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A Fill in much or many:
1. Yesterday I bought __________ fascinating presents.
2. I don’t have _________ time.
3. There are _______ rivers in South America.
4. She reads __________ articles every day.
5. We need to drink ________ water.
B Fill in a few or a little:
1. I have got _______ friends.
2. We aren‘t happy, we have _______ money.
3. There are _____ apples in the fridge.
4. They bought _______ meat, they have to go to the shop again.
C Fill in the correct grammar tense:
 I ________ (not ,be) at school yesterday. I _______ (go) to hospital.
 What ____ (be) your name?
 Susan ___________ ____(sit) in the living room right now. She ________________(not, do)
her homework.
 How often _____ you ________ (visit) your grandmother?
 ______ you ______ (see) Jane last week? No, I ________ .
 We usually _________ (spend) summer holidays in Italy.
What _____ she __________ (do) at the moment.
D Complete the sentences with the correct for of the adjectives:
Food in Hungary is cheap, but it is cheaper in Slovakia.
It is hot today, but it was ________ yesterday.
The weather is sunny in June, but it is __________ in July.
Her mum is a good cook, but my mum is ___________ .
This computer is expensive, but that computer is _________ .
I got a bad mark for Maths, but Laura’s mark was ________ .
How tall am I? Well, I am _________ than my dad.
Our dog is old, but Jo’s is even ________ .
E Make superlative of the following adjectives:
bad - ...................
comfortable -...................................
long -.......................
happy -............................................
far - .........................
big -..................................................
F Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative:
 Rosa is .my ..................... (good) friend.
 History is ............................... (interesting) than Maths.
 I think that ...................... (nice) weather is in summer.
 This is ..................................(difficult) day in my life.
 I think Mathew is ................................ (friendly) than Jeremy.
G Vocabulary
hilly -......................
cheetah -.........................
wide -.............................
season -.............................
spring -.............................
windy -..............................
miserable -.........................
island -.....................................
valley -......................................
eastern -...................................
most -............................
jazero -...........................
hlboký -.........................
juh- ................................
rozvrh, cestovný poriadok - ............................
jeseň -..............................................
mokrý -............................................
mladý -...........................................
ťažký, náročný -...............................
chladný, studený -..............................
1. Circle the correct article or no article:
Sooty is a /an big dog.
Look at your the/- book.
This is an/a umbrella.
A/ - money is not important for me.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form- present simple or present continuous:
I am at the Dolphin Park today. Every day at nine o clock, the park keepers …………….. (feed)
the dolphins. The dolphins always …………… (eat) fish. I ……………….. (feed) the dolphins now.
Look! I They……………….. (jump) and ……………… (catch) the fish.’
3. Correct the sentences:
I don’t go to school yesterday. ……………………………………………….
We didn’t went swimming on holiday. …………………………………….
Our hotel were near the beach. ………………………………………………
Last night we eat spaghetti. …………………………………………………….
4. Choose the correct answer:
There are _______ banana s on the table.
I have __________ friends at school.
Are there ______ eggs in the fridge?
My mum has _______ time.
In the cupboard there is ________ coffee
A any
A much
A some
A many
A many
B some
B a few
B any
B a few
B a little
C a little
C an
C much
C a few
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct grammar tense: present simple, present
continuous, past simple or going to:
 Where _____ you ____________(go) last week?
 I ________________ (make) dinner for my children at the moment.
 Her sister ___________ (not, like) her teacher.
 What _____ you _____________________ (do) next weekend?
 __________ (be) she at home yesterday?
 My mum usually _____________(cook) dinner at 5.
 I am not sleeping, I ________________ (do) my homework.
6. Translate:
 Ona je najvyššia študentka v tejto triede._____________________________
 Sue je taká pekná ako Janette._____________________________________
 Táto stolička je pohodlnejšia než tamto kreslo.________________________
 Moja mama je moja najlepšia priateľka.______________________________
7. Use the verb ”have to” in the sentences:
She __________ go to school every day.
_____ you _________ help your mum every day?
I am happy, I ____________ (not) do my homework.
8. Write the past simple of the verbs:
see –
write –
sit -
come –
say –
tell buy speak-
Prečo si včera nebol doma?_________________________________________________________
Kam ideš?________________________________________________________________________
Kam chodievaš každý pondelok ráno?_________________________________________________
Ja neviem hrať na gitare, ale viem rozprávať po anglicky. ___________________________________
Máš sestru alebo brata? ____________________________________________________________
Nechystám sa pozrieť si ten film. ______________________________________________________
Ako si strávil tvoje narodeniny? ______________________________________________________
Moji rodičia dali úžasný darček. Nekúpili mi žiadne oblečenie, ale kúpili mi lístok na koncert.
Máš nejaký papier v tvojej taške? ______________________________________________________
Nie, nemám. Mám v taške veľa ceruziek, málo kníh, veľa pier a jablko.