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There were no declarations of Interest by Members in connection with the applications
1. 10 Handford Court, Southwell. Householder application for erection of single
storey extension. Full Planning Application No.10/01719/FUL.
Applicant: Mrs. Ursula Oxley
Agent: Prem Design - Mr. Kamlesh Mistry
We object to this planning application. To build a rear extension in this garden would
be too intensive a use. These small terraced houses were built as affordable housing part of the original planning concept.
2. 24 The Ropewalk, Southwell. Change of use from workshop/store (B1/B8) to
retail (A1). Full Planning Application No. 10/01686/FUL.
Applicants: Gill Taylor & Sons Ltd. - Mr. Steve Gill
Agent: Mr. Robert Cordell
We have no objections to this application.
3. 9 Hillside Drive, Southwell. Householder application for a loft conversion and
erection of a single storey extension. Full planning Application No.10/01674/FUL.
Applicant: Mr. S. Perry
Agent: Building & Design Service - Mr. Colin Birch
4. 4 Byron Gardens, Southwell. Householder application for the erection of a
conservatory. Full Planning Application No.10/01650/FUL.
Applicant: Ms Louise Stocks
Agent: Michael Evans Development Planning - Mr. Michael Evans
We object to this application. We need a full set of drawings to properly evaluate this
application. A block plan is not sufficient.
5. Land adjacent to and rear of 49-57 Fiskerton Road, Southwell. Erection of a
detached dwelling to be used as supported housing for six people. Full Planning
Application No.10/01622/FUL.
Applicant: Mr. Steve Shatwell
Agent: Allan Joyce Architects - Mrs. Pat Akers
We object to this planning application. The character of this part of Southwell is
defined as much by the spaces between the buildings as by the buildings themselves.
The proposal would result in the loss of a significant open space which contributes
to the form, character and setting of both the town and Conservation Area.
The cottages (one of which is a Listed Building) to the front of the application site,
are in the Conservation Area and are defined in the Newark & Sherwood
District Council’s Conservation Area Assessment as “Unlisted Buildings of Local
Interest”. The proposed new building would be detrimental to the setting of these
cottages and would be undesirable backland development.
The access to the site is substandard and further use would be to the detriment to
highway safety. There is medium to high potential for archaeological remains on the
site relating to nearby crop marks.
6. Easthorpe Lodge, Easthorpe, Southwell. Conversion and refurbishment of existing
outbuildings and new single storey extension to form a dwelling. Full Planning
Application No.10/01530/FUL and Listed Building Consent 10/01531/LBC.
Applicant: Mr. Matthew Robinson
Agent: Wm Saunders Partnership
We have no objections to these applications.
7. Southwell Auto Centre Limited, 23 Newark Road,Southwell. Demolition of
existing car repair workshop and erection of four dwellings. Full Planning
Application No.10/01602/FUL.
Applicant: Mr. G. Asquith
Agents: Clive Booth Chartered Architect Ltd.
We object to this application. It would be too intense a use of the site. Also, the
proposed development would be placed too far forward. The neighbouring
properties, No. 21 Newark Road and the Hall, are sited further back from the road.
8. 17-19 King Street, Southwell. Part new and part retained shop front - all
redecorated with new signage. Full Planning Application No.10/01577/FUL.
Applicant: Boots Plc
Agent: Mrs. Linda Pearson
We object to this application. This building, Nos. 17 and 19, is shown as an “Unlisted
building of Local Interest in the District Council’s Southwell Conservation Area
The applicants propose that the fascia sign should be painted “Boots blue”. This
would be far too garish and too dominant for the Conservation Area. A restrained
colour would be more suitable.
Policy C15 (Advertisements in Conservation Areas or on Listed Buildings):
Where advertisement consent is necessary, this will not be granted in
Conservation Areas or Listed Building Consent for:
1. Internal or external illumination of fascia signs or internal illumination of projecting
box signs;
2. Signs which use excessively bright or intrusive colour schemes or highly
reflective synthetic materials;
3. Excessively large or obtrusive signs; and.
4. High level signs, other than hanging signs, above normal fascia level, including
blinds and canopies.
It is proposed that a “green cross” hanging sign be illuminated. We should like to see
this hanging sign removed from the proposals as being unnecessary clutter - a “green
cross” is shown in the design of the fascia sign.
We notice that acrylic is used for the logo and for the lettering and green cross on the
fascia sign cross. Traditional materials only should be used in the Conservation Area Policy C18 (Use of Traditional Materials in Shop fronts) states:
In Listed buildings and other buildings of character in Conservation Areas, planning
permission will only be granted for new shop fronts which use traditional materials …
9. Gascoines, 1 Church Street, Southwell. Proposed opening times plaque to be
positioned to outside wall. Listed Building Consent No.10/01536/LBC.
Applicant: Ms Emma Gascoigne
Agent: Mrs. Caroline Joyce
We have no objections to this application providing the proposal complies with the
Southwell Conservation Area Appraisal Policy C18 - Use of Traditional Materials
in Shop fronts.
10. 8 Halloughton Road, Southwell. Householder application for a loft conversion
and erection of a single storey extension. Full Planning Application
Applicant: Mr. S. Perry
Agent: Building and Design Service - Mr. Colin Bitch
We have no objections to this application.
Betty M. Arundel
Hon. Planning Secretary
Southwell Civic Society