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Name:___________________________________ Date:______________ Hour:
Blue Book outline, Chapter 13, section 2 – Electric Current
A. The flow of charges through a wire or conductor is called electric ________________.
1. Current is usually the flow of _______________, measured in ________________ (A).
2. Charges flow from _____________ voltage to ______________ voltage.
3. Voltage difference is the push that moves charges, measured in ___________ (V).
4. For charges to flow, the wire must always be connected in a closed path, or complete ______________.
B. A ____________ source provides the electric pressure causing charges to flow.
C. Resistance is the tendency for a material to oppose the flow of ______________, changing ________________ energy
into thermal energy and light.
1. All materials have some electrical _______________, measured in _____________ (Ω).
2. Making wires thinner, longer, or hotter _______________ their resistance.
3. Making wires thicker, shorter, or cooler _______________ their resistance.
D. Ohm’s law says the __________________ in a circuit equals the _________________ difference divided by the
1. Current (__) is directly related to voltage (__).
2. Current (__) is inversely related to resistance (__).
3. The equation that explains the relationship of these 3 pieces of a circuit is ___ = ___ / ___