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Assignment Guide: Unit IV
Eastern and Western Europe & The Old Regime
(18th-Century Europe Before the French Revolution)
Major Themes:
1) Transition from Medieval to Modern Europe (Political, Economic-Social,
2) Power Shifts in Western and Eastern Europe (Political)
3) Continuing Centralization of Nation-States (Political)
4) Continuing Development of Parliament and the Beginning of the Cabinet
System (Political)
5) The Emergence of Austria (Habsburgs), Prussia (Hohenzollerns), and Russia
(Romanovs) (Political)
6) The Old Regime (Political, Economic-Social)
7) Aristocratic Privilege and Dominance (Political, Economic-Social)
8) Family Economy (Economic-Social)
9) Agricultural Revolution (Economic-Social)
10) Population Explosion of the 18th Century (Economic-Social)
11) Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution (Economic-Social)
12) Continuing Emergence of Capitalism and the Middle Class “Bourgeoisie”
13) Growth of Cities (Economic-Social)
14) Mercantile Empires and Wars (Political, Economic-Social)
15) American Revolution (Political, Economic-Social, Cultural-Intellectual)
Key Concepts
1) Economic Change and New Social Patterns
2) Agricultural Society
3) Family as primary social and economic institution
4) Peter the Great and Westernization
5) Expansion of Cottage Industry
6) Mercantilism and Exploitation of Colonies
7) Cities and Economic Opportunities
Thurs. 11/10
1) Take-Home DBQ due (must be handwritten essay attached to graphic
organizer & docs or no credit)
2) Return/Discuss Objective Exam
3) Intro to Unit IV
Fri. 11/11
Veteran’s Day Holiday
Mon 11/14 & Tues. 11/15
1) Read: Kagan, pgs. 480-489 (up to Central and Eastern Europe)
2) Read: Crash Course – pgs. 105-107
3) Discussion: “Power Shifts in Western Europe (Spain, the Netherlands, France, and
England)” *Readings on Spain on blog supplements
--Discussion Questions
1. What were the common characteristics of the states that became
international powers during the last part of the 17th century and the
beginning of the 18th century?
2. Why did Spain decline in power during the 18th century?
3. Why did the United Provinces of the Netherlands lose power during the
18th century? What saved the Netherlands from becoming completely
insignificant in European matters?
4. What was the “Mississippi Bubble”?
5. How were the French parlements different from the English Parliament?
How did these regional institutions regain power during the 18th century?
6. Describe the differences between the Whigs and Tories?
7. Describe the structure of Parliament during the 18th century?
4) Central and Eastern Europe Handout
 This handout can be found on teachers’ blog/website
 It is to be completed in your own handwriting and you must write
directly onto the handout. (no attaching other papers to it or no
 It is due on Wed. 11/16
Wed. 11/16
1) Central & Eastern Europe Worksheet due.
2) Read: Kagan, pgs. 490-501 (up to Russia enters the European Political Arena)
3) Read: Crash Course – pgs. 109-112
4) Discussion: “Power Shifts in Eastern Europe (Sweden, the Ottoman Empire,
Poland, the Habsburg Empire, and Prussia)”
--Discussion Questions
1. What were the geographical, political, and economic differences between
the maritime countries of Western Europe and the countries of Eastern
2. Why did Sweden, Poland, and the Ottoman Empire lose power during the
18th century?
3. How is the Thirty Years’ War seen as the beginning of the decline of
Habsburg power in Germany?
4. What were the roles of each of the Hohenzollern leaders in building
Prussia into a strong and powerful state?
5. Doc. pg. 499: What motives, other than religious, does Frederick William,
the Great Elector, reveal in this document.
Thurs. 11/17
1) Read: Kagan, pgs. 501-508
2) Read: Crash Course – pgs. 113 - 115
3) Finish discussion: “Power-Shifts in Eastern Europe”
4) Discussion: “Russia and Peter the Great”
--Discussion Questions
1. What were the factors that made Russia militarily and economically
“backward” compared to Western Europe?
2. What methods did Peter the Great use to “Westernize” Russia?
3. What were the major obstacles that Peter the Great faced in his attempts to
“Westernize” Russia?
4. In what ways was Peter the Great similar to Louis XIV? How was he
Fri. 11/18
1) Read: Kagan, pg. 512-525 (up to The Revolution in Agriculture)
2) Discussion: “Society During the Old Regime: The Aristocracy, The Peasantry,
and The Family Unit”
--Discussion Questions
1. What was the ancien regime (“Old Regime”)? What were the political,
economic, and social characteristics of the “Old Regime”?
2. What were the common characteristics and privileges of the European
aristocracy? How did the rights and privileges of the aristocracy differ
from country to country?
3. Distinguish between the obligations of peasants in different parts of
4. What were the English Game Laws? Why were they passed?
5. How were the households of Northwestern and Eastern Europe different?
6. Describe the family economy.
7. Doc.(Kagan blog supplement): Why do you think the Hohenzollern rulers
made such rules against beggars?
8. Doc. (Kagan blog supplement): What do you suppose would have been
the arguments against what Priscilla Wakefield demands in this
9. What were the roles of women and children in the family economy?
!!!!Thanksgiving Holiday - Mon 11/21 to Friday 11/25!!!!
Mon. 11/28
1) Read: Kagan, pg. 526-539 (up to Growth of Cities)
2) Read: Crash Course – pgs. 141 – 145 (up to The Rise and Fall of Witchcraft)
3) Industrial Revolution Worksheet due (same guidelines as previous worksheets
(not on separate piece of paper, handwritten, etc. or no credit)
4) Discussion: “The Agricultural Revolution and the Beginnings of the Industrial
--Discussion Questions
1. How did each of the English agricultural innovators change the nature of
the food supply?
2. What was the impact of the “enclosure” movement in England?
3. Doc(Kagan blog supplement): What does Turgot see as the weaknesses of
French agriculture?
4. What accounted for the dramatic increase of the European population
during the 18th century?
5. What were the factors that led England to be the first nation to
6. What was the importance of the steam engine? Iron production?
5) Group Work: Assignments and Instructions
Tues. 11/29
1) Agricultural Revolution Groups Exercise & Gallery Walk
Wed. 11/30
Read: Kagan, pg. 539-546
1) Growth of Cities handout due (same guidelines to get credit)
2) Discussion: “Growth of Cities”
--Discussion Questions
1. What were the political and economic factors that led to the growth of
2. Describe the tensions among the urban classes?
3. What was the social and political standing of Jews under the Old Regime?
4. Doc. pg. 541: What were Europeans attitudes about bathing before the
Middle Ages and after?
Thurs. 12/1 & Fri. 12/2
1) Read: Kagan, pg. 550-567 (up to Mid-Eighteenth-Century Wars) and
2) Complete Worksheet “Mercantile Empires of the 18th century”.
3) Reading Packet: Print and bring to class “The Transatlantic Slave Trade”
4) Discussion: “Mercantile Empires of the 18th Century”
--Discussion Questions
5. Describe the mercantile empires of the 18th century? What were the goals
of these mercantile economies?
6. Describe the Spanish colonial system.
7. Why was there an increase in demand for African slaves by the 1700s?
8. What attitudes most likely provided Europeans with the justification to
deal in the economy of the slave trade?
9. Doc. pg. 582-585: Answer questions at the end on the Columbian
5) Film Clip: “Roots”
6) Group Work:
a. Reading Packet: “The Transatlantic Slave Trade”
b. The Triangular Trade & Slavery Worksheet (teacher will provide this
Mon. 12/5
1) Read: “Mercantilism Primary Sources” handout and bring to class
2) Film Clip: “Mankind: The Story of ALL of Us” (20 minutes)
3) Group work: Address & answer questions in “Mercantilism Primary Sources”
4) Class Discussion
Tues. 12/6
1) Read: Kagan, pg. 567-572 (up to The American Revolution and Europe)
2) Discussion: “Mid-Eighteenth-Century Warfare”
--Discussion Questions
1. What was the political and economic significance of the Treaty of Utrecht
of 1713?
2. What were the issues and results of the War of Austrian Succession?
3. What nations seemed to profit from the 18th-century wars? How did
theses nations profit? Which did not?
1) Read: Kagan, pg. 572-578
2) Discussion: “The American Revolution’s Affect on Europe”
--Discussion Questions
4. To what extent did European ideas and political developments influence
the American colonists?
5. To what extent did the colonists’ actions influence Europe?
Wed. 12/07
1) Unit IV Test Review
2) Extra-Credit IDs Due
Thurs. 12/08
1) LEQ/SAQ Exams
Fri. 12/09
1) Non XC IDs due
2) Unit IV Objective Exam
3) Take-Home DBQ due Monday(must be handwritten essay attached to graphic
organizer & docs or no credit)
Mon. 12/12
1) Take-Home DBQ due (must be handwritten essay attached to graphic
organizer & docs or no credit)
2) Overview Unit V
3) Discuss Objective
4) Begin reading/IDs tonight