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Unit 6 Day 1: Introduction to Imperialism
Focus Question: How and why did the United States take a more active role in world affairs?
I. What is imperialism?
II. Causes of Imperialism
A. Making ___________________
Imperialists wanted the United States to get _______________ and _______________ from other countries.
B. Making our ____________________ Stronger
________________________, who wrote ____________________________________________, said all great countries need a strong
Why does Mahan argue that the U.S. should be imperialist?
C. Belief that we are “______________________”
Imperialists all over the world used ideas of ______________, _____________, and _______________ superiority to justify
What was “The White Man’s Burden”?
__________________________ believed in survival of the fittest.
III. America’s first steps to becoming a World Power
A. We buy __________________!!
In 1867, Secretary of Sate ______________________ bought Alaska from Russia. Journalists called it
Why did journalists criticize Seward for his purchase of Alaska?
B. The United States gets ________________________
1. The United States has been involved with Hawaii since the 1700s in the _____________________
2. In 1897, American planters in Hawaii convinced the Hawaiian King to ______________________ so that voting rights are
limited to ________________________________.
3. When the Hawaiian King died, his sister __________________________ took over. She resented the power of white planters
and __________________________ that gave power to white planters.
 How did American Planters react to Queen Liliuokalani’s actions?
4. President ________________________________ finally annexes (adds) Hawaii to the United States in 1898. The U.S. now has
all _____________________________________.
IV. Theodore Roosevelt
A. The idea that America will control the world by ____________________ it.
B. “Speak ___________________ and Carry a ________________ Stick”
V. William Taft
A. The idea of increasing _______________________ in Latin America and the Caribbean
B. “substitute _______________ for bullets”
C. Designed to protect __________________ ($$) interests and increase U.S. power in the _______________
VI. Woodrow Wilson
A. Idea that U.S. must be a “_________________ to the world” and stop trying to take over places with __________________.
B. Also called ___________________ Diplomacy
C. Designed to promote human _______________ and ___________________ in other countries without using
D. This doesn’t always happen… Sometimes even __________________ uses force!