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Class:_________________________ Period:_______________
Ch. ________ Sec. ________
Notes go here
Questions/Key Terms go here
What did the Mayans develop?
What did the Mayans build?
What mathematics concept did they develop?
Where were they located?
Where did they rule cities?
According to the map:
1) What present day countries are pictured?
2) Which civilization is furthest east?
What was the Mayans’ largest city?
Were the Mayans polytheistic or monotheistic?
What did the Mayans gods represent?
Why did the Mayans sacrifice humans?
Why did they develop math and astronomy?
Who did the Mayans dedicate their temples to?
Why was the Mayan calendar created?
How many days were in the Mayan solar calendar?
What was the Mayan calendar based on?
When does the Mayan calendar end?
Who had the most advanced writing system in the ancient
What were the Mayan letters called? How many characters did
they have?
Define Codex:
How many codex do we have in existence today?
What were codex used for?
What is the Popol Vuh?
What are the two theories about why the Mayans abandoned
their cities?
Class:_________________________ Period:_______________
Ch. ________ Sec. ________
Notes go here
Questions/Key Terms go here
According to the Map:
1) What present day country did the Aztecs occupy?
2) What two bodies of water border the Aztec empire?
Name the first major civilization in central Mexico:
What is obsidian?
Name the first major civilization of Mesoamerica
Describe the Toltecs:
Why did they practice human sacrifice?
What group of people was a major influence on the Aztecs?
Who was Quetzalcoatl?
The Aztecs thought the _____________________________were
Where was the Aztec Empire located?
What is the name of the Aztec capital?
How did the Aztec’s pick the location for their capital?
Who was in the Triple Alliance?
What was their power based on?
Who was part of the highest levels of Aztec society?
How did the Aztecs obtain wealth?
What was the Aztec religion based on?
Who was the most important god?
Why did the Sun God require human sacrifice?
Where were the humans sacrificed? How were they sacrificed?
What is a chinampas? What did it demonstrate?
Summarize the five reasons for the decline of the Aztecs:
Class:_________________________ Period:_______________
Ch. ________ Sec. ________
Notes go here
Questions/Key Terms go here
How did the Incan Empire get its name?
Where did Pachacuti expand the Incan Empire?
How did Incans add territory to their empire?
List two things the Incas built in all conquered lands:
How are Incan roads similar to Roman roads?
Define mita:
How did people pay the mita?
What is socialism?
Who regulated production and distribution of goods?
Under socialism, what were Incans expected to do?
Were Incan citizens able to own private land?
Who owned land in the Incan empire?
What type of farming practices were used?
How did the Incan welfare system effect conquered peoples?
What did the Incans raise for meat, leather, transportation,
Why were the Incan roads significant?
What did the Incans use to keep records?
Define quipu:
Who did the Incans consider a descendent of the Sun God?
How is this similar to the ancient Egyptians?
What was the most sacred religious site in the Incan Empire?
List three reasons for the fall of the Incan empire: