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Practice Exam 3:
Worksheet 3.10
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Dr. Adams
1. A ____________ _____________is the area over which an individual travels over its
normal daily movements.
2. The ability to travel to a particular place from unfamiliar locations is known as
__________________, whereas _________________ is the ability to go a particular
compass direction.
3. ___________________ is an inherited genetic mutation that results in the lack of melanin
in various structures of the body such as the skin and hair.
4. Resources are limited so investment in one trait comes at the __________ of investment
in other trains. This is related to trade-offs.
5. _________________ _______________ is a means to warn predators of toxic or noxious
chemicals by the use of bright coloration. This is the opposite of cryptic coloration.
6. ____________________ is a round trip, which includes movement to and from an area.
________________ is a one-way trip to a particular location, but no return to the original
7. __________________ is the interaction between two or more individuals (sender and
receiver) to transmit information that ultimately alters the behavior of the receiver.
8. ___________________ organisms mature early, have many offspring with high mortality
rates, and are short lived. __________________ organisms mature late, have few
offspring with low mortality, and have long lifespans.
9. The minimum metabolic rate for a fasting, non-reproducing, resting organism with no
thermal stress is called the _____________ __________________ ___________.
10. The factors that affect home range size, such as age, diet, population density, and many
others are ultimately related to ________________.
11. ___________ ______________ is movement away from the place of birth. This reduces
inbreeding, overcrowding, and competition with siblings.
12. A(n) __________________ is known as a temperature regulator or an organism that
keeps its body temperature constant. A(n) ________________, on the other hand, is a
temperature conformer whose body temperature changes with the ambient temperature.
13. The area around a high priority and limited resource that is actively defended to exclude
competitors is called a _________________.
14. ________________ species are born in salt water & spend their adult lives in fresh water.
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
15. _______________________ rely on the environment to keep the metabolic heat
production at a desirable temperature. They can not produce the heat needed through
internal means. _________________ use metabolism to elevate their body temperature.
16. _______________ occurs when environmental conditions exceed an individual’s
capacity for homeostasis. This behavior greatly reduces body temperature and rate of
17. The ______________ _________ is the migration champion since it spends nearly half of
its life migrating.
18. Freezing is lethal to most amphibians but not all since some have antifreeze inside of
their cells known as a _______________________.
19. ________________ signals are effective at short distances, highly dependent upon light,
and include color, movement, and changes in posture.
20. Small mammals like mice have _____________ mass-specific metabolic rates than large
mammals like a moose.
21. Several different species of fish and reptiles have specialized jaw and head movement to
assist in feeding, referred to as ______________ _________________.
22. Some organisms are considered to be ________________ or have earlier births at the
cost of the offspring being poorly developed, but ________________ organisms have
later births with more self-sufficient offspring.
23. Males in polygynous species typically have _______________ home ranges sizes
compared to females while the opposite would occur in polyandrous species.
24. There is a unique phenomenon that stays true through all vertebrate body sizes and
differing metabolic rates. The body size is always raised to the magic number ________.
25. Several species of plethodontid salamanders have a ballistic tongue, of which utilize
retraction muscles that extend down to the _____________.
26. In some smaller mammals, nonshivering thermogenesis is obtained via heat production in
______________ __________, which contain higher levels of mitochondria and
therefore can generate heat by oxidizing fatty acids.
27. _________________ is a type of seasonal torpor that occurs in the summer and in
response to drought or extreme heat since dehydration would occur quickly.
28. The screening mechanism that improves the ability of the animal to locate and identify
specific food items is known as the ____________ ___________. These can be visual or
29. Marking one’s territory using ___________________ signals is an effective means of
communication both day and night, but is a localized and short-lived mechanism.
30. ___________________= somatic or individual growth+ __________________________
+ respiration. (Know the other balanced growth formulas too)
31. What is countercurrent heat exchange?
32. Name and describe the three types of color change that occur in vertebrates.
33. Compare obligate and facultative reproductive strategies. Give an example of each.
a. Obligate:
b. Facultative:
34. Draw a Scholander curve and label/define the lower critical temperature, thermal neutral
zone, and the upper critical temperature. How would these differ between an arctic and
tropical species?
35. What is the “Many Wrongs” principle?
36. Give 2 benefits and 2 costs of migration. Also provide an example of a vertebrate from
each lineage that migrates.
37. Name and describe the 5 types of Chemical Colors.
38. We went over three different types of mimicry in class. Describe them below:
a. Batesian:
b. Mullerian:
c. Martensian:
39. What must happen in order for a vertebrate to enter hibernation? Also, if arousing from
hibernation is so costly, why even do it?
a. Induce
b. Why arouse?
40. Name the four parts of the foraging cycle, and describe each part.
41. Name 3 ways vertebrates reduce heat loss.
42. Describe the Optimal Foraging Theory including benefits/costs and its components.
43. Describe the following four types of cryptic colorationa. Disruptive colors:
b. Countershading:
c. Cover-eye:
d. Disguise: