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Study Guide - Concepts of Health and Fitness
Five for Life Components:
Flexibility - The ability of muscles to move joints through their full range of motion
Cardiorespiratory endurance - The ability of the heart and lungs to supply enough oxygen to the body during
long periods of physical activity
Muscular strength - The ability of muscle or muscles to push or pull (work) to its/their total force
Muscular endurance - The ability of muscle or muscles to push or pull (work) over a long period of time
Body composition - The difference of fat free mass to fat mass (commonly known as percentage of body fat)
FITT Principles - The variables of frequency, intensity, time, and type
Frequency - how often you do the activity each week; the number of sessions per week
Intensity - how hard you work at the activity; the training load in resistance/weight, speed or heart rate
Time - how long you work out; minutes or repetitions
Type - which activity or exercise you select; aerobic, resistance training, or static/dynamic stretching
PROS and other Training Principles
Progression-gradually increase how hard, how long, how many times you do an exercise over time
Regularity-set up a regular schedule and work out every day or at least 3-4 times each week
Overload- an increase in one or more of the FIT variables to provide an additional workload; do more
repetitions of an exercise or lift more weight; make your heart beat faster and your breathing increase; you
need to train by pushing your muscles to do more than what they’re used to
Specificity-exercise training is specific; to be flexible, stretch; to be strong, make your muscles work hard
with resistance training; to be improve cardiorespiratory endurance, exercise aerobically; the type of training
performed matches the desired results
Rest and Recovery-allowing the body to rest in order to rebuild and recover and adapt
Reversibility-fitness benefits are lost when training stops
Bone density is a health concern because it decreases as the body ages which can lead to osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis occurs when bone loss exceeds bone formation and continues until bone density levels become
dangerously low. Low bone density leads to an increased risk of bone fractures. Muscular strength and
muscular endurance through resistance training, along with an active lifestyle, have been shown to improve bone
density and decrease the risk of osteoporosis. In order to develop strong bones, it’s important to be active
(any weight bearing activities) and eat a healthy diet (include foods high in calcium) every day.
Benefits of Exercise
Physical Benefits
1. Improved cardiorespiratory endurance
Improved respiration-better and easier breathing
Improved cardiac output-better productivity or output of the heart; the heart gets stronger and
more efficient
Improved vascular system-better circulation and blood pressure
2. Increased muscular strength and endurance
3. Increased bone density
4. Improved flexibility
5. Improved sensory skills-better balance and movement
6. Improved sleeping patterns
Mental Benefits
1. Decreases depression, anxiety, and stress; exercise has emotional benefits
2. Increases confidence and motivation-exercise can make you feel better about your appearance; offers a
of accomplishment; provides you with a sense of accomplishment; increases self esteem
3. Provides distraction-exercise shifts the focus away from unpleasant thoughts to something more pleasant
4. Provides interactions-exercising can create opportunities to interact with others
5. Encourages healthy coping - doing something beneficial to manage depression is a positive coping strategy
6. Increases mental alertness and increases concentration
Get a doctor’s support - consult a physician for medical guidance
Obtain accurate information from healthcare professionals
Physical changes that could negatively affect a fitness program as a person ages:
Metabolism decreases over time, so as a person ages, the need to become even more active to maintain
their fitness level and optimal weight increases.
Metabolism slowing down could cause weight gain
Bone density and arthritis limit exercise types
decreased muscle mass/influence strength options
Use common sense-know some first aid; example RICE
R = Rest
I = Immobilize
C = Cold
E = Elevate
Identify what you enjoy doing
Set reasonable SMART goals;
S = Specific, M = Measurable, A = Attainable, R = Realistic, T = Timely
Analyze the validity of health information, products, and services
Do not let advertising mislead you or deceive you–if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true
Be certain that you are following the advice of trained, educated experts. Examples of false advertising:
Weight loss pills that promise weight loss without exercise
Celebrity endorsements - want public to believe just because it is some one well known
Misrepresented exercise equipment
Surgical procedures
Advertisers show off healthy, athletic people in their ads, but just because a person might lose
weight, s/he is not going to get an athlete’s body. The model has been like this for years, works out
hard on a regular basis, and eats healthfully, but they (advertisers) don’t mention those details
Quick results - they say “I saw results in...,” the truth is you need to eat a balanced diet and exercise
Food for Life
Calorie-a unit of energy found in food
Calorie Requirements
3000 calories per day for 15 year old boys
2300 calories per day for 15 year old girls
Food supplies carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals to the body; diet is simply a
selection of foods
Eat the right amounts of food to maintain a high level of energy
Exercise and eat a balanced diet to stay healthy-eating the correct amounts of food maintains a healthy level
of body weight
A balanced diet is made up of the correct number of servings from the food groups in the food pyramid
A poor diet is linked to obesity, heart disease, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, breathing
problems, arthritis, gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis, and some cancers
Energy consumed = Energy expended, weight will remain constant
Log your activities-logs are useful tools that can be used to see how choices affect fitness and health.
Make a plan to improve fitness and health based on the information received from logs-from logs you may
note your current choices and then make adjustments to change or improve your choices
Know that strong and healthy bones are as essential as strong muscles–in order to develop strong bones, it is
important to be active and eat a healthy diet. When bones are stressed through weight-bearing activity, they
become stronger–strong bones prevent the disease of osteoporosis when the bone loss exceeds bone formation
and continues until bone density levels are low. Weight-bearing activities include resistance training, jumping
rope, walking, running, dancing, hiking.
The greatest amount of heart health benefits come from a workout where the training heart rate is
maintained between 65% and 85% of its maximum heart rate
Heart rate monitors provide instant feedback of the intensity level of exercise and allow a person to
work at the correct intensity level
Activity or an active lifestyle will prevent heart disease, obesity, type II diabetes–it is recommended
that everyone engage in moderate activity for 60 minutes per day–by walking an extra 60 minutes per
day, a person will also improve performance and appearance by building muscle and reducing fat
Walking, jogging and running are the most natural of all the activities
CBA Study Guide Worksheet
Provide the definitions/descriptions of each of the following:
Leisure activities
Goal setting
Warm up
Cool down
Aerobic exercise
Balanced diet
Food groups
Calorie expenditure
Calorie intake
Energy balance
Essential nutrients
Rest and recovery
Resistance training
List four physical benefits of exercise.
List four mental benefits of exercise.
List two physical changes that could negatively affect a fitness program as a person ages.
List two examples of how advertisers may mislead the public to sell their products.
List two ways that activity logs may be used to improve your fitness and health.