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Guided Reading Chapter 22 Section 2
Also do:
539 #1-7
548 #5
548 # 4-9
1. Who discovered electromagnets?
2. Electromagnets are magnets that occur when an electric ________________ is present.
a) current
b) voltage
c) resistance
3. A great advantage of an electromagnet is that you can change the ____________ of the
4. How does a toaster work?
5. What are two other useful ways electromagnets are used in everyday life?
6. When making your own electromagnet, what are two ways to increase the current?
7. What other property (destructive) is increased when you increase the current of an
8. Name the three factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet.
9. A permanent magnet is created when tiny atomic “magnets” are all lined up in
____________direction, forming a stronger force than if they were free to float around in
any direction.
a) a different
b) a N-N
c) a N-S
10. In nonmagnetic materials, the atoms are ________free to move around and do _______
line up to create magnetic fields.