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Snowflake Bentley
By Jacqueline Briggs Martin
Story Overview: This story is a biography about William Bentley. Willie Bentley
lived in Vermont and like nature. Most of all he loved snowflakes. He got a camera and
began to photograph them. He became famous.
Genre: A Biography is a story about the life of a real person written by someone else.
microscope: a device to look at things that are too small to see with your eyes
foolishness: showing a lock of good sense or judgment.
negatives: images on film from which prints can be made.
magnify: to make something look bigger.
evaporate: to change from a liquid or a solid into a gas.
blizzard: a heavy snowstorm.
technique: a way of bringing about a desired result.
Strategy: Evaluate
When evaluating a text, a reader makes judgments about the author’s purpose and the
type of information provided about the subject.
Skill: Summarize
To summarize a biography, students should identify the main ideas and restate them in
their own words. Individual passages or an entire biography can be summarized.
Grammar: Irregular Verbs
Regular verbs all follow the same pattern to form their past tense. They add –ed to the
end of the verb. Irregular verbs are verbs that do not end with –ed in the past tense.
Irregular verbs change forms when they became past tense. Example: begin, began –
break, broke
Spelling List: Compound Words
Fishbowl, lookout, backyard, desktop, campfire, overhead, waterproof, grandparent,
railroad, snowstorm, loudspeaker, bookcase, bedroom, blindfold, newborn, bedspread,
yourself, overdo, clothesline, undertake
Review words: berries, dresses, arches
Challenge words: eyesight, paperweight