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Human Body Systems Study Guide
Skeletal System
1. Name the 4 parts of a bone and describe the differences between them.
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________________
1) ____________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________
2. The joint that provides the greatest range of motion is called the ____________________.
It is found in the ________________ and ________________.
3. Joints that only move back and forth are called ______________ joints and are found in
the ___________________ and ____________________.
4. __________________ and ___________________ are minerals that are stored in bones.
5. One function of the skeletal system is protecting vital organs such as _________________
6. List the two divisions of the skeleton and the bones associated with them.
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
7. What are the scientific names for these bones?
a. backbone ______________
b. thighbone ______________
c. toes and fingers ______________
d. shoulder blade ______________
e. kneecap ______________
f. upper arm ______________
8. The skull is consists of ______________joints except for the jaw.
Muscular System
9. What is the difference between a tendon and a ligament? _________________________
10. The ______________is a sheet of muscle that helps draw air into the lungs and is an
example of a(n) _________________ muscle because we can’t ______________it.
11. What is the function of the muscular system? _____________________
12. Why are biceps and triceps muscles placed into the voluntary muscle category? _______
13. Muscles are made of many fibers that are held together by _____________________.
14. Cardiac muscle is only found in the ______________, whereas smooth muscle is found
in the _____________________.
15. In a complete sentence, explain the difference between resistance exercise and aerobic
exercise. _____________________________________________________________
16. Because muscles work in pairs to lift your arm, when one muscle ______________, the
other relaxes.
Nervous System
17. The nervous system receives and responds to information as well as ________________
18. The difference between gray matter and white matter is that _______________________
19. An impulse starts at the ___________________ that surround the cell body and travels
down the _________________ towards the ______________________________.
20. Name the two types of neurons and describe their function.
a. __________________________________________________________________.
b. __________________________________________________________________.
21. Explain how the signal crosses the synapse to travel from one neuron to another.
22. List the 2 divisions of the nervous system and what structure(s) is/are in each division:
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
23. The part of the brain that knows the position of the body is known as the _____________.
24. The part of the brain that controls _______________ movement is known as the medulla.
25. The part of the brain that controls ______________ movement is known as the cerebrum.
Reproductive System
26. _______________ are chemicals that regulate body functions and _______________ is
a hormone that increases _______________ and bone mass and causes
______________ of body hair.
27. In the female reproductive system, what is the function of the ovaries? _______________
28. What connects the embryo to the placenta, what does it contain, and what is its function?
29. List 4 structures, in order, that the sperm passes, starting at the testes. ______________
30. Describe the pathway of the egg in the female reproductive system. _________________
31. In what protective organ does a baby grow and develop? ______________
32. What 2 things do the testes produce? ________________________________________
33. Explain the function of the epididymis. ________________________________________
34. When an egg unites with a sperm it is called ______________.
35. The process of releasing a mature egg from the ovary is known as ______________.
36. What is implantation? _____________________________________________________
37. The menstrual cycle of a female is when ______________________________________
38. What is a fetus? _________________________________________________________.
39. What does the prostate gland produce? _______________________________________
Circulatory System
40. What are the three main parts of the circulatory system? __________________________
41. What is the difference between an artery, a vein and a capillary?
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________.
42. What 3 things are dissolved in the plasma part of blood? __________________________
43. The chambers of the heart that receive blood are called ______________.
44. The pumping chambers of the heart are called ______________.
45. What is the difference in function between a red blood cell and a white blood cell? ______
46. What does the circulatory system do? ________________________________________
47. What is the largest artery in the body called? _______________________
48. ______________ are flaps of tissues that prevent the
backflow of blood.
49. What is the function of the heart?
50. ___________________is measured with a
51. Label these parts of the heart diagram:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
no e
f. ______________________________
g. ______________________________
Respiratory System
52. In the alveoli, ___________________ passes into the blood.
53. The main structures of the respiratory system are the a. ___________________
b. ___________________ c. ___________________ d. ___________________
54. The respiratory system absorbs ___________________ and passes them to the ______.
It also removes ___________________ from the body.
The Mammalian Eye
55. Label the parts.
A. ________________________
B. ____________________
C. ________________________
D. ________________________
E. ________________________
F. ________________________
G. ________________________
H. ________________________
I. ________________________
J. ________________________
K. ________________________