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US History Assign 32 (Chap 12.1) Read pages 376-385 in the text.
1) What is the name of the historical period after the Civil War?
2) What are the years of this period?
3) What is the name of Lincoln’s plan for the South?
4) How would you describe Lincoln’s plan for the South returning to the Union?
5) Who assassinated Lincoln?
6) Who becomes President after Lincoln? (first and last name)
7) What were the two plans for Reconstruction called? Which one was implemented?
8) What group had the majority in Congress?
9) Who is considered the leader of this group?
10) What did this group want for freed slaves as opposed to what President Johnson
11) What are considered the three Reconstruction amendments?
12) Describe each amendment.
13) What did the Congress set up under the Radical Republicans that President Johnson
vetoed? (2 things)
14) Describe these two things.
15) What did some Southern states set up that many Northerners said was “slavery in
everything but name”?
16) What does Congress under the Radical Republicans send into the South to makes sure
that the Southerners followed the 3 Reconstruction amendments?
17) What law was passed to make sure that the South followed the amendments and the
Civil Rights Act of 1865?
18) The relationship between Congress and President Johnson got very bad in their fight
over who would control Reconstruction. Finally, what did Congress do to President
Johnson? What was the result of this action?
19) Who is elected president after President Johnson?
20) What Southern state was the first re-admitted to the Union under Congressional
Reconstruction? Why?
21) After the 15th amendment to the Constitution was passed, what party controlled most
of the governments of the South>
22) Define: scalawags
23) Define: carpetbaggers.