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Astrology has not been defined by its effectiveness or operative for such a controlled
conditions where it has made for predictions or falsifiable under particular situations. Future
Forecast relay of many concepts or a brief study about astronomy. Most of the indian
Famous Astrologer in India they have gone through their research and predict solutions.
Today there are most of astrologers in world as well as Famous Pandit in West of India they
give their predictions according to moments of planets or moon at the time of person’s birth.
Here I’ll explain to you all planets and their zodiac one by one from which they related to a
person’s body part.
There are nine planets are there. These are Sun,
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune. According these nine planets there are 12 Zodiac as
well which are related to our body parts individually .Our
Famous Pandit describe them below. These are explained as
with twelve signs.
In astrology the group of Zodiac is to be called a hideously man and Aries
related to their head and Taurus relates to mouth (mukh), Gemini relates to
arms or throat cancer related to heart Leo related to stomach Virgo related
to waist Scorpio relates to Jannendriya Sagittarius to Anus or Ass Capricorn
to Gargle on same sense of Aquarius to knees Pisces to Foot. These are the
explanation of outside body parts of a hideously man. So as well as inside
body parts are also relates on the same way that they are.
On birth of a person which zodiac are on the good place of planets
that particular related part of body will be very strong or healthy. And on
other side where these are not so strong that body parts will be less strange
than others.
On other side western astrologer is a form of deviations based on
horoscope for an exact moment like person’s birth. World famous
Astrologers have been foreseeing on based of relative positions of celestial
bodies such as the sun, moon, and planets. Most of soothsaying is tarot card
readers also their predication is based on their cards and they explain the
weekly horoscope. At the ancient time, the astrology had a different face.
Horoscope readers use cards with parrot. Parrot was pick a card from his
willingness and give it to pandit and after that pandit can able to tell the
foreseeing that particular person.