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Guided Reading Activity – 14.4
1. What are the three main sections of the ear?
2. Describe the function of each part of the outer ear: auricle, external
auditory canal, hairs and wax, and tympanic membrane.
3. What are the auditory ossicles?
4. What does the Eustachian tube do?
5. Describe the labyrinth.
6. Describe the shape and function of the cochlea.
7. Describe how hearing occurs.
8. Describe how your ears help you maintain your balance.
9. List four ways to help keep your ears healthy.
10. Name the two categories of hearing loss.
11. What is conductive hearing loss?
12. What is the most common cause of hearing difficulties in children?
13. What causes sensorineural hearing loss?
14. What is tinnitus?
15. What are three causes of tinnitus?
16. List three steps to protect your ears from tinnitus.