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Biology 11 Honours
Traffic Across the Membrane Checklist
I can explain the following processes: diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion.
I can compare and contrast active transport and passive transport.
I can explain the following processes: endocystosis and exocytosis.
I can compare and contrast between pinocytosis and phagocytosis.
I can explain the process of receptor mediated diffusion.
I can explain the term concentration gradient and relate it to passive and active
I can draw examples of the different types of passive and active transport.
I can recognize and label diagrams of the different types of passive and active
I can explain the different types of tonicity/osmoregulation environments:
hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic.
I can explain what would happen to an animal cell and a plant cell in each of these
different types of environments.
I can explain terms turgid, flaccid, plasmolysis, crenation and lyse AND provide
examples when these characteristics would be present.
I can apply my understanding if I was given a written scenario/diagram/graph to
explain what would happen in different environments.
I have completed my lab and asked questions when a concept was not clear.
I have completed my Dear Mandy and other homework assignments during this unit.
I have put effort forth in preparing for this quest.