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Socials 9 Unit 6
Regional Geography of North America
Study Questions:
What term is used to describe the movement of the Earth’s crust?
What process most changed North America’s geography in the last 2.5 million years?
What term refers to the shape of the land?
What term is used to describe prevailing conditions of temperature and precipitation?
Which type of mountain is found in the Appalachian Region?
Which type of tree is found in a mixed forest?
What is the predominant feature of the Coastal Plains?
Which region in North America is the smallest in area?
What is a Continental climate?
What is a Maritime climate?
What effect does a large body of water have on the climate of nearby land?
How viable is agriculture in the Canadian Shield region? Why?
What is the dominant topographical feature of the Western Cordillera region?
How does the Intermountain Region differ from the Western Cordillera Region?
What is the climate of the Intermountain Region like?
What is the climate of the Western Cordillera Region like?
What is the climate of the Arctic Region like?
What is the climate of the Interior Plains Region like?
What is the climate of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowland Region like?
What is a boreal forest and where do you find them?
Which region experiences the winters with the most precipitation?
Which region does not have a Continental Climate?
Which region is located furthest east?
Which region was least shaped by the process of glaciation?
Mining is not an important economic activity in which region?
Where is tundra found?
Which regions have extensive mixed forests?
Which region, other than the Arctic, experiences the coldest winters?
Which region has temperate rain forests?
Describe the process by which tectonic forces create continents.
Identify two ways in which glaciers shaped the topography of Canada.
Explain why living in the Arctic Region is challenging.
Explain what permafrost is and how that affects building and lifestyle of the people in the Arctic.
Explain how living in the Arctic is challenging.
What forces shaped fold mountains?
What forces shaped volcanic mountains?
How did fossilized sea shells get on the peaks of some of the Rocky Mountains?
Be prepared to read, interpret and explain a climate graph.
Be prepared to explain the process of plate tectonics.