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SEM I 3.08 Advertising Media PPT NOTES
(2) SLIDING SCALE RATES:. Sliding-scale rates are ________ rate structures offered by newspapers to
advertisers willing to purchase a _________ volume of advertising space over a one-year period.
_____________ are a printing technique that allows publishers of magazines to print _________ advertisements for
the same product in __________ copies of the publication. _____________ ____________is newspaper or
magazine space thought to __________ the ___________audience _____________. Color requirements in ads
__________ their cost, as do split-runs and preferred position.
(3) # OF LISTENERS BEING REACHED: The costs of ________ _________ will increase or decrease
depending upon the _________ of the advertisement, the time at which the advertisement is ___________, the
number of ___________, and how ________ the ad is run. Most production costs are a small part of the actual
charges for broadcast time. The size of the business and the type of information being aired _____ _______ affect
the advertising _____.
(4) OUTDOOR ADVERTISING: Higher rates will be charged for outdoor advertising that is placed in
________where it will be _________ ___________ to pedestrians or motorists. Outdoor advertising is ______
difficult to replace, is set up to be seen over a period of time, and is often felt to be an ___________ rather than to
have artistic appeal.
(5) COST EFFICIENCY - Cost per _________ measures the cost _________ of a media vehicle based on the cost
of exposing 1,000 people to a promotional message. To calculate cost per thousand, multiply the cost of the ad by
1,000, then divide by the number of listeners in the audience: CPM = cost of ad x 1,000 ($500 x 1,000 = $500,000)
÷ audience of 200,000 ($500,000 ÷ 200,000 = $2.50).
(6) GROSS RATING POINTS: (GRPs) is the ___________ of people reached by a media ________ multiplied by
the frequency of _____________to the advertisement. The cost per GRP is calculated by dividing the total
advertising expense by the number of gross rating points ($117,000 ÷ 240 = $487.50).
(7) DIRECT MAIL: is a promotional medium that comes to consumers' homes in the form of letters, ___________,
postcards, and folders. It allows the advertiser to ________ a specific market. Newspapers, billboards, and Yellow
Pages _____ _____ _____ cost-effective because they will reach many people who may or may not be interested
in the advertiser's product(s).
(8) RADIO SPOT COMMERCIALS: Radio requires a relatively _____ lead time for placing advertisements, and it is
considered an effective medium for ________ and _________ markets. Point-of-purchase displays would reach only
those customers who _______ ________ into the business. A direct-mail campaign must be prepared well in advance
and may not be delivered on time.
(9 IMPACT: is the ____________ an advertisement will make on the _________ consumer in a target market. Impact is
created by the ___________, prestige, and editorial environment of a media ________. Reach, frequency, and cost per
thousand are ____________factors used in media selection.
(10) LOCAL NEWSPAPERS: The target market for a local hardware store is adults in the _________ _________.
Network television and a national news magazine also target adults, but the national media provide too much
____________ ______________for a local business. The local rock station's audience is generally ________________,
not adults.
(11) CONTINUOUS SCHEDULING STRATEGY: Food is a product bought on a ________ basis; thus, it needs a
_____________scheduling strategy which provides ______________, regular advertising. A ______________
strategy would be inappropriate since buying food is not a _________ activity. Although a pulsing strategy offers
regular advertising, it is not steady, but intermittent. Intermittent could apply to pulsing or flighting.
(12) VOLUME DISCOUNTS: Newspapers frequently offer volume discounts to advertisers who purchase ____________
_________________of space for ads. Offering volume discounts ______________ advertisers to
_____________more ad space because they receive a better price. Newspapers usually charge ______ ________
for ads that appear only one time. Advertisers usually pay a higher rate to obtain a ___________
________________ in the newspaper. Newspapers DO NOT PROVIDE advertisers with free inserts.
(13&14) RATINGS FOR CERTAIN SHOWS: Businesses that buy ____________ advertising try to purchase time when a
large segment of their target market is ____________ ______________. These businesses need information about
the ratings for certain shows in order to ___________ which ones __________ a high volume of __________. The
ratings for each show indicate approximately how many ___________ in the viewing area watched the show on a
given day. Businesses do not need information about the ________ of the stations, the qualifications of
management, or the popularity of ___________ in order to purchase advertising time.
(15&16) PACKAGE RATES – RADIO ADS: Radio stations offer ___________ rates to advertisers who agree to
purchase a _________ of commercials over a certain period of ________. The package rates cost _________ than
single commercials and provide _______________ savings to advertisers. The stations also _________ because
they have sold a block of time. Display is a kind of newspaper and magazine advertising which includes several
elements such as _____________, headlines, white space, and type. ________ is a form of out-of-home media
found in various modes and locations of mass transportation.
(17) CIRCULATION: Circulation is defined as the number of people __________ by a media vehicle. A company with a
well-known ___________might want to reach as many people as possible. As a result, it places ads in
___________ ______________ publications instead of _________ publications. _____________ is an influence or
reason that causes someone to take action.
(18 & 19) REPUTATION OF PUBLICATION: Reputation often refers to the __________ or status of an entity.
Businesses often consider a publication's reputation when buying _________; however, a business's reputation
does not always _________ ___________ regarding the publication's _____________ or reach. For example, it is
possible for a magazine to have a good reputation and small reach. It is also possible for a publishing company to
have some _________ aspects in terms of overall reputation and still maintain a _______ reach. Participation is the
ability or willingness to take part or share something. A publication's participation in a variety of activities does not
necessarily reflect its ______________in terms of size and _______________..
(20) PREFERRED POSITION . When requesting preferred positions, advertisers place their ads in the newspaper
location that generates _____________ ________________ for their ____________ ____________. For
example, an athletic shoe retailer might request placement in the _________ ______________of the newspaper
instead of the home and garden section. Because the advertiser is requesting a specific placement location, the
advertiser pays a _________ ________.
(21) Run-of-page rates _____ _____ ___________ advertisers to specify advertisement ____________and are
generally __________than the preferred-position rate. Contract rates are ________ rates and are often lower than
preferred-position rates. When advertisements are placed more than once, the advertiser often receives a
frequency rate. The higher the _______________ of ad placement, the lower the rate.
Reach is a ___________ measure of the number of different people in the target
audience who are exposed at least _____________ to an advertising _______. Circulation is the number
of people reached by a _________ ____________. Magazine circulation includes subscription and
_________________ sales.
(23) To determine the % of reach for a radio ad, divide the actual # of message exposures (393,750) by
the target audience of 18-30 yr.-old-males (875,000) (393,750/875,000 = .45 or 45%)
(24) Again, to determine the % of reach for a local cable-television advertisement, divide the actual
number of message exposures (313,000) by the target audience of 16- 36-year-old females (939,000) =
.33 or 33%).
(25) MOVABLE BILLBOARD: Sport/Event marketers choose the _______ __________ that will most
_____________ reach their target audiences. One vehicle is a movable billboard that ________ throughout the
area ______________ a specific event. These billboards are large and ___________ _____________. As a
result, they have proven to be a good promotional tool because they are ______ by a lot of ___________.
(26) ______________ are often used to promote ________ products during an event rather than to promote an
upcoming event.
Internet advertising is NOT as effective because people must have ___________ to the
Internet in order to see the __________. ___________ ___________ reach ONLY those people who visit the
(27) MEDIA VEHICLES: The most effective way to reach the public to promote a local event (e.g., charity
fundraiser) is by running local _______________ _________________. Oftentimes, the television station will
help _________ the event by providing low cost or _______ ____________ to run the commercials. The
advantage to running local television commercials is they reach a lot of people for a _______ _______ per
(28) Direct mail is sent to consumers' homes and businesses and is often _________ _____________. It is
possible that many members of the local target market do not read national ____________ or
________________ magazines.
(29) COVER PRE-EVENT EXPENSES: By selling tickets for sport/events in _________ (e.g., season ticket
holders, groups), sport/event organizations obtain __________ before the sport/event _______. These revenues
can be used to cover expenses such as purchasing __________, _________ costs, and ___________ salaries.