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Practice final
1) In database, a record consists of ________.
a) A. files
B. fields
2) Referring to the levels in a database, which group of terms is in the correct order (lowest to highest)?
a) A. Character, record, field
B. Field, record, character
b) C. Character, field, record
D. Record, field, character
3) A translation program that translates all the source code into object code is called ____________.
a) a transformer
b) a machine language
c) a compiler
d) a middleware
4) This language closely resembles machine language, in that it’s machine-dependent and closely tied to what goes
on inside the computer:
a) Assembly
b) Compiler
c) Structured
d) High-level
5) A collection of related files is called a ___________________.
a) database
b) field
c) record
d) master record
6)This is one of the major objectives of object-oriented programming.
a) Repetition
b) Report generation
c) Reusability
d) Rapid application development
7)If a database contains the same information more than once, it is an example of what?
e) Data independence
f) Data security
g) Data integrity
h) Data redundancy
8. Key fields in the records of a database must contain __________________.
i) filtered data
j) presorted information
k) unique data
l) default values
A __________________ defines criteria for retrieving data from the database.
10. __________________ is composed of the numbers 0 and 1.
r) Machine language
s) DOS
11. Before a program can be executed, it must be translated into what type of code?
t) Source
u) Machine language
v) Special language
w) Client
12 If a ZIP code is entered in a field intended for a phone number, it violates which principle of
good database design?
2) Data independence
3) Data redundancy
4) Data integrity
5) Data security
13. In Microsoft Windows, executable files can be named all of the following except
a) .bat
b) .exe
c) .com
d) .txt
14. An algorithm is__________________
e) an arithmetic functions in Excel
f) an early high level language
g) a step by step procedure for solving a problem
h) an arithmetic unit on the CPU
15.A report is a summary of database information specially designed for __________________________.
i) Searching
j) Sorting
k) Examine in Form View
l) Printing
16. Which programming language can a computer understand directly without the need for translation?
b. Assembly language
n) Machine language
o) C
17. A repetition control structure is also known as which of the following?
p) Selecting
q) Looping
r) Parsing
s) Verifying
18. The following program translates a high level language to machine language
a. modulator
b. router
c. compiler
d. assembler
19. A form in a data base is specifically used to
a. ask questions of the data
b. enter data
c. retrieve data
d. delete data
20 All of the following are functions of the operating system except:
6) managing programs.
7) providing the user with ways to communicate to the computer.
8) creating drivers for devices such as printers and scanners.
9) managing memory.
21 FAT in floppy disk stands for
A. File Available Table.
C. File Access Table.
B. File Allocation Table.
D. Frequently Access Table.
22. Inside the system unit, you can find the CPU in
A. disk controller.
C. sound card.
B. mother board.
D. expansion card.
23. This allows you to connect and disconnect peripherals while the computer is running.
A. pipelining
C. hot swapping
B. multi-processing
D. cold and warm booting
24. This includes all of the programs that give the computer’s hardware the step-by-step orders.
A. hardware
C. peripherals
B. software
D. compiler
25. All the programs that help the computer to function properly are included in
A. application software.
B. utility software.
C. interface software.
D. system software.
26High-speed temporary storage location in the CPU is called
A. register.
B. control unit.
27. An anti-virus program is an example of a
A. user interface.
C. object code.
B. operating system.
D. utility program.
28This processing technique feeds a new instruction into the CPU at every step of the processing
cycle so that four or more instructions are worked on simultaneously.
A. multi-processing
B. multi-tasking
C. pipelining
D. virtual memory
29This is the most widely used character code in the U. S. and is used on minicomputers, personal
computers, and computers designed to make information available on the Internet.
30. This type of storage device does not lose data when the power goes off.
A. volatile
B. memory
D. nonvolatile
31. A tape backup unit is a type of
A. random-access storage device.
C. sequential storage device.
B. volatile storage device.
D. read-only storage device.
32. This type of storage device can go directly to the requested data without having to go through a sequence.
A. sequential
C. magnetic tape
B. random-access
D. non-volatile
33. A storage device’s capacity is measured in
A. bytes.
C. digits.
B. units.
D. levels.
34 One megabyte is equal to how many bytes?
A. 1,024 bytes
B. 1,048,576 bytes
C. 1 billion bytes
D. 1 trillion bytes
35One megabyte is equal to how many bytes?
A. 1,024 bytes
B. 1,048,576 bytes
C. 1 billion bytes
D. 1 trillion bytes
36The portion of the operating system that resides in memory at all times is the
A. system utility.
B. system software.
C. kernel.
D. application program.
37. The signal that generated by a peripheral device to inform the operating system that something
has happened is called the
A. conflict.
B. interrupt.
C. device driver.
D. registry.
38 This enables a user to work with two or more programs at once.
A. multi-tasking
B. multi-processing
C. multi-managing
D. multi-threading
39. Which of the following software is not copyrighted software?
A. Public domain
B. Commercial
C. Shareware
D. Freeware
40. What happens if you click and drag a file from drive C to drive A?
A. The file is moved to drive A.
B. The file is copied to drive A.
C. A menu appears that allows you to choose between moving and copying.
D. The file is sent to the recycle bin.
41 Routing of e-mails uses ________.
A. circuit switching
B. packet switching
42. The main protocol used by the Internet is ________.
43. The type of LAN that treats all computers on the network as equals is called ________.
A. client/server
B. peer-to-peer
44. The control software that runs the network is called ________.
A. network operating system
B. client/server software
45 In Microsoft Excel, the formula = AVERAGE(A4:A6):
A. Is invalid because the cells are not contiguous
B. Computes the average of cells A4 and A6
A. C.Computes the average of cells A4, A5, and A6
D. None of the above
46. In Excel, cell F6 contains the formula =AVERAGE(B6:D6). What will be the contents of cell F7 if
the entry in cell F6 is copied to cell F7?
C. C. =AVERAGE($B$6:$D$6)
D. =AVERAGE($B$7:$D$7)
47The ability to have more than one phone call per line is called ________.
A. multi-media
B. multi-processing
C. multiplexing
D. multi-programming
48. This is a global hypertext system that contains billions of documents and uses the Internet as its
transport mechanism.
A. World Wide Web
B. Internet
C. Intranet
D. Extranet
49. Protocols are also called
A. Nodes
C. Topologies
B. Standards
D. Programming
50.Which cell reference would change if the formula =Al*$B$l is copied to a new location in Excel?
a) A1
b) $B$1
c) Both A1 and $B$1
d) Neither A1 and $B$1
51 Microsoft Access is a ___________ application.
e) word processing
f) presentation
g) spreadsheet
h) database
52 Which of the following enables the operating system to regain control if an application stops running?
i) Multithreading
j) Preemptive multitasking
k) Cooperative multitasking
l) Multiprocessing
53The AutoSum icon in Excel is displayed by the following Greek letter.
m) 
n) 
o) 
p) 
54 In Excel, the formula =B3+C4 is stored in cell D5. What will the formula be if a row is inserted above the second
row in the worksheet?
q) =B3+C4
r) =B4+C5
s) =C3+D4
t) =B2+C3