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Latin America Test Review
Test: Wednesday, 11/16/16
 Physical Geography (7.1, 8.1 & 9.1) PowerPoint & Map; Geography Alive Rainforest Activity
o Study your map (know countries, major cities, highlands, lowlands, rivers, lakes, etc)
o How countries/islands are divided up in Caribbean (Greater vs. Lesser Antilles)
o Know the importance of the Llanos & Pampas
o River systems (location, what used for); Be able to differentiate between the 3 major lakes
(Lake Nicaragua, Lake Titicaca & Lake Maracaibo)
o Know the region’s valuable resources and problems associated with resources
 (especially Lake Maracaibo!)
o Rainforest debate: Which groups want the land, why/justification
 Effects of deforestation, over farming, development, and then the conservation efforts
in the area—in context of rainforest debate
o Altitudinal Zonation
 Be able to identify characteristics and differentiate between the vertical climate zones
 Issues/Adaptations for each zone
 Crops grown at each zone
 Population Patterns- PowerPoint notes, Chapter 7.2, 8.2, 9.2 Outline
o Various ethnic groups, blended groups
o Languages spoken and where; patois
o Population growth, effect of geography (populated rim); Brazil’s attempts to ease crowding
o Migration to US factors/reasons
 coyotes; wet foot vs. dry foot, Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico
 Push vs. Pull factors
o Urbanization: factors, patterns, life in the cities
o Know reason for influx of Cuban immigrants in modern days (related to Wet Foot/Dry Foot)
 History & Government- Gallery Walk Posters, Chapter 7.2, 8.2 & 9.2 Outline
o Know history and contributions of each ancient empire (especially Aztec & Inca!); know
basics of each social hierarchy; know location and time period of each civilization
 Example of contributions: chinampas, pyramids, writing systems, counting systems,
calendars, road systems, etc.
o Know basic timeline of events and description of main events:
 Know revolutionary leaders as well as key dictators or current leaders
 Understand reasons for revolutions, needs of various groups
 Know long-term effects of European colonization on the government & culture
(religion, language, Columbian Exchange, leadership examples, etc.)
o Modern Events/Governments
 Basic government structure of Mexico, challenges
 Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff of Brazil (2016)
 Colombian government & FARC agreement (2016)
 Culture & Economics- Chapter 7.2, 8.2 & 9.2 Outline, History & Society Crosswords (extra help!)
o Know basic culture: Religions practiced (including syncretic religions—Santeria &
Voodoo/Vodun), education levels, role of women in each region
o Economics
 Terms to know: Latifundia, minifundia (and types of crops grown), cottage
industries, ecotourism, gross domestic product, outsourcing, maquiladoras
 NAFTA: who is involved, importance/purpose, connection to maquiladoras
 Role of drug trade in Mexico
 Role of manufacturing in South American countries