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United States History & Government 11
Period/Day _______
The Presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson
Fill in the blank with the best word or phrase to complete the sentences below.
1) Kennedy’s domestic policy was called the _____________ ___________________. One thing he was
successful in doing was in creating the _____________ _____________. This government programs placed
American volunteers provide technical assistance to improve relationships with developing countries.
2) Even before Kennedy took office, the CIA had a plan in the works to train refugees and supply them to invade
and overthrow _____________’s communist regime. Three months into Kennedy’s Presidency, the
____________ of _______________ invasion took place and it was a huge disaster.
3) Kennedy’s reaction was to issue and Executive Order instating an ______________________ on the island
that is still in effect today.
4) With relations so poor, __________________ agreed to let the Soviet Union build _______________
_________________bases that were capable of hitting Washington, DC. This resulted in the
_______________ ________________ ______________ when the U.S. Navy quarantined the island.
5) Further issues with the Soviet Union arose during Kennedy’s Presidency when the Soviets shot down one of
these top secrets planes—called the _____________—and captured the pilot.
6) During Kennedy’s watch, the Soviets built the ________________ ____________, sealing off western part of
the city to stop the escape of East Germans to West Germany.
7) A motivation to involvement in _______________________ was the belief in the “_____________
____________________;” if one country fell to communism, we believe, the others around it would fall too.
8) After Kennedy’s assassination, President Johnson set up his domestic policy was called the ______________
___________________. Johnson put the War on __________________ at the heart of all his programs,
offering government assistance programs.
9) _______________ ____________________ was also another key focus of his agenda. Johnson’s asked
Congress to pass two __________________ ______________ Acts, the first in 1964, the second in 1968.
10) _________________________ ___________________, begun during Kennedy’s administration, continued
through the Johnson years. The idea behind it was to give special consideration to minority candidates for
jobs in an attempt to correct past wrong doings.
The Presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson—Quiz 36
11) Under Johnson, the United States became even more involved in the conflict in ________________.
Ultimately, the war dominated Johnson’s Presidency. He became so unpopular due to it that he chose not to
run for re-election.
The Presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson—Quiz 36