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Exploring Creation through General Science
Module 11 Notes
Things to know
One important fact about Biology – there is NO such thing as a simple life
Skeletal muscles are voluntary (we can control)
Smooth muscles are involuntary (automatic, we can’t control)
Types to joints:
 Hinge joint – limited range of motion but VERY stable (i.e. elbows and
 Ball-and-socket – wide range of motion, less stable (i.e. hips and
 Saddle joint- medium range of motion (i.e. ankle)
 Washer joint – allow to bend and twist (i.e. only in backbone)
**larger range of motion, the less stable the joint
 Phototropism – plants grow towards the light
Good bacteria and fungi
 Not all bacteria is bad
 Some produce acid, which can be used to kill pathogenic bacteria and
 Skin is a food source for these bacteria and fungi, in our sweat
 In turn they produce lactic acid on our skin
Kingdom of Animalia classifications:
 Mammal – have skin that makes hair, give birth to live young, nourish
young with milk that they produce, and have hearts with 4 chambers
 Bird – skin produces feathers (some fly, some do not)
 Fish/reptile – skin produces scales
 Arthropod – skin is an exoskeleton
 Amphibians – breathe through their skin
Vocabulary to memorize:
Axial skeleton – the portion of the skeleton that supports and protects the
head, neck and trunk
Appendicular skeleton – the portion of the skeleton that attaches the axial
skeleton and has the limbs attached to it
Exoskeleton – a body covering, typically made of a tough, flexible substance
called chitin, that provides support and protection
Symbiosis – two or more different organisms living together so that each
benefits from the other
Vocabulary to know:
Bone marrow – produces the cells that are in your blood
Keratinization – process of hardening of cells to form hair, nails, and outer
layer of your skin
Collagen – makes bones more flexible, made of flexible rubbery substance
Minerals – make bones hard through chemicals containing calcium
Arthropods – animals with exoskeletons
Tendon – at end of muscle and attaches to skeleton
Cartilage – cover bones in a joint, all to rub without damage