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Unit 5 Test
Activities 1-6
/40 mks
Fill in the Blanks- Terminology (10 marks)
1. The perspective that beliefs that one holds are the ‘right’ beliefs and cultures that do
not follow those beliefs are wrong, describes; _______________________________.
2. Companies answer to people such as their employees, community members and
customers. This indicates that companies are becoming more accountable to their
3. _________________________ is when people feel that behaviour should be
governed by what will bring about the greatest good for the greatest number of
people. This view implies that different laws or values do not make a country good or
bad, just simply different.
4. This association was formerly known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and
5. This organization governs the conduct of businesses across borders including
shipping and transactions. Acceptance of their rules is voluntary.
6. This organization consists of developed and developing nations that help formulate
social, economic, trade, development, education, and scientific policies.
7. This organization offers the largest source of development assistance, providing
nearly $16 billion USD in loans. It uses resources to help developing countries onto a
path of stable, sustainable growth in the fight against poverty.
8. In __________________, shoes should be slip-on so that you can show respect by
taking them on and off indoors._________________________
9. ____________________ talk freely about finances and discuss financial terms early
on in discussions. Some cultures may find this offensive.
10. Hofstede developed the principle of _________________________, which defines
how distinct gender roles are.
Short Answer- (20 marks)
Question 1: (3 marks)
What are some of the services a logistics company can provide? Name and explain
Question 2: (3 marks)
Describe 3 benefits to American corporations operating in the Maquiladora zone.
(point form)
Question 3: (3 marks)
What are some of the ethical issues facing companies who go international? Name
three. (point form)
Question 4: (2 marks)
What is India’s role in conflict diamond trade? What is the ethical implication of their
Question 5: (6 marks)
a) Name 4 of the 6 modes of non-verbal communication.
b) Describe North American non-verbal communication using 2 of the non-verbal
communication modes you described above.
Question 6: (3 marks)
Name one company that you researched in the “Do Company’s Have A Heart?”
assignment. What did they do that showed their corporate citizenship? What cause
did they contribute to? (3 marks)
Application & Communication
Case Study (10 marks)
Read the following case.
You are to assume the role of Agnes and provide your recommendation to your boss
in New York. You need to tell him what oversights or errors occurred that resulted in
this catastrophe and what your plan is to remedy the situation.
Make sure to look at the marking key below before you start!
Marking Key:
 Identification of Problem: /2 marks
 Solution you would now propose: /5 marks
 Spelling/Grammar: /2 marks
 Paragraph structure: /1 mark
Agnes Woodrow was the newly appointed marketing director for a new running shoe
company in Malaysia. She was from New York initially; however she had held
marketing positions throughout Western Europe and was now very excited to embark
on her new position. She did some research on non-verbal communication as well as
some etiquette rules and felt prepared for whatever culture shock might await. She
thought this would be a fabulous country to learn about varied cuisine, traditions,
religious values, and culture. Malaysia was very interesting to her due to the fact that
the country had a mixture of cultures from Asia. This was evident in the varied cuisine
and architecture throughout the city she was living in, Kuala Lumpur.
One of the main reasons for the company to choose Malaysia was that labour was
inexpensive and Malaysia was the perfect hub for distribution throughout Asia. She
had read in the newspaper that there had been some mild protests against other
multinationals for using child labour and paying low wages, but wasn’t too alarmed.
Agnes had enough to worry about without getting caught up in current events of the
day. She was in charge of the launch of a new running shoe that was going to be a
big success! She had the best advertising agency in New York working on various
promotions already. She also had the same firm doing the translation for the print
advertising. She would see the first draft later this week. Something that she had
worked on tirelessly for the past month before coming to Malaysia was ‘just the right’
logo for the back of the running shoe. The shoe was to represent speed and
endurance. The logo that Agnes and the advertising firm in New York chose was a
flame to represent speed. The shoe was to appeal to the younger generation and
was thought to be trendier than other models on the market.
Two months later, the running shoe hit the stores in Malaysia, Thailand, Japan,
Cambodia, and Vietnam. If the shoe was successful in these markets, then they
would expand distribution to India next month. Agnes was so confident that she was
already putting in orders for Indian distribution at the factory.
On the Monday morning after the weekend launch of the shoe, Agnes turned on the
television and saw that people were picketing outside of the factory. The newscaster
was saying that the emblem or logo on the shoe looks like Arabic script and is
spelling “God” or “Allah”. She also states that the large Muslim population is furious
and the general population is blaming this insensitivity on American multinationals
once again.
Agnes gets in her car and starts driving to work. She thinks that the crowd will die
down once they see that the logo is clearly a flame! How could it be any more
obvious? She wonders if the media has given this more attention than it needs and if
there will be a new story tomorrow. In all probably - yes, this will die down, she thinks
to herself. Just then, her cell phone rings. It is her boss in New York. This had made
international news. The stores in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam no longer want
their shipments and want to be reimbursed. Her boss asks her two simple questions What are you going to do to solve this disaster? What went wrong here?