrheal disease; Enteropathogens; Escherichia coli; Epidemiology; Western Amazon.
Ano: 2006
Datura Genus Weeds as an Epidemiological Factor of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), Cucumber mosaic
virus (CMV), and Potato virus Y (PVY) on Solanaceus Crops
Provedor de dados: 113
Autores: Ormeño,Juan; Sepúlveda,Paulina; Rojas,Ricardo; Araya,Jaime E.
Plant samples of jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) and thornapple (D. ferox L.) were collected to determine the presence of
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), and Potato virus Y (PVY) in Santiago, Chile (33º34’ S lat, 70º38’
W long, altitude 625 mosl), using double stranded RNA (dsRNA) analysis and ELISA. Both weeds were positive to the three
types of virus with a percentage of infection ranging from 20-30% except for PVY infection in D. stramonium with an incidence
of 5%. Under controlled conditions, the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) transmitted CMV from D. ferox to tomatoes (Lycopersicon
esculentum Mill.) and sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum L.), but did not transfer it to potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Seeds of
positive D....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: AMV; CMV; PVY; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2006
A tool for deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis of epidemiologic studies
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Orsini,
Nicola; Bellocco,
Rino; Bottai,
Matteo; Wolk,
Alicja; Greenland,
Classification errors, selection bias, and uncontrolled confounders are likely to be present in most epidemiologic studies, but the
uncertainty introduced by these types of biases is seldom quantified. The authors present a simple yet easy-to-use Stata command
to adjust the relative risk for exposure misclassification, selection bias, and an unmeasured confounder. This command
implements both deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis. It allows the user to specify a variety of probability
distributions for the bias parameters, which are used to simulate distributions for the bias-adjusted exposure–disease relative risk.
We illustrate the command by applying it to a case–control study of occupational resin exposure and lung-cancer deaths. By...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: Episens; Episensi; Sensitivity analysis; Unmeasured confounder; Misclassification; Bias; Epidemiology;
Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008
Anticorpos anti-rickettsias do grupo da febre maculosa em equídeos e caninos no norte do Estado do
Paraná, Brasil
Provedor de dados: 45
Autores: Otomura,F.H.; Sangioni,L.A.; Pacheco,R.C.; Labruna,M.B.; Galhardo,J.A.; Ribeiro,M.G.; Teodoro,U.
The Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) is a zoonosis that can be fatal if not trteated. As there are few studies of the BSF in the Paraná
State, the occurrence of BSF was serologically investigated in dogs and horses by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), in the
North of that State, in animals that are regarded as sentinels for BSF. A total of 241 samples of sera of equine, four of asinine, and
29 of dogs were collected in nine farms of three municipalities in the North of Paraná: Arapongas, Douradina, and Umuarama.
From fifteen samples of equine serum with positive titres for RIFI, eight (53.3 %) had titre of 64 against R. rickettsii, two (13.3 %)
128 against R. rickettsii, and five (33.3 %) were reactants for R. parkeri and R. rickettsii, with titres...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Horses; Brazilian Spotted Fever; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2010
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Ott,
Stephen L.
In 1995 and 1996, prices for weaned calves were at the lowest point for the current cattle market cycle. The National Animal
Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Beef ,97 Study examined the effects of the down market on beef cow-calf herd
management practices. Most producers did not alter management practices in response to the down market. Among producers
who made changes, costs were cut largely in the area of herd health management. Specific management practices in which costs
were cut included decreases in use of vaccinations (7.4% of operations), herd medications (7.7% of operations), individual cow
medications (5.0% of operations), and veterinary services (14.1% of operations). Other ways that producers altered management
practices in response to the down...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Beef; Cattle; Cow-calf; Epidemiology; Economics; Marketing; Management; Vaccinations;
Medications; Veterinarians; Culling; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1998
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Ott,
Stephen L.
The National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Beef '97 Study collected data on the marketing practices of 2,713 beef
cow-calf producers representing 85.7% of all beef cows as of January 1, 1997, in 23 leading cow-calf states. Of the operations
included in the study, 67.4% sold steer calves, and 52.1% sold heifer calves for slaughter in the year preceding the study. By
number of operations, auction was the most common method of selling steers (84.9% of operations) and private treaty was the
second most popular marketing method (10.4% of operations). By number of steers sold, private treaty was the most common
marketing method. For operations selling either steer or heifer calves, smaller operations were more likely to use auctions as a
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Beef; Cattle; Cow-calf; Epidemiology; Economics; Marketing; Management; Weaning; Auctions;
Income; Forward pricing; Futures contracts; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1998
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Ott,
Stephen L.
The National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project ( NDHEP ) was conducted by the National Animal Health Monitoring System
(NAHMS ) from April 1991 through July 1992 with the assistance of 1,811 producers from 28 states. Producers included in the
study each had herds of 30 or more milk cows, representing 78 percent of the milk cows in the U.S. The average total of cattle and
calves on each operation was 169.4. The main breed on 94.9% of operations was Holstein. Slightly over 46 percent of operations
stated reproductive problems as the cause of low milk production of cows culled from the herd. Newborn calves were separated
from their mothers before nursing on 28.0 percent of operations and less than 12 hours after birth on 39.6 percent of operations.
On 64.0...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Dairy; Cattle; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Preweaning; Heifer; Production; Morbidity; Mortality;
Death loss; Illness; Colostrum; Calving; Dehorning; Vaccination; Scours; Antibiotics; Feed; Milk replacer; Livestock
Ano: 1994
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Ott,
Stephen L.
The National Animal Health Monitoring Systems (NAHMS) Dairy +96 Study of dairy herds in 20 states examined herd
management practices that varied between high-producing (top 25%) and low-producing (bottom 25%) U.S. dairy herds. Only
100% Holstein herds were included in the study. Within four size categories (30-99 cows, 100-199 cows, 200-499 cows, 500 or
more cows) herds were ranked by milk production per cow. High-producing herds were more likely to use Dairy Herd
Improvement Association records or an on-farm computer system than low-producing herds. High-producing herds were also
more likely to feed a total mixed ration, use forage test results in balancing feed rations, use bovine somatotropin (bST) and/or
systematic prostaglandins, and vaccinate against...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Dairy; Cattle; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Economics; Holsteins; Production; Diseases; Vaccinations;
Culling; Feed; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1997
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Ott,
Stephen L.
The USDA's National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) collected data on management practices and cow-calf herds
as a source of family income from a representative sample of cow-calf producers from 23 of the leading cow-calf states. Overall,
2,713 producers with one or more beef cows participated in the NAHMS Beef '97 Study, representing 85.7 percent of the beef
cows and 77.6 percent of the beef cow operations in the United States as of January 1997. Producers whose cow-calf herds were
the primary source of family income were more productive than those whose herds were a supplemental source of income.
Cow-calf herds were the primary source of income for 14 percent of the producers and provided supplemental income for 69
percent of the producers....
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Beef; Cattle; Cow-calf; Epidemiology; Economics; Marketing; Management; Production; Income;
Dehorning; Castration; Vaccinations; Breeding; Calving; Semen testing; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1998
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Ott,
Stephen L.
The National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project ( NDHEP ) was conducted by the National Animal Health Monitoring System
(NAHMS ) from April 1991 through July 1992. A total of 921 producers monitored calves on a daily basis from the first through
the eighth week of life; results were extrapolated to the U.S. dairy population. Mortality of heifer calves was examined according
to region ( west, midwest, northeast, southeast ). Mortality was highest in the western region ( 9.1 percent ) and lowest in the
midwestern region ( 5.6 percent ). Calf deaths were highest in the two quarters October-December and January-March ( 8.4
percent each quarter ) and lowest in the quarter April-June ( 5.2 percent ). The overall average of stillborn calves was 1.6 percent.
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Dairy; Cattle; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Preweaning; Heifer; Production; Diseases; Morbidity;
Mortality; Death; Illness; Respiratory; Reproduction; Digestive; Musculoskeletal; Nervous system; Mastitis; Maternity;
Injections; Antibiotics; Milk replacer; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1993
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Ott,
Stephen L.
Due to a lack of national information about cull dairy cows, the USDA's National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS)
Dairy '96 Study investigated culling management practices. Operations included in the study represented 83.1 percent of U.S. milk
cows. Most dairy cows were culled for reasons associated with their inability to profitably produce high-quality milk and calves;
reasons for culling were not usually related to ill health or systemic disease. Results showed that almost all cull dairy cows in the
US are intended for beef slaughter, as only about 4.4 percent were sent to other dairy operations. Nearly 77 percent of cows
intended for beef slaughter were sent to markets, auctions, and sale barns, while 22 percent were sent straight to slaughter...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Dairy; Cattle; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Production; Economics; Culling; Transportation; Milk;
Marketing; Disease; Slaughter condemnation; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1996
Strategies for the Control of Surra in Asia
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: Ozawa, Y.
Palavras-chave: Diagnostic methods; Epidemiology; Treatment; Trypanosoma evansi.
Ano: 1998
Mesobuthus eupeus scorpionism in Sanliurfa region of Turkey
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Ozkan,O.; Kat,I.
The epidemiology and clinical findings of scorpion stings in Sanliurfa region of Turkey, from May to September 2003, were
evaluated in this study. Mesobuthus eupeus (M. eupeus) plays a role on 25.8% of the scorpionism cases. This study also showed
that intoxications caused by M. eupeus in the southeast of Anatolia region were seen in hot months of the summer, especially on
July. Females and people above 15 years old were mostly affected and stung on extremities. Intense pain in the affected area was
observed in 98.7% cases, hyperemia in 88.8%, swelling in 54.6%, burning in 19.7%, while numbness and itching were seen less
frequently. In our study, the six most frequently observed symptoms were local pain, hyperemia, swelling, burning, dry mouth,
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Mesobuthus eupeus; Turkey; Scorpionism; Epidemiology; Clinical symptoms.
Ano: 2005
Evaluation of scorpion sting incidence in turkey
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Ozkan,O.; Uzun,R.; Adiguzel,S.; Cesaretli,Y.; Ertek,M.
Scorpion stings are common in Turkey due to its geographical location, climate and socioeconomic structure. Scorpion
envenomation cases are a considerable public health problem in all regions of the country. Important health-threatening scorpions
in Turkey are Androctonus crassicauda, Leiurus quinquestriatus, Mesobuthus gibbosus and M. eupeus, all of which belong to the
Buthidae family. They are described to be potentially dangerous to humans. So far, there is no study about scorpion sting
incidence covering all geographical regions of Turkey; therefore, in this study, we analyzed the frequency of scorpion sting cases
in the country. A total of 24,261 scorpion sting cases were reported during 2005. Most of which (about 80%) occurred in the
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Scorpion sting; Turkey; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2008
Economic Impacts of Foreign Animal Disease
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Paarlberg,
Philip L.; Hillberg,
Ann; Lee,
John G.; Mathews,
Kenneth H., Jr.
This report presents a modeling framework in which epidemiological model results are integrated with an economic model of the
U.S. agricultural sector to enable estimation of the economic impacts of outbreaks of foreign-source livestock diseases. To
demonstrate the model, the study assessed results of a hypothetical outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). The modeling
framework includes effects of the FMD episode on all major agricultural products and assesses these effects on aggregate supply,
demand, and trade over 16 quarters. Model results show a potential for large trade-related losses for beef, beef cattle, hogs, and
pork, though relatively few animals are destroyed. The swine and pork sectors recover shortly after assumed export restrictions
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Animal disease; Epidemiology; Foot and mouth disease (FMD); Sector model; Trade; Agricultural and Food
Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; International Development; International Relations/Trade; Livestock
Ano: 2008
Epidemiological and Genotypical Mapping of Human Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in Paraguay
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: Pacheco, Paquel S.; Santos, Elizabeth Gloria O. Barbosa; Brito, Celia Maria M.; Pires, Marize Q.; Marzochi, Mauro
Celio A.
Palavras-chave: Leishmania; Kinetoplast DNA; Zymodeme analysis; Molecular hybridization; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1999
Hepatitis E virus seroprevalence among schistosomiasis patients in Northeastern Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Passos-Castilho,Ana Maria; de Sena,Anne; Domingues,Ana Lucia Coutinho; Lopes-Neto,Edmundo Pessoa;
Medeiros,Tibério Batista; Granato,Celso Francisco Hernandez; Ferraz,Maria Lúcia.
Background Hepatitis E virus (HEV) can cause chronic infection with rapid progression to liver cirrhosis in
immunocompromised patients. HEV seroprevalence in patients with Schistosoma mansoni in Brazil is unknown. We evaluated
the prevalence of past or present HEV infection in schistosomiasis patients in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. A total of 80 patients
with Schistosoma mansoni were consecutively enrolled in a cross-sectional study. Serum samples were tested for the presence of
anti-HEV IgG antibodies by enzyme immunoassay (Wantai anti-HEV IgG, Beijing, China) and for the presence of HEV RNA
using real time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction with primers targeting the HEV ORF2 and ORF3. Clinical and
laboratory tests as well as...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Brazil; Epidemiology; Hepatitis E virus; Schistosomiasis; Seroprevalence.
Ano: 2016
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of injuries caused by venomous snakes observed at the
hospital for tropical diseases of Araguaína, Tocantins State, Brazil, from 1995 to 2000
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Paula Neto,J. B.; Ribeiro,R. S. P.; Luz,J. A.; Galvão,M.; Carvalho,S. M. D.; Haddad Junior,V.
Injuries caused by venomous snakes are considered a problem of public health in Brazil, and further studies for a better
knowledge are very important. The aim of this work is to describe clinical and epidemiological characteristics that were observed
from 1995 to 2000 in the Hospital for Tropical Diseases of Araguaína, Tocantins State, Brazil, which is a unit of health that takes
care of patients suffering from tropical diseases. We studied 440 individuals and the most common characteristics observed were
masculine sex, age among 15-45 years, bite in low members, and injuries caused by snakes of the Bothrops genus. The signs and
symptoms more frequently observed were edema, pain, erythema, and bleeding. The most observed systemic manifestation was...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Snakebite; Tocantins State; Brazil; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2005
Trachoma among the Yanomami Indians
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Paula,J.S.; Medina,N.H.; Cruz,A.A.V.
The Yanomami are one of the last primitive groups of Indians living in Brazil. They have almost no contact with other cultures.
The epidemiology of eye disease among Yanomami is virtually unknown. For the first time, a trachoma survey was conducted
among Yanomami Indians in the State of Amazonas near the Venezuelan border of the Brazilian rain forest. Ophthalmic
examination was carried out on a total of 613 individuals (338 males and 275 females) from eight Yanomami villages along the
Marauiá River located in the upper Rio Negro Basin. Age was classified into three categories (children, adults, and elderly) and
trachoma was classified into five grades: follicular, inflammatory intense, cicatricial, trichiasis, and corneal opacity. Trachoma
was endemic in...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Trachoma; Yanomami; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2002
Spatial distribution of canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 70
Autores: Paulan,Silvana de C.; Silva,Hélio R.; Lima,Elizete A. C. de Freitas; Flores,Edílson F.; Tachibana,Vilma M.;
Kanda,Cláudia Z.; Noronha Junior,Antonio C. F. de; Dobre,Paulo R.
Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is caused by protozoan of genus Leishmania and transmitted by sand flies of genus Lutzomyia,
which has been adapted to the peridomicile environment where dogs are their mainly food source, increasing the risk for human
cases. In this study, techniques of geoprocessing and spatial statistics were utilized as a contribution to understanding the
epidemiological dynamics of VL in the urban area of Ilha Solteira, SP.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Geoprocessing; Sand fly; Epidemiology; Spatial statistics.
Ano: 2012
Manejo da pastagem de azevém, contaminação larval no pasto e infecção parasitária em ovinos.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: PEGORARO, E.J.; POLI, C.H.E.C.; CARVALHO, P.C. de F.; GOMES, M.J.T. de M.; FISCHER, V.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do manejo da pastagem de azevém sobre o risco de reinfecção parasitária. Foram
utilizadas duas ofertas (10 e 20 kg de matéria seca por 100 kg de peso vivo) em dois métodos de pastejo (lotação contínua e
intermitente). A infestação parasitária no mantilho e nos diferentes estratos da forragem foi avaliada nos estratos: acima de 15,
10-15, 5-10, 2,5-5 e 0-2,5 cm; a carga parasitária no animal foi avaliada por exames coproparasitológicos; e a seletividade da dieta
foi avaliada com afilhos marcados. Independentemente do método, a densidade larval aumentou do topo para a base do dossel
forrageiro. No entanto, entre os estratos aptos ao pastejo foram observadas diferenças na oferta de 20% do peso vivo. A oferta...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Haemonchus; Trichostrongylus; Cordeiro; Epidemiologia; Método de pastejo; Oferta de forragem; Lamb;
Epidemiology; Grazing method; Forage offer.
Ano: 2008
A campilobacteriose e tricomonose são doenças reemergentes?
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: PELLEGRIN, A. O.
Epidemiologia; Prevalência e incidência no Brasil; Fatores e risco; Impactos econômicos; Diagnóstico; Controle.
Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Bovino; Doença; Campilobacteriose; Tricomonose; Pecuária; Epidemiologia; Diagnóstico; Controle; Bovine;
Disease; Campylobacter fetus venerealis; Tritichomonas foetus; Epidemiology; Diagnostic; Control.
Ano: 2002
Atualização sobre tricomonose genital bovina.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: PELLEGRIN, A. O.; LEITE, R. C.
A tricomonose é uma doença venérea de bovinos causada por um protozoário flagelado denominado Tritrichomonas foetus
(T.foetus), cujo habitat é o trato genital de bovinos sendo transmitido do macho para a fêmea através da monta ou pelo uso de
sêmen contaminado. O T.foetus é um protozoário de morfologia piriforme com três flagelos em posição cranial e um caudal, cujo
tamanho oscila entre entre 8-18mm de comprimento e 4-9 de largura. Se caracteriza por possuir 4 flagelos, 3 deles são anteriores e
livres e o 4o acompanha a membrana ondulante, que é perfeitamente visível quando em microscopia, localizando-se na parte
Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Bovino; Doença; Tricomonose genital bovina; Epidemiologia; Patogenia; Imunidade; Diagnóstico; Controle;
Tratamento; Imunoprofilaxia; Bovine; Disease; Epidemiology; Pathogeny; Immunity; Diagnosis; Control.
Ano: 2003
Epidemiologia da sigatoka negra da bananeira (Musa spp).
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: PEREIRA, J. C. R.; GASPAROTTO, L.; COSTA, M. M. da; PEREIRA, M. C. N.
Estudo sobre o progresso da sigatoka negra em bananeiras, associado a variacoes e/ou efeitos de variaveis climaticas, que
permitem prever as epocas de maior severidade e/ou surtos da doenca, de forma a estabelecer estrategias de controle mais viaveis
do ponto de vista economico-ambiental no Estado do Amazonas (Brasil).
Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Musa; Especie; Banana; Doenca; Folha; Mycosphaerella fijiensis; Sigatoka Negra; Fungo; Epidemiologia;
Brasil; Amazonas; Species; Fungal Diseases; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1999
Murcha de Fusarium em tomateiro.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: PEREIRA, R. B.; LUCAS, G. C.; PINHEIRO, J. B.
Tipo: Artigo de divulgação na mídia (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Tomate; Murcha de Fusarium; Fungo; Profilaxia; Solanum lycopersicon; Plant disease control; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2014
Challenges and perspectives of Chagas disease: a review
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Pereira,Paulo Câmara Marques; Navarro,Elaine Cristina.
Chagas disease (CD), also known as American trypanosomiasis, is caused by the flagellated protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, and
affects an estimated 8 to 10 million people worldwide. In Latin America, 25 million people live in risk areas, while in 2008 alone,
10,000 CD-related deaths were reported. This review aimed to evaluate the challenges of CD control, future perspectives, and
actions performed worldwide to control expansion of the disease and its impact on public health in Latin America.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Control of Chagas disease; Epidemiology; Transmission.
Ano: 2013
Associations between farming practices and disease mortality of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in a
Mediterranean lagoon
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Pernet, Fabrice; Lagarde, Franck; Le Gall, Patrik; Roque D'Orbcastel, Emmanuelle.
We present the first large-scale, high-resolution spatial and temporal pattern of disease mortality caused by Ostreid herpesvirus 1
(OsHV-1) that has affected Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in France every year since 2008, in relation to local farm use.
Mortality was monitored in healthy oyster spat deployed at 106 locations in the Thau Mediterranean lagoon during the epizootic
that occurred in spring 2011. We conducted a field survey of farming practices in the areas where the sentinel oysters were placed
before the epizootic. We found that the risk of disease mortality in sentinel oysters was higher within the bivalve farming area
than outside it, suggesting that the infection pressure is much higher in areas with intensive farming activity. The risk...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Epidemiology; OsHV-1; Shellfish farming.
Ano: 2014
Paralytic rabies in swine
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Pessoa,Clarice Ricardo de Macedo; Silva,Maria Luana Cristiny Rodrigues; Gomes,Albério Antônio de Barros;
Garcia,Andrea Isabel Estévez; Ito,Fumio Honma; Brandão,Paulo Eduardo; Riet-Correa,Franklin.
Rabies transmitted by vampire bats was diagnosed in pigs with paralysis of the pelvic limbs. Diffuse nonsuppurative
encephalomyelitis, affecting mainly the spinal cord, was observed histologically. Despite the various diagnosis of rabies in pigs
this is the first report of clinical signs and pathology of rabies transmitted by vampire bats.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Vampire bats; Epidemiology; Virus isolation; Zoonotic.
Ano: 2011
Factors influencing disease-induced mortality of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Petton, Bruno; Boudry, Pierre; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Pernet, Fabrice.
Mortalities of oyster Crassostrea gigas seed associated with ostreid herpesvirus OsHV-1 μVar have been observed in many
oyster-producing countries since 2008. The present study, comprised of 4 complementary experiments, aimed to identify factors
associated with disease-induced oyster mortality in order to propose mitigation strategies. Our first experiment compared survival
of oysters from natural spatfall with others sampled from nurseries, after thermal elevation in the laboratory from <14 to 21°C.
A total of 60% of the tested wild seed batches (n = 51) were infected by OsHV-1, exhibited mortality and were able to transmit
the disease to cohabited naïve oysters. Comparatively, only 1 out of the 32 tested batches sampled from nurseries presented...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Risk analyses; Shellfish farming; Virus OsHV-1 mu Var.
Ano: 2015
Doenças em cereais de inverno: aspectos epidemiológicos e controle.
Provedor de dados: 14
Simbologia utilizada; Oídio do trigo (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici); Ferrugem da folha do trigo (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici);
Ferrugem do colmo do trigo (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici); Ferrugem linear em trigo (Puccinia striiformis); Mancha salpicada da
folha do trigo (Mycospharella graminicola, Septoria tritici); Mancha da gluma do trigo (Phaeosphaeria nodorum, Stagonospora
nodorum); Mancha marrom do trigo (Cochliobolus sativus, Bipolaris sorokiniana); Mancha bronzeada da folha do trigo
(Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Drechslera tritici-repentis); Giberela do trigo (Gibberella zeae, Fusarium graminearum); Mancha
aquosa do trigo (Calonectria nivalis, Gerlachia nivalis); Brusone do trigo (Magnoporthe grisea, Pyricularia grisea); Carvão do...
Tipo: Livros técnicos (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Avena sativa; Disease; Epidemiology; Hordeum vulgare; Triticum aestivum.
Ano: 1995
First report and molecular characterization of Trypanosoma vivax in cattle from state of
Pernambuco, Brazil.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: PIMENTEL, D. de S.; RAMOS, C. A. do N.; RAMOS, R. A. do N.; ARAUJO, F. R.; BARBOSA, M. L.; FAUSTINO,
M. A. da G.; ALVES, L. C.
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Trypanosoma vivax; Parasitological diagnosis; Molecular diagnosis; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012
Aspectos epidemiológicos da caprinocultura cearense.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: PINHEIRO, R. R.; GOUVEIA, A. M. G.; ALVES, F. S. F.; HADDAD, J. P. A.
0 desenvolvimento da caprinocultura na regiao Nordeste do Brasil é severamente afetado por inúmeros fatores, entre eles a alta
incidência de doenças. Objetivou-se conhecer o atual manejo sanitário empregado e os problemas sanitarios existentes na opiniao
do criador do Ceara. 0 trabalho foi realizado nas varias regiôes criadoras de caprinos de raças leiteiras, nativas ou sem raça
definida. Foram selecionadas 127 propriedades onde se aplicou um questionario. A percentagem média de mortalidade de animais
foi de 22,8% e 4,6% em jovens e adultos, respectivamente. Os sinais clinicos relatados, por ordem, foram: anemia e edema de
barbela (81,9% dos criatórios), diarréia (78,7%), aborto (75,6%), pododermatite (67,7%), linfadenite (66,9%), ectoparasitoses
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Manejo sanitário; Caprino; Sanidade animal; Epidemiologia; Goats; Epidemiology; Sanitary management.
Ano: 2000
Dot-Blot: alternativa para o diagnóstico da artrite encefalite caprina (AEC).
Provedor de dados: 14
Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: CAE; Artrite encefalite caprina; Affinity choromatography; Dot-Blot; Caprino; Doença animal; Epidemiologia;
Técnica imunoenzimática; ELISA; Goats; Caprine arthritis encephalit virus; Lentivirus; Epidemiology; Diseases; Immunoenzyme
Ano: 2001
Distribution of serotypes and evaluation of antimicrobial susceptibility among human and bovine
Streptococcus agalactiae strains isolated in Brazil between 1980 and 2006
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Pinto,Tatiana Castro Abreu; Costa,Natália Silva; Souza,Aline Rosa Vianna; Silva,Ligia Guedes da; Corrêa,Ana Beatriz
de Almeida; Fernandes,Flavio Gimenis; Oliveira,Ivi Cristina Menezes; Mattos,Marcos Corrêa de; Rosado,Alexandre Soares;
Benchetrit,Leslie Claude.
Streptococcus agalactiae is a common agent of clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis and an important cause of human
infections, mainly among pregnant women, neonates and nonpregnant adults with underlying diseases. The present study
describes the genetic and phenotypic diversity among 392 S. agalactiae human and bovine strains isolated between 1980 and 2006
in Brazil. The most prevalent serotypes were Ia, II, III and V and all the strains were susceptible to penicillin, vancomycin and
levofloxacin. Resistance to clindamycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, rifampicin and tetracycline was observed. Among the
erythromycin resistant strains, mefA/E, ermA and, mainly, ermB gene were detected, and a shift of prevalence from the macrolide
resistance phenotype...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Streptococcus agalactiae; Pulsed field gel electrophoresis; Epidemiology; Serotyping; Resistance profile.
Ano: 2013
Hábitos e comportamentos tabágicos dos professores do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Provedor de dados: 188
Autores: Pires, Tânia; Ribeiro, Maria Isabel; Fernandes, António.
Os objectivos deste estudo envolvem a determinação da prevalência do tabagismo numa amostra de docentes do ensino superior
público do distrito de Bragança, o conhecimento dos seus hábitos e comportamentos e a identificação dos factores associados ao
consumo do tabaco. A prevalência do consumo de tabaco registada foi de 15,1%. As razões que levam ao consumo do tabaco são,
entre outras, ter irmãos fumadores, ter um parceiro que fuma, conviver com familiares fumadores, combater o stresse e obter
prazer. O inquirido tem consciência que fumar pode prejudicar outras pessoas e fazer mal à saúde, contudo não abdica deste
hábito.Los objetivos principales de este estudio cuantitativo envuelven la determinación de la frecuencia humeante en una muestra
de profesores...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: Tabaco; Epidemiologia; Prevalência; Smoking; Epidemiology; Prevalence.
Ano: 2010
Sleep habits and complaints of adults in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1987 and 1995
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Pires,M.L.N.; Benedito-Silva,A.A.; Mello,M.T.; Del Giglio,S.; Pompeia,C.; Tufik,S.
This study compares the prevalence of complaints of insomnia, excessive diurnal sleepiness, parasomnias, and sleep habits of the
adult population in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, estimated in surveys carried out in 1987 and 1995. Representative samples of
1000 adult residents per survey were interviewed using a validated structured sleep questionnaire, the "UNIFESP Sleep
Questionnaire". Difficulty maintaining sleep, difficulty initiating sleep and early morning awakening, occurring at least three
times a week, were reported in 1987 and 1995, by 15.8/27.6, 13.9/19.1, and 10.6/14.2% of the interviewees, respectively,
significantly increasing throughout time. These sleep problems were more often found among women. Frequencies of excessive
diurnal sleepiness...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Sleep; Sleep disorders; Insomnia; Diurnal sleepiness; Parasomnias; Epidemiology; Sleep habits.
Ano: 2007
Etudes pathologiques et epidemiologiques des lesions parasitaires chez Ostrea edulis : Premiers
resultats d'un recherche prospective comparative chez les principales especes de mollusques des zones
ostreicoles de Bretagne nord
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Poder, M; Auffret, Mathieu; Balouet, G.
This paper is a contribution to the study of the Bonamia ostreae epizooty in french european oyster Ostrea edulis : parasite process
(hemocytic parasitosis); experimental contaminations on parks and in tanks. First results of an epidemiological watch conducted
in oyster culture sites show in molluks mytilidae, pectinidae, cardiidae, veneridae: the absence of Bonamia ostreae forms; the
existence of different types of parasitism or commensalisus of inequal pathological importance and especially a parasite of the
Marteilia genus in Tapes sp . digestive epithelium. Additionally, a new example of hemocytosercoma is observed in Cerastoderma
edule .
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Tapes rhomboides; Tapes pullastra; Mytilus edulis; Cerastoderma edule; Ostrea edulis;
Bivalvia; Marteilia; Bonamia ostreae; Comparative studies; Parasitic diseases; Commensalism; Parasitology; Marine mollusks;
Epidemiology; Pathology; Pathologie; Mollusques; Bonamia ostreae; Epizootie; Ostrea edulis.
Ano: 1983
Prevalence and epidemiology of chronic hepatitis C among prisoners of Mato Grosso do Sul State,
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Pompilio,MA; Pontes,ERJC; Castro,ARCM; Andrade,SMO; Stief,ACF; Martins,RMB; Mousquer,GJ; Murat,PG;
Francisco,RBL; Pompilio,SAL; Rezende,GR; Elias-Junior,E.
In Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, the number of prisoners has increased in the recent years and the control of hepatitis C virus
(HCV) has become more complex. The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence and identify the genotypes of
HCV in prisoners as well as the factors associated with this infectious disease. Thereby, 443 men and 243 women from prisons
were interviewed and subjected to blood collection. Anti-HCV reactive samples were analyzed by RT-PCR and genotyped. The
overall seroprevalence of HCV infection was 4.8% (95%CI: 3.4 to 6.8%). Furthermore, the prevalence was higher in: men,
injecting drug users, tattooed persons, those who were more than 50 years old, individuals who have been arrested multiple times,
people with...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hepatitis C; Genotype; Polymerase chain reaction; Epidemiology; Prisoners.
Ano: 2011
Genetic control of blast in relation to nitrogen fertilization in upland rice.
Provedor de dados: 119
Six upland rice cultivars were evaluated under two nitrogen levels (10 kg and 60 kg N/ha) for blast control based on slow leaf and
panicle blast characteristics in field experiments conducted during three consecutive years. The criteria for measuring slow
blasting resistance were area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), maximum severity during disease progress (Ymax) and the
rate of increase until the disease reaches maximum ('ymax.). There was a high positive correlation among the criteria utilized. The
control of leaf blast in improved rice cultivars (Cuiabana, Centro America, Guarani, Rio Paranaiba) ranged from 36 to 56% for 10
kg/ha of N and from 19 to 49% for 60 kg/ha of N over the susceptible checks (IAC 47, IAC 165). The effect of slow blasting...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa; Pyricularia grisea; Pyricularia oryzae; Slow blasting; Epidemiology; Resistencia; Epidemiologia.
Ano: 1996
Host colonization differences between citrus and coffee isolates of Xylella fastidiosa in reciprocal
Provedor de dados: 63
Autores: Prado,Simone de Souza; Lopes,João Roberto Spotti; Demétrio,Clarice Garcia Borges; Borgatto,Adriano Ferreti;
Almeida,Rodrigo Piacentini Paes de.
Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) and coffee stem atrophy (CSA) are important diseases in Brazil associated with closely-related
strains of Xylella fastidiosa, but little is know about host aoverlappingnd importance of citrus and coffee as inoculum sources of
these strains. In this study, reciprocal-inoculation experiments were performed to determine if CVC and CSA isolates are
biologically similar within citrus and coffee plants. These two hosts were mechanically inoculated with a CVC and a CSA isolate
of X. fastidiosa at four concentrations ranging between10³ and 10(9) colony forming units CFU mL-1. At two, four and eight
months after inoculation, the infection efficiency and bacterial populations of the isolates in each host were determined by...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Citrus variegated chlorosis; Coffee leaf scorch; Inoculum concentration; Bacterial population; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2008
Epidemiological aspects of an infection by Brucella abortus in risk occupational groups in the
microregion of Araguaína, Tocantins
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Ramos,Taciana Rabelo Ramalho; Pinheiro Junior,José Wilton; Moura Sobrinho,Pedro Alves de; Santana,Vânia Lúcia de
Assis; Guerra,Neurisvan Ramos; Melo,Lúcio Esmeraldo Honório de; Mota,Rinaldo Aparecido.
The aim of this paper was to study some epidemiological aspects of the infection by Brucella abortus in risk occupational groups
in the microregion of Araguaína, Tocantins. For antibody research, 645 serum samples were analyzed by the complement fixation
test (CF). A 4.0% frequency was found (26/645) in patients' serum and among those 4.1% (23/551) were slaughterhouses
employees and 8.1% (3/37) rural workers. Of the total positive samples, three (2.0%) were women and 23 (4.7%) men; ten (2.9%)
were between the ages of 18 and 30, six (3.4%) between 31 and 40, and nine (8.0%) were above 41 years of age. Risk factors for
brucellosis in the study groups were age, background (OR = 2.45; CI 95% = 0.98 to 6.10) and previous work conducted with
production animals...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Brucellosis; Epidemiology; Humans; Risk factors.
Ano: 2008
Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP)
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Ravn, H.
In this manual a review is provided of the chemical and toxicological aspects of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). The
document contains information on chemical structure, chemical data, where to obtain standards and reference materials, the origin
and occurrence, chemical analysis, mouse bioassay, epidemiology, mechanisms of action, symptoms and therapeutics. The
practical use of this document has been highlighted in agreement with the Members of the Task Team on Aquatic Biotoxins. This
document is prepared by Dr. H. Ravn, IOC together with Prof. T. Yasumoto, Tohoku University, Japan, Chairman of the Task
Team on Aquatic Biotoxins. Dr. J. Ramsdell, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Charleston Laboratory,
USA has supplied parts of...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Fish intoxication; Poisonous organisms; Fish diseases; Shellfish; Epidemiology; Chemical analysis; Shellfish;
Fish diseases; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1995
Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP)
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Ravn, H.
In this manual a review is provided of the chemical and toxicological aspects of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). The
document contains information on chemical structure, chemical data, where to obtain standards and reference materials, the origin
and occurrence, chemical analysis, mouse bioassay, epidemiology, mechanisms of action, symptoms and therapeutics. The
practical use of this document has been highlighted in agreement with the Members of the Task Team on Aquatic Biotoxins. This
document is prepared by Dr. H. Ravn, IOC together with Prof. T. Yasumoto, Tohoku University, Japan, Chairman of the Task
Team on Aquatic Biotoxins. Dr. J. Ramsdell, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Charleston Laboratory,
USA has supplied parts of...
Tipo: Book
Palavras-chave: Fish intoxication; Poisonous organisms; Fish diseases; Shellfish; Epidemiology; Chemical analysis; Shellfish;
Fish diseases; Epidemiology; Http://; Http://;
Ano: 1995
Relation between oral health and socioeconomic variables among schoolchildren aged 12 in the City of
Manaus - AM
Provedor de dados: 36
Autores: Régis-Aranha,Lauramaris de Arruda; Meneghim,Marcelo de Castro; Pereira,Antonio Carlos; Oliveira,Nícia Marques de
Almeida; Ambrosano,Gláucia Maria Bovi; Mialhe,Fábio Luiz.
Studies have shown that the age of 12 was determined as the age of global monitoring of caries for international comparisons and
monitoring of disease trends. The aimed was to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries, fluorosis and periodontal condition and
their relation with socioeconomic factors among schoolchildren aged twelve in the city of Manaus, AM. This study with a
probabilistic sample of 661 children was conducted, 609 from public and 52 from private schools, in 2008. Dental caries,
periodontal condition and dental fluorosis were evaluated. In order to obtain the socioeconomic classification of each child (high,
upper middle, middle, lower middle, low and lower low socioeconomic classes), the guardians were given a questionnaire. The
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Periodontal Diseases; DMF index.
Ano: 2014
Acute leukemias in Piauí: comparison with features observed in other regions of Brazil
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Rego,M.F.N.; Pinheiro,G.S.; Metze,K.; Lorand-Metze,I.
Differences in age and sex distribution as well as FAB (French-American-British classification) types have been reported for
acute leukemias in several countries. We studied the demographics and response to treatment of patients with acute myeloid
leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) between 1989 and 2000 in Teresina, Piauí, and compared these results
with reports from Brazil and other countries. Complete data concerning 345 patients (230 ALL, 115 AML) were reviewed. AML
occurred predominantly in adults (77%), with a median age of 34 years, similar to that found in the southeast of Brazil but lower
than the median age in the United States and Europe (52 years). FAB distribution was similar in children and adults and FAB-M2
was the most...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia; Acute myeloid leukemia; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2003
Estratégias para o controle de doenças do trigo.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: REIS, E. M.; FERNANDES, J. M. C.; PICININI, E. C.
Causas das principais doenças do trigo; Princípios fundamentais de epidemiologia; Conceitos; Fatores determinantes de doenças
parasitárias; Predominância dos patógenos do trigo segundo as regiões tritícolas brasileiras; Classificação dos fungos patogênicos
do trigo, segundo seus requerimentos nutricionais e suas implicações na sobrevivência e na estratégia de controle; Biotróficos;
Necrotróficos; Fotos; Estratégias de controle; Rotação de culturas; Eliminação de plantas voluntárias; Eliminação de hospedeiros
secundários; Uso de sementes sadias; Uso de cultivares resistentes; Uso de fungicidas; Conclusões.
Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Chemical control; Disease; Epidemiology; Triticum; Wheat.
Ano: 1988
Epidemiology of recurrent venous thrombosis
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Ribeiro,D.D.; Lijfering,W.M.; Barreto,S.M.; Rosendaal,F.R.; Rezende,S.M.
Venous thrombosis, including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, is a common disease that frequently recurs.
Recurrence can be prevented by anticoagulants, but this comes at the risk of bleeding. Therefore, assessment of the risk of
recurrence is important to balance the risks and benefits of anticoagulant treatment. This review briefly outlines what is currently
known about the epidemiology of recurrent venous thrombosis, and focuses in more detail on potential new risk factors for venous
recurrence. The general implications of these findings in patient management are discussed.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Recurrent venous thrombosis; Epidemiology; Risk factors.
Ano: 2012
Why are the rates of cesarean section in Brazil higher in more developed cities than in less developed
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Ribeiro,V.S.; Figueiredo,F.P.; Silva,A.A.M.; Bettiol,H.; Batista,R.F.L.; Coimbra,L.C.; Lamy,Z.C.; Barbieri,M.A.
The objective of the present study was to investigate factors associated with cesarean sections in two cities located in different
regions of Brazil and to determine factors that explain the higher cesarean section rate in the more developed city, Ribeirão Preto,
compared to the less developed one, São Luís. Data from two cohort studies comprising 2846 women in Ribeirão Preto in 1994,
and 2443 women in São Luís in 1997/1998 were used. Adjusted and non-adjusted risk estimates were calculated using a Poisson
regression model. The cesarean section rate was 33.7% in São Luís and 50.8% in Ribeirão Preto. Adjusted analysis in a joint
sequential model revealed a 51% higher risk of cesarean section in Ribeirão Preto compared to São Luís (prevalence rate ratio...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Cesarean section; Epidemiology; Obstetrics; Health services; Risk factors.
Ano: 2007
Geostical analysis of spatial dynamics of Citrus Variegated Chlorossis
Provedor de dados: 102
The spatial dynamics of Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC) was studied in a five-year old commercial orchard of 'Valencia' sweet
orange (Citrus sp.) trees, located in the northern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. One thousand trees were assessed in 25
rows of 40 trees, planted at 8 x 5 m spacing. Disease incidence data were taken beginning in March 1994 and ending in January
1996, at intervals of four to five months. Disease aggregation was observed through the dispersion index analysis (Ib), which was
calculated by dividing the area into quadrants. CVC spatial dynamics was examined using semivariogram analysis, which
revealed that the disease was aggregated in the field forming foci of 10 to 14 m. For each well-fitted model, a kriging map was...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: CVC; Xylella fastidiosa; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2002
Flutuacao populacional da mosca-branca e a incidencia de mosaico dourado em feijoeiro.
Provedor de dados: 119
O mosaico dourado do feijoeiro (BGMV) e uma doenca de implicancia economica na America Latina, especialmente no Brasil.
Com o objetivo de estudar a flutuacao populacional da mosca-branca, associando-a com a incidencia de mosaico dourado e com
as condicoes climaticas, conduziu-se um experimento entre 1994 e 1995. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos
ao acaso, com quatro repeticoes, num esquema de parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas corresponderam aos 12 meses de semeadura
(de setembro a agosto) e as subparcelas as cinco cultivares de feijao. No inicio de setembro, a populacao desse inseto foi menor,
mas crescente ate fevereiro, juntamente com a incidencia de mosaico dourado. Em marco, mesmo com uma alta populacao de
mosca-branca, oriunda da...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Epidemiologia; BGMV; Epidemiology.
Ano: 1997
Seroepidemiological analysis of toxoplasmosis in college students
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Rodrigues,Jaqueline Polizeli; Frei,Fernando; Navarro,Italmar Teodorico; Silva,Luciana Pereira; Marcelino,Monica
Yonashiro; Andrade-Junior,Heitor Franco de; Faria,Carolina Arruda de; Santos,Marislene; Ribeiro-Paes,João Tadeu.
Background Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by an obligate intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, which affects
warm-blooded animals including humans. Its prevalence rates usually vary in different regions of the planet. Methods In this
study, an analysis of the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis among Brazilian students was proposed by means of IgG specific
antibodies detection. The presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondiiantibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was also
evaluated in order to compare it with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and to assess the use of
2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) and o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride chromogens. Results
The IFAT method showed a seroprevalence of 22.3%....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Toxoplasma gondii; Toxoplasmosis; Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; Indirect fluorescent antibody test;
Seroprevalence; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2015
Infection with human papillomaviruses of sexual partners of women having cervical intraepithelial
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Rombaldi,R.L.; Serafini,E.P.; Villa,L.L.; Vanni,A.C.; Baréa,F.; Frassini,R.; Xavier,M.; Paesi,S.
Epidemiological studies show that human papillomaviruses (HPV) are strongly related to cervical cancer and cervical
intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN). Unlike the case for women, there are no consistent data on the natural history of HPV in the male
population even though these viruses are prevalent in males. We carried out a prospective study to assess the prevalence of HPV
in males as well as the factors that determine such infections in 99 male sexual partners of women with CIN. The genitalia of the
males were physically examined and subjected to peniscopy for the collection of scrapings which were subjected to the
polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism to detect HPV. Of the 99 males sampled, 54 (54.5%)
were positive for...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; Epidemiology; Human papillomaviruses; Polymerase chain reaction.
Ano: 2006
O número básico de reprodução R0 na ecologia epidemiológica.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: ROSSI, M.; TERNES, S.
O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar uma forma simples de obtenção da expressão do R0, partindo de um sistema de equações
diferenciais que compõem um modelo epidemiológico, e calcular a estimativa do potencial de transmissão ou de alastramento de
contágios de um patógeno.
Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Epidemiologia matemática; Modelagem matemática; Doenças infecciosas; Transmissão de doenças; Modelo
matemático; Reproducibility; Mathematical models; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2015
Considerações sobre o R0 da Anemia Infecciosa Equina a partir dos agentes infecciosos inseto-vetor
"Mutuca" e "seringas contaminadas".
Provedor de dados: 14
Este texto tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir o R0 referente aos dois modelos matemáticos desenvolvidos no âmbito do
projeto ?Anemia Infecciosa Equina no Pantanal brasileiro: Caracterização do agente, diagnóstico molecular, avaliação de práticas
de manejo e modelagem quantitativa?, sob a liderança da Embrapa Pantanal.
Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Anemia infecciosa equina; Epidemiologia matemática; Epidemiologia; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2015
Detección, dispersión y muestreo en la erradicación del Citrus Tristeza Virus en plantaciones
comerciales de cítricos
Provedor de dados: 32
Autores: Ruiz García, Noé.
La dispersión espacio-temporal del Citrus tristeza virus se caracterizó en Tamaulipas de diciembre de 2001 a marzo de 2004, en
11 huertos comerciales de naranja dulce injerta- dos en naranjo agrio. Adicionalmente, se comparó el desempeño de la técnica
inmunoimpresión-ELISA con respecto a DAS-ELISA propuesta en la normatividad ofi-
cial mexicana de la
Campaña Nacional contra CTV. El objetivo fue proporcionar bases epidemiológicas e incorporar criterios de diagnóstico viral en
una propuesta de muestreo con fines de erradicación. Inmunoimpresión-ELISA fue tan confiable (97.8 %) como DAS-ELISA
en identificar árboles positivos, siendo 54.9% más económica e implicó solo una sexta parte del tiempo de procesado. La
detectabilidad en impresiones...
Tipo: Tesis
Palavras-chave: Citrus tristeza virus; Serología; Muestreo; Vectores; Epidemiología; Doctorado; Fitopatología; Fitopatología;
Serology; Sampling; Vectors; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2008
Detección, disperción y muestreo en la erradicación del Citrus Tristeza Virus en plantaciones
comerciales de cítricos
Provedor de dados: 32
Autores: Ruiz García, Noé.
La dispersión espacio-temporal del Citrus tristeza virus se caracterizó en Tamaulipas de diciembre de 2001 a marzo de 2004, en
11 huertos comerciales de naranja dulce injerta- dos en naranjo agrio. Adicionalmente, se comparó el desempeño de la técnica
inmunoimpresión-ELISA con respecto a DAS-ELISA propuesta en la normatividad ofi-
cial mexicana de la
Campaña Nacional contra CTV. El objetivo fue proporcionar bases epidemiológicas e incorporar criterios de diagnóstico viral en
una propuesta de muestreo con fines de erradicación. Inmunoimpresión-ELISA fue tan confiable (97.8 %) como DAS-ELISA
en identificar árboles positivos, siendo 54.9% más económica e implicó solo una sexta parte del tiempo de procesado. La
detectabilidad en impresiones...
Tipo: Tesis
Palavras-chave: Citrus tristeza virus; Serología; Muestreo; Vectores; Epidemiología Citrus tristeza virus; Serology; Sampling;
Vectors; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2012
Prevalência da infecção por lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes em caprinos em Teresina, Piauí
Provedor de dados: 45
Autores: Sampaio Júnior,A.; Batista,M.C.S.; Cruz,M.S.P.; Silva,R.A.B.; Bona Nascimento,C.; Werneck,G.L.
The prevalence of anti-lentiviruses antibodies of small ruminants was investigated in goat herds in the city of Teresina, PI, Brazil.
A seroepidemiological survey was conducted involving 480 animals, apparently healthy, belonging to six rural properties. The
diagnostic test was the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID), using antigens produced from cellular cultures infected with caprine
arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV Cork). Prevalences by gender and age were estimated considering sampling fractions for each
farm. A general prevalence of 4.2%, was observerved, being 4.2% for females and 3.6% for males. Prevalences were higher
among older goats. Regarding the breed standard, 23.5% were of the Anglo Nubian, 5.9% of the Boer, 35.3% Anglo Nubian x
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus; Transmission; Epidemiology; Immunodiffusion.
Ano: 2011
Epidemiologia profile of reproductive loss in dairy cattle.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: SANTANA, R. C. M.; TANAKA, E. V.; ZAFALON, L. F.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Reproductive disorders; Dairy cattle.
Ano: 2012
Distribuição de lesões de gomose de Phytophthora em troncos de acácia-negra.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: SANTOS, A. F. dos.
O principal problema fitossanitário da acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii) no Brasil é uma doença que ocorre no tronco, conhecida
como gomose de Phytophthora. Essa doença provoca lesões necróticas na casca, de tamanhos variados, que ocorrem desde o colo
até diferentes alturas do tronco. Por ser uma doença de sintomatologia complexa, este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o
padrão de distribuição de lesões de gomose nos troncos de acácia negra. Foram avaliadas 1260 árvores em Ponta Grossa, PR, e
826 árvores em Butiá, RS, com menos de três anos de idade. Independentemente do local de plantio, a maior severidade da
gomose ocorreu no segmento basal, que corresponde à porção do tronco desde o colo (nível do solo) até 0,50 m de altura. À
medida que se distanciou...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Acacia mearnsii; Epidemiologia; Tronco; Doenca; Epidemiology; Stem disease.
Ano: 2000
Adubação orgânica, nutrição e progresso de cercosporiose e ferrugem-do-cafeeiro.
Provedor de dados: 119
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de fontes nutricionais orgânicas, no progresso da cercosporiose e da
ferrugem-do-cafeeiro, entre novembro/2003 e novembro/2005. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro
repetições e seis tratamentos: palha de café + chorume suíno (PC+CS); torta de mamona + crotalária (TM+Cr); palha de café
(PC); esterco bovino + crotalária (EB+Cr); palha de café + torta de mamona (PC+TM); e composto orgânico, torta de mamona,
chorume suíno e crotalária (testemunha). A maior área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência da cercosporiose e da ferrugem
foi registrada no tratamento PC (respectivamente 62 e 38% superiores à testemunha). O maior progresso das doenças coincidiu
com a elevação no teor de K e redução...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Cercospora coffeicola; Hemileia vastatrix; Epidemiologia; Fontes; Epidemiology; Source.
Ano: 2008
Western blot seroindeterminate individuals for Human T-lymphotropic Virus 1/2 (HTLV-1/2) in
Fortaleza (Brazil): a serological and molecular diagnostic and epidemiological approach
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Santos,Terezinha de Jesus Teixeira; Costa,Carlos Maurício de Castro; Goubau,Patrick; Vandamme,Anne-Mieke;
Desmyter,Jan; Van Dooren,Sonia; Mota,Rosa M. S.; Costa,Francine Bovy de Castro; Oliveira,Ana C. S.; Gomes,Vânia Barreto
A.F.; Carneiro-Proietti,Anna B.; Bruin,Veralice Meireles Sales de; Sousa,Francisca C. F. de; Oriá,Reinaldo Barreto.
How to handle Western blot (WB) seroindeterminate individuals for Human T-lymphotropic Virus 1/2 (HTLV-1/2) constitutes a
challenge for blood banks and fam ilies. We made a cross-sectional study of 191 enzyme linked immunoassay (EIA) reactive
individuals from the hematological center (HEMOCE) of Fortaleza (Brazil), examining their serological (WB) and molecular
(PCR) diagnosis, and demographic profiles, as well as a possible association of their condition with other infectious pathologies
and risk factors. Ethical institutional approval and personal consent were obtained. Out of 191 EIA reactive individuals, 118 were
WB seroindeterminate and 73 were seropositive for HTLV-1/2. In the PCR analysis of 41 WB seroindeterminate individuals, 9
(22%) were positive...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; PCR; HTLV-1/2; Seroindeterminate individuals; Hepatitis; Syphilis; Blood transfusion.
Ano: 2003
Ferida da moda: epidemiologia, diagnóstico, tratamento e experiência com eqüinos infectados no
Provedor de dados: 14
A pitiose é uma doença granulomatosa que atinge eqüinos, caninos, bovinos, felinos e humanos e ocorre em áreas tropicais,
subtropicais ou temperadas (Meireles et al., 1993; Mendoza et al., 1996), causada pelo omiceto Pythium insidiosum (De Cock et
al., 1987). A espécie eqüina é a mais atingida, principalmente nas formas cutânea e subcutânea, seguida dos caninos (Mendoza et
al., 1996). A enfermidade em eqüinos caracteriza-se pela formação de granulomas eosinofílicos, com a presença de massas
necróticas chamadas de kunkers (Mendoza e Alfaro, 1986; Meireles et al., 1993). Em humanos, a doença é mais comum no
sudeste asiático, caracterizando-se por formas sistêmicas com arterites e também formas oftálmicas e subcutâneas, sendo as duas
últimas associadas a a e...
Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Ferida da moda; Pitiose; Epidemiologia; Diagnóstico; Tratamento; Eqüino; Pantanal; Pythium insidiosum;
Epidemiology; Diagnostic; Equine.
Ano: 2004
Some aspects of the epidemiology of rice sheath blight disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn
Provedor de dados: 34
Autores: Sharma, Nitya Ranjan.
110 l. : ill. Thesis (M.S.) -- Central Luzon State University
Tipo: Thesis
Palavras-chave: Rice; Fungal diseases of plants; Thanatephorus cucumeris; Epidemiology; Rice sheath blight.
Ano: 1989
Temperature, air pollution, and mortality from myocardial infarction in São Paulo, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Sharovsky,R.; César,L.A.M.; Ramires,J.A.F.
An increase in daily mortality from myocardial infarction has been observed in association with meteorological factors and air
pollution in several cities in the world, mainly in the northern hemisphere. The objective of the present study was to analyze the
independent effects of environmental variables on daily counts of death from myocardial infarction in a subtropical region in
South America. We used the robust Poisson regression to investigate associations between weather (temperature, humidity and
barometric pressure), air pollution (sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and inhalable particulate), and the daily death counts
attributed to myocardial infarction in the city of São Paulo in Brazil, where 12,007 fatal events were observed from 1996 to
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Myocardial infarction; Mortality; Temperature; Atmospheric pressure; Air pollution.
Ano: 2004
Trends in the Pattern of Facial Fractures in Different Countries of the World
Provedor de dados: 77
Autores: Shayyab,Mohammad; Alsoleihat,Firas; Ryalat,Sukaina; Khraisat,Ameen.
The aim of the present study was to examine the changes in the pattern of maxillofacial fractures between developed and
developing countries over two time periods; (1987-1999) and (2000-2007). A comprehensive search of the literature using
PubMed was conducted for publications on maxillofacial injuries published during the last 20 years. Only 45 articles met the
inclusion criteria and the full-texts of these articles were thoroughly examined. For each of the included studies, different
parameters were recorded. Calculated "weighed" percentages of each parameter across the total number of all patients were
performed. The mandible was the most frequently fractured facial bone (57%). In the total period, the mean age of patients with
facial fractures was 24.4...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Maxillofacial fracture; Mandibular fracture; Road traffic accident.
Ano: 2012
Epidemiological and functional implications of molecular variants of human papillomavirus
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Sichero,L.; Villa,L.L.
Human papillomavirus genomes are classified into molecular variants when they present more than 98% of similarity to the
prototype sequence within the L1 gene. Comparative nucleotide sequence analyses of these viruses have elucidated some features
of their phylogenetic relationship. In addition, human papillomavirus intratype variability has also been used as an important tool
in epidemiological studies of viral transmission, persistence and progression to clinically relevant cervical lesions. Until the
present, little has been published concerning the functional significance of molecular variants. It has been shown that nucleotide
variability within the long control region leads to differences in the binding affinity of some cellular transcriptional...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Human papillomavirus; DNA sequencing; Oncogenic potential; Cervical cancer; Immunity; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2006
Epidemiological and microbiological analysis of ventilator-associated pneumonia patients in a public
teaching hospital
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Silva Júnior,João Manoel da; Rezende,Ederlon; Guimarães,Thaís; Campos,Edvaldo V. dos; Magno,Luiz André;
Consorti,Lívia; Pereira,Renata Andréa Pietro; Nascimento,Maria de Lourdes; Mendonça,João Silva de.
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is the most commonly-acquired infection in patients in intensive care units. We analyzed
epidemiological and microbiological characteristics and the outcome, in a cohort of critically-ill patients with confirmed diagnosis
of VAP. All patients who had been on mechanical ventilation (MV) for more than 48 hours were included in our study; material
collection for microbiological analysis was done within the first 24 hours after beginning treatment or after changing antibiotics.
There were 55/265 (20.7%) VAP cases diagnosed, at a rate of 21.6 episodes per 1,000 days of mechanical ventilation. Mean age
of the patients was 66 years, with a mean APACHE II score of 26.7 + 7.0; male patients were more prevalent. The mortality...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Ventilator-associated pneumonia; Epidemiology; Microbiology.
Ano: 2007
Anemia infecciosa equina: epizootiologia, prevencao e controle no Pantanal.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: SILVA, R. A. M. S.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; BARROS, A. T. M. de.
Os equideos sao ferramentas de trabalho essenciais a mais importante atividade economica do Pantanal - a pecuaria de corte, a
qual e desenvolvida extensivamente na regiao. A Anemia Infecciosa Equina (AIE), conhecida mundialmente como
Febre-do-pantano, e considerada uma das principais doencas que acometem equideos no Pantanal. Durante seis anos, entre 1990 e
1995, a Embrapa Pantanal conduziu pesquisas sobre a AIE na regiao, as quais envolveram 28 fazendas e 3.285 equinos. Estudos
epizootiologicos permitiram a obtencao de um perfil de prevalencia da AIE em equinos, em relacao ao sexo, idade e manejo.
Tambem, estudos sobre vetores (mutucas) incluiram o levantamento e sazonalidade de especies, definicao das epocas de maior
risco de transmissao e aspectos da...
Tipo: Circular Técnica (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Equino; AIE; Anemia infecciosa equina; Doenca; Epidemiologia; Profilaxia; Controle; Brazil; Horse; Equidae;
Equine infectious anemia; Disease; Epidemiology; Control; Brazil.
Ano: 2001
Interação entre resistência genética parcial e fungicidas no controle da ferrugem asiática da soja
Provedor de dados: 119
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a interação de diferentes cultivares de soja com fungicidas no controle da ferrugem asiática,
em duas épocas de semeadura. O experimento foi realizado em condições de campo, de setembro de 2005 a maio de 2006. Foram
analisadas as características: incidência, severidade (porcentagem de área foliar infectada e nota visual da parcela), número de
pústulas por centímetro quadrado, peso de mil sementes e produtividade. A área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença
(AACPD) foi calculada para os dados da doença. Foram observados efeitos significativos das cultivares, dos fungicidas, e da
interação entre esses fatores, tanto nos valores de AACPD quanto no peso de mil sementes e produtividade. As cultivares
IAC-100, Potenza e...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Glycine max; Phakopsora pachyrhizi; Doença foliar; Epidemiologia; Foliar diseases; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2007
Viper bites complicate chronic agrochemical nephropathy in rural Sri Lanka
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Silva,Anjana; Samarasinghe,Rivikelum; Pilapitiya,Senaka; Dahanayake,Niroshana; Siribaddana,Sisira.
Snakebite is a common occupational health hazard among Sri Lankan agricultural workers, particularly in the North Central
Province. Viperine snakes, mainly Russell’s viper envenomation, frequently lead to acute renal failure. During the
last two decades, an agrochemical nephropathy, a chronic tubulointerstitial disease has rapidly spread over this area leading to
high morbidity and mortality. Most of the epidemiological characteristics of these two conditions overlap, increasing the chances
of co-occurrence. Herein, we describe four representative cases of viperine snakebites leading to variable clinical presentations, in
patients with chronic agrochemical nephropathy, including two patients presented with acute and delayed anuria. These cases...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Snakebite; Chronic kidney disease; Agricultural nephropathy; Epidemiology; Anuria.
Ano: 2014
Frequency of viral etiology in symptomatic adult upper respiratory tract infections
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Silva,Raquel Cirlene da; Mendes,Gabriella da Silva; Rojas,Miguel Angel; Amorim,Ariane Ribeiro; Couceiro,José
Nelson; Lupi,Omar; Elabras,José; Pires,Gisele; Valle,Solange; Santos,Norma.
Aims: To determine the frequency of viral pathogens causing upper respiratory tract infections in non-hospitalized, symptomatic
adults in the city of Rio de Janeiro.Methods:Respiratory samples (nasal/throat swabs) were collected between August 2010 and
November 2012 and real time PCR was used to detect different viral pathogens.Results:Viruses were detected in 32.1% (43/134)
of samples from 101 patients. Specifically, 9% (12/134) were positive for HBoV, 8.2% (11/134) were positive for
HAdV, 5.2% (7/134) were positive for HRV, and 1.5% (2/134) were positive for FLUBV or HMPV, as single infections.
HRSV-A, HPIV-3, and HCoV-HKU1 were detected in one (0.75%) sample each. Co-infections were detected in 4.8% (6/134) of
the samples. Peaks of viral...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Respiratory infection; Viral infection; Viral diagnosis; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2015
Trichosporon species isolated from the perigenital region, urine and catheters of a Brazilian
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Silvestre Junior,Agenor Messias; Miranda,Mauricio Alexandre Bandeira Rampazzo; Camargo,Zoilo Pires de.
The present study aimed to 1) determine the colonization rates of medically important Trichosporon species on normal perigenital
skin and 2) determine the isolation rates of Trichosporon spp. isolated from the urine and catheters of Brazilian patients
hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The overall colonization rate of Trichosporon spp. was 11.15% (112 isolates). The
most common species isolated from normal perigenital skin was T. cutaneum (29.46%), followed by T. asteroides (20.53%), T.
ovoides (15.17%), T. inkin (10.71%), T. mucoides (8.92%), and T. asahii (6.25%). From urine and catheters, T. asahii was the
species most commonly isolated (76.5%; n =23), followed by T. inkin (16.6%; n = 5) and T. asteroides (6.6%; n = 2). In addition,
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Trichosporon spp.; Epidemiology; Perigenital skin; Superficial mycosis.
Ano: 2010
Phylogenetic analysis of Theileria orientalis in cattle bred in Fujian province,China
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: Sivakumar, T; Khukhuu, A; Igarashi, I; Xuan, X; Guo, G; Huang, X; Yokoyama, N; 五十嵐, 郁男; 玄, 学南; 横山, 直
A molecular epidemiological survey on Theileria orientalis was conducted in a cattle population of Fujian province in China. The
screening polymerase chain reaction assay showed that 23 (45%) of 51 blood samples were positive for T. orientalis. DNA
sequencing of the major piroplasm surface antigen-encoding gene indicated the presence of 3 different genotypes in the study
area(types 1,2,and 5) and identified T. orientalis types 1 and 2 as the major genotypes in the sample population. Because type
2 (Ikeda type in Japan) has been recognized as a relatively virulent genotype of T. orientalis,control and preventive measures to
minimize the incidence of infectious diseases among cattle bred in China are necessary.
Palavras-chave: Theileria orientalis; Cattle; China; Epidemiology; Genotype.
Ano: 2011
PCR Detection and Genetic Diversity of Bovine Hemoprotozoan Parasites in Vietnam
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: SIVAKUMAR, Thillaiampalam; LAN, Dinh Thi Bich; LONG, Phung Thang; YOSHINARI, Takeshi;
TATTIYAPONG, Muncharee; GUSWANTO, Azirwan; OKUBO, Kazuhiro; IGARASHI, Ikuo; INOUE, Noboru; XUAN,
Xuenan; YOKOYAMA, Naoaki; 井上, 昇; 玄, 学南; 横山, 直明.
Hemoprotozoan infections often cause serious production losses in livestock. In the present study, we conducted a PCR-based
survey of Babesia bovis, Babesia bigemina, Theileria annulata, Theileria orientalis, Trypanosoma evansi and Trypanosoma
theileri, using 423 DNA samples extracted from blood samples of cattle (n=202), water buffaloes (n=43), sheep (n=51) and goats
(n=127) bred in the Hue and Hanoi provinces of Vietnam. With the exception of T. annulata and T. evansi, all other parasite
species (B. bovis, B. bigemina, T. orientalis and T. theileri) were detected in the cattle populations with B. bovis being the most
common among them. Additionally, four water buffaloes and a single goat were infected with B. bovis and B. bigemina,
respectively. The Hue...
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Hemoprotozoa; Livestock; PCR; Vietnam.
Ano: 2013
Overview of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in regards to the Brazilian epidemic
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Slavov,S.N.; Otaguiri,K.K.; Kashima,S.; Covas,D.T.
Zika virus (ZIKV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus, belongs to the Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus. ZIKV was initially isolated
in 1947 from a sentinel monkey in the Zika forest, Uganda. Little clinical importance was attributed to ZIKV, once only few
symptomatic cases were reported in some African and Southeast Asiatic countries. This situation changed in 2007, when a large
outbreak was registered on the Yap Island, Micronesia, caused by the Asian ZIKV lineage. Between 2013 and 2014, ZIKV spread
explosively and caused many outbreaks in different islands of the Southern Pacific Ocean and in 2015 autochthonous transmission
was reported in Brazil. Currently, Brazil is the country with the highest number of ZIKV-positive cases in Latin America.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Zika virus; ZIKV; Transmission; Epidemiology; Congenital infection; Brazil.
Ano: 2016
Prevalência de rinite atropica e pneumonia em granjas associadas a sistemas de integração de suinos,
no Estado de Santa Catarina.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Suínos; Rinite atrofica; Pneumonia; Epidemeologia; Prevalência; Swine; Atrophic rhinitis; Pneumonia;
Epidemiology; Prevalence.
Ano: 1990
Scorpion stings in one province of Morocco: epidemiological, clinical and prognosis aspects
Provedor de dados: 80
Autores: Soulaymani Bencheikh,R.; Idrissi,M.; Tamim,O.; Semlali,I.; Mokhtari,A.; Tayebi,M.; Soulaymani,A.
The present study aimed at verifying the impact of a Moroccan strategy against scorpion stings and, specifically, at identifying the
epidemiological features of the patients envenomed or just stung by scorpions. The investigation included 4089 patients from a
province of Morocco which were evaluated over three years (2001, 2002 and 2003). Most stings occurred during the hot period
and mainly at night (between 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m.). The average incidence was 2.8‰, the average age of the patients was
26.7±18.2 years, and the envenomation rate was 6.7%. Mortality rate was 0.05‰, and average lethality rate was
0.7%. Analysis of variance showed that young age, symptoms at admission, and long time elapsed between sting and admission
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Scorpions; Strategy; Morocco.
Ano: 2007
Inquérito soro-epidemiológico de Brucella ovis em rebanhos ovinos no semiárido Baiano.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: SOUZA, T. S. de; COSTA, J. N.; MARTINEZ, P. M.; LIMA, C. C. V. de; ARAÚJO, B. R.; COSTA NELTO, A. de O.;
BAHIA STATE, BRAZIL. ABSTRACT - In order to analyze the occurrence of antibodies to Brucella ovis in sheep of properties
located in the microregion of Juazeiro, Bahia State, Brazil, a survey was conducted in sheep herds in the eight cities that make up
the microregion (Juazeiro, Casa Nova, Remanso, Campo Alegre de Lourdes, Pilão Arcado, Sento Sé, Sobradinho and Curaçá).
The agar gel immunodifusion test (AGID) was used to examine 694 serum samples of 58 herds. Antibodies to B. ovis were found
in 5 (0.72%) of the investigated animals and five properties (8.62%) showed positive animals. It is believed the low number of
positive sheep found in this survey is related...
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: IDGA; Brucelose ovina; Ocorrência; Sorologia; Ovino; Doença animal; Epidemiologia; Epidemiologia; Sheep;
Animal diseases; Brucella ovis; Serology; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2011
Comparison of clinical and laboratory characteristics between children and adults with dengue
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Souza,Luiz José de; Pessanha,Laís Bastos; Mansur,Laura Carvalho; Souza,Luiza Assed de; Ribeiro,Mariana Barbosa
Tâmega; Silveira,Monique do Vale da; Souto Filho,João Tadeu Damian.
Over the past several years, the epidemiological profile of dengue has been changing progressively and is currently characterized
by an increase in the number of cases in children under 15 years of age. This study was aimed at comparing the clinical and
laboratory features between adults and children with dengue; therefore, we performed a cross-sectional analysis of 5686
individuals with laboratory-confirmed dengue who sought treatment at a healthcare facility in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 2010 to
2011. A multivariate analysis indicated that myalgia (OR = 2.58; CI 95% = 2.08-3.18), retro-orbital pain (OR = 1.36; CI 95% =
1.15-1.62), nausea (OR = 1.92; CI 95% = 1.60-2.30), and arthralgia (OR = 3.64; CI 95% = 2.72-4.89) were the most frequent
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Dengue; Dengue fever; Clinical spectra; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2013
Paracoccidioidomycosis in southern Rio Grande do Sul: a retrospective study of histopathologically
diagnosed cases
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Souza,Silvana Pereira de; Jorge,Valéria Magalhães; Orzechowski Xavier,Melissa.
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and is endemic to Brazil.
The aim of this study was to perform a retrospective analysis of the PCM cases in the countryside south of Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil. The files from four histopathology laboratories located in the city of Pelotas were obtained, and all of the epidemiological
and clinical data from the PCM diagnosed cases were collected for analysis. A total of 123 PCM cases diagnosed between 1966
and 2009 were selected. Of these patients, 104 (84.5%) were male, and 17 were female. The patients ranged from 02 to 92 years
of age. Fifty-two cases (41.9%) were obtained from the oral pathology laboratory, and the remaining 71 cases (58.1%) were...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Paracoccidioides brasiliensis; Epidemiology; Systemic mycosis.
Ano: 2014
Estudo da epidemiologia da verrugose-do-maracujazeiro.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: SUSSEL, A. A. B.
Tipo: Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Maracujá; Doença de planta; Verrugose; Fungo; Temperatura; Passion fruit; Plant diseases; Scab; Fungi;
Epidemiology; Maracujá; Doença de planta; Verrugose; Fungo; Temperatura.
Ano: 2015
Meningococcal disease before and after the introduction of meningococcal serogroup C conjugate
vaccine. Federal District, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Tauil,Márcia de Cantuária; Carvalho,Cleidiane Santos Rodrigues de; Vieira,Ataiza César; Waldman,Eliseu Alves.
OBJECTIVES: To analyze the behavior of meningococcal disease in the Federal District, Brazil, from 2005 to 2011, and to assess
the direct impact of the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine. METHODS: A descriptive study of cases of
meningococcal disease among residents of the Federal District. We included in the study confirmed cases of meningococcal
disease reported to the local surveillance. To reduce underreporting we compared data to the Brazilian Mortality Database and the
Public Health Laboratory Database. We studied sociodemographic, clinical, and pathogen-related variables. For the assessment of
the impact of meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine, which was introduced in 2010 for children under two years of age,
we compared the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Meningococcal disease; Epidemiology; Control.
Ano: 2014
Seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C in the Western Brazilian Amazon region (Rio Branco, Acre): a
pilot study carried out during a hepatitis B vaccination program
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Tavares-Neto,J.; Almeida,D.; Soares,M. C.; Uchoa,R.; Viana,S.; Darub,R.; Farias,E.; Rocha,G.; Vitvitski,L.; Paraná,R.
In 1999, on the occasion of the application of the first vaccine dose during the state vaccination campaign against hepatitis B virus
(HBV), 390 individuals from the town of Rio Branco, Acre, aged two or more years were selected for the determination of the
seroprevalence of HBV and HCV. HBV markers (HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc IgG) were determined on this occasion and
anti-HBs antibodies were also assessed 30 days after the third vaccine dose. At the time of vaccination, 39% of the individuals
were still susceptible to HBV, while 61% presented serologic evidence of previous HBV contact or previous vaccination. The
individuals with previous HBV contact were significantly older (p<0.001) than those without HBV markers. Of the 192
individuals who...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hepatitis B vaccination; Amazonia; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2004
Establishing causal link between an infectious agent and mortalities in marine molluscan aquaculture
on the example of Bonamia ostreae and Herpèsvirosis in oysters : proposal of a causal grid analysis
Provedor de dados: 5
Autores: Thebault, Anne; Cochennec, Nathalie; Arzul, Isabelle; Renault, Tristan.
In marine molluscan aqauculture, infectious agents are regularly cited in literature associated with mass mortalities as emergin
diseases, but the causal link is often based on very few argumeents. 24 ways to demonstrate causal links from epidemiolgical,
ecological and marine pathology literature feasible for marine molluscs are given. Those criteria were applied to the ewample of
Bonamia ostreae for Ostrea edulis and Herpesvirus for spats and larvae of Crassostrea gigas. Three principles could be applied in
marine field for choosing criteria wich should be taken in priority : the demonstration must be given at three levels of
organization, organ individual, population, the demonstration must keeps maximum epidemiological criterias, and then mixes...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Herpesvirus; Bonamia ostrea; Crassostrea gigas; Ostrea edulis; Marine pathology; Ecology; Epidemiology;
Infectious agents; Molluscan aquaculture.
Ano: 2003
Application of AFLP for taxonomic and epidemiological studies of <i>Photobacterium
damselae</i> subsp. <i>piscicida</i>
Provedor de dados: 27
Autores: Thyssen, A.; Van Eygen, S.; Hauben, L.; Goris, J.; Swings, J.; Ollevier, F.P.
A collection of 106 <i>Photobacterium damselae</i> subsp. <i>piscicida</i> strains and 19
<i>Photobacterium damselae</i> subsp. <i>damselae</i> strains, including reference and type strains,
were genetically characterized using AFLP. The total genomic DNA of each bacterial strain was digested using restriction
endonucleases <i>Hind</i>III and <i>Taq</i>I. Using numerical analysis, six clusters were recognized.
The largest cluster (n=106) contained the majority of the strains tested and consisted exclusively of <i>Photobacterium
<i>damselae</i> strains fell...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2000
Japanese encephalitis: a review of the Indian perspective
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Tiwari,Sarika; Singh,Rishi Kumar; Tiwari,Ruchi; Dhole,Tapan N.
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) causes Japanese encephalitis, which is a leading form of viral encephalitis in Asia, with around
50,000 cases and 10,000 deaths per year in children below 15 years of age. The JEV has shown a tendency to extend to other
geographic regions. Case fatality averages 30% and a high percentage of the survivors are left with permanent neuropsychiatric
sequelae. Currently, there is no cure for JEV, and treatment is mainly supportive. Patients are not infectious, but should avoid
further mosquito bites. A number of antiviral agents have been investigated; however, none of these have convincingly been
shown to improve the outcome of JEV. In this review, the current knowledge of the epidemiology and the pathogenesis of this
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Pathogenesis; Vector born diseases; Epidemics.
Ano: 2012
Over-summering of wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) in the California Central
valley: A case study
Provedor de dados: 117
Autores: Tollenaar,Huib.
To study the over-summering of wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) in the California Central Valley (CCV),
temperature records from various locations in the CCV during the period 1950-2009 were examined for the occurrence of lethal
maximum temperatures for the uredinia and uredinio-mycelium of this fungus. The lethal upper threshold temperature for the
uredinial stage of P.s. tritici, estimated to be 40.5 °C on the basis of data published elsewhere, and the sum, accumulated during
ten consecutive days, of the respective lethal temperature quotients (ALTQio), accounting for the partial lethal effect of the daily
ambient temperatures between 30 and 40.5 °C on the uredinial stage of P.s. tritici, were used as yardsticks for thermal...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Yellow rust; Epidemiology; Lethal temperature; Triticum aestivum.
Ano: 2012
Progreso temporal y manejo integrado de la moniliais [Moniliophthora roreri (Cif y Par.) Evans et
al.] del cacao (Theobroma cacao) en Tabasco, México.
Provedor de dados: 32
Autores: Torres de la Cruz, Magdiel.
El cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) es uno de los principales recursos agrícolas de Tabasco, México. En abril del 2005, se reportó la
moniliasis (Moniliophthora roreri) del cacao en Tabasco; para 2007, la enfermedad había invadido todas las regiones productoras
del estado, convirtiéndose en la principal limitante parasítica. En la presente investigación se estudió el progreso temporal de la
moniliasis en Tabasco, se evaluó al azoxystrobin como agente curativo de M. roreri, y evaluó un programa de manejo integrado.
El progreso temporal se obtuvo por estimación del porcentaje de frutos enfermos en tres ritmos productivos en el ciclo de
producción 2008-09. M. roreri se identificó morfológica y molecularmente (numero de acceso GenBank: GU108605). El
azoxystrobin fue...
Palavras-chave: Epidemiología; Frosty pod rot; Manejo integrado; Control químico; Efecto curativo; Epidemiology; Moniliasis;
Integrated crop management; Chemical control; Curative effect; Doctorado; Fitopatología.
Ano: 2010
Progreso temporal y manejo integrado de la moniliais [Moniliophthora roreri (Cif y Par.) Evans et
al.] del cacao (Theobroma cacao) en Tabasco, México.
Provedor de dados: 32
Autores: Torres de la Cruz, Magdiel.
El cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) es uno de los principales recursos agrícolas de Tabasco, México. En abril del 2005, se reportó la
moniliasis (Moniliophthora roreri) del cacao en Tabasco; para 2007, la enfermedad había invadido todas las regiones productoras
del estado, convirtiéndose en la principal limitante parasítica. En la presente investigación se estudió el progreso temporal de la
moniliasis en Tabasco, se evaluó al azoxystrobin como agente curativo de M. roreri, y evaluó un programa de manejo integrado.
El progreso temporal se obtuvo por estimación del porcentaje de frutos enfermos en tres ritmos productivos en el ciclo de
producción 2008-09. M. roreri se identificó morfológica y molecularmente (numero de acceso GenBank: GU108605). El
azoxystrobin fue...
Palavras-chave: Epidemiología; Frosty pod rot; Manejo integrado; Control químico; Efecto curativo; Epidemiology; Moniliasis;
Integrated crop management; Chemical control; Curative effect; Doctorado; Fitopatología.
Ano: 2010
Epidemiological survey of scorpion envenomation in southwestern Morocco
Provedor de dados: 79
The high frequency and severity of scorpion envenomation in Morocco is a serious public health problem, especially in semi arid
and arid areas with a large rural population. In view of this alarming situation, we have conducted this investigation on scorpion
envenomation in the Haouz and Souss plains between 1994 and 1998. Preliminary results have shown a high rate of scorpion
envenomation with several deaths. With the exception of Scorpio maurus, the suspected species are generally anthropophilous,
which belong to the Androctonus genera of the Buthidae family. The Buthidae family is responsible for 96.93% of the
envenomings. In the southwestern Morocco, the death rate is of about 3.84%. The Androctonus mauretanicus is responsible for
60% of deaths. We...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Scorpions; Scorpion envenomation; Epidemiology; Prevention; Southwestern Morocco; Haouz; Souss.
Ano: 2001
Etiology symptomatology and epidemiology of sorghum ergot
Provedor de dados: 106
Autores: Tuanchai Boon-Long; Swai Nuangpai.
Palavras-chave: Sorghum; Ergot; Etiology; Symptomatology; Epidemiology; ข้าวฟ่ าง; โรคเออร์ ก็อท; การเกิดโรค.
Ano: 1985
Epidemiological Survey of Animal trypanosomiasis in Kaltungo Local Government Area Gombe State
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: Usman, S. B.; Babatunde, O. O.; Oladipo, K. J.; Felix, L. A. G.; Gutt, B. G.; Dongkum, C.
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Animal trypanosomiasis; Public health significance; Gombe State.
Ano: 2008
Human papillomavirus infection in women from Tlaxcala, Mexico
Provedor de dados: 58
Autores: Velázquez-Márquez,Noé; Jiménez-Aranda,Lucio Jaime; Sánchez-Alonso,Patricia; Santos-López,Gerardo;
Reyes-Leyva,Julio; Vallejo-Ruiz,Verónica.
Cervical cancer is an important health problem in women living in developing countries. Infection with some genotypes of human
papillomavirus (HPV) is the most important risk factor associated with cervical cancer. Little information exists about HPV
genotype distribution in rural and suburban regions of Mexico. Thus, we determined the prevalence of HPV genotypes in women
from Tlaxcala, one of the poorest states in central Mexico, and we evaluated age infection prevalence and risk factors associated
with cervical neoplasm. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 236 women seeking gynecological care at the Mexican Institute
for Social Security in Tlaxcala, Mexico. Cervical scrapings were diagnosed as normal, low-grade, and high-grade squamous...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Human papillomavirus; Mexico; PCR; Squamous intraepithelial lesions.
Ano: 2010
Chronic hepatitis C virus in the state of Piauí, northeastern Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Veras,Kelson Nobre; Jacobina,Kelson Sousa; Soares,Vítor Y. Rocha; Avelino,Marcela Amaral; Vasconcelos,Conceição
de Maria S.R.; Parente,José Miguel L.
Knowledge of genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has clinical importance due to genotype 1 lower response to
treatment compared with genotypes 2 and 3. The goal of this survey was to describe clinical and laboratorial profiles of patients
with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in the State of Piauí, as well as to expand the overall awareness of the distribution of HCV
genotyping in Northeast of Brazil. A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out between April 1999 and August 2005. A
total of 153 patients were included, 119 (77.8%) males and 34 (22.2%) females; mean age = 48.01 ± 9.11 years. We observed a
homogeneous distribution between genotypes 1 (50.0%) and 3 (49.0%), while the most frequent subtype noticed was 3a (49.0%).
The mean viral...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Hepatitis C virus; Genotype distribution; Chronic hepatitis C.
Ano: 2009
Epidemiology of HIV/HCV coinfection in patients cared for at the Tropical Medicine Foundation of
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Victoria,Marilú Barbieri; Victoria,Flamir da Silva; Torres,Kátia Luz; Kashima,Simone; Covas,Dimas Tadeu;
The association of HIV infection and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection often occurs because both viruses share the same
transmission routes, increasing the possibility of HIV/HCV coinfection. World prevalence greater than 30% of coinfected cases is
estimated, and it can reach 90% depending on the transmission route. With the aim of determining the frequency and profile of
HIV/HCV coinfected patients, a descriptive analysis was carried out with patients with HIV/AIDS whose serology was positive
for hepatitis C virus (HCV), cared for at the Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas from 2000 to 2007. In the present
study, of the 2,653 AIDS cases notified in SINAN, 1,582 patients underwent serology test for hepatitis C, and a frequency of
4.42% (n = 70) of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Coinfection; Hepatitis C; HIV; Epidemiology; Transmission.
Ano: 2010
Strategies to reduce mortality and morbidity due to AIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis in Latin
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Vidal,Jose E.; Oliveira,Augusto C. Penalva de; Dauar,Rafi F.; Boulware,David R.
Latin America is the region with the third most AIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis infections globally. Highly active
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has reduced the number of infections; however, the number of deaths and the case-fatality rate
continues to be unacceptable. In this review, we focus on the burden of AIDS-related cryptococcosis in Latin America and discuss
potential strategies to reduce early mortality from Cryptococcus. In this review, we highlight the importance of: (1) earlier HIV
diagnosis and HAART initiation with retention-in-care to avoid AIDS; (2) pre-HAART cryptococcal antigen (CRAG) screening
with preemptive fluconazole treatment; (3) better diagnostics (e.g. CRAG testing); and (4) optimal treatment with aggressive
management of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Cryptococcal meningitis; Cryptococccosis; Epidemiology; Diagnosis; Treatment; Mortality; Latin America.
Ano: 2013
Stata and the WeeW information system
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Vittorini,
Pierpaolo; Necozione,
Stefano; di Orio,
The need for timely collection and analysis of epidemiological data is becoming of primary importance, e.g., for bioterrorism
detection or epidemiological surveillance. Web-based information systems (WISs) may provide the needed technological support.
Thus we present the WeeW (workflow-enabled epidemiological WIS) system—i.e., a WIS that helps epidemiologists, through
workflow management, to effectively select remote centers, collect, and process the received data to produce conclusive technical
reports. In detail, we show the functionalities of the WeeW system, its architecture, and particularly Stata’s role in executing
statistical analyses and producing graphs. Furthermore, we discuss the performance of the WeeW–Stata interface. Finally, we
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: WeeW; Web-based information systems; Epidemiology; Web development; Benchmarks; Research Methods/
Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2007
Epidemiology of bovine hemoprotozoa parasites in cattle and water buffalo in Vietnam
Provedor de dados: 19
Autores: WEERASOORIYA, Gayani; SIVAKUMAR, Thillaiampalam; LAN, Dinh Thi Bich; LONG, Phung Thang;
TAKEMAE, Hitoshi; IGARASHI, Ikuo; INOUE, Noboru; YOKOYAMA, Naoaki; 五十嵐, 郁男; 井上, 昇; 横山, 直明.
A PCR-based survey of hemoprotozoa parasites detected Babesia bigemina, Theileria orientalis and Trypanosoma theileri among
cattle and water buffalo in Vietnam, and a new Babesia sp. closely related to Babesia ovata was detected in cattle only. In
addition, Theileria annulata and Trypanosoma evansi were not detected in both cattle and water buffalo. Phylogenetic analysis
detected T. orientalis MPSP genotypes 3, 5, 7 and N3 in cattle and 5, 7, N1 and N2 in water buffalo. Additionally, water
buffalo-derived T. theileri CATL sequences clustered together with a previously reported cattle-derived sequence from Vietnam.
This is the first report of a new Babesia sp. in cattle, and T. orientalis MPSP genotype 7 and T. theileri in water buffalo in
Palavras-chave: Cattle; Epidemiology; Hemoprotozoa; Vietnam; Water buffalo.
Ano: 2016
Quantitative analysis of two important epidemiological features of the common bean: Phaeoisariopsis
griseola pathosystem
Provedor de dados: 102
Autores: Willocquet,Laetitia; Allorent,Delphine; Savary,Serge.
This work quantifies two important epidemiological features of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)/Phaeoisariopsis griseola
pathosystem. The first is the effect of the number of nights of leaf wetness on infection efficiency. Infection efficiency was below
10% when inoculated leaflets were exposed to less than two nights of leaf wetness. Optimum infection efficiencies were obtained
after three to four nights of leaf wetness, at about 50%. Further nights of leaf wetness did not increase the infection efficiency. The
second feature quantified is the relative rate of leaflet defoliation for varying levels of angular leaf spot severity. It increased with
disease severity according to a logarithm-like curve, and a relative rate of 0.23 day-1 was estimated for a...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Angular leaf spot; Phaseolus vulgaris; Infection efficiency; Defoliation; Leaf wetness;
Monocycle process.
Ano: 2004
Producer Livestock Disease Management Incentives and Decisions
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Wolf,
Christopher A.
This paper examines the economics of farm decisions to prevent and control infectious livestock disease. In the case of diseases
with costly control tolerating some level of disease is often rational to the producer. Public policy intervention is based on future
value and public good aspects of disease control which can lead to a discrepancy between private and public action thresholds.
Producer incentives for disease management can be changed through new technologies that lower the cost of prevention or
control, subsidies or cost sharing of control measures, or on the consumer side, a change in public desire for disease risk-free
products that changes relative prices. Economists can incorporate appropriate epidemiology of a given disease in economic...
Tipo: Journal Article
Palavras-chave: Disease; Epidemiology; Producer incentives; Public policy; Agricultural and Food Policy; Livestock
Ano: 2005
Vector-borne disease control in humans through rice agroecosystem management: proceedings.
Provedor de dados: 34
Autores: Workshop on Research and Training Needs in the Field of Integrated Vector-Borne Disease Control in Riceland
Agroecosystems of Developing Countries (1987 : IRRI).; International Rice Research Institute.
237 p. : ill.
Tipo: Book
Palavras-chave: Human diseases; Farmers; Vectors; Disease control; Epidemiology; Rice ecosystems; Culicidae; Malaria;
Schistosomiasis; Japanese encephalitis.
Ano: 1988
Disease and Behavioral Dynamics for Brucellosis Control in Elk and Cattle in the Greater
Yellowstone Area
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Xie,
Fang; Horan,
Richard D.
This paper investigates private responses and ecological impacts of policies proposed to confront the problem of brucellosis being
spread from elk to cattle in Wyoming. The policies consist of combinations of changes in elk feeding and population levels.
Farmers' responses to these dynamics are modeled along with the associated impacts to livestock population dynamics. Our
findings suggest that feedbacks between jointly determined disease dynamics and decentralized economic behavior matter, and the
elk feedgrounds do not actually generate economic harm to the individual farmers.
Tipo: Journal Article
Palavras-chave: Bioeconomics; Brucellosis; Disease ecology; Epidemiology; Replicator dynamics;
Susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model; Wildlife disease; Wildlife feeding; Livestock Production/Industries; Resource
/Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009
Optimal Control of Brucellosis in Bison in the Yellowstone National Park Area
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Xie,
Fang; Horan,
Richard D.
Brucellosis is a highly infectious bacterial disease that causes infected females to abort their calves. It has caused devastating
losses to U.S. farmers over the last century. The only known focus of Brucellosis left in the nation is wildlife such as bison and elk
in the Greater Yellowstone Area. Vaccination and test-and-slaughter have been applied to brucellosis management in bison, and
there has been discussion that a combination of both could potentially eradicate the disease in the Yellowstone National Park.
However, there is no study on how to allocate resources between the two actions. This paper investigates the optimal allocation of
these two selective management options, in a bioeconomic framework, when there are both existence and recreational...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioeconomics; Brucellosis; Disease ecology; Epidemiology; Optimal control; Susceptible-infected-recovered
(SIR) model; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010
Disease and Behavioral Dynamics for Brucellosis Control in Elk and Cattle in the Greater
Yellowstone Area
Provedor de dados: 31
Autores: Xie,
Fang; Horan,
Richard D.
This paper investigates private responses and ecological impacts of policies proposed to confront the problem of brucellosis being
spread from elk to cattle in Wyoming. The policies consist of combinations of changes in elk feeding and population levels.
Farmers’ responses to these dynamics are modeled along with the associated impacts to livestock population dynamics. Our
findings suggest that feedbacks between jointly determined disease dynamics and decentralized economic behavior matter, and the
elk feedgrounds do not actually generate economic harm to the individual farmers.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioeconomics; Disease ecology; Epidemiology; Replicator dynamics; Susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR)
model; Wildlife disease; Wildlife feeding; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009
Use of nanoparticulate and convencional antimicrobials for treatment of subclinical mastitis in sheep
at drying off.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Infectious diseases.
Ano: 2013
Hepatitis A: the costs and benefits of the disease prevention by vaccine, Paraná, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 55
Autores: Zahdi,Mariana Ribas; Maluf Junior,Ivan; Maluf,Eliane Mara Cesário Pereira.
This study evaluated the epidemiological behavior of the hepatitis A in Paraná state and compared the costs of the disease and the
vaccination. This is an epidemiological descriptive study including a pharmacoeconomy analysis. We collected information in the
national database reported cases (SINAN), in the mortality information system (SIM) and in the hospital information system
(AIH) among 2000/2003 (Paraná State Public Health Department). We estimated the probability of one cohort of children to
acquire hepatitis A during their lifetime and the costs with their treatment. We compared those costs with the cost of vaccinating
the children. 14,682 hepatitis A cases were registered during the period studied, and 12,102 (82.4%) occurred in the 0-15
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hepatitis A; Vaccine; Epidemiology; Cost-benefit.
Ano: 2009
Doenças que incidem sobre a seringueira em Minas Gerais.
Provedor de dados: 119
Este artigo trata somente das doencas que estao incidindo sobre as plantas nas diversas regioes do Estado de Minas Gerais, onde a
cultura esta sendo implantada, advertindo-se sobre os possiveis problemas fitossanitarios que a cultura ja enfrenta e que poderao
agravar-se pelo desconhecimento de suas causas.
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Seringueira; Hevea; Especie; Doenca; Folha; Fungo; Mal-das-folhas; Microcyclus ulei; Antracnose;
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides; Mancha-concentrica; Periconia manihoticola; Podridao-do-caule; Glomerella cingulata;
Etiologia; Sintomatologia; Epidemiologia; Controle; Brasil; Minas Gerais; Rubber tree; Species; Leaves; Fungal diseases; South
American leaf blight; SALB; Control; Aetiology; Epidemiology; Control.
Ano: 1985
Bone mineral density in Brazilian men 50 years and older
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Zerbini,C.A.F.; Latorre,M.R.O.; Jaime,P.C.; Tanaka,T.; Pippa,M.G.B.
Bone mineral density (BMD) in the lumbar spine (LSBMD), femoral neck (FNBMD) and whole body (WBBMD) and whole
body tissue composition were evaluated in 288 Brazilian men 50 years and older, 80% white and 20% Mulattoes. Age was
inversely correlated with WBBMD (r = -0.20) and FNBMD (r = -0.21) but not with LSBMD (r = 0.03). Body mass index and
weight showed a strong positive correlation with WBBMD (r = 0.48 and 0.54), LSBMD (r = 0.37 and 0.45) and FNBMD (r = 0.42
and 0.48). Correlation with height was positive but weaker. No significant bone loss at the lumbar spine level was observed as the
population aged. FNBMD and WBBMD decreased significantly only in the last decade (age 70-79) studied. BMD was higher for
Brazilian men as compared to Brazilian women at...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Bone mineral density; Osteoporosis; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2000
Phylogeography and evolutionary patterns in Sporothrix spanning more than 14 000 human and
animal case reports
Provedor de dados: 16
Autores: Zhang, Y.; Hagen, F.; Stielow, B.; Rodrigues, A.M.; Samerpitak, K.; Zhou, X.; Feng, P.; Yang, L.; Chen, M.; Deng, S.;
Li, S.; Liao, W.; Li, R.; Li, F.; Meis, J.F.; Guarro, J.; Teixeira, M.; Al-Zahrani, H.S.; Pires de Camargo, Z.; Zhang, L.; Hoog, G.S.
Pathology to vertebrate hosts has emerged repeatedly in the order Ophiostomatales. Occasional infections have been observed in
Sporothrix mexicana at a low level of virulence, while the main pathogenic species cluster in a derived clade around S. schenckii
s.str. In this paper, phylogeny and epidemiology of the members of this clade were investigated for 99 clinical and 36
environmental strains using four genetic loci, viz. rDNA ITS and partial CAL, TEF1, and TEF3; data are compared with amplified
fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genotyping. The four main species of the pathogenic clade were recognised. The species
proved to show high degrees of endemicity, which enabled interpretation of literature data where live material or genetic
information is...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Palavras-chave: Epidemiology; Historical biogeography; Phylogeny; Sapronosis; Sporothrix; Sporotrichosis; Transmission
routes; Yeast conversion; Zoonosis.
Ano: 2015
Provedor de dados: 185
Autores: 王添成; Tien-cheng Wang.
[[abstract]]長達 35 年在亞蔬-世界蔬菜中心之蔬菜作物病害研究,專注於綠豆、大豆、番茄及番椒等作物的主要真菌性
瓊脂培養基促進綠豆葉斑病菌(Cercospora canescens)產孢量最多。從近 4 千個綠豆種原中篩選到 10 個抗葉斑病及 18
研究,了解氣象因子、溫度、露水期、灌溉方式及下雨對銹病病勢進展之影響。進而探討耐銹病之選育技術而選育 16
沙烏地阿拉伯王國作物病虫害及其防治」專刊。利用核糖体基因間間隔區限制片段長度多形性(ITS-RFLP haplotype)技術
配合病原菌表現型特性鑑定台灣的番椒炭疽病由 Colletotrichum acutatum, C. boninense, C. capsici 及 C. gloeosporioides所
引起。 其中 C. acutatum 最為優勢,近年已發現其出現病原性較強的病原型。 高度抗病之抗原 PBC932, 80 及 81 被
鑑定後,選育的抗病品系,提供全世界使用。2008 年鑑定台灣番椒疫病菌 A2 配對型之出現,病原性高於原有的 A1 配
對型。已鑑定有三個病原型,但以病原型 3...
Palavras-chave: 綠豆; 番茄; 番椒; 葉斑病; 白斑病; 葉枯病; 大豆銹病; 生育期; 流行病學; 耐病性; 炭疽病; 疫病; 病原型
; 黑黴病; 萎凋病; 晚疫病; 生理小種; 配對型; 對滅達樂感受性; 抗病檢定技術 天然災害作物復育之病害管理研討會專刊
mungbean; Tomato; Pepper; Leaf spot; White spot; Leaf blight; Soybean rust; Growing stage; Epidemiology; Resistance;
Anthracnose; Phytophthora blight; Pathotype; Black leaf mold; Fusarium wilt; Late blight; Race; Mating type; Resistant to
metalaxyl; Resistance detection Proceedings of Symposium on Plant Disease Management in Rehabilitation After Natural
Disasters [[classification]]13.
Ano: 2009