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Fitness Focus
Drink Water
Next to air, water is the substance most necessary for our
survival. A newborn baby has 74 percent water; an adult is
60-70 percent water. We can go without food for two months
or more, but we can only survive a few days without water.
Water serves many functions. Water is necessary for
digestion and metabolism. It carries nutrients and oxygen
to the cells through the blood. Water helps control body
temperature through perspiration. It also lubricates our
joints. We also need water to breathe. Our lungs are kept
moist by water.
The more you exercise, the
body in fluid balance. As
water, people may have too
and size, joint and muscle
more water you need to keep your
a result of not drinking enough
much body fat, poor muscle tone
You should drink about 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water a
day. You need more if you are overweight, exercise a lot,
or live in a hot climate.
Do your body a favor – improve your health and drink lots
of water!
Lesson Review
1. How much water should you drink per day?
2. Why is water necessary for the body? List three.
3. What happens if the body does not have enough water?